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Turetcaia A. (2019) Cascading Disequilibrium: A Glimpse into Dynamic Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes in Hyporheic Zones
Cardenas MB, Liu X, Chen X, Ferencz S, Munoz S, Kaufman M, Li B, Turetcaia A, Zheng L, Brown J, Graham E, Mohrig D, Neilson B, Stegen J & Wang L

Turetsky M. (2015) Pan-Arctic Trends in Lake and Wetland Thermokarst: Implications for Carbon Storage and Methane Fluxes
Turetsky M, Olefeldt D & McGuire AD

Türeyen Ö.İ. (2016) Effect of Natural Recharge Temperature on Reservoir Pressure
Korkmaz Basel ED, Türeyen Öİ & Satman A

Turgeon S.C. (2009) Contrasting Osmium Isotopes and Zn/Al Ratios as Magmatism Proxies in Cenomanian-Turonian Sediments
Turgeon SC, Hetzel A, Tiraboschi D, Creaser RA, Brumsack H-J & Erba E
(2008) Re-Os Geochronology of Shungite: A 2.05 Ga Fossil Oil Field in Karelia
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Yang G, Melezhik VA, Filippov MM, Turgeon SC & Creaser RA
(2007) Widespread Os Isotope Evidence for a Magmatic Pulse at the Onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Turgeon S & Creaser R
(2007) Significance of Biomarkers for P/T and F/F Mass Extinctions
Grice K, Nabbefeld B, Maslen E, Summons R, Twitchett R, Turgeon S, Algeo T & Bötccher M
(2006) Re-Os depositional ages and seawater Os estimates for the Frasnian-Famennian Boundary
Turgeon S, Creaser R & Algeo T

Turhan V. (2015) Mineral Chemistry and Ore Microscopy Study of a Polymetallic Pb-Zn-Cu(±Au, Ag) Mineralization, Akçakale-Gümüşhane, Northeastern Turkey
Akpinar İ, Akaryali E, Turhan V & Akbulut K

Turi M. (2019) A Multi-Isotope and Modelling Approach to Understanding Groundwater Sustainability in a Biodiversity Hotspot Impacted by Anthropogenic Activity
Miller JA, Turner KB, Sigidi NT, Watson AP, Fleischer M, Clarke CE, le Roux P, Molnar M, Turi M & Palcsu L

Turich C (2005) A Relationship between Archaeol/ Caldarchaeol and Salinity
Turich C, Jones AD & Freeman K

Turich Courtney (2018) Optimizing Gas Stable Isotope Measurements in Geochemistry
Luu N, Mehay S, Jacksier T, Turich C, Socki R & Stankiewicz A
(2016) Compound Specific Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Petroleum Gases
Said-Ahmad W, Wong K, Mcnall M, Jacksier T, Turich C, Stankiewicz A & Amrani A

Turick C (2005) Electrochemical Analysis at the Microbe/Mineral Interface
Turick C, Ekechukwu A & Lowy D

Turick Charles (2010) Electrochemical Exploration of Mechanisms for Radioprotection and Enhanced Microbial Growth in Radiation Fields
Turick C, Ekechukwu A, Milliken C, Beam D, Casadevall A & Dadachova E

Turina A. (2013) Three-Dimensional Distribution of Anatectic Melt Inclusions in Garnets by X-Ray Micro-Tomography
Turina A, Parisatto M, Cesare B & Peruzzo L
(2012) Nanogranites in Anatectic Metapelites: Building up the Database
Cesare B, Ferrero S, Bartoli O, Acosta-Vigil A, Turina A, Poli S, Ewing T & Bodnar R

Turk J. (2009) Biological Cycling of Sulphate in Small Mountain Lakes Determined from Natural 35S
Michel R, Campbell D, Turk J & Mast A

Turk K. (2008) Micron-Scale Mapping of Sulfur Cycling Across the Oxycline of a Cyanobacterial Mat
Fike D, Gammon CL, Finke N, Hoehler T, Turk K & Orphan V

Türk T. (2011) Karst Versus Sandstone and Anthropogenic Influences on Small Rivers of the Franconian Alb
Barth J, Mader M, van Geldern R, Schreiter I, Zimmermann P, Türk T & Schulte P

