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Tanaka Shuhei (2022) Olivine vs Orthopyroxene: Controls on Iron Partitioning during Serpentinization
Tanaka S, Okamoto A, Yoshida K, Niwa Y, Kimura M, Uno M & Fujii M

Tanaka Taichu Y. (2016) Aging Processes of Black Carbon and its Impact on the Global-Scale Radiative Forcing
Oshima N, Tanaka TY, Koshiro T, Kawai H, Deushi M & Koike M
(2011) Validation of Saltation Flux Parameterization with Observation
Kang J-Y, Mikami M, Shao Y, Yoon S-C, Tanaka TY & Sekiyama TT

Tanaka Taku (2023) Where Does the Iodine go? – A Modelling Approach of Iodine 127 and 129 Cycling in Forested Environments
Thiry Y, Tanaka T, Bueno M, Pisarek P, Roulier M, Gallard H, Legout A & Nicolas M
(2019) Assessing the Recycling of Chlorine and its Long-Lived 36Cl Isotope in Terrestrials Ecosystems Through Dynamic Modeling
Thiry Y & Tanaka T

Tanaka Tomotaka (2019) Determination of the Noble Gas Partition Coefficients between Metal-Silicate Melts Under High-Pressure and High-Temperature Conditions
Tanaka T, Sumino H, Kishi S, Kuwahara H, Nomura R, Mibe K & Kagi H

