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Tripati Aradhna (2015) Investigating the Origin of Discrepancies in Clumped Isotope Calibrations
Defliese W, Eagle R, Tang J, Chang F & Tripati A
(2015) Advances in ‘Clumped Isotope’ Measurement Techniques Using the Nu Perspective IS and Nu Carb Carbonate Preparation Unit
Rablen S, Affek H, Tripati A, Defliese W & Freedman P
(2015) Clumped Isotope Systematics in Lacustrine and Fluvial Carbonates: A Tool for Paleohydrology, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoaltimetry
Tripati A, Mering J, Petryshyn V, Mitsunaga B, Wilson J, Eagle R, Kaufman D, Cohen A, Dunbar R, Russell J & Oviatt C

Tripati Aradhna (2017) Constraints on Paleoenvironments and Surface Temperatures in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic and Implications for Metazoan Evolution
Defliese W, Dixit Y, Retallack G, Lalonde S & Tripati A
(2017) Constraining the Effects of Diagenetic Alteration on the Clumped Isotope Paleothermometer
Leutert T, Sexton P, Tripati A, Piasecki A, Hull P & Meckler N
(2017) Boron Isotope-Based pCO2 Record for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the Last 5 My
Guillermic M, Misra S & Tripati A
(2017) Evidence for Strong Seasonality in the Shallow Tethys Across the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Greene S, Petryshyn V, Farnsworth A, Gammariello R, Ibarra Y, Lunt D, Bottjer D, Tripati A & Corsetti F
(2017) Calibration of the Clumped Isotope Thermometer for Planktonic and Benthic Foraminifera
Meckler N, Meinicke N, Piasecki A, Ho L, Tripati A, Tisserand A & Bernasconi S
(2017) A Quantitative Solution for the ‘Cool Tropics’ Paradox of Past Greenhouse Climates: Testing Diagenetic Hypotheses Combining Clumped Isotope and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Data on Foraminifera
Tripati A, Vollmer T & Perez-Huerta A
(2017) Ultra-Radiogenic Hafnium in Archean BIF: Intense Sedimentary Lu/Hf Fractionation at 3.2 Ga
Foster I, Agranier A, Heubeck C, Köhler I, Homann M, Tripati A, Nonnotte P, Ponzevera E & Lalonde S
(2017) North Mediterranean Hydroclimate Influences on Sapropel Deposition
Dixit Y, Toucanne S, Tripati A, Bonnin L, Fontanier C, Lora J & Jouet G

Tripati Aradhna (2019) Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Transformation of Amorphous Calcium Magnesium Carbonate to High Magnesium Calcite
Purgstaller B, Goetschl KE, Mavromatis V, Tripati A, Lucarelli J, Ulrich R, Eagle R & Dietzel M

Tripati Aradhna (2020) Investigating Travertine Laminae Formed in Honey Creek within the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma
Griffith E, Fan M & Tripati A

Tripati Aradhna (2021) Paired Δ47 and Δ48 Carbonate Clumped Isotope Data: Standard Values, Multi-Instrument Comparisons, Mixing Effects, and Disequilibrium Effects
Lucarelli JK, Carroll HM, Purgstaller B, Dietzel M, Eagle RA & Tripati A
(2021) Late Pleistocene Hydroclimate Reconstructions of 12 Pluvial Lakes in Western North America
Arnold AJ & Tripati A
(2021) Cenozoic Evolution of Deep-Sea Temperature from Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Meckler AN, Sexton P, Piasecki A, Leutert T, Marquardt J, Ziegler M, Agterhuis T, Rae JWB, Barnet JSK, Tripati A & Bernasconi SM
(2021) Evidence for Continental Weathering and Riverine Input during the Sturtian Glaciation
Bricker HL, Foster I, Hagge P, Agranier A, Sansjofre P, Lalonde SV & Tripati A
(2021) Novel Clumped Isotope Constraints on Terrestrial Hydroclimates of Western North America during the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation
Tripati A & Arnold A
(2021) Possible Hafnium Isotope Evidence for Continental Emergence Prior to 3.22 Ga
Foster I, Hagge P, Bricker H, Agranier A, Köhler I, Homann M, Heubeck C, Nonnotte P, Konhauser K, Tripati A & Lalonde SV
(2021) Travertine Laminae Formation in Honey Creek within the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma
Carter S, Griffith EM, Fan M & Tripati A
(2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA
(2021) Coupled Δ47–Δ48 Clumped Isotope Analysis Indicates Origins of Kinetic Isotope Effects in Cultured Biogenic Marine Carbonates
Ulrich RN, Lucarelli JK, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Ries JB, Tripati A & Eagle RA

