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Tarcan G. (2014) Hydrogeochemical Characterizations of Pamukkale-Karahayit Geothermal Fields (Denizli, Turkey)
Ozen Balaban T, Tarcan G, Gemici U, Colak M & Karamanderesi İH

Tardani Daniele (2015) The Trace Element Signature of Pyrite from the Los Colorados Iron Oxide Apatite (IOA) Deposit: A Missing Link between IOA and IOCG Systems?
Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Chryssoulis S, Tardani D, Barra F, Knipping J, Bilenker L & Sanchez-Alfaro P
(2015) Metal Fluxing in a Large-Scale Intra-Arc Fault: Insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System in Southern Chile
Tardani D, Reich M, Roulleau E, Sano Y, Takahata N, González-Jiménez JM, Sanchez P, Cembrano J & Arancibia G
(2015) Noble-Gas and Nitrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Geothermal Fluids from the Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex in the Southern Andes
Roulleau E, Tardani D, Vinet N, Sano Y, Takahata N & Reich M

Tardani Daniele (2016) The Geothermal System of Copahue-Caviahue Volcanic Complex (Argentina): Relationship between Isotopic Composition of Thermal Fluids and Fault Network
Roulleau E, Tardani D, Barvo F, Pizarro M, Pinti D, Takahata N, Sano Y, Vinet N, Munoz C & Sanchez J

Tardani Daniele (2017) Isotopic Signature of Mature Slab Recycled Materials in Volcanic Rocks from the Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (Chile-Argentina)
Roulleau E, Tardani D, Vlastelic I, Vinet N, Sanchez J, Takahata N & Sano Y

Tardani Daniele (2018) Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Signature of Thermal Waters in an Andean Geothermal System
Pérez-Moreno R, Reich M, Daniele L, Tardani D, Wrage J, Sánchez-Alfaro P, Held S, Delgado A & Morata D

Tardani Daniele (2022) The Chemical Composition and Weathering Fluxes of Rivers Draining Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Perez-Fodich A, Louvat P, Peña A & Tardani D

Tardani Dr. Daniele (2023) Optimal Geologic Conditions for Metal-Rich Hydrothermal Systems in the Andes: Insights from the Sollipulli and Cordón Caulle Volcanic Fields
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Tardani D, Pérez Flores P, Aron F, Alvarez-Amado F, Becerra P, Rivas S & Munoz-Saez C
(2023) Ge/Si and δ11B for Quantifying Hydrothermal Inputs in River Solute Fluxes in Active Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Peña A, Perez-Fodich A, Louvat DP & Tardani DD
(2023) Recharge and Fluid Circulation in Hydrothermal Systems in the South Andean Volcanic Zone, Chile
Poblete-González C, Tardani D, Alvarez-Amado F, Sanchez-Alfaro P, Saldías Innocenti C & Pinti DL

Tardif R. (2020) Impact of New Observations on Improved Understanding of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Li M, Kump L, Ajayi O, Amrhein D, Hakim G, Malevich S, Poulsen C, Ridgwell A, Tardif R, Tierney J, Zhang F & Zhu J
(2019) New Views of Warm Worlds from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
Tierney J, King J, Malevich SB, Bhattacharya T, Feng R, Zhu J, Li M, Poulsen C, Haywood A, Otto-Bliesner B, Ridgwell A, Hakim G, Tardif R & Kump L

Tardif S. (2019) The Interfacial Layer Properties in Nanoconfinement: An Experimental and Modelling Approach
Rebiscoul D, Baum M, Tardif S, Siboulet B, Wang K, Dufreche J-F & Rieuotrd F

Tardio J. (2016) Short Wavelength Infrared Determination of Coffinite (USiO4)
Andrews W, Bhargava S, Tardio J & Pownceby M

Tarduno John (2020) Early Coevolution of Life and the Geodynamo Suggested by Potential ~3.4 Billion-Year-Old Magnetofossils
Tarduno J, Hofmann A & Cottrell R
(2019) Geodynamo Origin to Inner Core Growth: Core Chemical Evolution Traced by Paleomagnetism
Tarduno J, Bono R, Cottrell R & Nimmo F

Tarduno John A (2023) Hadean to Eoarchean Stagnant lid Tectonics and Convection Tracked by Zircon Paleomagnetism
Tarduno JA & Bunge H-P

