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Sutikna T. (2023) Prey and Predators in the So’a Basin, Flores: Dietary Reconstructions Through Ca and Sr Isotopes in Fossil Enamel of Insular Pleistocene Taxa from Indonesia
Koutamanis D, Hassler A, Tacail T, Kurniawan I, Prasetyo Wibowo U, Martin J, Balter V, Dosseto A, Sutikna T & van den Bergh G

Sutka R. (2004) Environmental Limits of the Circumneutral Iron-Oxidizing Bacterial Isolate ES-1: Field, Culture, and Kinetic Results from Voltammetric Analyses
Druschel G, Emerson D, Glazer B, Kraiya C, Sutka R & Luther G

Sutley S. (2005) Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Ultramafic Rocks, Serpentinites, and Tremolite-Actinolite-Bearing Rocks in California
Swayze G, Higgins C, Clinkenbeard J, Kokaly R, Clark R, Meeker G & Sutley S

Sutliff-Johansson S. (2020) Tracing Anthropogenic Sources of Tantalum in Bothnian Bay Sediments, Sweden
Sutliff-Johansson S, Ponter S, Engström E, Rodushkin I, Peltola P & Widerlund A
(2019) Forensic Investigation of Contaminated Groundwater Combining Multivariate Statistical Techniques and Screening Analyses
Sutliff-Johansson S, Ponter S, Widerlund A, Mäki A, Engström E & Peltola P

Suto K. (2011) Geochemical Behavior of As Originated from Acidic Thermal Water during River Transport and Sedimentation Mechanism
Ogawa Y, Shikazono N, Iwane K, Takahashi Y, Suto K & Inoue C
(2011) Experimental Study on As and Cd Releases from Anoxic Sedimenary Rock Under Anoxic and Aerobic Conditions
Masuda S, Ogawa Y, Suto K & Inoue C

Sutou S. (2016) The JAEA Thermodynamic Database for Reactions between Groundwater, Cement, Clay, Zeolite and/Or Rock Forming Minerals
Walker C, Arthur R, Wakiya A, Sutou S, Sasamoto H, Oda C, Mihara M & Honda A

Sutrisno S. (2016) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of in situ Araucarioxylon Wood Fossil from Mengkarang Formation Jambi Indonesia
Sutrisno S & Bemis R

Sutter B (2006) Pedogenic evidence for climate change and aridification on Mars
Amundson R, Ewing S, Owen J, Dietrich W, Nishiizumi K, Chadwick O, Sutter B & McKay C

Sutter Brad (2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW
(2020) Clay Minerals and the Ancient Martian Carbon Cycle
Bristow T, Rampe E, Vaniman D, Blake D, Sutter B & Grotzinger J
(2016) MSL Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater
Ehlmann B, Achilles C, Bridges N, Conrad P, Cousin A, Edgett K, Fraeman A, Johnson J, Lapotre M, Litvak M, Rowland S, Schroder S, Sutter B, Stein N, Thompson L, Vaniman D, Vasavada A & Yen A
(2016) Constraining Hesperian Martian PCO2 from Mineral Analysis at Gale Crater
Bristow T, Haberle R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Grotzinger J, Siebach K, Des Marias D, Rampe E, Eigenbrode J, Sutter B, Fairén A, Mischna M & Vasavada A
(2016) Oxychlorine Detections on Mars: Implications for Cl Cycling
Sutter B, Jackson A, Ming D, Archer D, Stern J, Mahaffy P & Gellert R
(2016) The Nitrate/Perchlorate Ratio of Martian Surface Materials: Implications for the Nitrogen Cycle on Mars
Stern JC, Sutter B, Jackson WA, Navarro-Gonzalez R, McKay CP, Ming DW & Mahaffy PR

Sutterasak T. (2011) Sequestering of Phosphorus during Freshening of a Silled Marine Basin; Role of Manganese
Ingri J, Sutterasak T, Widerlund A & Elming S-Å

Suttle C. (2003) Adsorption and Precipitation of Iron on Marine Bacteriophage PWM3a-P1
Daughney C, Chatellier X, Chan A, Kenward P, Fortin D & Suttle C

Suttle Martin (2023) CSI Solar System: Clues from Chromites in Cosmic Dust
Van Maldeghem F, Soens B, Maeda R, van Ginneken M, Krämer Ruggiu L, Cordier C, Suttle M, Folco L, Yamaguchi A, Claeys P & Goderis S

Suttle Martin David (2021) Assessing the Analytical Potential of Optical Tweezers for Sample Return Missions
Musolino A, Magazzù A, Bronte Ciriza D, Suttle MD, Rotundi A, Brucato JR, Polimeno P, Saija R, Iatì MA, Foti A, Donato M, Gucciardi PG, Maragò OM & Folco L

Suttner T. (2017) Looking for the Kellwasser Anoxia Event in all the Wrong Places: The Role of Submarine Groundwater Flow (Junggar Basin, NW China)
Carmichael S, Wang Z, Waters J, Batchelor C, Coleman D, Suttner T & Kido E
(2012) Geochemistry Across the Frasnian / Famennian Boundary, Hongguleleng Formation, Xinjiang Province, China
Waters J, Carmichael S, DeReuil A, Suttner T, Kido E, Chen X, Talent J & Mawson R