Turk-Kubo K. (2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D

Türke A. (2022) The Surtsey Subsurface Observatory: Surface Mineral Reactions in Natural Hydrothermal Environments
Peter M, Luttge A, Bach W & Turke A
(2020) Microbially Mediated Alteration of Basaltic Tephra from Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
Türke A, Jørgensen S, Bach W, Kahl W-A & Hansen C
(2020) Evolution of Helium Signatures from Kermadec Arc Under Water Volcanoes
Walter M, Türke A, Mertens C & Sültenfuß J
(2018) The Use of Short-Lived Radium Isotopes at Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
Neuholz R, Schnetger B, Walker SL, Walter M, Türke A & Brumsack H-J
(2018) Comparing Biosignatures in Aged Basalt Glass from North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Louisville Seamount Trail, off New Zealand
Türke A, Ménez B & Bach W
(2017) Geological Settings of Hydrothermal Vents at 6°15’W and 55°30’E on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Marcon Y, Purser A, Diehl A, Albers E, Türke A, McDermott J, German C, Hand K, Schlindwein V, Dorschel B, Wegener G, Boetius A & Bach W
(2017) Dissolved-Particulate Exchange in the Proximal Hydrothermal Plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S & Sueltenfuss J
(2015) A Geochemical Budget of 8 Myrs of Oxidative Ocean Basement Alteration
Bach W, Rouxel O, Nakamura K, Türke A & Klügel A
(2015) Palagonitization of Basalt Glass in the Flanks of Mid-Ocean Ridges: Implications for the Bioenergetics of Oceanic Intracrustal Ecosystems
Türke A, Bach W & Nakamura K
(2013) Rocky Constraints on Catabolic Energy Supply in the Subseafloor
Bach W, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Türke A & Plümper O

Turkina O. (2011) Isotopic Composition of the Early Precambrian Crust of the South-Western Siberian Craton: Implications for Crustal Growth and Mantle-Crustal Interaction Through Time
Turkina O
(2009) Growth and Recycling of the Archean Crust: Isotope Data on the Sowthwestern Margin of Siberian Craton
Turkina O
(2004) Contribution of Crustal and Mantle Sources in the Genesis of Early Proterozoic Post-Collisional Granitoids
Turkina O

Turkki A. (2022) Arsenic in Agricultural Soils-Water Systems: Transfer Mechanisms, Remediation Options and Recommendations for Risk Management
Battaglia-Brunet F, Müller I, Jones C, Elert M, Le Guédard M, Hellal J, Thouin H, Jordan I, Keiski RL, Pinka J, Turkki A, Turpeinen E, Valkama H, Hatakka T, Tarvainen T, Kaija J & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K
(2019) Risk Management of As in the Agricultural Soils of Europe
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Turkki A, Battaglia-Brunet F, Pinka J, Jordan I, Le Guedard M, Jones C, Elert M, Müller I, Tarvainen T, Hatakka T & Kaija J

Turku A. (2002) PGE Concentration within Sulphide Mineralization Related to Ophiolite Volcanic Sequence
Turku A
(2001) Sulphide Mineralization in the Ultrabasic Rocks with Special Reference to Concentrations of Gold, Nickel-Sulphide and PGE in Bulqiza Massif (Albania)
Turku A

Türler A. (2009) Direct Search for Primordial 244Pu
Lachner J, Dillmann I, Faestermann T, Korschinek G, Lierse C, Poutivtsev M, Rugel G & Türler A
(2009) New PGAI-NT and PGAA at FRM II for Geological Samples: Test Measurements on Allende Meteorite
Kudejova P, Canella L, Schulze R, Jolie J & Türler A

Turlin Francois (2023) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Oligocene Dikes at Yanıklı, Artvin District, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: New Regional Implications
Sonmez SU, Moritz R, Keskin S, Turlin F, Ulianov A, Chiaradia M & Aydın Ü
(2023) Classical Metallogenic Settings of the Lesser Caucasus and the Eastern Pontides, Tethyan Orogenic Belt, Revisited for their Critical Metal Potential
Moritz R, Hovakimyan S, Turlin F & Sönmez ŞUU
(2021) Precious and Base Metal Crustal Fertility during Construction of the Eastern Pontides Arc, NE Turkey
Turlin F, Moritz R, Karsli O, Keskin S, Sönmez SU, Dokuz A & Aydin F

Turlin Franois (2018) Evidence for Nb-Ta Occurrences in the Syn-Tectonic Pan-African Mayo Salah Leucogranite (Northern Cameroon): Constraints from Nb-Ta Oxide Mineralogy, Geochemistry and U–Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology on Columbite and Monazite
Fosso Tchunte PM, Tchameni R, Andre-Mayer A-S, Dakoure H, Turlin F & Poujol M

Turmagnai D. (2020) Geochemistry and Geochronology of Grantoid Rocks in South Mongolia: Implications to Copper Porphyry Metallogeny
Jargalan S, Enkhjargal B, Bolorchimeg N, Navchaa B, Turmagnai D, Osanai Y, Nakano N & Adachi T

Turnau K. (2012) Case Study of an Abandoned Zn-Pb Mine: Ingurtosu (Sardinia, Italy)
De Giudici G, Podda F, Medas D, Cidu R, Lattanzi P, Kimball B, Wanty R, Turnau K, Alisi C & Sprocati AR

Turnbull I. (2021) Hydrothermal Iron Supply to the Remote Southeast Pacific Ocean
Birchill AJ, Baker C, Wyatt N, Turnbull I, Milne A, Martin A, Moore M & Ussher S
(2019) Are Sinking or Suspended Particles Hotspots of Marine Microbial Nitrogen Cycling?
Lam P, Fuessel J, Tribe H, Turnbull I, Baylay A, Hemsley V & Trimmer M

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