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Tang Lili (2020) Potential Impact of the Interactions between Synechococcus and Heterotrophic Bacteria on Oceanic Carbon Flow
Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Tang L & Rivkin R

Tang Lingyi (2023) Pyrogenic Carbon Enables Microbial Fe(III)-mineral Reduction over Centimetre Distance as a Redox Mediator
Bai Y, Snihur KN, Tang L, Kappler A, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS
(2023) Surface Reactivities of Biogenic Ferrihydrite Aggregates Formed during Oxygenic Photosynthesis: A Look into the Trace Element Cycling in Ancient Oceans from a Surface Adsorption Perspective
Li Y, Tang L, Schad M, Gutierrez Rueda D, Coutret B, Acikelli A, Alessi DS, Gingras MK & Konhauser KO
(2022) Synthetic Biochar vs Forest Fire Generated Pyrogenic Carbon: A Comparison of Physicochemical Properties
Snihur KN, Tang L, Rozanitis K, Lazowski C, Kononovs D, Gutierrez Rueda D, Swaren LR, Gingras MK, Kenney JPL, Flynn SL, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS
(2020) Bone Bioapatite: A Potential P Hotspot Assisted by Bacteria
Tang L, Shen Z & Li Z

Tang Mao (2023) Redox-Induced Tungsten Isotope Anomalies in the Deep Earth
Tang M
(2020) The Giant-Impact Origin of Primitive Mantle Heterogeneities
Tang M, Zhou Y & Liu Y
(2019) Equilibrium Carbon Isotope Fractionations between Silicate Melts and Iron Melts
Tang M, Yang Y & Liu Y
(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation during Phosphoric Acid Digestion of Carbonates
Tang M, Zhang S & Liu Y
(2016) Kinetic Si Isotope Fractionation Factors in Chert Formation Processes
Tang M, He H, Zhang S & Liu Y
(2015) Kinetic Si Isotope Fractionation Parameters in Weathering Processes
Tang M, He H-T, Zhang S-T & Liu Y
(2014) Theoretical Calibration on the 13C-18O Clumped Isotope Thermometer
Tang M, Zhang S, Liu Q & Liu Y
(2013) Theoretical Calibration of δ<sub>47</Sub> Values of 13C-18O Clumps for Carbonates
Tang M, Zhang S-T & Liu Y
(2011) Re-evaluation of the B Isotopic Fractionation between B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- Using Methods Beyond Harmonic Level
Tang M, Liu Q & Liu Y
(2010) Re-checking of the B Isotope Paleo-pH Indicator
Tang M, Liu Q & Liu Y
(2009) The Equilibrium Mo Isotope Fractionations between (Fe, Mn)-oxyhydroxides and Mo Species in Aqueous Solutions
Tang M & Liu Y
(2008) Equilibrium Fe Isotope Fractionations in Solutions
Tang M & Liu Y
(2007) Re-evaluation of the Equilibrium Fe Isotope Fractionation between Fe3+(H2O)6 and Fe2+(H2O)6 in Aqueous Solution
Tang M & Liu Y
(2006) Iron isotopic fractionations between species in solution - from ab initio quantum chemistry calculations
Liu Y & Tang M

Tang Mi (2019) The Influence of Ligands on Soluble Mn(III)-sulfite System for Methyl Parathion
Zhang C, Liao X, Tang M & Yue X
(2018) Enhanced Abiotic Removal of Methyl Parathion Mediated by HA in Aqueous Hydrogen Sulfide
Zhang C, Liao X, Liang Y, Lv Y, Nan C & Tang M
(2017) The Hydrolysis Behavior of Methyl Parathion Absorbed by Various Minerals
Zhang C, Liu Y, Liao X, Lv Y, Nan C, Fan Z, Xie M, Tang M & Wu D

