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Tanigawa T. (2021) What Makes the Chemical Diversity of Ocean Worlds in the Solar System?
Sekine Y, Tan S, Aoyama Y, Tanigawa T & Ikoma M

Taniguchi H. (2008) Geochemistry and Geochronology of Gaima Basaltic Lava Plateau, Northeast China
Kuritani T, Kimura J-I, Miyamoto T, Shimano T, Maeno F, Wei H, Jin X & Taniguchi H
(2006) A study on the chemical state of radiogenic osmium in molybdenite by sensitive fluorescence XAFS
Takahashi Y, Uruga T, Tanida H & Terada Y

Taniguchi K. (2016) Landscape Controls Fate and Transport of Radionulides in Fukushima
Onda Y, Taniguchi K, Wakiyama Y, Yoshimura K, Smith H, Brake W, Iwagami S & Kato H

Taniguchi M. (2019) Groundwater Inflows and Associated Material Fluxes in the Estuarine Ecosystem Modified by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
Nakajima T, Sugimoto R, Yokoyama K & Taniguchi M
(2014) Interaction of Surface Water and Groundwater in the Kyoto Basin
Kashiwaya K, Fumita R, Koike K, Tada Y, Taniguchi M & Nakano T

Taniguchi S. (2019) Sea Surface Temperature Variations during the Last 100 Years in a Mudbelts Area of The Southeast Brazilian Continental Shelf
Santos FR, Berzaghi JE, Timozczuk CT, Prates D, Taniguchi S, Figueira R, Mahiques MM, Ferreira PA & Bícego MC
(2019) Origin, Spatial and Temporal Variation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Stored in the Southern Brazillian Continental Shelf Mudbelts
Neves P, Timoszczuk C, Prates D, Berzaghi J, Ferreira P, Taniguchi S, Lourenço R, Mahiques M, Figueira R & Bicego M
(2013) Historical Deposition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in an Amazon Estuary
Neves P, Taniguchi S & Bícego M
(2013) Tracking Environmental Changes over the Past 3000 Years in the Region of Ria do Mamanguá, Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil Using Molecular Organic Markers
Spera A, Taniguchi S, Leonel J & Bicego M

Taniguchi T (2003) Tectonic History of the Nojima and Ajacent Faults Constrained by the Fission-Track Dating of Apatite
Ito H & Taniguchi T

Taniguchi Takashi (2010) Stability of Amino Acids and Peptides during Diagenesis on the Early Earth
Otake T, Taniguchi T, Furukawa Y, Nakazawa H & Kakegawa T

Taniguchi Tomonori (2007) Adsorption and Coprecipitation Behaviors of Platinum(II) Complex Ions and with Manganese(IV) Dioxide and Manganese(II) Hydroxide: Model Reactions for the Concentration Mechanism of Platinum into Oceanic Manganese Nodule
Yamashita M, Taniguchi T, Okaue Y, Takahashi Y & Yokoyama T

Tanikawa W. (2016) Calibrating Basin Models of the Rapidly Buried, Microbially Active, Shimokita Coalbeds to Model a Deep Biosphere over Deep Geological Time
Bowden S, Lin Y, Morono Y, Morita S, Tanikawa W, Yamada Y, Kubo Y, Inagaki F & Hinirchs K-U
(2014) Physicochemical Processes of Minerals during and after Earthquake Slip: An Example from the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault
Hirono T, Kameda J, Tanikawa W & Ishikawa T

