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Suárez-Ruiz I. (2005) Geochemistry of Coals from Peñarroya Basin (Spain)
Marques M & Suárez-Ruiz I

Suárez-Suárez A. (2014) Thermophilic Endospores in Cold Sediments Indicate Long Term Survival and Dispersal Following a Former Life in Warm Anoxic Environments
Hanson C, Hubert C, Bell E, De Rezende JR, Sherry A, Suárez-Suárez A, Gray ND, Head IM, Loy A, Müller AL, Baranyi C, Kjeldsen KU & Jørgensen BB
(2013) A Constant Flux of Diverse Anaerobic Thermophilic Endospores into Cold Marine Sediments
Hubert CR, Bell E, de Rezende JR, Hanson CA, Suárez-Suárez A, Head IM, Loy A, Müller A, Baranyi C, Ferdelman TG, Nickel M, Vandieken V, Arnosti C, Brüchert V, Finster K, Kjeldsen KU & Barker Jørgensen B

Subarkah D. (2023) In situ Triple Dating (Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, U-Pb) of Carbonate-Hosted Glauconite and Bioapatite from the Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin, Australia
Shao Z, Farkas J, Collins AS, Glorie S, Subarkah D, Gilbert S, Löhr S, Verdel C, Zivak D & Spandler C
(2023) New Constraints on the Origin and Post-Depositional History of Neoproterozoic Breamar Ironstones from South Australia: Insights from Micro-Scale Mineral Mapping and in situ Rb-Sr Dating of Illite and U-Pb Dating of Hematite
Zheng R, Farkas J, Collins AS, Subarkah D, Payne J, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Courtney-davies L, Ramanaidou E & Giles D
(2023) New Ways to Date Old Rocks: Novel Applications of in situ Geochronology to Constrain the Sedimentary Archive
Subarkah D, Nixon A, Collins AS, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Virgo GM, Simpson A, Shao Z & Farkas J
(2022) Reconstructing Ancient Palaeoenvironments from the Mid-Proterozoic Packages of the Greater McArthur Basin, Northern Australia
Subarkah D, Collins AS, Farkas J, Blades ML, Virgo GM & Shao Y
(2022) Descending into the “Snowball”: Improving Interpretations of Tonian–Cryogenian Palaeoenvironments with Sedimentology and Multiproxy Geochemistry
Virgo GM, Collins AS, Amos KJ, Farkas J, Blades ML & Subarkah D
(2020) Fractionated Cr Isotopes in the Late Paleoprotorozoic Marine Carbonates from the McArthur Basin, Australia: A Record of Oxic Paleo-Seawater or a Later Diagenetic Fluid-Flow Event?
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Collins A, Toledo G, Frei R, Lohr S, Murray S, Cox G, Blades M & Subarkah D

Subashri R. (2013) Contrasting Patterns of Bacterial Weathering of Granite, Granulite and Gabbro from Tropical Regions of South India
Subashri R, Dash J, Srinivasan B & Natarajan S

Subaşı B.M. (2017) A Multi-Isotope Investigation to Understand the Origin of Thermal Water in the Şavsat (Artvin) Geothermal Area, Turkey
Gültekin F, Subaşı BM, Hatipoglu Temizel E & Fırat Ersoy A

Subba R. (2022) Use of Clumped Carbonate Thermometry in Terrestrial Mollusc from Indian Region
Subba R & Ghosh P

Subba Rao D.V. (2011) Late-Cretaceous Alkaline Continental Magmatism Associated with Deccan Continental Flood Basalt Sequences of Saurashtra in Western India
Subba Rao DV, Babu EVSSK, Vidyasagar G & Madhukumar B
(2010) Geochemistry of Late Archean Bababudan Metasediments, Dharwar Craton, India: Implications on Redox Condtions
Subba Rao DV & Sreenivas B
(2009) Mesoarchaean Copper Deposits of Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence for Hydrothermal Vent Activity
Subba Rao DV, Sreenivas B & Naqvi SM

Subbarao G. (2023) Balance of Fluid Exchange between Sediments and Seawater. The Perspective of the Chlorine Isotopes of Chlorides
Agrinier P, Gieskes J, Subbarao G, Bardoux G & Bonifacie M

