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Tang Jian Ren (2009) The Noble Gases Isotopic Compositions in the Deji Ophiolites from the Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, SW China
Ye XR, Ding L, Tang JR, He J & Du L

Tang Jian-Feng (2018) Application of Triolein Embedded Cellulose Acetate Membrane (TECAM) Passive Sampler for Determination of Freely Dissolved Concentrations of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in Sediment Porewater
Tang J-F

Tang Jiang (2008) Health Risk of Cadmium: A Hidden Health Killer in Areas of Coal-Combustion Related Fluorosis?
Xiao T, Tang J, Lei J & Yang F

Tang Jiangwu (2008) The Application of Natural Divalent Cation Isotope (Ca, Sr, Mg) Fractionation (DCIF) in Earth System Research
Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Amini M, Kisakürek B, Heuser A, Tang J & Dietzel M

Tang Jianhui (2015) Characteristics and Fluxes of Emerging Contaminants from 40 Rivers Around the Bohai Sea, China
Tang J, Xie Z, Wang R & Ebinghaus R

Tang Jianren (2010) The Helium and Argon Isotopic Compositions in the Minerals from the Qulong Porphyry Copper Deposit, Tibet, SW, China
Ye X, Tang J, Tao M & Du L

Tang Jianwu (2007) Co-precipitation of Sr2+ with Calcite from 5 to 40℃
Tang J, Dietzel M & Köhler S

Tang Jianwu (2013) Calibration of the Siderite CO2 ‘Clumped’ Isotope Paleothermometer
Fernandez A, Tang J & Rosenheim B
(2013) Evaluation of Kinetic Effect on Clumped Isotope Fractionation (Δ47) during Inorganic Calcite Precipitation
Tang J, Rosenheim B, Dietzel M & Fernandez A

Tang Jianwu (2015) Investigating the Origin of Discrepancies in Clumped Isotope Calibrations
Defliese W, Eagle R, Tang J, Chang F & Tripati A

Tang Jianwu (2017) Fluvial Silica Biogeochemistry Across a 700 km Latitudinal Gradient in Northern Alaska
Carey J, Tang J, Gewirtzman J & Spencer R

Tang Jie (2023) Translithospheric Magma Pluming System of an Intraplate Volcano: A Case Study in NE China
Zhang J, Tang J, Xu W, Xiong S & Wang F
(2023) Mantle Deep Carbon Recycling by the Pacific Plate Subduction: Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths in NE China
Xu P, Tang J, Xu W & Wang F
(2022) Detrital Zircon U–Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes of Neoproterozoic Strata in the Songnen Massif: Implications for Basement Composition and Tectonic Affinity
Xue Y, Tang J, Xu W & Luan J
(2022) A Step-Like Crustal Growth Pattern in Response to the Evolution of Supercontinent Cycles: Evidence from the Eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Long X, Tang J & Xu W
(2020) Stagnant Slab Front within the Mantle Transition Zone Controls Cenozoic Intrplate High-Mg Andesites in NE Asia: A Case Study from Russian Far East
Xu W-L, Chen J-H, Tang J, Wang F & Sorokin AA
(2017) Crustal Accretion and Reworking Processes of Microcontinental Massifs within the Orogenic Belt Through Time: A Case Study from the Erguna Massif
Sun C-Y, Xu W-L, Tang J, Li Y & Zhao S
(2016) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic to Early-Paleozoic Intrusive Rocks in the Erguna Massif, NE China: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution and Affinity of the Erguna Massif
Zhao S, Xu W-L, Tang J, Li Y & Guo P
(2013) Spatial-Temporal Extent of the Influence of the Mongol-Okhotsk Tectonic Regime on China during Mesozoic: Evidence from Mesozoic Igneous Rocks
Xu W, Wang F, Tang J, Pei F, Wang W & Feng H
(2013) Neoproterozoic Terranes in the NE China and its Tectonic Implications
Wang F, Xu W, Gao F, Tang J & Hao W
(2013) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Early-Middle Triassic Magmatism in the Argun Massif, NE China: Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of Mongol–Okhotsk Suture Belt
Tang J, Xu W, Wang F, Wang W, Xu M & Zhang Y

