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Toyoda Sakae (2016) Spacial Distribution of Dissolved Methane in the Western Arctic Ocean
Kudo K, Toyoda S, Yamada K, Yoshida N, Sasano D, Kosugi N, Ishii M, Yoshikawa H, Murata A, Uchida H & Nishino S
(2016) Isotopic Analyses of Dissovled N2O and Nitrite in the Subarctic North Pacific
Toyoda S, Matsushima S, Makabe A, Nunoura T, Yoshikawa C & Yoshida N
(2016) Re-suspension Processes of Radioactive Cs Emitted by the FNDPP Accident in Summer and Autumn – Possibility of Biosphere-Atmosphere Circulation of Radioactive Cs
Kita K, Kinase T, Demizu H, Igarashi Y, Adachi K, Kajino M, Yamada K, Toyoda S, Yoshida N, Ninomiya K, Shinohara A, Okochi H, Ishizuka M, Maki T, Abe Y, Nakai I, Furukawa J & Onda Y

Toyoda Sakae (2020) Genome Analysis and Distribution of Cyanobacteria Belonging to ThermoSynechococcus in Varying Geochemical Environments
Prondzinsky AP, Ward LM, Toyoda S & McGlynn SE

Toyoda Shin (2016) Radioactive Disequilibrium and ESR Dating of Barite in Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Deposits of the Okinawa Trough
Fujiwara T, Toyoda S, Uchida A, Ishibashi J-I, Totsuka S, Shimada K & Nakai S
(2016) The Influence of U, Th Mobility in Hydrothermal Fluids on U-Th Radioactive Disequilibrium Dating of Sulphide Minerals
Nakai S, Takamasa A, Yoshizumi R, Urabe T, Fujiwara T, Toyoda S & Ishibashi J
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of Hydrothermal Ores Collected from the Hatoma Knoll in the Southern Okinawa Trough
Totsuka S, Ishibashi J-I, Fujiwara T, Uchida A, Toyoda S & Nozaki T
(2016) ESR Dating of Barite in Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Deposits, a New Dating Technique
Toyoda S, Fujiwara T, Uchida A & Ishibashi J-I
(2015) Fluid Emission along the Nankai Trough: Insights from Noble Gases in the Sediment Pore Water
Tomonaga Y, Ashi J, Takahata N, Yagasaki K, Toyoda S & Sano Y
(2014) ESR, 226Ra-210Pb and 228Ra-228Th Dating of Barite in Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Sulfide Deposits in the Okinawa Trough
Fujiwara T, Toyoda S, Uchida A, Ishibashi J-I, Nakai S & Takamasa A
(2014) Dating Hydrothermal Minerals in Active Hydrothermal Fields in the Southern Mariana Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Sato F, Toyoda S, Takamasa A, Nakai S & Kumagai H
(2011) Dating of Submarine Hydrothermal Deposits by ESR and U-Series Methods
Toyoda S, Sato F, Nakai S, Takamasa A & Ishibashi J
(2011) Cathodoluminescence Characterization of He+ Ion Implanted Plagioclase
Kayama M, Nishido H, Toyoda S, Komuro K & Ninagawa K
(2010) Cathodoluminescence of Albite Activated by Alpha-Particle Induced Luminescence Centers
Nishido H, Kayama M, Toyoda S, Komuro K & Ninagawa K
(2009) Cathodoluminescence Halo in Albite
Nishido H, Kayama M, Toyoda S, Komuro K & Ninagawa K
(2008) Characterization of CL Halo in Feldspar Minerals
Nishido H, Kayama M, Toyoda S, Komuro K & Ninagawa K
(2006) Cathodoluminescent characterization of radiation-damage halos in quartz after He+ ion implantation
Nishido H, Okumura T, Komuro K, Toyoda S & Ninagawa K
(2003) Issues and Applications of ESR Dating of Quartz
Toyoda S
(2003) ESR Dating of Pseudotachylyte
Shimada A, Toyoda S, Takagi H & Arita K
(2003) Nitrogen Stable Isotope Abundance of N2O from Composting of Livestock Waste: Its Variation and Mechanics
Yoh M, Akita Y, Toyoda S & Yoshida N
(2003) Fractionation of N2O Isotopomers during Production by Denitrifiers
Toyoda S, Mutobe H, Yamagishi H, Yoshida N & Tanji Y

