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Tanaka Hidemi (2016) Areal Distribution, Chemical Feature and Flux of Slab-Derived Fluid Upwelling to the Surface in Japan: Geochemical Evidence from Groundwater Surveys
Kazahaya K, Togo Y, Takahashi H, Takahashi M, Yasuhara M, Sato T, Morikawa N, Iwamori H & Tanaka H
(2007) Experimental Study on Gas Emission Using Fault Rock Core Penetrating Atotsugawa Fault, Central Japan
Saito T & Tanaka H

Tanaka Hiroshi (2009) Natural Isotopic Variation of Europium Among Geological Samples
Tanaka H, Wakaki S, Tanimizu M & Tanaka T

Tanaka K (2003) Reconstruction of Rare Earth Element Abundances in Ancient Seawater
Tanaka K & Kawabe I

Tanaka Katsumasa (2021) Exploring the Role of Enhanced Weathering in Overshoot Scenarios
Tanaka K, Goll SD & Ciais P

Tanaka Kazuya (2023) Improvement of the Stability of IO3−-, SeO32−-, and SeO42−-coprecipitated Barite after Treatment with Phosphate
Tokunaga K, Tanaka K, Takahashi Y & Kozai N
(2020) Speciation of Cesium Adsorbed on Tree Tissues Using EXAFS
Tanaka K, Kanasashi T, Takenaka C & Takahashi Y
(2019) Lanthanoid Coordination and Speciation in Rare Earth Minerals Using the L3-edge XANES
Ohta A & Tanaka K
(2018) Radioiodine Speciation in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Xu C, Lin P, Li D, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P
(2018) Alkaline-Activated Metakaolin Solidification of Iodine Sorbed by Layered Double Hydroxides
Ohnuki T, Kozai N, Tanaka K, Tokunaga K, Utsunomiya S, Ikehara R, Komiya T, Takeda A, Kaplan D & Santschi P
(2018) Radioiodine Speciation Impact on Ag-Activated Carbon Immobilization in Cementitious Environments
Kaplan D, Price K, Seaman J, Li D, Lin P, Xu C, Schwehr K, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T & Santschi P
(2018) Removal of TcO4- Using Zero-Valent Manganese
Kato T, Ohnuki T, Kozai N, Tanaka K, Grambow B & Utsunomiya S
(2017) Comparison of Solid-Water Distributions of Radiocesium in River Waters between Fukushima and Chernobyl Areas
Takahashi Y, Fan Q, Tanaka K & Kanivets V
(2016) Effect of Redoxactive Organic Compounds on Extraceller Uranium (VI) Reduction by Using Electrochemical Methods
Yamasaki S, Kozai N, Tanaka K & Ohnuki T
(2016) Why Does the Pd/Pt Anomaly Cause for Marine Manganese Crust ?
Tanaka K, Kawamoto D, Ohashi H, Okaue Y, Tokunaga M & Yokoyama T
(2016) Pseudocolloid Formation of Uranium with Soluble Surface Glycoprotein of Paramecium
Kozai N, Nakamoto F, Tanaka K, Ohnuki T, Satoh T & Kamiya T
(2016) Specific Sorption Processes of REEs and Actinides Induced by Biomolecules
Tanaka K, Tani Y & Ohnuki T
(2014) Simultaneously Enrichment and Extraction of Rare Earth Elements in Ferromanganese Nodules
Fujimoto J, Takahashi Y & Tanaka K
(2013) Migration of Radiocesium and Radioiodine in Soil-Water-River System Related to Fukushima-Diichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Takahashi Y, Fan Q, Sakaguchi A, Togo Y & Tanaka K
(2013) Particle-Size Dependent Distribution of Radiocesium in River Sediments after the FDNPP Accident
Tanaka K, Iwatani H, Sakaguchi A, Takahashi Y & Onda Y
(2012) Bio-Mineralization of Rare Earth Elements
Ohnuki T, Jiang M, Utsunomiya S & Tanaka K
(2011) Selenate Reduction by Iron-Reducing Bacteria Isolated from Bangladesh Soil
Suzuki Y, Oyama R, Saiki H, Tanaka K & Ohnuki T
(2011) Structural Effects of Zn2+ on Biogenic Mn Oxides: EXAFS Analysis of Solid Residues after Concomitant Immobilization
Yu Q, Sasaki K, Hirajima T, Tanaka K & Ohnuki T
(2010) Biological Nano-Mineralization of Yb Phosphate by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Jiang M, Ohnuki T, Kamiishi E, Tanaka K, Kozai N, Suzuki Y & Utsunomiya S
(2010) Effect of Iron on Reduction of Se(IV) by Shewanella putrefaciens
Suzuki Y, Tanaka K & Ohnuki T
(2010) Co Oxidation by Mn Oxide Produced by a Mn-Oxidizing Bacterium
Tanaka K, Suzuki Y & Ohnuki T
(2009) Ce Oxidation by Mn Oxide Produced by Acremonium sp. Strain KR21-2
Tanaka K, Tani Y & Ohnuki T
(2008) Local Structures of Y and Ho in Calcite and its Relevance to Y Fractionation from Ho
Tanaka K, Takahashi Y & Shimizu H
(2002) REE Geochemistry of Late Proterozoic Shallow Marine Carbonate, India
Mazumdar A, Kawabe I, Tanaka K & Takahashi T

