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Tank S. (2023) Accelerating Sulfide Oxidation in the Mackenzie River Catchment, Canada
Walsh E, Hilton R & Tank S
(2018) Old Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Mackenzie River Basin: A Smoking gun for the Degradation of Aged Organic Matter?
Hilton R, Tipper E, Galy V, Garnett M, Dellinger M, Schwab M, Tank S, Bryant C, Ascough P & Eglinton T

Tannenbaum E. (2005) Reality or Myth: The Role of Minerals in Petroleum Generation
Hill R, Kaplan I, Aizenshtat Z, Tannenbaum E & Jarvie D

Tannennberger M. (2011) Alkaline Particle Size and Delivery for Settling and Dissolution: Optimising Ocean-Based Enhanced Weathering Geoengineering
Lubansky A, Tannennberger M, Kruger T & Darton R

Tanner D. (2019) Refinement of the Cosmogenic in situ C-14 Extraction Procedure
Fülöp R-H, Fink D, Tanner D, Codilean AT, White L, Yang B, Smith A, Levchenko V, White D & Dunai TJ
(2011) Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry beneath Paleofumaroles
Tanner D, Mavrogenes J & Henley R

Tanner Larry (2007) 40Ar/39Ar Ages of CAMP in North America (Hartford, Deerfield and Fundy Basins)
Marzoli A, Jourdan F, Bertrand H, Renne P, Cirilli S, Tanner L, Kontak D & Bellieni G

Tanner Lawrence (2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L

Tanner Martin (2013) Vaporization Studies on Laser-Generated Aerosols as Used in LA-ICPMS
Günther D, Flamigni L, Koch J, Borovinskays O, Hattendorf B & Tanner M
(2009) Fast Reduction of U-Pb Data Using R
Tanner M & Solari L

Tanner Martin (2015) A New ICP-Tofms for the Fast Laser Ablation Analysis Without Compromises
Borovinskaya O, Tanner M, Mercadier J & Günther D

Tanner Martin (2017) Combining Rapid 2D Elemental Imaging Using LA-Icptof with Flexible Interrogation Software for the in situ Chemical Analysis of Meteorites
Williams N, Stremtan C, Borovinskaya O, Bussweiler Y, Tanner M & Kamber B
(2017) Rapid Multielemental Analysis of Garnet with LA-Icp-TOF-MS – Implications for Diamond Exploration Studies
Bussweiler Y, Poitras S, Borovinskaya O, Tanner M & Pearson G
(2017) Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (ICP-Tofms) as a New Monitoring Tool for Nanoparticles and Trace Metals in the Environment
Tanner M, Borovinskaya O, Bussweiler Y, Gajdesechova Z, Raab A, Krupp E & Feldmann J

Tanner Martin (2018) Advances in Zircon Geochronology by LA-Icp-TOF-MS
Rittner M, Borovinskaya O, Tanner M, Danyushevsky L, Thompson J, Van Malderen S & Woodhead J

Tanner Martin (2023) Towards Multi-Element Characterization of Marine Metal Nanoparticles: First Results from the Suboxic Zone of the Black Sea
Yucel M, Alimli N, Borovinskaya O, Demir NYN, Cura H, Gülmez ZA, Tanner M & Djurdjevic S

Tanney R. (2012) Remediation of Heavy Metals in Nano-Materials
Tanney R, Jeffrey K & Alfredsson M

Tannou I. (2013) Properties and Structural Role of Iron in Silicate Melts and Glasses
Tannou I, Jeffroy M, de Ligny D & Neuville D

Tanoi K. (2016) Effect of Sediment Trap by Check Dam on 137Cs Transport from Forest Catchment to Downstream
Oda T, Yamabe S, Ohte N, Hotta N, Endo I, Hashimoto O & Tanoi K
(2016) Radiocesium Redistribution Dynamics in a Forested Ecosystem in Fukushima after the Nuclear Power Plant Accident in March 2011
Ohte N, Murakami M, Endo I, Ohashi M, Oda T, Hotta N, Tanoi K, Kobayashi N & Ishii N