Sutton Adrienne
(2018) Solubility Controls Carbonate Chemistry with Local Modifications in North American Ocean Margins
Cai W-J, Xu Y, Feely R, Alin S, Sutton A & Barbero L
(2017) High pCO2 Conditions on the U.S. West Coast Originate from Coastal Upwelling from the California Undercurrent
Murray JW, Rutkowski M & Sutton A

Sutton Adrienne J. (2020) Hawaii Coastal CO2 Network: A Decade of Environmental Monitoring
Sabine CL, Knor LACM, Terlouw GJ, De Carlo EH & Sutton AJ

Sutton Andrew (2002) The Origin of Rhyolite Magmas and their 'Phenocrysts'
Blake S, Sutton A, Wilson C & Charlier B

Sutton G. (2011) Biogeochemistry as a Regional Mineral Exploration Tool: Northeast Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Reid N, Lintern M, Noble R, Anand R, Gray D, Sutton G & Jarrett R

Sutton Jill (2023) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation by Modern Polycystine Radiolarians
Cassarino L, Leynaert A, Llopsis Monferrer N, Crosta X, Not F & Sutton J
(2022) First Long Term (~30 Years) Coral Acclimatization to Ocean Acidification Recorded in Geochemical Signatures: A Case Study of New Caledonia
Tanvet C, Guillermic M, Sutton J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Thouzeau G, Butscher J, Dubosc J & Dissard D
(2017) Marine Calcifying Organisms Exhibit Highly Differential Regulation of pH at Site of Calcification in Response to CO2-induced Ocean Acidification
Liu Y-W, Eagle R, Sutton J & Ries J
(2017) The Possible Future of Coccolithophores in an Acidifying Ocean
Delebecque N, Boyé M, Probert I, Sutton J, Ponzevera E, Langer G & Marie-Alexandrine S
(2009) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Sponges: A New Paradigm and Model for Understanding Silicon Isotopic Variations in Sponges and Diatoms
Wille M, Sutton J, Ellwood M, Maher W, Eggins S & Kelly M

Sutton Jill N (2021) Updating the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in the Modern Ocean
Tréguer PJ, Sutton JN, Mark B, Charette M, Devries T, Dutkiewicz S, Ehlert C, Hawkings J, Leynaert A, Liu SM, Llopis Monferrer N, Lopez-Acosta M, Maldonado M, Rahman S, Ran L & Rouxel O
(2021) Bias in the Estimation of the Global Burial Flux of Biogenic Silica due to Incomplete Digestion Using Conventional Alkaline Methods
Zhu D, Sutton JN, Leynaert A, Tréguer PJ & Liu SM

Sutton M. (2005) Chemical Environment at Waste Package Surfaces in a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
Carroll S, Alai M, Craig L, Gdowski G, Hailey P, Nguyen QA, Rard J, Staggs K, Sutton M & Wolery T
(2005) Dust Salts and Deliquescence on Waste Packages in an Unsaturated-Zone Repository
Wolery T, Peterman Z, Carroll S, Jove-Colon C, Sutton M, Rard J & Wijesinghe A

Sutton P (2004) Analytical and Toxicological Methods for Identification of Unresolved Complex Mixtures (‘humps’) of Hydrocarbons in the Environment
Smith E, Sutton P, Galloway T, Lewis A & Rowland S

Sutton Paul (2015) Selective Preservation of Amides in Marine Tephra Layers
Palmer M, Manners H, Gernon T, Sutton P & Rowlands S

Sutton Phil (2023) Giant Impacts and the Origin and Evolution of Archean Cratons
Brown M, Kirkland CL, Johnson T & Sutton P
(2023) Crash, Bang, Crustal Nuclei?
Kirkland CL, Johnson T, Brown M & Sutton P

Sutton S (2007) The Speciation of Metals in Natural Fluid Inclusions at Temperatures up to 700 C
Berry A, Harris A, Kamenetsky V, Newville M & Sutton S
(2007) Fe3+/Fe2+ of Melt Inclusions: Implications for Melt H2O Contents
Danyushevsky L, Berry A, O'Neill H, Newville M & Sutton S
(2006) Synchrotron X-ray Microbeam Techniques in Assessing Metal Bioavailability in the Environment
Lanzirotti A & Sutton S
(2006) 3-D Elemental Imaging by Synchrotron Computed Microtomography
Rivers M, Sutton S & Newville M
(2005) Submicrometer-Scale Minor and Trace Element Mapping in Comet Dust
Keller L, Flynn G & Sutton S
(2005) Geometric Constraints of in situ Synchrotron micro-XANES Determinations of Oxidation State
Delaney J, Dyar MD, Gunter M, Sutton S & Lanzirotti A
(2004) Submicron Scale Element Mapping in IDPs: Constraints on Dust Formation and Aqueous Alteration
Flynn G, Keller L & Sutton S
(2003) The Embryonic Porphyry Copper System at White Island, New Zealand
Rapien M, Bodnar R, Simmons S, Szabó C & Sutton S
(2001) The Use of WDS in Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence and Spectroscopy: Case Studies Involving Heterogeneous Reactivity at the Mineral-Water Interface
Rakovan J, Sutton S, Newville M & Lanzirotti A

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