Tanaka Kentaro (2022) Raman Analysis of Hawaiian Octocoral Mg-Calcite Lattice Disorder along a Natural Depth Gradient
Conner K, Sharma SK, Uchiyama R, Tanaka K, Sugihara N, Shirai K & Kahng S
(2021) Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Octocoral Skeletal Mg Dynamics along a Natural Depth Gradient, Kona Coast, Hawai'i
Conner K, Sharma S, Uchiyama R, Tanaka K, Shirai K & Kahng S
(2020) Speleothem as Archive of Past Volcanism: Impact of Kikai Volcano Eruption (7.3 ka) on a Remote Oceanic Island
Tanaka K, Miki T, Takahata N, Uemura R, Asami R, Yu T-L, Shen C-C, Shirai K, Murakami-Sugihara N, Toyama K & Sano Y
(2019) Helium Isotopes Reveal Continuous and Intensive Degassing in Kagoshima Bay, Japan
Escobar MT, Takahata N, Shirai K, Kagoshima T, Tanaka K, Obata H & Sano Y
(2019) Redox State of the Late Paleoproterozoic Marine Environment: The Cape Smith Belt, Canada
Motomura K, Kiyokawa S, Ikehara M, Sano T, Bleeker W, Tanaka K, Miki T & Sano Y
(2019) Sea Surface pH over the Last 7 kyr Reconstructed by Boron Isotope Ratio of Sclerosponges
Tanaka K, Shirai K, Kitamura A & Shinjo R
(2016) Pretreatments and Analytical Protocol for a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Fatty Acids in the Porites Coral Skeleton
Sowa K, Nakatomi N, Tanaka K, Kasai S, Yamaguchi KE & Yamamoto S
(2016) Geochemical Study on Precious Coral Skeletons: Effects of Biomineralization and Environmental Variation
Tanaka K, Ishida A, Takahata N, Dueñas L, Shirai K, Watanabe T, Kahng S & Sano Y
(2015) Study on Geochemical Composition of Precious Coral Skeletons
Tanaka K, Ishida A, Shirai K, Hori M, Takahata N & Sano Y

Tanaka Kiyoshi (2009) Distribution of 3He Plume and Deep-Sea Circulation in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Sano Y, Tokutake T, Takahata N, Shirai K, Tanaka K & Fujio S