Tardy M. (2000) Paleozoic-Triassic Plume-Derived Magmas in the Canadian Cordillera Play a Key Role in Continent Growth
Lapierre H, Bosch D, Tardy M & Struik L

Tardy V. (2017) Monitoring Biological Oxidation and Removal of Arsenic and Iron in a Field Bioreactor Treating As-Rich Acid Mine Drainage
Fernandez-Rojo L, Héry M, Laroche E, Tardy V, Bruneel O, Delpoux S, Desoeuvre A, Grapin G, Savignac J, Boisson J, Morin G & Casiot C

Tardy Y. (2000) Evolution of Ca-K Exchange in Clays with Temperature: The Role of Hydration Processes
Lassin A, Duplay J & Tardy Y

Tarek M.H. (2014) Crab Burrows Driving Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange in Bangladesh
Stahl M, Tarek MH, Badruzzaman ABM, Yeo D & Harvey C

Tarelho L. (2019) Long-Term Recovery of Mining Soils Functioning Using Waste Materials from the Pulp and Paper Industry
Cruz N, Silva F, Kodra A, Pereira A, Gomes A, Tarelho L & Rodrigues S

Tareq S.M. (2006) Isotope and Lignin Signature in Lake Erahi (Southwest China): Evidence for Paleovegetation Changes and Asian Monsoon Variability during 18.5 ky BP
Tareq SM, Kitagawa H & Tanoue E

Targarona J. (2000) Orbital Forcing of Dust Supply to the North Canary Basin over the Last 250 kyrs
Moreno A, Targarona J, Henderiks J, Canals M & Freudenthal T

Targuisti K. (2016) Beni Bousera Orogenic Peridotite (Northern Morocco): New Insights from Geochemistry of Pyroxenites and Implication For their Origin
Chetouani K, Amri I & Targuisti K

Tarhan L. (2023) The Role of Substrate and Seawater Geochemistry in Shaping the Fossilization of Earth's Earliest Animal Communities
Slagter S, Hao W, Planavsky NJ, Konhauser KO & Tarhan L
(2023) Lithium Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Reverse Weathering during the Early Triassic Warm Period
Rauzi S, Foster WJ, Tarhan L & Isson T
(2022) The Role of Microbial Mats in “Ediacara-Style” Preservation
Slagter S, Hao W, Planavsky NJ, Konhauser KO & Tarhan L
(2020) Bioturbation—past, Future and Biogeochemical Feedbacks
Tarhan L, Zhao M-Y & Planavsky N
(2019) Demise of Dolomite-Aragonite Sea in the Early Cambrian Coincided with Stabilization of Oceanic Oxygenation
Wei G, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Li D, Chen X & Ling H
(2019) The Biogeochemical Impact of Early Paleozoic Bioturbation
Tarhan L, Zhao M & Planavsky N
(2018) The Impact of Early Paleozoic Bioturbation Upon Phosphorus Cycling
Tarhan L, Zhao M & Planavsky N
(2018) Significant Influence of Seawater Calcium Concentration on Marine Phosphorus Burial
Zhao M, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Zhang S & Reinhard C
(2018) Environmental Fluctuation Triggered the Cambrian Explosion?
Wei G, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Chen X, Wei W, Li D & Ling H
(2017) Development of Bioturbation and Implications for Early Paleozoic Biogeochemical Cycling
Tarhan L

Tarhouni J.
(2018) A Multi-Isotope Approach to Trace Salinization in the Lower Valley of Wadi Medjerda, Nothern Tunisia
Ben Hamouda MF, Nouiri I, Tarhouni J, Fernandez D, Solomon K & Matiatos I

Tari D. (2019) Insights into the 2017-2018 Ambae Eruption
Bani P, Moussallam Y, Medard E, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Gauthier P-J, Carn S, Aiuppa A, Coppola D, Tari D, Bani I, Benbakkar M, Voyard G, Scott B, Garaebiti E & Lardy M

Taricco C. (2003) Meteoritic 44Ti Evidence for Decrease in Cosmic Ray Flux during the Past Two Hundred Years
Cini Castagnoli G, Cane D, Taricco C & Bhandari N

Tariq S. (2023) Satellite- and Ship-Based Investigations of Variability in Aerosol Optical Depth over the Arabian Sea
Tariq S

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