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Tanyileke G (2003) Lakes Nyos and Monoun: Current Status
Kusakabe M, Nagao K, Ohba T, Yoshida Y, Tanyileke G & Kling G

Tanyileke Gregory (2016) Lakes Nyos and Monoun – Past, Present & Future -
Kusakabe M, Ohba T, Yoshida Y, Issa I, Tanyileke G, Djomou S & Hell J
(2014) Recent Partial Pressure of CO2 Dissolved in the Water at Lake Monoun, Cameroon
Ohba T, Sasaki Y, Kusakabe M, Yoshida Y, Ueda A, Anazawa K, Saiki K, Kaneko K, Miyabuchi Y, Aka F, Fantong W, Tanyileke G & Hell J

Tanzil Jani (2019) A Coral-Based Method to Reconstruct Past Variation in Land-To-Ocean Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux
Kaushal N, Yang L, Martin P, Tanzil J, Lee JN & Goodkin N
(2016) Zinc Complexing Ligands along the Malacca Straits and from Rivers in Tropical South East Asia: Understanding the Connection to Regional and Global Distributions of Ligands and Bioavailable Zinc
Carrasco G, Mujahid A, Muller M, Tanzil J, Lee J, Lauro F & Boyle E

Tanzil Jani T.I. (2021) Balancing the Modern Marine Barium Isotope Budget with Estuarine Processes
Bridgestock L, Nathan J, Paver R, Hsieh Y-TA, Porcelli D, Tanzil JTI, Holdship P, Carrasco G, Annammala KV, Swarzenski P, Andersson P & Henderson GM
(2021) Barium Isotope Calibrations between Shallow-Water Corals and in situ Seawater
Hsieh Y-TA, Paver R, Tanzil JTI, Bridgestock L, Lee JN & Henderson GM

Tao C. (2020) Sub-Seafloor Sulfide Mineralization in the Saldanha Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
Alveirinho Dias Á, Qiu W, Barriga FJAS & Tao C
(2020) Melting of Reycled Crust Responsible for the Gutenberg Discontiuity
Liu J, Hirano N, Machida S, Xia Q & Tao C
(2020) Morphology of Hydrothermal Deposits and its Implication for Evolution in the Longqi-1 Hydrothermal Field, Southwest Indian Ridge
Liang J, Tao C, Yang W, Liao S, Liu J, Liu Y, Zhang G & Cai W
(2020) Sulfide Mineralization is Induced by Shallow Intrusion on the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Sulfide Mineralogy and Geochemistry Evidence from the Longqi-3 Hydrothermal Field
Liao S, Tao C, Liang J, Yang W, Liu J & Li W
(2020) Geological Feature of Seafloor Polymetallic Sulfides at the Duanqiao Hydrothermal Field (Southwest Indian Ridge)
Yang W, Tao C, Liang J, Liao S, Liu J & Li W
(2019) The Ultra-Depleted MORB Glass in Southwest India Ocean Ridge
Liu J, Tao C, Li W, Liao S, Liang J & Yang W
(2018) Hydrothermal Activity History of Duanqiao Hydrothermal Field, the Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence from 230Th/238U Geochronology of Polymetallic Sulfides
Yang W, Tao C, Liang J & Liao S
(2018) Extremely High H2O/Ce Ratios of the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge Basalts (46ºE-53ºE)
Liu J, Tao C, Liang J, Li W & Sun H
(2018) Mantle Heterogenity and Crustal Processes at Ultraslow-Spreading Ridges: Constraints from Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts from the Mt. Jourdanne (~64°E), Southwest Indian Ridge
Li W, Tao C, Zhang W & Jin Z
(2017) Hydrothermal Activities Around 63-64°E, Southwest Indian Ridge
Tao C, Liang J, Li X, Yang Y, Li H, Liao S, Deng X, Zhang G & Zhou Y
(2017) Surface Sediment Geochemistry and Hydrothermal Activity Indicators in the Dragon Horn Area on the Southwest Indian Ridge
Liao S, Tao C & Li H
(2017) Active and Relict Hydrothermal Mineralization at the Longqi-1 field,Southwest Indian Ridge
Liang J, Tao C, Yang W, Huang W, Li H & Liao S
(2016) Chemistry of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Dragon Flag(Longqi-1) Field, SWIR
Tao C, William E. SJ, Liang J, Li X, Xiao X, Yu H, Ding K, Wu S & Cai W

Tao F. (2008) Chemical and Isotopic Approach on an Algae Bloom in the Hongfeng Lake, Southwest China
Tao F, Yin L & Piao H
(2008) Chemical Weathering of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Geochemical Study of Jinsha Jiang, Lancang Jiang, and Nu Jiang River Water, China
Liu C-Q, Zhao Z-Q, Tao F & Li S-L
(2003) The Dissolved N2O in Two Small Karst Lakes in Southwest China
Wang S, Liu C, Tao F, Wan G, Li J & Zhu Z

Tao Gl (2007) Intra-Reservoir Geochemical Heterogeneity in the Shixi Oilfield of the Central Junggar Basin, China
Tao G, Hu W, Cao J & Gao X
(2006) Molecular Geochemical Signatures of Mixed Oils from the Mosuowan Area, Central Junggar Basin
Cao J, Hu W, Tao G & Gao X
(2005) Integrate Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Approaches to Reconstructing Oil-Filling History, NW Junggar Basin (NW China)
Cao J, Yao S, Zhang Y, Wang X & Tao G