Tanaka Kyoko (2015) Shock Heating of Dusts and Icy Planetesimals and Recondensation of Icy Grains
Tanaka K, Nagasawa M, Tanaka H, Nakamoto T, Nomura H, Miura H & Yamamoto T
(2007) In situ Observation of Radial Pyroxene Chondrule Formation from Levitated Melts
Nagashima K, Moriuchi Y, Tanaka K & Tsukamoto K

Tanaka Kyoko K. (2016) Droplet Nucleation and Crystallization in Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Tanaka KK, Diemand J, Tanaka H & Angelil R

Tanaka Masaki (2008) Geochemical Mapping in Kobe Area, Southwest Japan: Elemental Behaviors and Controlling Factors
Tsuboi M, Imamura K, Kagawa Y, Okabe M, Okauchi K, Osaki S, Shibata H, Tanaka M, Togo Y & Yamamura H
(2001) Application of Synchrotron Radiation to X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Small Extraterrestrial Material
Nakamura T, Nozaki W, Noguchi T, Nakamuta Y, Tanaka M & Takaoka N

Tanaka Masato (2014) Speciation of Metal Ions in Water: Comparison of their Reactivities with Oxygen-Donar Hard Ligands
Takahashi Y, Miyaji A & Tanaka M
(2013) A Study on Adsorption Mechanism of Organoarsenic Compounds onto Ferrihydrite
Tanaka M & Takahashi Y
(2013) Systematic Understanding of Adsorption of Oxyanions of Cr, Mo, and W at Solid/Water Interfaces
Ariga D, Tanaka M, Kashiwabara T & Takahashi Y
(2012) Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Investigation of Selective Incorporation of Arsenate and Selenite into Calcite
Yokoyama Y, Takahashi Y & Tanaka M

Tanaka Masato (2015) Dissolved Species Controlling Isotope Effect for Cerium during Adsorption and Precipitation
Nakada R, Tanaka M, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y

Tanaka Masato (2016) Adsorption Behavior of Organoarsenic Compounds in Soils
Tanaka M & Takahashi Y

Tanaka Masato (2017) Effect of Ionic Radii on Metal Ion Species Adsorbed in the Interlayer of 2:1 Phyllosilicate: Impcliations on their Migration in Environment
Yamaguchi A, Tanaka M & Takahashi Y
(2017) Stable Isotope Fractionation of Tungsten during Adsorption on Fe and Mn (Oxyhydr)oxides
Kashiwabara T, Kubo S, Tanaka M, Senda R, Iizuka T, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y

Tanaka Mayumi (2016) Intensive Hydration of the Wedge Mantle at the Kuril Arc – NE Japan Arc Junction: Implications from Mafic Lavas from Usu Volcano, Northern Japan
Kuritani T, Tanaka M, Yokoyama T, Nakagawa M & Matsumoto A

Tanaka Michitaka (2016) Isotope Ratio Measurements Using Double Daly Collectors Equipped on MC-ICPMS Instruments
Hirata T, Tanaka M, Hattori K & Sakata S

Tanaka Mikiya (2016) Distribution and Concentration Process of Rare Earth Elements in Apatite of the Heavy REE-Rich Deep-Sea Mud from the Minami-Torishima Area, Southeastern Japan
Ejima T, Yoshiaki K, Hoshino M, Sanematsu K, Araoka D, Kawano S, Okamoto N, Yano O, Tanaka M & Takagi T
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Apatite in Heavy-Ree-Rich Deep-Sea Mud from Minami-Torishima Area, Southeastern Japan
Kon Y, Hoshino M, Sanematsu K, Morita S, Tsunematsu M, Ejima T, Okamoto N, Yano N, Tanaka M & Takagi T

Tanaka N. (2003) Fluxes of CO2, CH4, and N2O in Boreal Forest Soils Since FROSTFIRE Burning Experiment, Interior Alaska
Kim Y & Tanaka N