Tripati Aradhna Eagle (2023) Dual Carbonate Clumped (Δ47, Δ48) and Bulk (δ13C, δ18O) Isotopes in Cultured Marine Calcifiers Provide Insights into the Origins of Vital Effects
Ulrich RN, Lucarelli JK, Arnold A, Ries JB, Tripati AE & Eagle RA
(2022) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry of the Interior Kalahari Plateau
Musa S, Linol B, Upadhyay D, Jeffcoate A, Bruchs J & Tripati AE
(2022) Dual Clumped Isotope Data for Amorphous Carbonates and Transformation Products Reveal Novel Mechanisms for Nonequilibrium Effects
Lucarelli JK, Purgstaller B, Ulrich R, Parvez ZA, Leis A, Goetschl K, Eagle RA, Dietzel M & Tripati AE
(2022) Cenozoic Evolution and Extinction of Megatooth Sharks from Stable Isotope Ratios in Bioapatite
Griffiths ML, Flores R, Kast ER, Kim SL, McCormack J, Akhtar AA, Shimada K, Becker M, Maisch Iv H, Rao ZC, Higgins JA, Neumann A, Clarke C, Tripati AE, Chan R, Karnes M, Sigman DM & Eagle RA

Tripati R. (2016) Eccentricity Paced CO2, Climate and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling during Earth’s Penultimate Icehouse
Montanez I, McElwain J, Poulsen C, Tripati R & DiMichele W

Tripke C. (2009) Spatial and Temporal Variability of δ13C<sub>carb</sub> And δ18O<sub>carb</sub> of the Voëlwater Subgroup, South Africa
Tripke C, Strauss H, Mezger K, Gutzmer J & Beukes N

Triplett R. (2018) Elasticity of Polycrystalline β-Mg2SiO4 Containing 0.73 Wt.% H2O to 10 GPa and 600 K by Ultrasonic Interferometry Technique Combined with Synchrotron x-radiation
Gwanmesia G, James A, Whitaker M & Triplett R

Tripney B. (2016) C-14 Releases from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant
Xu S, Cook G, Cresswell A, Dunbar E, Freeman S, Hou X, Jacobsson P, Kinch H, Naysmith P, Sanderson D, Tripney B & Yamaguchi K

Tripoli B. (2015) Seismic Properties of Hydrous Phonolite at High Pressure and High Temperature
Tripoli B, Giordano D, Cordonnier B, Kolzenburg S & Ulmer P

Tripp R. (2020) Bioremediation and Recovery of Metals from Mine Waters by Mn-Oxidizing Micro-Eukaryotes
Santelli C, Xu T, Chaput D, Hansel C & Tripp R

Tripti M. (2016) Nonconservative Behaviour of Dissolved Mo in Tropical Estuaries, Westcoast of India
Gurumurthy GP, Tripti M, Prakyath R, Riotte J & Balakrishna K
(2014) Biogeochemistry of Dissolved and Particulate Trace Elements in a Tropical Estuary, Southwestern India
Tripti M, Balakrishna K, Gurumurthy G, Audry S, Riotte J, Braun J-J & Chadaga M
(2014) Particulate Metal Geochemistry of Nethravati Estuary, Southwest Coast of India
Gurumurthy G, Udaya Shankara H, Balakrishna K, Tripti M, Riotte J, Audry S & Braun J-J
(2014) Use of Sr Isotopes as a Tool to Decipher the Soil Weathering Processes in a Tropical River Catchment, Southwestern India
Balakrishna K, Gurumurthy GP, Tripti M, Riotte J, Audry S, Braun JJ & Udayashankar HN

Tripti Muguli (2022) Reconstruction of the Late Miocene Redox Condition in the Eastern Arabian Sea at IODP Site U1457 of Laxmi Basin Using Stable Isotopes of Molybdenum and Tungsten
Alam M, Tripti M, Gurumurthy G, Sohrin Y, M T, Singh A, Takano S & Verma K
(2017) Geochemical Behaviour and Marine Flux of Barium in the Eastern Coast of the Arabian Sea
Gurumurthy GP, Tripti M, Riotte J & Djouraev I
(2017) Source Apportionment of Particulate and Dissolved Carbon in the Humid Mountainous Tropical Rivers Through Stable Carbon Isotope Approach
Tripti M, Gurumurthy G, Lambs L, Riotte J & Moussa I