Tanoue E. (2006) In situ production of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the ocean interior.
Yamashita Y & Tanoue E
(2006) Isotope and Lignin Signature in Lake Erahi (Southwest China): Evidence for Paleovegetation Changes and Asian Monsoon Variability during 18.5 ky BP
Tareq SM, Kitagawa H & Tanoue E
(2003) The Survival of Dissolved Glycoproteins in Oceanic Waters
Yamada N & Tanoue E
(2003) Is Amino Acid-Containing Dissolved Organic Matter Molecularly Different between Surface and Deep Seawaters
Yamashita Y & Tanoue E
(2003) Occurrence of a Heat Shock Protein in Oceanic Surface Particulate Organic Matter
Tanoue E & Saijo S
(2003) Chemical Characterization of Marine Dissolved and Particulate Lipids
Nishida T & Tanoue E
(2003) Tryptophan and Other Amino Acids in the Sediments of Four Chinese Lakes
Yin Z, Wu F & Tanoue E

Tanoue T. (2007) Temporal Change of a Layer Sequence in Reaction Zones in the System Dolomite – Quartz – H2O
Nishiyama T, Tanoue T, Tominaga A & Isobe H

Tanski G. (2020) Potential and Limitations of 228Th/232Th Disequilibria for the Dating of High Sedimentation Marine Sequences: Example from Herschel Basin, Beaufort Sea
Carnero-Bravo V, Hilaire-Marcel C, Ghaleb B, De Vernal A, Falardeau J, Chassiot L, Vonk J, Tanski G, Lantuti H & Fritz M

Tantawy A.A. (2009) Anoxia during the OAE 2: Paleoenvironmental Insights from Tibet and Mexico
Bomou B, Adatte T, Follmi KB, Caron M, Tantawy AA, Fleitmann D, Matera V & Huang Y

Tanteri L. (2013) Ten Years of Ground Deformations Monitored by the Ground-Based SAR System on Stromboli Volcano and its Use in Forecasting Intense Volcanic Activity
Nolesini T, Di Traglia F, Intrieri E, Bardi F, Ferrigno F, Frodella W, Tacconi Stefanelli C, Tanteri L, Del Ventisette C & Casagli N

Tantichodok P. (2003) Seasonality in Arsenic Biogeochemistry: Pak Panang Bay, Southern Thailand
Utoomprurkporn W, Millward G, Foulkes M, Rattanachongkiat S, Taiyagupt M & Tantichodok P

Tanuputri J. (2023) Understanding Nitrogen Incorporation into Skeletons of Scleractinian Coral from Field Data and Laboratory Experiments
Nuber S, Ren HA, Cai Li RY, Tanuputri J & Chen YC

Tanvet Clement (2017) A Shallow-To-Deepwater Geochemical Transect of a Neoproterozoic Marinoan Cap Dolostone (Noonday Formation, Death Valley Region)
Sansjofre P, Roué L, Rigoussen D, Shapiro R, Homann M, Killingsworth B, Tanvet C & Lalonde S

Tanvet Clément (2022) First Long Term (~30 Years) Coral Acclimatization to Ocean Acidification Recorded in Geochemical Signatures: A Case Study of New Caledonia
Tanvet C, Guillermic M, Sutton J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Thouzeau G, Butscher J, Dubosc J & Dissard D

Tanwar K. (2009) Structure and Modification of Iron-Oxide Surfaces during Reaction with Dissolved Iron
Trainor T, Iceman C, Tanwar K, Petitto S, Eng P, Mason S & Chaka A
(2008) Structural Investigation of Fe(II) Adsorption on Hematite (0001) and (1-102)
Tanwar K, Petitto S, Ghose S, Eng P & Trainor T
(2006) Applications of synchrotron radiation to processes at environmental interfaces
Brown GE, Benzerara K, Yoon TH, Ha J, Cordova CD, Spormann AM, Tyliszczak T, Tanwar KS, Trainor TP & Eng PJ
(2006) Structure of the iron-oxide - aqueous solution interface: surface x-ray diffraction and density functional theory studies
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S & Petitto S
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A

Tanwar N. (2022) Lithium Isotope and Elemental Partitioning in Inorganic Calcite and Aragonite
Hite C, Uchikawa J, Misra S, Tanwar N & Zeebe R

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