Tanaka Ryoji (2023) Constraining the Processes Responsible for the Origin and Evolution of Extraterrestrial Organic Matter: Evidence from the Asteroid Ryugu
Potiszil C, Kobayashi K, Tanaka R, Kunihiro T, Kitagawa H, Ota T, Yamanaka M, Sakaguchi C & Nakamura E
(2023) Aqueous Alteration on the Progenitor Body of the Asteroid Ryugu Revealed Through H-C-N-O Isotope Systematics
Tanaka R, Potiszil C, Ota T, Kunihiro T, Sakaguchi C, Kobayashi K, Kitagawa H, Yamanaka M & Nakamura E
(2023) Development of a Sequential Ion Exchange Chromatography Method to Separate Geochemically Important Tracers for Isotope Measurements
Ratnayake RMDM, Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2020) Modern and Ancient Hydrosphere-Rock Interactions Constrained from Triple Oxygen Isotope and in situ δ18O Measurements
Zakharov D, Tanaka R, Butterfield D, Reed M, Palandri J, Bindeman I, Bouvier A-S & Marin-Carbonne J
(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrothermal Systems: Insights into Ancient Meteoric Waters and Paleoseawater
Zakharov D, Bindeman I, Tanaka R, Friðleifsson GO & Reed M
(2017) Characteristics and the Distribution of Source Materials for OIB at the West African Passive Margin
Belay IG, Tanaka R, Kitagawa H, Kobayashi K & Nakamura E
(2017) Development of a Purification Method for Analyses of Highly Siderophile Elements in Desilicified Geological Samples
Zhou X, Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2016) Gas-Melt Reaction in the Reduced Nebula Environment Revealed by Oxygen Isotope of EH Chondrules
Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2015) Geochemical Characteristics of the Latest Eruptions in the Ulleung Island, Korea
Kim J, Cho M, Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2015) Fractionation Behavior of 238U-Series Nuclides during Acid Leaching of Basaltic Samples
Tanaka R, Yokoyama T, Kitagawa H, Tesfaye DB & Nakamura E
(2015) The Origin and Dynamics of Mantle Sources beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line
Belay I, Kobayashi K, Kitagawa H, Tanaka R, Aka F & Nakamura E
(2013) Internal 238U-230Th Isochron Method for Dating Young Basaltic Eruptions
Tanaka R, Yokoyama T & Nakamura E
(2012) Involvement of Recycled Silica-Rich Pyroxenite in Continental Intraplate Magmatism: Evidence from Alkaline Basalts in NW Kyushu, SW Japan
Tokeshi S, Tanaka R, Kobayashi K, Makishima A & Nakamura E
(2011) Li-O-Pb-Nd-Hf Isotope and Trace Element Systematics and S in Residual Peridotites: Evidences for Ancient Hydrothermal Fluid-Rock Interactions at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Ranaweera L, Moriguti T, Tanaka R, Makishima A & Nakamura E
(2008) Dislocation Microstructures in Naturally Deformed Olivine Crystals from Hawaiian Lavas
Sakyi PA, Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2008) Lead Isotope Systematics of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Hawaiian Lavas
Tanaka R, Sakyi PA, Kobayashi K & Nakamura E
(2008) Evolution of the Southern Ethiopian Rift System: Constrained from Geochronological and Geochemical Data of Mafic Lavas of Amaro and Yabello Areas
Tesfaye DB, Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2007) Forsterite-Rich and Ca-Poor Olivine Phenocryst Crystallized by Polybaric Melting in a Subduction Zone
Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2006) Recent and episodic addition to the Hawaiian plume activity
Tanaka R, Makishima A & Nakamura E
(2004) Boron Isotopic Composition of Hawaiian Shield Lavas
Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2003) Evolution of an Isotopically Depleted Mantle Xenolith from Salt Lake Crater, Hawaii
Nakamura E, Sakaguchi C, Tanaka R, Moriguti T & Kushiro I
(2003) Lithium, Boron and Lead Isotope Systematics on Glass Inclusions in Olivine Phenocrysts from Hawaiian Lavas
Kobayashi K, Tanaka R, Moriguti T, Shimizu K & Nakamura E
(2003) Suppression of Zr, Nb, Hf, and Ta Co-precipitation during HF Digestion of Ca-Rich Geological Materials
Tanaka R, Kitagawa H, Makishima A & Nakamura E

