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Tan Chunyang (2019) Experimental Perspectives on Hydrothermal Vent Fluid Chemistry at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Seyfried W, Scheuermann P, Pester N & Tan C

Tan Decan (2022) Validating the High-Precision Measurement of Mo Isotopes at the 5 ng Level Using Double Spike MC-ICP-MS
Zhu J, Zhu H-G, Tan D, Lin X, Lu K & Yang W
(2018) The Isotopic Composition of Lead in Chinese Coals
Zhu J, Tan D, Zhang L, Wu G & Han G
(2017) A New Procedure for High Precision Measurement of Selenium Isotopes Using Hydride Generation MC-ICP-MS with Double Spike
Zhu J, Tan D, Wu G & Han G
(2016) The Numerical Optimization of Isotope Dilution Analysis
Tan DC, Zhu JM, Xu LJ & Lu K
(2016) The Comparison of Mo Isotope Compositions for Selected International Geological Reference Materials
Zhu J, Tan D, Liang L & Wang J

Tan Do Le (2021) Assessment of Natural Radionuclide Levels in Attic Dust Around Coal-Fired Power Plant: A Case Study in City of Salgótarján, Hungary
Tserendorj D, Szabó KZ, Völgyesi P, Abbaszade G, Tan DL, Salazar N & Szabó C
(2021) A Study on the Accumulation of 55 Elements in Attic Dust at Two Former Industrial Cities – Ózd and Salgótarján, Hungary
Tan DL, Abbaszade G, Tserendorj D, Salazar N, Völgyesi P, Falus G & Szabó C

Tan Dongbo (2022) Supercritical Fluid in Deep Subduction Zones: Evidence from Multiphase Fluid Inclusions in UHP Metamorphic Veins, Dabieshan, China
Jin D, Xiao Y, Tan D, Wang X, Wang Y & Su W

Tan E. (2009) Review of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces in the Lower Mantle
Helmberger D, Sun D, Liu L, Tan E & Gurnis M

Tan G. (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A
(2018) Characterization of Icelandic Mars Analog Environment Using 16S rRNA Sequencing
Tan G, Holtzen S, Parris D, Stewart F, Stockton A & Feldspar T

Tan Hongbing (2018) Geochemical Evolution Processes of Geothermal Water in Tethys Himalaya Belt
Xu P, Tan H, Zhang Y & Zhang W
(2017) Origin and Formation Mechanism of Salty Water in an Inland Catchment: An Example from Zuli River Catchment in the Upper Reaches of Yellow River
Liu Z, Tan H, Jin B, Zhang Y & Xu P
(2016) Study on Changes of Land Cover in the Typical Arid Region of the Loess Plateau after the Grain for Green Project
Zhang Y, Tan H, Jin B & Liu Z
(2011) Variation of Hydro-Chemistry in Lower Reaches of the Chinese Golmud-River and its Effects on the Groundwater
Zhang WJ & Tan H
(2009) Characteristics of Strontium and Boron Isotopes of Ancient Salt Deposits in Southeastern Laos and their Geological Implications
Tan H, Li B & Zhang X
(2008) H, O, Sr Isotopic Constraint on Evolution of the Oilfield Brines in the Western Qaidam Basin, China
Tan H, Rao W, Li B, Li T & Xu J
(2008) Isotopic Interpretations for Abundant Carbonates in the Tertiary Red Clay of the Chinese Loess Plateau
Rao W, Tan H & Chen J

Tan Hui (2012) Electron Donor Utilization during the Bioreduction of Uranium
Jaffe P, Barlett M, Kerkhoff L, Long P, Lovley D, McGuinness L, Moon HS, Peacock A, Tan H & Williams K

Tan Jing-Qian (2020) A Study of Distribution and Sources of Organic Matter of Marine Core Sediments from North of South China Sea
Gao Y, Tan J-Q & Han Y-Q

Tan Jingqiang (2022) Hydrocarbon Gas Generation and Pore Evolution of the Early Palaeozoic Organic Rich Shales in South China: Insights from Closed and Semi-Closed Hydrous Pyrolysis
Tan J & Ma Z
(2022) Natural Gas Geochemical Responses to Thermochemical Oxidation of Hydrocarbon in Deep Siliciclastic Reservoirs of Junggar Basin, China
Kang X, Tan J & Hu W
(2022) Identification of Potential Hydrocarbon Source Rocks Using Biological Markers in the Kohat-Potwar Plateaus, North Pakistan
Shahzad A, Tan J, Ahsan SA, Abbasi IA & Shahzad SM
(2019) From Oxidation to Hydration in Chemical Signatures of Metagenomes
Dick J, Tan J & Yu M
(2018) Changes in Carbon Oxidation State of Metagenomes along Geochemical Redox Gradients
Dick J, Tan J, Yu M & Lu A

Tan Jun (2021) Genesis of the Early Cretaceous Tudui–Shawang Gold Deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, North China Craton: Evidences from H-O-He-Ar-S-Pb Isotopic Compositions
Liu X, Tan J & Gan J
(2019) Origin of Early Cretaceous high-Ti and Low-Ti Mafic Dike Swarms in the Wulong Gold District, Eastern North China Craton
Liu Y, Wei J & Tan J

Tan K.