Tang Jiguang (2008) Mesozoic Intra-Continental Progressive Evolution in Middle-Upper Yangtze Region of China: Evidence from Thermochronology and Balanced Cross-Section
Mei L, Guo T, Tang J & Shen C

Tang Jingru (2018) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Intrusions in Dayaoshan Uplift, Guangxi, South China
Wei N, Feng Z, Kang Z, Zhang Q, Tang J, Fang G, Qin Y & Fu W
(2017) Geochemical Characteristics and Implications for Stratigrapic Correlation of Lenticular Limestone on Maokouan Stage of Permian in Luocheng, Guangxi
Chen X, Tang J & Lan T

Tang Jinyun (2014) Long Residence Times of Rapidly Decomposable Soil Organic Matter: A Mechanistic Modeling Study
Riley WJ, Torn MS, Tang J, Dwivedi D, Maggi F & Kleber M
(2014) Trait-Based Approaches to Modeling the Microbial Biogeochemistry from Terrestrial to Aquatic Ecosystems
King E, Karaoz U, Cheng Y, Tang J, Riley W, Molins S, Bouskill N & Brodie E

Tang Jui-Ting (2016) Detrital Zircons from the Salween River: A Natural Boundary Separating Juvenile and Older Crustal Provinces in Southeast Asia
Lin T-H, Chung S-L, Tang J-T, Mitchell A & Oo T
(2015) Detrital Zircon Study of the Salween Drainage
Lin T-H, Chung S-L, Tang J-T, Oo T & Mitchell A

Tang Julian (2020) Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Stability in the Poldice Mine, Cornwall
Tang J, Oelkers E, Declercq J & Bowell R

Tang Jun (2014) Zircon as a Tool to Determine the Position of Tectonic Suture: A Case Study from the Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China
Zhang S-B, Tang J & Zheng Y-F
(2010) Geochemical Constraints on Tectonic Affinity of Eclogite and Granulite Protoliths in the Jiaodong Terrane, the Sulu Orogen
Tang J & Zheng Y-F
(2009) Episodic Fluid Action in Continental Subduction Zones: Geochemical Evidence from Marble-Hosted UHP Eclogite in the Sulu Orogen
Tang J & Zheng Y-F
(2007) Finding of Negative δ18O Zircon from Metagranite in Eastern Sulu, China: Implication for Local Paleoclimate
Tang J, Zheng Y-F & Wu Y-B

Tang Juxing (2014) Causes for Cu and Mo Segregation in Porphyry Deposits: Fluid and Melt Inclusion Study
Luo M, Tang J, Mao J & Wang L

Tang Kai (2020) Metatranscriptomics and Absolutely Amplicon Sequencing Reveal the Potentially Adaptive Mechanism of Microbes in the Deoxygenated Bohai Sea
Han Y, Zhang M, Zhai W, Chen X, Jiao N & Tang K

Tang Kaihui (2023) Stable Mercury Isotope Revealing the Sources of Dissolved Gaseous Mercury in Lake Water
Zhang H, Fu X, Wu X, Deng Q, Tang K & Feng X

Tang Kam (2010) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Constraint of Environmental VOSCs and Related Sulfur Compounds: Implication for Organosulfur Production and Cycling in Natural Systems
Oduro H, Kamyshny A, Tang K & Farquhar J

Tang Lei (2014) Microscopic Observation and Geochemical Characteristics of Suspended Particulate Matter in Water Source of Beijing, China
Ji H, Tang L, Li C, Guo X & Liu S

Tang Li (2019) Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level Influences Composition of Sediment Melts
Liebmann J, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bucholz C, He X, Tang L, Santosh M, Xia X, Martin L & Evans N

Tang Li-Mei

Tang Liang (2018) CO2 Mineralization from Fe-Ti-V Ore Tailings in Pan-Xi Region, China
Tang L, Shi Z & Peng X

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