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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Tao Renbiao (2020) The Fate of CaCO3 in Earth’s Subduction Zones
Fei Y, Yang J, Lindoo A & Tao R
(2020) Oxidation of Earth’s Big Mantle Wedge by Recycled Ca-Carbonate
Tao R & Fei Y

Tao Renbiao (2021) Solubilities of Carbonate Minerals in Aqueous Fluids Under Subduction Zone Conditions: Constraints from High-Pressure Experiments and Thermodynamic Models
Lan C, Tao R, Huang F, Jiang R & Zhang L
(2021) Formation of Abiotic CH4 in UHP Eclogites from S.W. Tianshan Subduction Zone: Implications for Redox State of Subducting Slabs and Deep Carbon Cycle
Wang C, Zhang L, Walters JB & Tao R
(2021) Development of Multiple Hole Gasket Technique for Diamond Anvil Cell: Implications for Fluid-Mineral Interaction at High-Pressure and High Temperature
Jiang R, Tao R, Lan C & Du J

Tao Renbiao (2022) High-Pressure and High-Temperature Vibrational Properties and Anharmonicity of Siderite (FeCO3) and Rhodochrosite (MnCO3) up to 47 GPa and 1100 K by Raman Spectroscopy
Wang C, Tao R, Ren L, Walters JB & Zhang L

Tao Renbiao (2023) High-Pressure Experimental and Thermodynamic Constraints on the Solubility of Carbonates in Subduction Zone Fluids
Lan C, Tao R, Huang F, Jiang R & Zhang L
(2023) Origins of Deep Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Fundamental Redox Reactions within the Fe-C-H-O System
Wang C, Tao R, Zhang L, Debret B, Walters JB, Lan C, Zhu X, Yang K & Menez B
(2023) The Impact of Multi-Stage Metamorphism on Preservation of Traces of Life in ~2.5 Ga Banded Iron Formations, North China
Nan J, Peng Z, Wang C, Papineau D, She Z, Guo Z, Wang C & Tao R

Tao Shizhen (2020) The Effects of Petoelum Retention and Migration within the Triassic Chang 7 Member in the Ordos Basin in China
Chen Y, Lin S, Bai B & Tao S
(2018) Accumulation of Lacustrine Shale Oil in Triassic Chang 7 Member in Ordos Basin and its Controlling Factors
Bai B, Hu S, Tao S, Chen Y & Zhang T
(2017) Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Chang 7 Tight Sandstone Oil Reservoir in Ordos Basin, China
Han W, Ma W & Tao S
(2015) Supergene Karstification Simulation and Its Research Significance of the Gypsum-Salt-Carbonate Reservoir in the Majiagou Formation, Ordos Basin
Bai B, Hu S, Liu W, Tao S & Zhang B
(2013) Characteristic of Fluid Inclusion of the Xujiahe Formation in the Central Sichuan Basin, China
Gao X, Tao S & Zhao X
(2010) An Abiogenic Alkane Gas Field, Changde Gas Field in Songliao Basin, NE China, Resulted from CO2 Loss
Yang C, Zou C, Wang Z, Tao S, Ni Y & Tao X
(2009) Gas-Dominated Products of Hydrocarbon Generation at the Early and Middle Stages of Colification – Xujiahe Coal Measures in Central Sichuan Basin
Tao S, Zou C & Tao X
(2009) Geological and Geochemical Characteristics and Exploration Potential of the ‘Continuous’ Hydrocarbon Accumulation in China
Zou C, Tao S, Gao X & Gong Y
(2009) Gas-Source Correlation of Marine Source Rocks in the Sichuan Basin
Dai J, Ni Y, Tao S & Xia Y
(2007) Changling Inorganic Carbon Dioxide Gas Field in Songliao Basin, China
Luo X, Mi J & Tao S

Tao Shu (2009) Imapct of Chemical Constructions on the Microbial Availability of Phenanthrene Sorbed on Biopolymers
Yang Y, Shu L, Wang X & Tao S

Tao Shu (2015) Response of Marine Phytoplankton to Atmospheric Deposition of Anthropogenic Aerosols
Wang R, Balkanksi Y, Bopp L, Boucher O, Aumont O, Ciais P, Penuelas J, Ethe C, Hauglustaine D & Tao S

Tao Shu

Tao Shu (2020) Mechanisms and Factors Controlling Hygroscopic Properties of Black Carbon (BC) from Different Carbon Sources Under Different Humidity Conditions
Wang M, Chen Y, Fu H, Qu X, Li B, Tao S & Zhu D
(2020) Transition in Household Energy and Impacts on Regional Air Quality
Shen G, Zhu X, Du W & Tao S
(2020) Public Health Risk from the Use of Phenylarsonic Feed Additives in China
Hu Y, Cheng H, Tao S & Schnoor J
(2020) Footprints of Dioxins in Global Pork Meat Trade
Ma J, Chen K, Huang T & Tao S

Tao Shuqin (2013) Temporal Variations in the Composition and Age of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Transported by the Yellow River
Tao S, Eglinton TI, Montlucon D, McIntyre C & Zhao M