Tanimizu Masaharu (2015) Determination of Isotopic Ratio of Nickel, Copper, and Zinc in Seawater Using an Ethylenediaminetriacetic Acid Chelating Resin
Takano S, Tanimizu M, Hirata T, Sohrin Y, Little S & Archer C
(2015) Dissolved Species Controlling Isotope Effect for Cerium during Adsorption and Precipitation
Nakada R, Tanaka M, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y
(2015) Reconstruction of Heavy Element Emission Histroy from a Peat-Rich Pond in the Western Pacific Region
Tanimizu M, Kohno M, Asahara Y, Minami M & Hosono T
(2015) Boron Isotope Fractionation during Transportation of Sea-Salt Particle
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Takahashi Y, Nagaishi K & Tanimizu M
(2013) Vertical Profiles of Copper Isotopic Composition in the Ocean
Takano S, Tanimizu M, Hirata T & Sohrin Y
(2013) Origin of Atmospheric Dust and the Associated Anthropogenic Lead Around Omura Bay, West Japan
Saitoh Y, Umezawa Y, Kawamoto K, Tanimizu M & Ishikawa T
(2013) Stable Isotopic Fractionation of Sr and Eu Among Igneous Rocks
Wakaki S, Tanimizu M, Ishikawa T & Tanaka T
(2013) Cerium Stable Isotope Fractionation as a Potential Paleo-Redox Proxy
Nakada R, Takahashi Y & Tanimizu M
(2012) Sr Isotopic Composition of Pore Water of Shelf Cores from IODP Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
Yoshimura T, Kawahata H, Tanimizu M, George S, Lipp J & Claypool G
(2012) Coseismic Fluid-Rock Interaction in an Active Fault Zone Estimated from Sr Speciation Analysis of Fault Gauge
Tanimizu M, Ishikawa T, Takahashi Y, Soh W & Song S-R
(2012) Chemical Processes of Zinc in Aerosols Inferred from the Speciation and Isotopic Analyses
Fujiwara M, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y
(2012) An Experimental Study on Stable Isotope Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements during the Adsorption on Iron and Manganese Oxides
Nakada R, Takahashi Y & Tanimizu M
(2011) Sr, Nd, and Pb Isotopes of Basalts along Hotspot-Influenced Central Indian Ridge
Machida S, Orihashi Y, Neo N, Tanimizu M, Unsworth S & Tamaki K
(2011) Geochemical and Isotopic Analyses of Non-Volcanogenic Hot Springs in Central Japan
Kusuda C, Iwamori H, Kazahaya K, Morikawa N, Takahashi M, Takahashi H, Ohwada M, Ishikawa T, Tanimizu M & Nagaishi K
(2011) Temperature Dependence of Mg Isotope Fractionation in Deep-Sea Coral: Paleoceanographic Implication as a New Proxy for Water Temperature
Yoshimura T, Tanimizu M, Inoue M, Suzuki A, Iwasaki N & Kawahata H
(2011) Molecular-Scale Mechanism of Mo Isotopic Fractionation during Adsorption on Ferromanganese Oxides
Kashiwabara T, Takahashi Y & Tanimizu M
(2010) Geochemical Modeling of Slab-Derived Fluids
Kusuda C, Iwamori H, Kazahaya K, Morikawa N, Takahashi M, Takahashi H, Ohwada M, Ishikawa T, Tanimizu M & Nagaishi K
(2009) Multiple Eruptions of the Ontong Java Plateau as a Trigger of the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event-1a
Kuroda J, Tanimizu M, Hori R, Suzuki K, Ogawa N, Tejada M, Coffin M, Coccioni R & Ohkouchi N
(2009) Antimony Isotopic Fractionation during Adsorption on Ferrihydrite
Araki Y, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y
(2009) Natural Isotopic Variation of Europium Among Geological Samples
Tanaka H, Wakaki S, Tanimizu M & Tanaka T
(2007) Spatial and Temporal Variation of Anthropogenic Lead Inputs to the Western Pacific
Inoue M & Tanimizu M
(2007) Determination of Lead Isotopic Ratios in Ferromanganese Crust by Using MC-ICP-MS and NanoSIMS
Takata Y, Tanimizu M, Takahata N, Amakawa H & Sano Y
(2007) Determination of Magnesium Isotopic Variation and Fractionation in Carbonate Minerals
Tanimizu M
(2007) Elemental and Isotopic Fractionation in Some Organs of Bamboo
Tanaka T, Wakaki S, Tanimizu M & Asahara Y
(2006) Determination of precise nickel isotopic composition and natural nickel isotopic variation by ICP-MS
Tanimizu M & Hirata T
(2003) An Investigation for Isotopic Discrimination Effect during ICP Ionization
Tanimizu M, Asada Y & Hirata T
(2002) Isotope Diluted Neutron Activation Analysis (ID-Naa) for Quantitative Analysis of PGEs and Re
Tanaka T, Senda R, Shibata S-N, Minami M & Tanimizu M
(2000) Ce-Nd-Sr Isotope Systematics of Lunar Samples and Origin of Ce Anomalies on the Moon
Tanimizu M & Tanaka T

Tanimizu Masaharu (2016) Historical Development of 138Ce/142Ce Analysis and Applications of La-Ce Isotope Systematics
Tanimizu M, Asahara Y & Tanaka T
(2016) Mn-Cr Systematics of D’Orbigny Revisited
Yamashita K, Tanimizu M, Yoneda S, Tomioka N & Nagao K
(2016) Distributions of Nickel, Copper and Zinc Isotopes in the North Pacific Ocean
Takano S, Uehara W, Shin K-C, Hirata T, Tanimizu M & Sohrin Y
(2016) Japanese Peat Records of Atmospheric Deposition of Artificial Radionuclides (J-Peat): Impacts of Fukushima Accident and Implications for Radiochronology
De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Sonke J, Van Beek P, Souhaut M, Pourcelot L, Masson O, Guarriaran R, Hughes P, Piotrowska N, Tanimizu M & Hotes S