Toyoda Shoichi (2013) Determination of 129I by ICP-MS/MS; It’s Application to Fukushima Soil Samples
Ohno T, Muramatsu Y, Toyoda S & Matsuzaki H

Toyoda Y. (2016) GANSEKI: Sample and Data Resource for Ocean Geosciences
Tomiyama T, Toyoda Y & Horikawa H

Toyofuku T. (2023) Direct Observation of pH Distribution during the Formation of Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs in Gel Media
Kawano J, Matsumoto S, Miki K, Toyofuku T, Nagai Y & Nagai T
(2020) Visualization of Two-Dimensional Distributions of pH and Ca2+ Concentration Around Dissolving/Forming CaCO3 Minerals
Kawano J, Yazaki M, Konno Y, Toyofuku T, Nagai Y & Nagai T
(2019) Understanding Calcification in Foraminifera to Improve Proxy Relationships
de Nooijer L, Toyofuku T, Geerken E & Reichart G-J
(2017) Mn Coordination and Distribution in Foraminiferal Calcite Under Varying Environmental Conditions
Quintana Krupinski N, Webb S, Persson P, Seidenkrantz M-S, Toyofuku T & Filipsson H
(2017) Oxygen Dynamics at Sediment-Water Interface in Continental Slope, Northeast Japan
Oguri K, Toyofuku T, Nomaki H, Fontanier C & Kitazato H
(2016) Stable Isotope Signature of Fe to Understand the Fe Bio-Cycle in the Hydrothermal-Vent
Yamagata Y, Tanaka Y-K, Chen C, Toyofuku T & Hirata T
(2016) Microscopic Imaging Reveals Geochemical Cellular Process of Foraminiferal Calcification
Toyofuku T, Matsuo MY, de Nooijer L, Nagai Y, Kawada S & Kitazato H
(2012) Distribution of Neodymium in Sedimentary Planktonic Foraminiferal Tests and Associated Mineral Phases Obtained by NanoSIMS
Tachikawa K, Toyofuku T, Basile-Doelsch I & Delhaye T
(2003) Heterogeneous Distribution of Paleoenvironmental Proxy Trace Metals in Carbonate of Benthic Foraminifera
Toyofuku T & Kitazato H

Toyokuni G. (2016) Fluids in the Subducting Crust: Inferred from Estimation of the Seismic Velocity Structure
Shiina T, Nakajima J, Matsuzawa T, Toyokuni G & Kita S

Toyoshima K. (2013) Ion Microprobe U-Pb Dating and Sr Isotope Measurement of a Protoconodont
Sano Y, Toyoshima K, Shirai K, Takahata N, Sato T & Komiya T

Toyoshima T. (2016) The Secular Change of S-Mif in the Late Archean, the Dharwar Supergroup, Southern India
Mishima K, Satish-Kumar M, Hokada T, Toyoshima T & Ueno Y
(2015) Fluid-Deposited Graphite in Pseudotachylytes: Implication for Fault Degassing and Precipitation by Redox Change
Nakamura Y, Madhusoodhan S-K & Toyoshima T

Toyota K. (2023) Understanding Mercury Processes in the Arctic Using Modeling and Multi-Media Observations
Dastoor A, Toyota K, Ryjkov A, Lehnherr I & Chetelat J

Toyota T. (2015) Iron Enrichment by Sea Ice Melting in the Surface Water in the Okhotsk Sea
Kanna N, Nishioka J & Toyota T

Toyotake Y. (2021) Excretion of Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles Depends on Outer Membrane Integrity in Escherichia Coli
Ochi A, Tobe R, Toyotake Y, Izu Y, Imai T & Mihara H