Tao Shuqin (2015) Climate Control on the Timescales and Pathways of Carbon Export from the Terrestrial Biosphere
Eglinton T, Galy V, Feng X, McIntyre C, Schefuss E, Tao S, Zhao M, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hughen K

Tao Shuqin (2016) Diverse Origins and Pre-Depositional Histories of Organic Matter in Contemporary Chinese Marginal Sea Sediments
Tao S, Eglinton TI, Montluçon DB, McIntyre C & Zhao M

Tao T. (2013) The δ18O Signals of Precipitation and Drip Water: Two Hydrological Years’ Monitoring Results from Eight Caves in Monsoon Regions of China
Duan W, Ruan J, Zhang P, Luo W, Zhang D, Li T, Tian L, Tao T, Zeng G & Tan M

Tao W. (2020) Zircon Hf Isotope Mapping for Understanding Crustal Growth and Gold Metallogenesis in the Great Xing'an Range, Northeast China
Zhu P & Tao W

Tao Xiancong (2011) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Ages of Sulphide Deposits in the Guangdong Region, China
Wang Y, Li H, Wang Y, Hu X, Liu D, Tao X & Wang H

Tao Xiaofeng (2011) Tectonothermal Evolution of the Triassic Flysch in the Songpan-Garzê Orogen, Eastern Tibetan Plateau
Wang H, Rahn M, Zhou J & Tao X

Tao Xiaowan (2020) U-Pb Dating of TSR Calcite in the Lower Cambrian in the Western Tarim Basin
Tao X, Li J, Cai C, Hu A, Yang H, Huang Y & Chen Y
(2019) Helium Resources and the Discovery of the First Supergiant Helium Reserve in China — Hetianhe Gas Field in Tarim Basin
Tao X
(2018) Carbon Isotopic Reversals of Coal-Derived Gases due to Mixing of Primary and Secondary Products
Tao X
(2017) Evolution of Kerogen Carbon Isotopes during Early Cambrian to Ordovician in Eastern Tarim Basin, China
Tao X, Ma D, Li T & Zhou C
(2016) Kerogen Carbon Isotopes of Lower-Cambrian and Middle-Upper Ordovician, Northwestern Tarim Basin, China: Implications for the Oil-Source Rock Correlation
Tao X, Zhu G, Zhou C, Li T & Ma D
(2011) Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas Reservoired in Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in Naxi-Hejiang Area, Southern Sichuan Basin, China
Huang S & Tao X
(2010) The Discovery of Oil Source Rocks in Jurassic Qiakemake Formation in the Western Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin, China
Jia J, Zou C, Li M & Tao X
(2010) An Abiogenic Alkane Gas Field, Changde Gas Field in Songliao Basin, NE China, Resulted from CO2 Loss
Yang C, Zou C, Wang Z, Tao S, Ni Y & Tao X
(2009) Gas-Dominated Products of Hydrocarbon Generation at the Early and Middle Stages of Colification – Xujiahe Coal Measures in Central Sichuan Basin
Tao S, Zou C & Tao X

Tao Yan (2014) The Plume Source As Characterized by Trace Elements in Olivine
Putirka K, Tao Y, Hari KR & Perfit M

Tao Yue-Le (2016) Comparison of Dual Nitrate Isotopes in Aerosols Sampled at Two Typical Cities, Southwest China
Li X-D, Yang Z, Li Q-K, Cui G-Y, Huang J & Tao Y-L

Tao Yuezan (2008) Determining Groundwater Recharge Based on Isotope Concentration Varying with Pumping Process
Tao Y & Wang K

Tao Zheng-Hua (2016) Mg Isotope Geochemical Study of the Huanghe River
Zhao Z-Q, Fan B-L & Tao Z-H
(2015) Boron Isotope Geochemical Study of the Huanghe River: Source of the Abnormally High Boron Concentration
Zhao Z-Q, Zhang L-L, Ma Y-Q, Fan B-L & Tao Z-H

Tao Zhining (2023) Urban Effect on Precipitation – A Case Study over Houston
Tao Z & Chin M
(2015) Role of Saharan Air Layer in Tropical Storm – A NU-Wrf Simulation of a HS3 Event
Tao Z, Shi J, Braun S & Chin M

Tao Zhiyuan (2017) Wollastonite Hydration, Dissolution, and Calcite Precipitation for Targeted Mineral Carbonation
Ling FT, Tao Z, Plattenberger D, Fitts JP, Peters CA & Clarens A
(2015) Targeted Control of Subsurface Permeability Using Mineral Carbonation Reactions
Clarens A, Fitts J & Tao Z

Taphorn B. (2022) Contracted Oxygen-Deficient Zones during Cenozoic Climate Optima
Auderset A, Moretti S, Taphorn B, Ebner P-R, Kast ER, Wang XT, Schiebel R, Sigman DM, Haug GH & Martinez-Garcia A

Tapia A. (2019) Magmatic Record of Subduction Initiation along the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Brims JC, Buchs DM, Kerr AC & Tapia A
(2019) Late Cretaceous Emergence of the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau and Panama Volcanic Arc and Palaeogeographic Implications
Buchs DM, Brims JC, Wang J, Kerr AC, Kukoč D, Baumgartner PO, Spezzaferri S, Tapia A, Rodríguez G, Miranda R, Irving D & Coronado M

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