Tang Ming (2023) Oxygen Fugacity of the Young Mare Basalts Returned by Chang’e-5 Mission
Yang Z & Tang M
(2023) Sluggish Rise of the Western Gangdese Mountains after India-Eurasia Collision
Liu X, Tang M, Cao W, Ji W-Q & Chen H
(2023) Catastrophic Craton Destruction via Wholesale Lithosphere Delamination
Chen H, Tang M & Song S
(2023) Continent Emergence Hindered by Suppressed Topography on Early Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Tang M, Chen H & Lee C-T
(2023) Constraining the Redox States of Archean TTG Magmas by Sulfur-in-Apatite
Wang J, Tang M, Wang XL, Song S & Wu B
(2022) Crustal Thickness Controls the Differentiation Style and Composition of Arc Magmas and Continental Crust Formation
Chen K, Tang M, Hu Z-C & Liu Y
(2022) A Phosphate-Based Waste Form Platform for Efficient Waste Form Solutions
Tang M
(2021) Venus’ Light Crust Hinders its Planetary-Scale Subduction
Chen J, Chu X, Tang M & Hao J
(2021) Orogenic Quiescence in Earth's Middle Age
Tang M, Chu X, Hao J & Shen B
(2020) On the Geology, Petrology and Physics of Making Copper Porphyries
Lee C-T, Tang M & Liu B
(2020) Chalcophile Element Systematics in Continental Arc Magmas as Observed in the Central Andes
Chen K, Tang M, Kay S, Wang Z, Hu Z & Liu Y
(2020) Reconstructing Crustal Thickness Evolution from Eu Anomalies in Detrital Zircons
Tang M, Ji W, Chu X, Wu A & Chen C
(2019) Garnet Fractionation Drives Sulfur Oxidation in Magmatic Orogens
Tang M, Lee C-T & Ji W
(2019) How Mafic was the Archean Upper Continental Crust?
Chen K, Rudnick R, Wang Z, Tang M, Hu Z & Liu Y
(2019) Lithium Systematics in Arc Magmas: Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-T, Tang M & Sun W
(2018) Lithium Recycling: From Mantle Melting to Surficial Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-TA, Tang M & Sun W
(2018) Tracking Sulfide Fractionation in Deep Continental Arcs: Implications for Porphyry Cu Deposits
Chen K, Wang Z, Tang M, Zou Z, Hu Z & Liu Y
(2018) Making the Calc-Alkaline Continental Crust: A Cumulate Perspective
Tang M & Lee C-T
(2017) Archean Ultra-Thick Crust Reflects Mantle Overturn in Early Earth
Tang M, Rudnick R, Lee C-T & Condie K
(2017) From Source Disequilibrium Melting to Magmatic Homogenization Recorded by Hf Isotopes in Zircons
Wang X, Wang D, Tang M & Huang D-L
(2016) Reevaluating Element Mobility during Continental Weathering
Chen K, Tang M, Liu Y-S & Gao S
(2016) Mechanism of Li Diffusion in Zircon
Tang M, Rudnick R, McDonough W, Trail D & Bose M
(2016) Non-Uniformitarian Continental Crust Formation
Rudnick R & Tang M
(2015) Europium Anomaly in the MORB Source Mantle

Tang M, McDonough W & Rudnick R

Tang MingHui (2010) Geology Characteristics of Fanshan Alunite Deposit in Lujiang-Zongyang Continental Volcanic Basin in Eastern China
Fan Y, Zhou T, Tang M & Yuan F

Tang Qing (2017) Tonian Evolution and Geobiology
Xiao S, Tang Q, Pang K, Bykova N, Ye Q & Yuan X
(2012) Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Marine Carbonate Reservoir in Northeast Sichuan, China
Huang Y, Liu S, Zhang W, Chen Y, Hu Q, Wu H & Tang Q

