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Tang Céline (2019) Capabilities of the MUltiSIte Model for Prediction of Isoelectric Points of Complex Minerals
Tang C, Giaume D, Guerlou-Desmourgues L & Lefèvre G

Tang Changyuan (2019) Characteristics of Nitrification and the Associated Biogeochemical Factors in Tea Orchard Soil, Southern China
Ye H, Tang C, Cao Y & Li X

Tang Chiu (2015) Functional Engineered Barriers for Geological Repositories: A Mineralogical Approach to Improved Radionuclide Sorption
Corkhill C, Bridge J, Crean D, Vigor J, Tappero R, Provis J, Murray C, Tang C & Hyatt N

Tang Cong-Guo

Tang Denise L K (2016) Differentiating Zircon Xenocrysts and Antecrysts in Mesozoic Igneous Rocks: Issues and Implications for Understanding the Evolution of Large Magmatic Systems
Tang DLK, Wilson CJN, Sewell RJ & Seward D

Tang Dongjie (2020) Feedbacks between Multiple Nutrient Cycles Facilitated the Expansion of Eukaryotic Life at ca. 1.56 Ga
Wang X, Wang Z, Shi X, Tang D, Stüeken E, Song H & Peng Y

Tang F. (2020) The Quest for Primary Magnetisation in Earth’s Oldest Materials
Harrison R, Taylor R, Tang F, Kuppili C, Ball M, Einsle J, Borlina C, Fu R, Weiss B, Rickard W, Saxey D & Reddy S
(2018) Questioning the Evidence for the Hadean Dynamo
Borlina CS, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Tang F, Taylor RJM, Einsle JF, Harrison RJ, Fu RR, Bell EA, Alexander EW, Kirkpatrick HM, Wielicki MM, Harrison TM, Ramezani J & Maloof AC

Tang Gong-Jian (2019) Crustal Maturation Through Chemical Weathering and Crustal Recycling Revealed by Hf-O-B Isotopes
Tang G, Wang Q, Wyman D & Dan W
(2019) Passive Margin Magmatism Caused by Enhanced Slab Pull Forces
Dan W, Wang Q, White WM, Zhang X-Z & Tang G-J

Tang Gongjian (2010) A Riebeckite Alkaline Granite Related to Subduction Setting in Chinese Altay Mountain
Zhao Z, Wang Q, Bao Z, Luo Y & Tang G
(2008) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Ore-Bearing Porphyries in the Lamasu and Dabate Areas, Western Tianshan (Northern Xinjiang, China)
Tang G, Wang Q, Zhao Z & Wyman D

Tang Guo (2011) The Geochemistry of Fluid Inclusions in Yimen Sanjiachang Copper Deposits
Wang L, Han R-S, Tang G, Hu Y-D & Huang J-G

Tang Guo-Qiang (2023) Accurate and Efficient SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Composition-Variable Minerals: On-Line Matrix Effect Calibration for Dolomite – IAG Young Scientist Medal Lecture
Xu J, Li Q, Tang G-Q, Lu K, Liu Y, Feng L-J & Melgarejo JC
(2011) Precise Age Determination of the Paleozoic Kimberlites in North China Craton and Hf Isotopic Constraint on the Evolution of its Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
Li Q-L, Wu F-Y, Li X-H, Qiu Z-L, Liu Y, Yang Y-H & Tang G-Q

Tang Guoping (2012) Modeling U(VI) Reduction in a Field Test with Emusified Vegetable Oil (EVO) as the Electron Donor
Tang G, Watson D, Wu W-M, Parker J, Brooks S & Schardt C
(2012) Diffusion, Deposition & Remobilization of Uranium in Bioreduced Zones
Watson D, Tang G, Earles J & Brooks S
(2012) Evidence of Transport of Composition B Colloids/Nano-Colloids in Range Soils
Sharma P, Mayes M & Tang G
(2010) Simulating Reactive Transport of Cobalt-EDTA Complexes Through Large Intact Sediment Cores
Tang G, Mayes M, Jardine P, Parker J & Brooks S
(2010) Quantifying Nitrate Migration and Natural Attenuation in a Shale/Saprolite Pathway from a Former Waste Disposal Site
Watson D, Tang G, Parker J & Brooks S

Tang Guoqiang (2018) Late Event Record in Rutile Inclusions of Early Garnet: Indication for Invalid Shielding Effect
Li Q, Zhou T, Shi Y, Liu Y, Liao X, Ling X & Tang G
(2017) SIMS U-Pb Zircon Ages and Ni-Mo-Pge Geochemistry of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in South China: Constraints on Ni-Mo-Pge Mineralization
Lan Z, Li X-H, Chu X, Tang G, Yang S, Yang H, Liu H, Jiang T & Wang T
(2014) Improving Analytical Precision and Spatial Resolution of SIMS Baddeleyite Geochronology
Li X-H, Li Q-L, Liu Y & Tang G-Q
(2014) A Rapid and Synchronous Initiation of the Sturtian Glaciations
Lan Z, Li X, Zhu M, Chen Z, Zhang Q, Li Q, Liu Y & Tang G