Subbarao K. (2004) 142Nd in Deccan Traps and Early Mantle Differentiation
Andreasen R, Subbarao K & Sharma M

Subbotin V. (2019) Baddeleyite, Zircon and Sulfide from Paleoproterozoic Layered PGE Intrusions with Cu-Ni and Pt-Pd Reefs: LA-ICP-MS Data (Arctic Region, Baltic Shild)
Drogobuzhskaya S, Bayanova T, Novikov A, Neradovskiy Y & Subbotin V
(2018) Baddeleyite from Paleoproterozoic Cu-Ni and Pt-Pd Reefs of Oceanic and Continental Crust (N-E Part of the Fennoscandian Shield, Arctic Region)
Bayanova T, Drogobuzhskaya S, Subbotin V, Kunakkuzin E, Serov P, Steshenko E & Neradovskiy Y

Subdiaga E. (2019) Effect of Redox-Active and Conductive Biochar Particles on Methane Emission and Fe(III) Reduction in Anoxic Paddy Soils
Yang Z, Kleindienst S, Subdiaga E, Kretzschmar R, Haderlein S & Kappler A
(2018) Changes in Redox Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter Sorbed onto Fe(III)-Montmorillonite
Subdiaga E, Orsetti S & Haderlein SB
(2017) Fractionation of Humic Acids Upon Sorption to Redox Inert Sorbents and its Effect on Redox State
Subdiaga E, Orsetti S, Harir M, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Haderlein SB

Subha Anand S. (2017) 234Th and 210Po-210Pb Based Carbon Export Flux along the Indian GEOTRACES GI02 Section in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean
Subha Anand S & Rengarajan R
(2017) Spatial Distribution of POC Export Flux Estimated Using 234Th/238U Disequilibrium along the GEOTRACES GI03 Section
Rengarajan R, Subha Anand S, Bhushan R & Singh SK

Subhas Adam (2018) A New Study on PIC Dissolution and Sinking Fluxes, Concentrations and Calcite/Aragonite Ratios in the North Pacific
Dong S, Celestian A, Turaga N, Rollins N, Naviaux J, Subhas A, Adkins J & Berelson W
(2015) Novel Measurements of Inorganic and Biogenic Calcite Dissolution Kinetics in Seawater
Subhas A, Adkins J, Berelson W, Rollins N & Erez J
(2015) Catalysis of CO2 Sequestration by Reaction with Limestone can Keep up with Global Anthropogenic Emissions
Adkins J, Subhas A, Rollins N & Berelson W
(2014) The Dissolution Kinetics of Calcium Carbonate Minerals
Subhas A, Rollins N, Adkins J, Berelson W & Erez J

Subhas Adam V (2023) Equatorward Expansion of the North Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones over the Past Three Decades
Landry K, Dong S, Chen J-J, Kong T, Osorio Rodriguez D, Pavia F, Subhas AV, Peng XN, Adkins J, Berelson WM & Wang XT
(2023) Micro-Scale Observations and Global Trends in Carbonate Diagenesis at the Great Bahama Bank
Hashim M, Subhas AV & Klein F
(2021) Shallow Calcium Carbonate Cycling in the Ocean Driven by Organic Matter Respiration
Subhas AV, Berelson W, Ziveri P, Dong S, Rae JWB, Gray WR, Byrne R & Adkins J

Subhas Adam V. (2019) Coccoliths and Foraminifera in Deep Sea Sediments and their Role in the Calcium Carbonate Budget
Subhas AV, Long M, McNichol A & McCorkle D

Subirana J.M. (2002) Modelling an in situ Test of PCE Oxidation Using Permanganate
Jordana S, GUIMER¿ J, Duro L, DOM»NEC JA & Subirana JM

Subirana M.A. (2019) Selenium and Mercury Species Interactions in Wheat Plants
Subirana MA, Boada R, Simonelli L, Marini C, Jew A, Webb S, Brown GE, Llugany M & Valiente M

Subladze E. (2020) Assessment of the Some Benefits of Uncontrolled Landfills in Georgia
Buachidze N, Dvalishvili N & Subladze E