Tanimizu Masaharu (2017) Cerium Stable Isotope Ratio in Ferromanganese Deposites and its Potential as a Paleoredox Proxy
Nakada R, Takahashi Y & Tanimizu M
(2017) Stable Isotope Fractionation of Tungsten during Adsorption on Fe and Mn (Oxyhydr)oxides
Kashiwabara T, Kubo S, Tanaka M, Senda R, Iizuka T, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y

Tanimizu Masaharu (2021) Mobilization and Isotope Fractionation of Chromium in Ni Laterites, Indonesia
Ito A, Otake T, Yamashita K, Maulana A, Sanematsu K, ; S, Sato T & Tanimizu M
(2021) Trace Element Analysis of Oil-Related Materials with the Low-Temperature Ashing Technique
Hino T, Ito A & Tanimizu M

Tanimizu Masaharu (2022) Source and Reaction of Atmospheric Zinc in Aerosols Based on the Isotope Fractionation Mechanism during the Vaporization Process
Natori S, Fujiwara M, Tanimizu M, Kurisu M, Iizuka T & Takahashi Y

Tanimoto H. (2019) Relations between Fractional Solubility and Trace Metals Species in Marine Aerosol
Sakata K, Sakaguchi A, Tanimoto H, Kurisu M & Takahashi Y
(2013) Air-Sea Fluxes of Dimethyl Sulfide and Acetone in the Subtropical and Equatorial Pacific Ocean
Tanimoto H, Omori Y, Inomata S, Iwata T, Kameyama S, Furuya K, Tsuda A & Uematsu M
(2012) Application of PTR-Ms to an Incubation Experiment of the Marine Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
Kameyama S, Tanimoto H, Inomata S, Suzuki K, Komatsu D, Hirota A, Konno U & Tsunogai U
(2011) Sensitive, High-Resolution Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds Dissolved in Seawater Using Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry
Tanimoto H, Kameyama S, Inomata S, Tsunogai U, Ooki A, Yokouchi Y, Takeda S, Obata H, Tsuda A & Uematsu M

Tanimoto M. (2003) Archaeal Tetraether Lipid as a New Geothermometer
Kitajima F, Fukayama K, Tanimoto M, Ichimura T, Nasu S & Tsumagari N

Tanioka Y. (2015) Magmatic Strontium Stable Isotope Fractionation within a Single Granitic Pluton
Wakasugi Y, Tanioka Y, Wakaki S, Tsuboi M & Ishikawa T

Tanis E. (2013) Magmas, Solutions and Metals
Bell A, Simon A, Tanis E & Bilenker L
(2013) Partitioning of Nb between Rutile and NaAlSi3O8-, NaCl- and NaF- Aqueous Fluids at 1-5 GPa and 300-600℃
Tanis E, Simon A, Tschauner O, Chow P, Xiao Y, Hanchar J, Shen G & Zhao Y
(2011) In situ SXRF Determination of Trace Element Abundances in Aqueous Fluid at 1 – 3 GPa and 300 – 500℃: Applications to Subduction Zone Element Cycling
Simon A, Tanis E, Tschauner O, Frank M, Chow P, Xiao Y, Shen G & Hanchar J

Taniuchi H. (2023) Melt Inclusions Track Dehydration Reactions in Slab Across Volcanic Arcs
Brahm R, Zellmer GF, Coulthard D, Kuritani T, Sakamoto N, Yurimoto H, Taniuchi H, Nakagawa M & Sato E

Taniuchi T. (2016) Ab Initio Prediction of Potassium Partitioning into the Earth’s Core
Xiong Z, Tsuchiya T & Taniuchi T

Taniura R. (2017) Distributions and Atmospheric Imput of Bioactive Trace Metals in the East China Sea
Nakaguchi Y, Ikeda Y, Oku N, Taniura R, Tsujisaka M, Zheng L, Minami T & Sohrin Y

Tanizaki A. (2015) Reproduction of Primitive Metabolic Pathways on the Iron Sulfide Surface with Electricity
Yamamoto M, Nakamura R, Tanizaki A, Takai K & Toriumi M

Tanjal C.

Tanjaroon C. (2015) Structures of Solvated Metal Ion Clusters by Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation (IRMPD) Spectroscopy and ab Initio Calculations
Lemke K & Tanjaroon C

Tanji Y. (2003) Fractionation of N2O Isotopomers during Production by Denitrifiers
Toyoda S, Mutobe H, Yamagishi H, Yoshida N & Tanji Y

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