Tanaka Ryosuke (2017) Geochemical and Mineral Physics Constraints on the Composition of the Inner Core
Ohtani E, Sakamaki T, Sakairi T, Tanaka R, Kamada S, Fukui H & Baron A

Tanaka S (2003) Source Identification of Aerosols in East Asia by Using Metal Concentrations Measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Equipped with Laser Ablation (LA/ICP-MS)
Okuda T, Kato J, Mori J, Tenmoku M, Tanaka S & He K

Tanaka Satoru (2021) Bayesian Joint Inversion Implies a Complex Multiscale Lowermost Mantle Overlaying Simple Core-Mantle Boundary Topography
Muir JB, Tanaka S & Tkalčić H
(2016) Comparison of Frequency Dependent Amplitude Ratios of PKiKP/PcP Observed by Hi-Net and USArray
Tanaka S
(2011) Effects of pH and Coexisting Ions on Hydrodynamic Size of Various Humic Substances Evaluated by Flow Field Flow Fractionation
Yamashita Y, Tanaka S, Nagasaki S & Saito T
(2010) Parallel Factor Analysis for Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy: A Powerful Tool for Speciation Studies
Saito T, Aoyagi N, Kimura T, Nagasaki S & Tanaka S

Tanaka Satoshi (2016) Hayabusa2: A Mission to Reveal the Material Evolution on a C-Type Asteroid Ryugu
Watanabe S-I, Tachibana S, Sugita S, Kitazato K & Tanaka S
(2016) Stable Oxygen Isotope of Bivalve Shells in AsO-Kai Lagoon (Central Japan) in the Medieval Warm Period
Takata H, Dettman D, Tanaka S, Seto K, Sakai S, Yamada K, Takayasu K & Khim B-K
(2014) Hayabusa-2: Sample Return from a near-Earth C-Type Asteroid, 1999 JU3
Tachibana S, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Okazaki R, Sugita S, Takano Y, Tanaka S, Watanabe S-I, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H
(2013) Hayabusa-2 – Sample Return from a Near-Earth C-Type Asteroid (2014-2020): Current Status
Watanabe S-I, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Sugita S, Tachibana S, Tanaka S, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H

Tanaka Shinji (2007) Significance of Chloritite Bodies found from the Dike-Gabbro Transision of the Oman Ophiolite
Miyashita S, Adachi Y, Neo N & Tanaka S
(2007) Partial Melting of Oceanic Crust: Anatectitites in the Gabbro-Dike Transition of Oman Ophiolite
Miyashita S, Adachi Y & Tanaka S

Tanaka Shiro (2022) Biogenic Manganese Crust and Zinc Uptake in the River Mixed with Groundwater
Ito Y, Hirano S, Tanaka S, Oyama T & Nagaoka T
(2019) Thick Black Manganese-Rich Crusts Formed on the Wall of Canals in the AsO Caldera, Japan
Ito Y, Tanaka S, Oyama T, Hirano S & Nagaoka T
(2009) Weathering of Diatomaceous Mudstone and Replacement of Pore Water at Horonobe, Japan
Tanaka S, Oyama T, Ishii E & Iwatsuki T
(2002) A Redox Front Migration Process in Sedimentary Rock – Long-Term Behavior of Nuclide Migration Relevant to Near-Field Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal -
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R
(2002) A HREE-Enriched Biogenic Ferric Redox Band in Tuffaceous Sedimentary Rock
Yamamoto K, Yoshida H, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R

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