Tang Qingyan (2016) The Origin of Pobei Cu-Ni Sulfide Bearing Ultra-Mafic Complexes in Xinjiang, China: Envidences from Volatiles, Carbon and Noble Gas Isotopes
Tang Q & Zhang M
(2016) Gas Geochemical Differences of Shale Gas in Changning and Weiyuan, Sichuan Basin, China
Cao C, Zhang M, Tang Q, Lv Z, Li L & Du L
(2016) Gas Geochemical Constraints on the Origins of Shale Gas in Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin, China
Zhang M, Tang Q & Cao C
(2010) Origins of Hydrocarbon Volatiles in the Earth’s Mantle Rocks
Zhang M, Hu P, Zhang T, Zou H, Tang Q & Shen H

Tang Rankun (2011) Petrogenesis and Geochemistry of the Dajing Cu-Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag Ore Deposit in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
Mei W, Lü X, Ai Z, Tang R & Liu Z

Tang Ray-Ting (2013) Two Neo-Tethyan Magmatic Suites of Distinctive Geochemical Features in Burma and Southern Tibet: Zircon U-Pb and Hf Constraints with Regional Tectonic Implications
Lin T-H, Chung S-L, Mitchell A, Thura O, Tang R-T & Wu F-Y

Tang Ruikang (2017) The Impact of Additives on Crystallization of Amorphous CaCO3
Liu Z, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Jin B, Li D, Tao J, Tang R & De Yoreo J

Tang S (2006) Fe isotope variations in peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton
Zhao X, Zhu X, Zhang H & Tang S
(2004) Determination of Pb Isotope Ratios Using Multiple Collector ICP-MS and Tl Normalization
He X, Zhu X, Yang C, Tang S & Chai J
(2004) Isotope Geochemistry and SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology of Maficfelsic Granulites from Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica
Wang Y, Liu D & Tang S
(2004) Metal-Silicate Fractionation and Chondrule Formation: Fe Isotope Constraints
Zhu X, Guo Y, Tang S, Galy A, Ash R & O'Nions K

Tang Shiqi (2020) Urban Soil Environmental Quality in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, China
Tang S, Cheng H & Yang K

Tang ShiXin (2018) An Effective Partial Extraction Method for Concealed Mineral Exploration
Tang S, Ma S & Hu S

Tang Shixin (2020) An Effective Partial Extraction Method for Mineral Exploration in Areas Covered by Transported Overburden
Tang S
(2019) An Identification of Pb-Zn-Ag Mineralization by Applying Positive S and Negative Na2O Anomalies
Tang S & Ma S

Tang Shu-Heng (2016) Relationship between Enrichment of Rare Earth Elements and Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate of the No.4 Coal from Pingshuo Mine, Ningwu Basin, North China
Chen Y, Tang S & Zhang S
(2016) Mode of Occurrence of Fluorine in Late Palaeozoic Coals from Junger Coalfield, Ordos Basin, China
Yang N, Tang S-H & Zhang S-H

Tang Shunlin (2002) Total Gaseous Mercury Exchange between Air and Water Surface over Baihua Reservoir in Guiyang, China
Feng X, Tang S, Shang L & Yan H
(2002) Climate Changes In Southwest China during The Past 700 Years
Tang S & Chen J

Tang Suo-Han (2019) Titanium Isotopic Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Zhao X, Tang S, Huang S, Li J, Helz R, Marsh B & Zhu X
(2019) High-Precision Ti Isotopic Analysis of Igneous Rocks Using a Double-Spike Method with MC–ICP–MS
Li J, Tang S-H, Zhu X-K, Ma J-X & Zhao X-M
(2018) New Basaltic and Solution Reference Materials for Iron, Copper and Zinc Isotope Measurements
Li J, Tang S-H & Zhu X-K