Tan Liangchen (2016) Has Anthropogenic Activity Already Disrupted Monsoon?
Lin K, Duan W, Wang X, Tan L, Kong X & Shen C-C

Tan Lijin (2020) Tectono-Geochemistry Weak Information Extraction and its Application
Li S, Liu J, Wang Z, Tan Q, Xu L, Yang C, Li J, Wang D, Tan L, Xie Z, Song W, Zheng L & Qin Y

Tan Mai Thanh (2008) Pb, Sr and Nd Isotopic Constraints on the Evolving Provenance of the Red River
Clift P, Ellam R, Hinton R & Tan MT

Tan Mark M. (2023) Distribution and Speciation of Chromium in Active and Legacy Nickel Laterite Tailings
Delina REG, Perez JPH, Stammeier JA, Syczewski M, Rabang DCV, Tan MM, Garcia JJL, Arcilla CA & Benning LG
(2023) Estimating the Rates of Chemical Weathering of Ultramafic Rocks in Small Tropical Watersheds
Rabang DCV, Garcia JJL, Tan MM, Eco RC, Arcilla CA, David CPC & Ibarra DE

Tan Ming
(2016) Precise Measurements of Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Abundance in Cave Dripping Water in Three Selected Caves in East Asia
Chen A, Shen C-C, Tan M, Li T-Y, Uemura R & Asami R
(2013) The δ18O Signals of Precipitation and Drip Water: Two Hydrological Years’ Monitoring Results from Eight Caves in Monsoon Regions of China
Duan W, Ruan J, Zhang P, Luo W, Zhang D, Li T, Tian L, Tao T, Zeng G & Tan M
(2013) Circulation Effect: Response of Precipitation δ18O to the ENSO Cycle in Monsoon Regions of China
Tan M

Tan P. (2014) Provenance Identification and Hydration Depth Profiling of Obsidian via Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Robinsky R, Gaelli M & Tan P

Tan Qian (2021) Observation and Modeling of a Historic African Dust Intrusion into the Caribbean Basin and the Southern U.S. in June 2020
Yu H, Tan Q, Zhou L, Zhou Y, Bian H, Chin M, Ryder CL, Levy RC, Pradhan Y, Shi Y, Song Q, Zhang Z, Colarco P, Kim D, Remer LA, Yuan T, Mayol-Bracero O & Holben BN
(2019) Large Variability of Springtime African Dust in Recent Decades: A Consistent Characterization from Multiple Remote Sensing Observations
Yu H, Yuan T, Bian H, Chin M, Tan Q, Zhang Z & Ginoux P
(2011) Multi-Decadal Change of Atmospheric Aerosols and their Effect on Surface Radiation
Chin M, Diehl T, Streets D, Wild M, Qian Y, Yu H, Tan Q, Bian H & Wang W
(2009) Smoke Source Strength from Satellite Measurements of Fire Strength
Ichoku C, Chin M, Diehl T & Tan Q

Tan Qinping (2020) Tectono-Geochemistry Weak Information Extraction and its Application
Li S, Liu J, Wang Z, Tan Q, Xu L, Yang C, Li J, Wang D, Tan L, Xie Z, Song W, Zheng L & Qin Y

Tan Qiu (2016) The Ifluence of Soil Organic Matter on the Distribution of Rare Earth Elements Under Different Land Uses in a Typical Karst Area, Southwest China
Han G, Li F, Tang Y & Tan Q

Tan Saichun (2017) Satellite Observed the Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Aerosol during Two Haze Episodes over the Eastern China
Tan S, Wang H & Shi G

Tan Shuya (2022) Serpentinization and Methanation in Martian Underground Like Conditions: An Abiotic Origin for CH4 on Mars?
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N
(2021) What Makes the Chemical Diversity of Ocean Worlds in the Solar System?
Sekine Y, Tan S, Aoyama Y, Tanigawa T & Ikoma M
(2021) Investigations of Grain Size and Abundance of NaCl on Europa’s Surface Through Telescope Observations and Laboratory Experiments: Implications for Material Transport from the Interior to Surface
Tan S, Sekine Y, Kuzuhara M, Kurokawa H, Ore CD & Cruikshank DP
(2021) Experimental Study of Serpentinization and Abiotic CH4 Production in Martian Conditions
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Melo Bravo PP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N
(2020) Effective Formation of Al-Rich Surface Clays Through Highly Acidic Water Activity on Early Mars
Sugiuchi M, Sekine Y, Tan S, Noda N, Takahashi Y & Ramirez R
(2019) Hydrothermal Sulfate Reduction as a Posssible Sink of Sulfate in Europa
Tan S, Sekine Y, Shibuya T, Miyamoto C & Takahashi Y
(2019) Groundwater Upwelling and Silica Deposition within Gale in (Semi-)arid Climate on Early Mars
Noda N, Sekine Y, Tan S, Shibuya T & Genda H

Tan Sze (2013) Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy for the High-Precision Analysis of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Water and Water Vapor
Steig E, Gkinis V, Schauer A, Hoffnagle J, Tan S & Schoenemann S

Tan Wei (2020) Arsenic Influence on the Distribution and Modes of Occurrence of Gold during the Fluid-Pyrite Interaction: A Case Study of Pyrite from the Qiucun Gold Deposit, China
Zhang H, Cai Y, Sha G, Brugger J, Pring A, Ni P, Qian G, Luo Z, Zhang Y & Tan W
(2020) Constraints from Pyrite Micro-Structures on Gold Mineralization Processes of Multi-Stage Fluid Episodes
Tan W, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Wang CY & He H
(2017) Magnetite Exsolution in Ilmenite Derived from Sub-Solidus Re-equilibration of Fe-Ti Oxides
Tan W, He H & Wang Y
(2016) New Insights into the Solid Transformation of Ilmenite-Hematite Solid Solutions
Tan W, He H & Wang Y

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