Tanaka Tsuyoshi (2022) Eu Isotope Fractionation and Isotope Ratio Shift during Evolution Processes of the Extrusive and Intrusive Magma in the Crust-Mantle System
Lee S-G & Tanaka T
(2018) Eu Isotope Variation in Eu Standard Materials and Geological Materials
Lee S-G & Tanaka T
(2017) Comparison of REE Tetrad Effect Using ID-Icp-Qms, Conventional ICP-Qms and LA-ICP-QMS Methods
Lee S-G, Tanaka T, Kon Y & Hirata T
(2016) Precise REE Data Open New Research Horizons
Tanaka T
(2016) Historical Development of 138Ce/142Ce Analysis and Applications of La-Ce Isotope Systematics
Tanimizu M, Asahara Y & Tanaka T
(2016) Integrating the Topic of Radioactivity on Nagoya University Campus into the First Year Seminar
Mukumoto H, Tomiyama S, Katoh T, Sakata K & Tanaka T
(2015) REE Tetrad Effect, Negative Eu Anomaly and Oxygen Isotope
Lee S-G, Asahara Y, Tanaka T, Ahn I, Lee S & Lee J
(2014) REE and Nd Isotope Geochemistry of Dhofar 700 Diogenite
Lee S-G, Asahara Y, Tanaka T & Lee S
(2013) Stable Isotopic Fractionation of Sr and Eu Among Igneous Rocks
Wakaki S, Tanimizu M, Ishikawa T & Tanaka T
(2011) La-Ce and Sm-Nd Isotope Geochemistry of Felsic Granulite in the Jirisan Complex, Yeongnam Massif, Korea
Song Y-S, Lee S-G, Asahara Y & Tanaka T
(2011) Reaction of Silicate with Released CO2 by Inorganic Precipitations of Marine Carbonate in Sandstone: Evidence from 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O and δ13C Isotopes in Calcareous Sandstone
Minami M, Tanaka T, Takeuchi M & Mito S
(2010) La-Ce and Sm-Nd Isotope Geochemistry of Early Proterozoic Imweon Leucogranite, Korea
Lee S-G, Asahara Y, Tanaka T, Kim NH & Song YS
(2009) Huge Difference of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios between Adjacent, Same-Aged Seamount Type Limestones in Japan
Suzuki K, Asahara Y, Mimura K & Tanaka T
(2009) Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of a Compound CAI in Allende
Wakaki S, Itoh S, Tanaka T & Yurimoto H
(2009) Radiogenic and Stable Isotope Systematics of Strontium within a Single Granitic Pluton
Kimura Y, Tsuboi M, Wakaki S, Katoh D, Asahara Y & Tanaka T
(2009) Natural Isotopic Variation of Europium Among Geological Samples
Tanaka H, Wakaki S, Tanimizu M & Tanaka T
(2007) Rb-Sr Single Bed Isochron Dating with Evidence of Isotope Equilibrium
Nakao T, Tanaka T & Kojima S
(2007) Elemental and Isotopic Fractionation in Some Organs of Bamboo
Tanaka T, Wakaki S, Tanimizu M & Asahara Y
(2007) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Nd in Various Terestrial Rocks
Wakaki S & Tanaka T
(2006) Precise measurement of Sm isotopes by TIMS using double spike technique
Wakaki S & Tanaka T
(2005) REE Composition of Circa 3.4<!s><$>Ga Seawater Deduced from that of Precambrian Carbonate Intercalated in Pillows
Yamamoto K, Itoh N, Matsumoto T, Tanaka T & Adachi M
(2004) Precambrian Antarctic Meteorite “Phantasia”
Tanaka T, Minami M, Shibata S, Yanai K & Shiraishi K
(2003) Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Protolith of Ultra High Pressure Eclogitic Rocks from the Tso-Morari Crystallines, Ladakh Himalaya, India
Ahmad T, Tanaka T, Sachan H, Gouzu C, Hyodo H & Itaya T
(2003) More Radiogenic Os in Continental-Side Ultramafic Rocks of Japanese Islands
Senda R & Tanaka T
(2003) Mechanism and Kinetics of Smectite Dissolution Under Alkaline Conditions
Sato T, Kuroda M, Yokoyama S, Fukushi K, Tanaka T & Nakayama S
(2003) The Rock-Forming Plagioclase Controls Water-Rock Interaction: On the View of Strontium Isotopic Ratio
Asahara M & Tanaka T
(2003) New Attempt to Geochemical Mapping of Sr Isotope in Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan
Asahara Y, Ishiguro H, Tanaka T, Yamamoto K, Mimura K & Minami M
(2003) Sorption of Rare Earth Elements by Bacillus subtilis
Tanaka T, Takahashi Y, Chatellier X, Hattori K & Fortin D
(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Minor Elements
Tanaka T, Yamamoto K, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H
(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Major Elements
Yamamoto K, Tanaka T, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H
(2003) Single Mineral Rb-Sr Isochron Dating
Wakaki S & Tanaka T
(2003) Ce and Nd Isotopic Geochemistry of Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Constraint on Early Archean Mantle and Origin of Ce Anomaly
Hayashi T, Masaharu T & Tanaka T
(2002) Isotope Diluted Neutron Activation Analysis (ID-Naa) for Quantitative Analysis of PGEs and Re
Tanaka T, Senda R, Shibata S-N, Minami M & Tanimizu M
(2002) Sr, Nd and Os Isotopic Systematics of Nikubuchi Ultramafic Complex in Central Shikoku, Japan
Senda R, Kachi T & Tanaka T
(2002) Experimental Study for the Dissolution of Rare Earth Elements in Water-Rock Interaction
Shibata S-N & Tanaka T
(2001) Crystal Structure Control in Elemental Dissolution: Evidence from 87Rb-87Sr Isotope Systematics
Takagi M, Tanaka T & Asahara Y
(2000) Young Upper Crustal Chemical Composition of the Orogenic Japan Arc
Togashi S, Imai N, Okuyama-Kusunose Y, Tanaka T, Okai T, Koma T & Murata Y
(2000) Ce-Nd-Sr Isotope Systematics of Lunar Samples and Origin of Ce Anomalies on the Moon
Tanimizu M & Tanaka T
(2000) Regional and Temporal Variations of 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd Ratios in the North Pacific Sediments and their Significance on Paleoclimatic Variation in the Asian Continent
Asahara Y, Tanaka T, Kamioka H, Nishimura A & Yamazaki T

Tanaka Yoshiyuki (2016) Process Optimization of Boron Removal by Ettringite from Hot Spring Wastewater
Hobo S, Muto K, Tokoro C, Tanaka Y & Nakamura T