Tao Guoliang (2014) Biomarkers as Lithologic Indicators of Marine Petroleum Source Rock
Cao T, Li M, Jiang Q, Liu P & Tao G

Tao H. (2008) Penglai Zircon – A Potential New Reference for Microbeam Analysis of U-Pb Age and O-Hf Isotopes
Li X-H, Long W-G, Guo C-H, Liu Y, Li Q-L, Hu Z-C & Tao H

Tao Jianchang (2020) Dynamics in Community Composition of MGII and Interactions with Phototrophs Among Different Particle Sizes in the Jiaozhou Bay
Tao J, Zhang Y & Zhang C
(2020) Archaeal Populations Preferentially Associated with Recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Matter in Estuarine Sediment
Wang W, Tao J, He C, Shi Q, Li P, Chen H & Zhang C
(2020) Population Dynamics of Estuarine Microbiome and their Response to Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Matter
Wang H, Chen F, Tao J, Zhang C & Kan J
(2020) Stratification of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Upper 2000 M Water Column of the Mariana Trench
Li X, Li P, Tao J, Lin J, He C, Shi Q & Zhang C
(2018) Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter at the Mariana Trench
Li P, Tao J, Lin J, He C, Shi Q & Zhang C

Tao Jianhua (2009) Thrusting Style and Timing Restriction in the Western Fujian Fold-Thrust Belt, SE China
Lin Q, Zhang D, Wu G, Tao J, Di Y, Cao W & Huang R

Tao Jing (2010) Geochemical Characterization of the Heterogeneous Source Rocks in Petroleum System Modeling
Wang F, Chen J, Wang B, Tao J, Zhen H & Wang X

Tao Jinhui (2017) The Impact of Additives on Crystallization of Amorphous CaCO3
Liu Z, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Jin B, Li D, Tao J, Tang R & De Yoreo J

Tao K. (2017) Freshwater Input, Upwelling, and the Evolution of Caribbean Coastal Ecosystems on the Central American Isthmus
Grossman E, Robbins J, Rachello-Dolmen P, Tao K, Saxena D & O'Dea A

Tao Lei (2020) Air Quality Impacts of the 2018 Kīlauea Eruption
Golston L, Pan D, Guo X, Li N, Wang R, Tao L, McSpiritt J, Yates E & Zondlo M

Tao Liang (2016) The Influence of SiO32- on the Reductive Reactivity of Fe(II) Adsorbed onto γ-Al2O3
Tao L, Wu K & Li F

Tao Lu (2018) Petrogenesis Linkage Among the Mesozoic High Mg Andesites, Garnet-Bearing Dacites and Porphyries, Rhyolites and Leucogranites from West Qinling, Central China
Luo B, Zhang H, Xu W, Yang H, Guo L, Pan F, Zhang L, Gao Z & Tao L
(2017) Cause of Across-Arc Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Variations: A Case Study from Early Paleozoic Arc-Type Mafic Intrusions in the Southern Central Qilian Block, China
Tao L, Zhang H, Gao Z & Yang H

Tao M.X. (2010) The Helium and Argon Isotopic Compositions in the Minerals from the Qulong Porphyry Copper Deposit, Tibet, SW, China
Ye X, Tang J, Tao M & Du L
(2008) The Helium and Neon Isotopic Compositions in the Beimarang Ophiolites from th Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, SW China
Ye XR, Tao MX, Zhang MJ, He J & Du L
(2002) 21Ne Versus 10Be Surface Exposure Ages of Quartzite: A Comparison
Hetzel R, Niedermann S, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik PW, Tao M & Gao B

Tao N. (2019) Mesozoic–Cenozoic Thermal Evolution of SE China in Response to Flat-Slab Subduction at the proto-Western Pacific Margin
Tao N, Li Z-X, Danisik M & Evans N

Tao Q. (2017) Transformation Mechanism of Brucite to Saponite in Hydrothermal Conditions
Tao Q, He H, Ji S, Li S, Zhang C & Komarneni S
(2017) Conversion of Serpentine to Smectite Under Hydrothermal Condition: Implication for a Solid-State Transformation
He H, Ji S, Zhu J & Tao Q
(2016) Can 1:1 Type Clay Minerals Transform into 2:1 Type Swelling Smectite?
He H, Ji S, Tao Q & Zhu J

Tao Renbiao (2011) Efficient Carbon Leaching in Silicate Through Fluid/Melt Migration and Implications for Diamond Formation
Fei Y, Zhang C & Tao R

Tao Renbiao (2015) CO2 Released from Carbonated Eclogites during their Exhumation
Zhu J, Zhang L, Fei Y & Tao R

Tao Renbiao (2017) Partitioning of Si and S between Solid and Liquid in the Fe-Si-S System up to 25 GPa with Implications for the Distribution of Si and S in a Partially Solidified Core
Tao R & Fei Y

Tao Renbiao (2018) Random Si Distribution between the T-Site and M-Site of MgAl2O4-spinel at High P-T Conditions
Liu X, Liu L, Bao X, He Q, Yan W, Ma Y, He M, Tao R & Zou R

Tao Renbiao (2019) Transformation of Carbon during High-Pressure Serpentinization: Implication for Deep Carbon Storage at Forearc Mantle
Tao R, Daniel I, Andreani M, Montagnac G & Carbon H

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