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Tang X.q (2007) Remobilisation Experiment of Sulphides from Massive Sulphide Ore at 350℃ and a Differential Stress Without Exotic Fluid
Gu LX, Zheng YC, Tang XQ, Wang ZJ, Wu CZ & Wu XY

Tang Xianglu (2021) Carbon-Oxygen Isotope Characteristics of Alkaline Lake Dolomitic Shale and its Implications for Reservoir Sedimentation-Diagenesis Process
Yang L, Zhao W, Jiang Z, Huang L, Chang Q, Tang X & Gao Z
(2020) Reconstruction and Quantitative Evaluation of Porosity Evolution during Diagenesis -- Implication for Carbonate Reservoir Development
Yang L, Yu L, Chen D, Li C, Liu K, Li Z, Tang X, Gao Z, Liu D & Yang W

Tang Xiaodong (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC

Tang Xiaohui (2011) Separation of Arsenate and Phosphate for the Measurement of the Isotope Composition of the Oxygen in Arsenate
Tang X, Berner Z & Norra S

Tang Xiaohui (2010) Oxygen Isotopy of Arsenate/Arsenite: A Novel Approach to Constrain the Source of As in Groundwater
Berner ZA, Tang X & Norra S

Tang Xiuyi (2010) Characteristics of Coal Petrology and its Genesis of Jurassic Coal in Ordos Basin in China
Huang W, Xiao X, Tang X & Chen P

Tang Xu (2019) Two Kinds of Authigenic Xenotime Overgrowths in Response to an Early Paleozoic Tectonothermal Event in South China
Lan Z, Li X, Sano Y, Takahata N, Kagoshima T, Zhang S, Zhang G, Liao X, Tang X, Gu L & Mao Q

Tang Xuan (2020) Response of Elements and Organic Matter to PETM Extreme Thermal Event in Kongdian Formation in Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
Tang X & Jiang Z
(2019) The Biomarkers Comparison of Bitumen and Expelled Oil of Lacustrine Marlstone Determined by Hydrous Pyrolysis: Application to the Migration of Tight Oil Reservoir
Guo R, Zhang J, Tang X & Zhao P
(2016) Light Hydrocarbon Recovery and GOR Estimation of Retained Hydrocarbon in the Source Rock Determined by Semi-Closed Hydrous Pyrolysis: A Case Study of Eocene Lacustrine Marlstone in the Shulu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
Tang X, Zhang J, Xiong J & Liu K
(2016) Predicting the Proportion of Free and Adsorbed Gas by Isotopic Geochemical Data: A Case Study from Lower Permian Shale in the Southern North China Basin (SNCB)
Liu Y, Zhang J & Tang X

Tang Y (2006) Phosphorus Distribution in Calcite Speleothems from Solid-State NMR and AFM
Mason H, Hausner D, Frisia S, Tang Y, Reeder R, Strongin D & Phillips B
(2005) A New Genetic Scheme for Natural Gas Formation and Isotopic Evidence for Oil Cracking
Tang Y & Schoell M
(2005) Effect of Aqueous Chemistry on the Thermal Stability of Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Reservoirs
Tang Y, Ellis G, Zhang T & Jin Y
(2004) Transformation of Lithospheric Mantle from Old Refractory to Young Fertile Through Peridotite-Melt Interaction
Zhang H, Ying J, Tang Y & Zhang J

Tang Y.q. (2009) Paleoenvironment Research of Quaterary Period Using Fluid Inclusion in Puding Stalactite of Karst Cave, Guizhou Province, China
Zhou NQ, Tang YQ & Liu B

Tang Yan-Jie (2014) Crustal Components in Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Eastern North China Craton: Implications for Lithospheric Modification Invoked by Continental Subduction
Ying J-F, Zhang H-F, Tang Y-J, Su B-X & Zhou X-H
(2012) Multi-Episodic Modification of the Lower Crust beneath the North China Block: Responses to the Phanerozoic Decratonization
Ying J-F, Zhang H-F, Tang Y-J, Su B-X & Zhou X-H
(2010) Lower Crustal Xenoliths from Junan, Shandong Province and their Bearing on the Nature of the Lower Crust beneath the North China Craton
Ying J, Zhang H & Tang Y
(2010) Li Isotopic Fractionation in the Refertilized Lithospheric Mantle beneath the North China Craton
Tang Y-J, Zhang H-F & Ying J-F

Tang Yan-Jie (2015) Geochemical Evolution of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle of Ethiopian Plateau and Rift Zone
Melesse A, Zhang H-F, Tang Y-J, Xiao Y, Samuel A & Muhammed H
(2015) Petrogenesis of the Mesozoic Luzong Volcanics, Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River: Implications for Varying Proportions of the Enriched Components in their Mantle Sources
Ying J-F, Tang Y-J & Zhang H-F