Triscari M. (2007) Petro-Chemical and Physical Investigations on the "Santa Pudia Calcarenite" (Andalusia, Spain): New Hints for the Prevention and Conservation of Calcarenitic Building Materials
Arizzi A, Belfiore CM, Cultrone G, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Sebastian Pardo E & Triscari M

Triscone G. (2023) Radioactive 90Sr Uptake by the Green Microalga Tetraselmis Chui and its Potential Application as a Bioremediation Agent
Segovia Campos I, Kanellakopoulos A, Barroso I, Fock-Chin-Ming E, Baxarias Fontaine A, Pallada S, Triscone G, Perron K, Filella M & Ariztegui D

Tritlla J. (2008) Origin of Diagenetic Fluids in the SE Mexican Oil Fields
Tritlla J, Levresse G, Banks D, Pironon J, Bourdet J & Carrillo-Chávez A
(2004) Fluorite Source of the El Pilote Deposit, Coahuila, Mexico
Levresse G, González-Partida E, Tritlla J, Pironon J, Camprubí A, Carrillo-Chávez A & Villareal J
(2003) Fluid Origin of the Ixtacamaxtitlán Kaolin and Sinter Deposit, Puebla State, Mexico
Tritlla J, Morales-Ramírez J, Camprubí A, Corona-Esquivel R, Gonzalez-Partida E & Levresse G
(2003) Heavy Metal Distribution in Rock, Sediments and Groundwater from Mineral de Pozos Mining Area, Central-North Mexico: First Geochemical Base Line Maps in Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Gonzalez-Partida E, Morton-Bermea O, Lavresse G, Soto P & Tritlla J

Tritscher T. (2009) Water Uptake of Clay and Desert Dust Aerosol Particles at Sub- and Supersaturated Water Vapor Conditions
Herich H, Tritscher T, Wiacek A, Gysel M, Weingartner E, Lohmann U, Baltensperger U & Cziczo DJ
(2009) Smogchamber Investigations of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol from Combustion Sources
DeCarlo P, Chirico R, Heringa M, Tritscher T, Gysel M, Weingartner E, Prevot A & Baltensperger U
(2009) Source Apportionment and Chemical Features of the Organic Aerosol Using Aerosol Mass Spectrometers
Baltensperger U, DeCarlo P, Alfarra R, Chirico R, Heringa M, Dommen J, Duplissy J, Prevot A, Tritscher T, Weingartner E & Donahue N

Trittschack R. (2011) Non-Isothermal Dehydroxylation Kinetics of Common Sheet-Like Phases and their Informational Value
Trittschack R & Grobéty B

Trivedi Chris (2015) Sulfur Oxidation and Biomineralization Processes in Sulfidic Ice Ecosystems
Templeton A, Lau G, Cosmidis J, Trivedi C, Spear J & Grasby S

Trivedi Christopher B. (2023) Geochemical and Microbiological Variations along Vertical Redox Gradients in a Seasonally Flooded sub-Arctic Wetland
Chen Z, Perez JPH, Trivedi CB, Stammeier JA, Gislason SR & Benning LG

Trivedi D. (2015) Biostimulation Approaches to Generate Recalcitrant Uranium(IV) Phosphate Minerals
Newsome L, Morris K, Trivedi D & Lloyd JR
(2014) Nano-Scale TEM Imaging of Caesium Incorporation into Illite Interlayers
Fuller A, Shaw S, Ward M, Haigh S, Mosselmans F, Peacock C, Stackhouse S, Dent A, Trivedi D & Burke I
(2014) Biogeochemical and Mineralogical Aspects of Sustaining Low Concentrations of Uranium in Groundwater at Nuclear Sites
Newsome L, Morris K, Trivedi D & Lloyd J
(2014) Enhanced Uptake of Sr into Calcite via an Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Precursor: An EXAFS Study
Littlewood J, Shaw S, Peacock CL, Trivedi D & Burke IT
(2012) Solution Chemistry Controls Multisite Sorption of 137Cs on Micaceous Soils
Fuller A, Shaw S, Peacock C, Trivedi D & Burke I

Trivedi J (2000) Re Geochemistry of the Yamuna River in the Himalaya
Dalai TK, Trivedi J & Krishnaswami S

Trivedi Japan (2019) Non-Steam Recovery Processes for Oil Sands Reservoirs
Su Y, Wang J, Gates I, Trivedi J & Leung J

Trivitayanurak W. (2011) Evaluating New Particle Formation, Growth, and CCN Formation in Global Models
Adams P, Westervelt D, Riipinen I, Pierce J & Trivitayanurak W

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