Sublett M. (2022) Examining Volatiles and Pre-Eruptive Storage Histories of Nyiragongo’s most Primitive Magmas
Connors L, Sublett M, Wallace P, Sims KW & Bodnar R
(2021) A New Paradigm for Pegmatite Formation: Generation of Pegmatitic Textures in a Closed, Isochoric System Implied by the Formation of Miarolitic-Class, Segregation-Type Pegmatites in the Taishanmiao Batholith, China
Yuan Y, Moore LR, McAleer R, Yuan S, Ouyang H, Belkin H, Mao J, Sublett M & Bodnar R

Sublett Jr D.M. (2018) Fugacities of N2, CO2 and CH4 in N2-CO2-CH4 Mixtures from 10-500 Bars Determined by Raman Spectroscopy
Sublett Jr DM, Lamadrid H, Steele-MacInnis M, Spiekermann G & Bodnar R

Submarine Mauna Loa Science Team (2005) Isotopic Study of Mauna Loa‚s Submarine Southwest Rift Mile High Section: Hawaiian Mantle Plume Structure
Weis D, Rhodes JM, Garcia MO & Submarine Mauna Loa Science Team 

Subramani T. (2023) Thermodynamics of Ni-Fe-Co-ag Pentlandite Solid Solutions and Implications for Natural Occurrences
Scharrer M, Leonel GJ, Subramani T, Lilova K & Navrotsky A

Subramanian R. (2014) UV Broadband Aerosol Extinction Measurements during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
Attwood A, Washenfelder R, Subramanian R, Saha P, Khlystov A, Nguyen TK, Brock C, Petters M, Suda S, Carlton A & Brown S

Subramanian S. (2014) How Both Reactive Bedrock Accessory Minerals and Vegetation Affect the Behaviour of REE, U and Th during Silicate Weathering: Mule Hole Watershed, South India
Braun JJ, Riotte J, Battacharya S, Subramanian S, Violette A, Oliva P & Marechal J-C
(2013) Using Model Mineral-Organic Matter-Water Interfaces as a Step Towards Determining the Fate of Pollutants in the Environment
Kolic PE, Subramanian B, Spivak DA & Cook RL
(2011) Assessing the Factors Controlling the Temporal Variations of Weathering Fluxes in a Tropical Watershed: Mule-Hole (South India)
Riotte J, Braun J-J, Maréchal JC, Violette A, Deschamps P, Ruiz L, Lagane C, Muddu S, Subramanian S, Kumar C & Audry S
(2009) Contemporary Versus Long-Term Weathering Rates in Tropics: Mule Hole, South India
Braun J-J, Descloitres M, Riotte J, Deschamps P, Violette A, Maréchal J-C, Sekhar M, Mohan Kumar MS, Barbiéro L & Subramanian S
(2007) Dynamic of Pedogenic Carbonates in a Climatic Gradient: The Kabini River Basin, Deccan Plateau, South India
Violette A, Riotte J, Braun J-J, Barbiéro L, Ruiz L, Oliva P, Sekhar M, Mohan Kumar MS, Subramanian S & Dupré B

Subramanian Sankaran (2021) Environmental Dynamics of Chromium in Ultramafic Systems: A Combined Approach
Quantin C, Garnier J, Bolanos Benitez V, Gelabert A, Adjei Mensah E, Sivry Y, Juillot F, Morin G, Krishnan S & Subramanian S
(2021) Fate and Behavior of Chromium in Mining-Impacted Paddy Soils
Adjei Mensah E, Groleau A, Prabhakaran D, Anil AG, Quantin C, Bolanos Benitez V, Krishnan S, Sudarsan V, Ramamurthy P, Subramanian S & Sivry Y
(2021) Assessing Cr Sources and Biogeochemical Processes Influencing its Bioavailability Thanks to Cr Isotopic Signature
Adjei Mensah E, Bolanos Benitez V, Quantin C, Groleau A, Subramanian S & Sivry Y
(2020) Study of Chromium Biosorption by Citrobacter freundii Using Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy
Anil AG, Swaraj S, Prabhakaran D, Ramamurthy P, Subramanian S, Krishnan S & Sivry Y
(2019) XAS Assessment of Cr Release from Sukinda Mining Overburden
Quantin C, Gelabert A, Ratié G, Bolanos-Benitez V, Vantelon D, Subramanian S & Sivry Y

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