Tanaka Yotaro (2016) Variations of Fluorescent DOC in Temperate Forest Catchments
Katsuyama M, Tanaka Y & Tani M

Tanaka Yu-Ki (2016) Stable Isotope Signature of Fe to Understand the Fe Bio-Cycle in the Hydrothermal-Vent
Yamagata Y, Tanaka Y-K, Chen C, Toyofuku T & Hirata T

Tanaka Yuichiro (2019) Element Fluxes for Sinking Particles in the Northwest Pacific
Yamaoka K, Suzuki A, Tanaka Y, Shimamoto A, Fukuhara T, Matsui T, Kato S, Okamoto N & Igarashi Y

Tanaka Yuki (2020) Chemical Analysis of Vicarya in the Katsuta Group, Southwestern Japan
Tanaka Y & Tsuboi M

Tanaka Yukiko (2016) Melt Inclusions in Gabbroic Xenoliths from Fuji Volcano; Implication for Criptic Silicic Magma Chamber
Tanaka Y, Ishibashi H, Hokanishi N & Yasuda A

Tanaka Yuriko (2018) An Advanced Method for Preconcentration and Determination of Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta in Seawater
Tanaka Y, Tsujisaka M, Zheng L, Takano S & Sohrin Y

Tanase A. (2014) Trace Metals Content in the Grasslands and Forest Soils from Republic of Moldova
Tofan E, Iancu OG, Jigau G, Buzgar N, Cozma V & Tanase A

Tănăselia C. (2015) REE Investigation of Mocs Chondrite Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Methods
Tănăselia C, Levei E, Câmpeanu M & Balica C
(2015) Motru Dyke Swarm (South Carpathians, Romania): Emplacement Age and Geotectonic Setting
Campeanu M, Balica C, Balintoni I & Tanaselia C

Tanbo T. (2016) Hydrothermal System beneath the Jigokudani Valley, Japan
Seki K, Kanda W, Ohba T, Tanbo T, Nogami K & Aoyama S

Tanciongco A. (2019) Geochemical Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soil, Sediment and Surface Water of Abandoned Mercury Mine Area, Palawan, Philippines
Gibaga CR, Costa MA, Rastrullo R, Tanciongco A & Samaniego J

Tandia A. (2022) Dissolution Kinetics of Glass into HF Acid: An Assessment of How Glass Structure Impacts Rate
Icenhower JP, McMahon H, Smith N, Youngman R, Tandia A, Shuh D & Ditter A

Tandon K. (2020) Gordaite as Storage Mineral for Heavy Metals from Salt-Rich Solutions
Tandon K & Heuss-Aßbichler S

Tandon S. (2017) Nutrient Transport by Small Floodplain Rivers: Their Importance and Contribution to Land-To-Ocean Fluxes
Sen I, Boral S, Ranjan S & Tandon S

Tandy S. (2013) Release of Antimony from Contaminated Soil Induced by Redox Changes
Hockmann K, Tandy S, Lenz M & Schulin R
(2012) Mobility of Antimony in Soils Under Changing Redox Conditions
Hockmann K, Tandy S, Lenz M & Schulin R

Tane N. (2007) Radiocarbon and 13C Variations during the Last 300 Years in Lacustrine Sediments of Lake Biwa, Central Japan
Minami M, Tane N & Nakamura T

Tane T. (2003) Arsenic Behavior in the Modern Sediments and the Controlling Factors of its Release into Groundwater
Masuda H, Mitamura M, Yamatani Y, Sato T & Tane T

Taneez M. (2014) Ex situ Evaluation of Bauxite Residue as an Amendment for Trace Metals Stabilization in Composted Sediments
Taneez M, Hurel C, Lefevre G & Marmier N

Taneja A.T.

Tang C (2007) Transcription of E. coli on Stringent Promoter Enhanced by Nickel Stress
Liu C, Tang C, Zhao Z, Yao S, Xue Y & Lian B
(2000) Pressure Solution Studied in situ via X-Ray Reflectivity
Wogelius RA, Dysthe DK, Tang CC & Nield AA

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