Tang H. F. (2001) Trace Element Geochemistry during Metamorphic Dehydration: A Case Study from the Xingzi Group of Lushan, Southeast China
Tang HF & Liu CQ

Tang Hao-Shu (2019) Age and Plate Tectonic Setting of the Paleoproterozoic Global Mg Sink: A Key Study from the Fengzishan Giant Magnesite Deposit in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton
Tang H-S & Chen Y-J
(2018) The Lomagundi-Jatulian Event Record in North China Craton
Tang H-S, Chen Y-J, Chen W-Y, Lai Y, Li Q-G, Li K-Y & Sun X-H
(2015) High Carbon Isotopes of Neoproterozoic Carbonates from the Ailiankate Group, Tarim Craton, China
Tang H-S, Chen Y-J & Qu X
(2010) Paleoproterozoic Positive δ13Ccarb Excursion in the Liaohe Group: Record of the Lomagundi Event in the Northeastern Sinokorea Craton
Tang H-S

Tang Haolan (2022) Establishing and Calibrating the Zr Isotope Reference Material (iRM)
Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Vocke R, Rabb S, Fehr M, Schönbächler M, Tang H & Young ED
(2019) Evaporation of Planetesimals: Theory Meets Laboratory Experiments
Young E, Macris C, Tang H & Darling E
(2019) Earth’s Role in Isotopic Fractionation of Moderately Volatile Elements on the Moon
Tang H, Schlichting H & Young E
(2018) The Isotopic Consequences of Planetesimal Evaporation
Young E, Jordan M, Shahar A, Schlichting H, Nimmo F & Tang H
(2018) Intensive Degassing of Halogens on Early Earth Recorded in Jack Hills Zircons
Tang H, Trail D, Bell E & Harrison TM
(2017) Determining the Abundance of 247Cm in the Early Solar System: Implications for the R-Process of Nucleosynthesis
Tissot F, Tang H, Dauphas N, Grossman L, Liu M-C & McKeegan K
(2014) 60Fe in the Early Solar Protoplanetary Disk
Tang H & Dauphas N

Tang Haoshu (2016) LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Ages and C-O Isotope Geochemistry of the Fenzishan Magnesite, North China Craton: Implications for the Great Oxidation Event and Ore Genesis
Tang H, Chen Y, Li K, Chen W, Wang P & Yang Y

Tang Hong (2016) Basic Properties and Potential Application of CLDS-I Lunar Dust Simulant
Li X, Tang H, Zhang S, Wang S, Liu J, Li S, Li Y & Wu Y
(2016) The Characteristics of -OH/H2O in Plagioclase by Solar Wind Implantation Simulate
Tang H, Li X, Wang S, Liu J & Li Y

Tang Huafeng (2014) Crystallization Temperature, Scale and Contribution to Source Rocks of Basic Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Depression of Liaohe Basin
Zhang Y, Gao Y, Bian W, Huang Y & Tang H
(2013) Geology and Geochemistry of Basic Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Fault Depression of Liaohe Basin
Zhang Y, Bian W, Huang Y, Yu X, Gao Y & Tang H

Tang Huan (2019) Discovery of Garnet Amphibolite in Western Part of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt and its Inferred Metamorphic Process: Constraints from Zircon Geochronology and Hf-O Isotopes
Tang H & Zhang H

Tang HuaYun (2016) Hadean Terrestrial Crust in the Southern North China Craton: Evidence from the Xinyang Felsic Granulite Xenoliths
Ping X, Zheng J & Tang H

Tang J. (2005) Ar-Ar Dating for Greenschist-Facies Metavolcanics in the Dabie Orogen: Implication for the Accretionary Wedge of Continental Subduction
Gao T, Tang J & Zheng Y
(2005) SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Dating for Impure Marbles in the Jiaobei Terrane of East-Central China: Implication for its Tectonic Affinity
Tang J, Zheng Y, Wu Y & Gong B
(2001) Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Natural Waters: Assessing the Role of Dissolved Organic Matter
Tang J & Johannesson KH
(2001) Kinetics of the Fluid-Mineral Reactions in the Eocene Lacustrine Sandstone, Jianghan Basin, SE China
Ni S, Qing H, Tang J, Liu J & Li Z

Tang Jia (2018) Interactions of C, Fe and P Biogeochemical Cycling in Methanogenic Environment
Zhuang L, Tang J & Yang Z

Tang Jiaheng (2023) Oxygen Nanobubbles for Water/Sediment Pollution Remediation and Ecological Restoration
Pan G, Zhao H, Li L, Li Y, Tang J, Ali J, Zou H, Shi W & Wang L

Tang Jian (2020) Human Biomonitoring of Emerging Organic Pollutants Through Non-Invasive Matrices: Prognostic Insights and Future Potentials
Lin M, Tang J, Ma S, Yu Y, Li G & An T

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