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Szynkiewicz Anna (2012) Using Uranium Isotopes to Determine Salinity Sources in Rio Grande Waters
Ma L, Szynkiewicz A, Borrok D & McIntosh J
(2012) Fluxes of Sulfide-Derived Sulfate in the Rio Grande Valley
Szynkiewicz A, Borrok D & Vaniman D

Szynkiewicz Anna (2016) Tracing Salinity Sources in the Semi-Arid Rio Grande River with a Multi-Isotope Tracer (U, S, B, and Sr) Approach
Ma L, Garcia S, Nyachoti S, Szynkiewicz A, McIntosh J & Gaillardet J

Szynkiewicz Anna (2015) Riverine Sulfate Budget in the Light of Sulfur Isotopes – Current Understanding and Remaining Questions for Future Studies
Szynkiewicz A

Szynkiewicz Anna (2020) Weathering and S Cycle in Volcanic Watersheds Analogous to Mars
Szynkiewicz A, Goff F & Vaniman D

Szynkiewicz Anna (2018) S Isotope Fractionations in Volcanic Aqueous Systems on Earth and Mars
Szynkiewicz A, Goff F, Vaniman D, Faiia A & Pribil M
(2018) Sulfur Cycling at Meridiani, Mars
Hynek B & Szynkiewicz A
(2018) Understanding the Mechanism of Sulfate Formation via Metal Catalyzers on Mars Using Iceland as a Terrestrial Analog
Ende J, Szynkiewicz A & Faiia A

Szypuła N. (2024) Energy of Destruction as an Indicator of Resistance to Degradation of Stone Architectural Elements Under the Sustainable Development Goals
Bobrowska A, Domonik A & Szypuła N

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