Trabelsi B. (2016) Study of Salinization and Pollution of the Coastal Aquifer of Chott Meriem, Sahel of Sousse, Tunisia
Ben Hamouda MF, Kondash AJ, Trabelsi B, Harkness J, Lauer N & Vengosh A

Trabelsi R. (2017) Occurrence and Geochemistry of Major Ion in Groundwater of Skhira Coastal Aquifer, Center East Tunisia
Hamzaoui F, Trabelsi R, Bouhlila R & Khanfir H

Traber D. (2023) Chloride Accessible Porosity Fractions Across the Jurassic Sedimentary Rocks of Northern Switzerland
Zwahlen C, Gimmi T, Jenni A, Kiczka M, Mazurek M, Van Loon L, Mäder U & Traber D
(2004) Exploring the Diffusive Interaction between Opalinus Clay and Concrete Using Reactive Transport Modelling
Traber D & Mäder U
(2002) Core Infiltration Experiment and Modelling of Reactive Transport of high-Ph Solution in Clay Stone
Mader UK, Adler M, Steefel CI, Waber HN & Traber D

Trabucchi M.

Trabucho Alexandre Joao (2022) Influence of Mineral Associations on Terrestrial Particulate Organic Carbon Preservation and Transport in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Eefting DD, Nierop KGJ, van Leeuwen AWE, Trabucho Alexandre J, Vonk J, Sangiorgi F & Peterse F
(2019) Consider Whether Your Evidence for Oceanic Anoxia Has Been Reworked
Trabucho Alexandre J

Trabucho Alexandre João (2020) Organic Matter Sulfurization as a Mechanism of Enhanced Burial of Reduced Carbon and Sulfur Across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Marroquín S, Pritchard J, Föllmi K, Fantasia A, Ruebsam W, Trabucho Alexandre J & Gill B

Tracy Cameron (2017) The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of Rare Earth Hafnate and Stannate Pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
Turner K, Rittman D, Tracy C, Heymach R, Turner M, Mao W & Ewing R

Tracy Cameron L. (2016) Characterization of Radiation Effects in Complex-Oxide Nuclear Waste Forms: New Application of Neutron and X-Ray Total Scattering Techniques
Lang M, Shamblin J, Tracy CL, Finkeldei S, Bosbach D & Ewing RC

Tracy R. (2012) Petrologic Evidence for Rapid Exhumation of Alpine UHP Rocks from > 100 km Depth
Caddick M, Tracy R & Ross N
(2010) Contact Overprinting of Regional Metamorphism, New York
Tracy R & Dorfler K
(2008) Comparative Chemical Versus Isotopic Dating of Monazites
Tracy R, Loehn C, Dahl P, Mazdab F, Wooden J, Miller B, Aleinikoff J & Hamilton M
(2001) Evidence of Late Proterozoic or Early Paleozoic Saprolite Preserved in the Interiors of Devonian Regional Metamorphic Garnets?
Tracy RJ & Welch P

Tracy S.J. (2023) Melting of Iron-Bearing Bridgmanite: Implications for the Internal Structure of super-Earths
Kim D, McCoy C, Duwal S, Fei Y & Tracy SJ
(2022) On the Link between Experiments and Interior Models: The Example of Carbon Enriched Systems
Miozzi F, Tracy SJ, Driscoll P, Yang J, Dutta R & Walter MJ

Tradd K. (2015) Revisiting Radionuclide Sources at the Marshall Islands
Buesseler K, Charette M, Breier J, Pike S, Henderson P, Kipp L & Tradd K

Traenkle S. (2023) Exploring Barnacle Exoskeleton Formation and the Potential Impact of Increased Temperature in Amphibalanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Davis E, Traenkle S, Menendez P, Gautam R, Krishnamurthy K, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH

Traikia M. (2023) Tracking the Fate of Carbon during Microbial Biodegradation of Plastics
Eyheraguibel B, Leremboure M, Traikia M, Delort A-M & Petit E

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