Tang Yan-Jie (2016) Preservation and Modification of the Archean Lower Crust beneath the Western Part of the North China Craton
Ying J, Zhang H, Tang Y & Sun Y
(2016) Multistage Evolution of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle beneath Ethiopian Plateau and Rift
Alemayehu M, Zhang H-F, Zhu B, Tang Y-J, Meten M, Getahun E & Haji M

Tang Yang (2016) The Ifluence of Soil Organic Matter on the Distribution of Rare Earth Elements Under Different Land Uses in a Typical Karst Area, Southwest China
Han G, Li F, Tang Y & Tan Q
(2007) Geochemistry of Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in the Xijiang River, China
Xu Z, Han G & Tang Y
(2007) Weathering Processes in Karst River, Southwest China: Implication from Riverine Sulphur and Strontium Isotope
Han G, Xu Z & Tang Y

Tang Yangang (2018) The Controls of Ultra-Deep Clay Minerals on the Property of Gas Reservoir in Kuqa depression,Tarim basin,China
Zhang R, Wang J, Tang Y & Zeng Q

Tang Yanjie (2022) Contribution of Mafic Magma and Surrounding Wall Rock to Cu-Mo-Au and Se-Te-Re Mineralization in Porphyry-Type Ore Deposits: Insights from Dexing
Tang Y, Nadeau O & Souza SD
(2008) Permian Bimodal Volcanic Rocks from Central Inner Mongolia, North China: Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implication
Zhang X, Zhang H, Tang Y & Wilde S

Tang Yanwen (2022) Phapon Gold Deposit, Laos: A Unique Orogenic Gold Deposit with Calcite as the Main Gold-Bearing Mineral
Guo L, Tang Y & Han Z

Tang Yaqi (2011) Instantaneous Release Nuclide Diffusion and Migration Simulation in Fracture Medium
Zhou N, Zhao S & Tang Y

Tang Ye Tao (2012) Zn Isotopes Variation in Field Hyperaccumulator Plant Species
Tang YT, Cloquet C, Sterckeman T, Morel JL, Carignan J, Qiu RL & Echevarria G

Tang Ye-Tao (2021) Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Mine Tailings from Ion-Adsorption Deposits in Southern China
Janot N, Huot H, Rivard C, Bone S, Tang Y-T, Watteau F & Montarges-Pelletier E
(2020) Silicon Plays a Key Role in Rare Earth Elements Detoxification in a Hyperaccumulator Fern
Liu W-S, Tang Y-T, van der Ent A & Qiu R-L
(2020) Size-Dependent Accumulation and Toxicity of PS-Mps in Earthworms (Eisenia Foetida)
Xiao X, Tang Y, He E & Qiu R
(2018) Rare Earths Elements Cycling in Reclaimed Ion-Adsorption Mine Tailings
Janot N, Huot H, Leguédois S, Séré G, Tang Y-T, Morel J-L, Qiu R-L & Groenenberg JE

Tang Yetao (2014) Nickel and Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Hyperaccumulating and Non-Hyperaccumulating Plants
Deng T, Cloquet C, Sterckeman T, Tang Y, Echevarria G, Morel J-L, Qiu R & Estrade N

Tang Yi (2017) The Influence of Particle Concentration and Composition on the Sorption and Fractionation of 210Po and 210Pb along the North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect GA03
Tang Y & Stewart G

Tang Yong (2009) REE Partitioning between Peraluminous Melt and Coexisting Aqueous Fluid
Zhang H, Tang Y & Liu C-Q

Tang Yong-Quan (2021) Machine Learning Models for Identification of Primary Water Concentrations in Mantle Pyroxene
Chen H, Su C, Tang Y-Q, ZhangZhou J, Wu S-S & Xia Q-K

Tang Yongchun (2020) Mud Gas Isotopic Logging Using Mid Infrared Laser Spectromtory
Hu J, Zhu D, Wu S, Lu C, Sneddon A & Tang Y
(2018) A Novel Method to Better Predict Production Decline from a Gas Isotope Perspective: Similarity on Barnett and Niu Titang Shale
Hu J, Zhu D, Wu S, Zhang H, Sneddon A, Deev A, Gao L & Tang Y
(2017) Application of Gas Isotope Geochemistry for Exploration, Production and Operations: A Comparsion Study on Tight Oil in Delaware Basin and Bohaibay Basin
Hu J, Wu S, Sneddon A, Ci X, Zhu D, Deev A, Niu Q, Gao L & Tang Y
(2014) Clumped Isotopes of Methane: Applications to Both Low and High Temperature Natural Systems
Stolper D, Davis C, Eiler J, Ferreira A, Lawson M, Martini A, Santos Neto E, Schoell M, Sessions A, Shusta S, Tang Y, Valentine D & Ellis GS
(2009) Experimental and Theoretical Determination of the Kinetics of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction
Tang Y, Ellis G, Zhang T, Ma Q & Amrani A
(2009) Oil Cracking in Chinese Sedimentary Basins
Wang F, Tang Y & He Z
(2007) Use of Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotopic Composition to Quantitatively Assess Natural Gas Generation
Tang Y, Ellis G & Ma Q

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