Tang Suohan (2023) High Precision Cadmium Isotope Measurement by Double Spike MC-ICP-MS
Li J, Zhu X-K, Tang S, Yan B & Ma J-X
(2017) Mo Isotope Geochemistry of the Datangpo Formation in the Nanhua Basin, South China
Li J, Zhu X & Tang S
(2014) High-Precision Measurements of Molybdenum Isotopic Compositions of Geochemical Reference Materials
Li J, Zhu X-K & Tang S
(2013) Zn Isotope Compostions of the Ediacaran Carbonates, Yangtze Block
Yan B, Zhu X & Tang S
(2010) Iron Isotope Fractionations Under Different Digenetic Environments in Lake Sediments
Song L, Liu C-Q, Wang Z-L, Zhu X, Teng Y, Wang J, Liang L & Tang S
(2008) Transition Metal Isotope Variations in North Pacific Deep Water
Zhu XK, Li J, Tang SH & Ling HF
(2008) Fe Isotope Behaviour during Regional Metamorphism: Example from Anshan BIFs, NE China
Li ZH, Zhu XK & Tang SH
(2008) Experimental Study on Cu Isotope Fractionation during Crystallization and Reduction at Low Temperatures
Li J, Zhu XK & Tang SH
(2007) Fe Isotopes of Banded Iron Formation from Anshan, Northeast China
Li Z, Zhu X, Li Y & Tang S
(2007) Fe Isotope Fractionation during Fe(III) Hydrolysis in Cl- Medium at Low Temperatures
Li J, Zhu X, Tang S & Ling H
(2007) Fe Isotope Variations in North Pacific Deep Water over Last 80Ma
Zhu X, Li J, Tang S & Ling H

Tang Terry (2016) Tracking the Rise of Eukaryotes to Ecological Dominance with Zinc Isotopes
Tang T, Love G, Zumberge A, Reinhard C, Dupont C, Asael D, Rooney A, Owens J, Gill B, Rainbird R, McCrow J, Lyons T & Planavsky N
(2015) Geochemical Evidence for Variable Redox Structure in the Paleoproterozoic Animikie Basin, Lake Superior Region
Tang T, Planavsky N, Slack J, Cannon W, Lyons T, Bekker A & Asael D

Tang Tiangang (2023) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) as a Tool for Tracking the Atmospheric Fate of Carbonaceous Aerosols
Zhang G, Xu B, Tang T, Yi X, Zhong G, Cheng Z, Zhu S & Li J
(2020) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) of SOA-Related Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
Zhang G, Xu B, Tang T, Cheng Z, Li J, Cheng H, Shen C, Ding P & Zhu S
(2020) Triple Isotopes (δ13C, δ2H, and Δ14C) Compositions and Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Naphthalene: A Key Surrogate of Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds (IVOCs)
Tang T, Zhang G & Cheng Z

Tang Tiantian (2018) Evaluating the Lability of Organic Matter from Individual Sources by Carbon Isotope Signature of Amino Acids in the Estuary
Tang T, Kang P, Zhang H, Zhu Y, He B & Li Q
(2018) Trophic Relationships in Modern Microbial Mats Determined Using Protein Stable Isotope Fingerprinting
Gonzalez Valdes AC, Mohr W, Tang T, Sattin S, Parenteau MN, Jahnke LL, Grim SL, Dick GJ & Pearson A
(2017) Influence of Carbon Source on the Distribution of Carbon Isotopes in Bacteria
Pearson A, Tang T, Mohr W & Sattin S

Tang Wenbo (2019) Local Environmental Variations Obscure the Interpretation of Pyrite Sulfur Isotope Records
Lang X, Tang W, Ma H & Shen B

Tang Wenjia (2017) Study on the Relationship between Bubble-Like Caves and Tafoni in the Laoshan Granites, Shandong, China
Song Z, Liu X & Tang W
(2016) Study on the Relationship between Bubble-Like Caves and Mortar in the Laoshan Miarolitic Granite, Shandong, China
Song Z, Liu X & Tang W

Tang X (2004) Copper- and Gold-Enriched Ductile Shear Zones Inside Massive Sulphide Orebodies at Hongtoushan, NE China
Gu L, Tang X, Wu C, Lu J, Ni P & Sun Y

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