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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Stewart Brandy D. (2021) An XRF Study in Mechanisms of Chromium Removal from Industrial Storm Water Using Peat Medium
Stewart BD, Nicholas SL, Eger P, Sheik C & Toner BM
(2012) Uranium Association and Interaction with Redox Boundary in Rifle Surface Seep Sediments
Stewart B, Nico P & Peyton B
(2010) Modeling UO2 Bioprecipitation and Reoxidation by Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides
Spycher N, Issarangkun M, Stewart B, Sengor S, Ginn T, Sani R & Peyton B
(2010) Speciation of Selenium by Facultative Bacteria in Phosphate Mine Waste
Kirk LB, Stewart BD, Macur R & Gerlach R
(2010) Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Oxidation in the Presence of Fe(III)(hydr)oxides
Stewart B & Peyton B
(2009) Elucidating Dominant Mechanisms of Nanocrystalline Uraninite Reoxidation by Fe(III)(hydr)oxides
Stewart B & Peyton B
(2008) Stability of Uranium Incorporated into Fe(hydr)oxide Structures Under Fluctuating Redox Conditions
Stewart BD, Nico P & Fendorf S
(2005) Stimulated Migration of Arsenic and Uranium by Reductive Transformation of Iron
Tufano K, Stewart B, Herbel M & Fendorf S
(2005) Arsenic Mobilization Influenced by Iron Reduction and Sulfidogenesis
Kocar B, Tufano K, Masui Y, Stewart B, Herbel M & Fendorf S

Stewart Brian (2017) Cation Exchange as a Control on Coal Mine Drainage Geochemistry in the Appalachian Region, Eastern USA
Hedin B, Capo R, Stewart B, Cravotta C, Hawkins J & Hedin R
(2017) Nd Isotopes Track Rare Earth Element Sources in Acid Mine Drainage, Appalachian Basin, USA
Wallrich I, Stewart B, Capo R, Phan T & Hedin B
(2017) Evidence for the Global SPICE Event in Passive Margin Carbonate and Shale in the Appalachian Basin, USA
Mackey J & Stewart B
(2016) Controls on Rare Earth Elements in Abandoned Coal Mine Drainage in the Appalachian Basin, Eastern USA
Stewart B, Capo R, Hedin B & Hedin R

Stewart Brian W. (2023) Isotopic Record of Dissolved and Suspended Loads from Rivers Draining the Eastern Sierra Nevada, California, over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Stewart BW & Capo RC
(2023) Experimental Investigation of Critical Metal Removal by Biotic Manganese Oxides
Boothe TJ, Capo RC, Stewart BW & Rosenfeld CE
(2014) Geochemical Characterization and Assessment of Migration or Mixing of Upper and Middle Devonian Produced Waters Following Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing
Capo R, Kolesar Kohl C, Stewart B, Wall A, Schroeder K, Hammack R & Guthrie G
(2013) Origin of Dissolved Solids in Marcellus Shale Produced Water
Stewart B, Chapman E, Capo R, Graney J & Johnson J
(2013) Uranium Partitioning and Isotope Composition in Shales of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation
Phan T, Capo R, Stewart B, Sharma S & Toro J
(2011) Origin of Dissolved Metals in Produced Water from the Devonian Marcellus Shale, USA: Sr Isotope Systematics
Stewart B, Chapman E, Capo R, Hammack R, Schroeder K & Edenborn H
(2010) Tracking CO2 Migration Through a Sandstone Aquifer Using Sr Isotopes: Chimayó, New Mexico, USA
Gardiner J, Stewart B, Capo R, Hakala J & Keating E
(2010) Sr Isotope Quantification of Siderite, Brine and AMD Contribution to High TDS Well Discharges
Chapman E, Capo R, Stewart B, Hedin R, Weaver T & Edenborn H
(2009) Earth’s Oldest (~3.4 Ga) Lateritic Paleosol in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
Johnson I, Watanabe Y, Stewart B & Ohmoto H
(2008) Ca Isotopes and the Rainfall Limit of Silicate Weathering on Earth
Ewing S, Amundson R, Stewart BW, Thiemens M & DePaolo D
(2002) Neodymium Isotope Investigation of 2.6 Ga Hamersley Group Carbonate, Western Australia
Stewart B, Bau M & Capo R
(2002) Paleoenvironmental Investigation of the Proterozoic Hokkalampi Paleosol, Eastern Finland
Stafford S, Capo RC, Stewart BW, Marmo J & Ohmoto H
(2001) Sources of Water and Dissolved Solids in Death Valley: A Strontium Isotope Investigation
Boulanger JR, Stewart BW, Lowenstein TK & Capo RC
(2001) In situ Geochronology of Planetary Surfaces: Application of the Rubidium-Strontium Isotope System
Stewart BW, Cardell G, Taylor ME, Capo RC & Crown DA

Stewart Bryn (2023) River Chemistry Predominantly Controlled by Climate
Li L, Stewart B, Zhi W, Sadayappan K, Ramesh S, Kerins D, Sterle G, Harpold A & Perdrial JN
(2022) From Pattern to Process and Process to Pattern: Insights on Data-Driven Critical Zone Research from the Big Data Collaborative Network Cluster
Perdrial JN, Underwood K, Swami S, Lee BS, Ul Haq I, Kincaid D, Stewart B, Seybold E, Rizzo D, Li L, Hamshaw SD & Shanley JB
(2021) Assessing Ecohydrological Resilience Across Scales: Opportunities and Challenges for Critical Zone Research
Perdrial J, Bristol C, Ruckhaus M, Seybold E, Stewart B, Abbott BW, Kincaid DW, Underwood K, Hamshaw SD, Shanley JB, Li L, Rizzo D, Lee R, Lewis G & Lee BS

Stewart Cameron (2023) Disk-Driven Migration of Jupiter: Support from Chondrite Thermochronology
Edwards GH, Keller CB, Stewart C & Newton ER

Stewart Catherine (2018) Belowground Controls on Soil Carbon Accumulation in Perennial Bioenergy Cropping Systems
de Graaff M-A, Stewart C & Jastrow J

Stewart Douglas (2014) Neutralisation of Red Mud Leachate: Mineralogical and Trace Metal Effects
Burke I, Peacock C, Lockwood C, Stewart D, Mortimer R, Ward M, Renforth P, Gruiz K & Mayes W
(2013) Arsenic Release from Red Mud Affected Soil-Water Systems
Lockwood C, Mortimer R, Stewart D, Mayes W & Burke I
(2011) Geomicrobiology of Hyperalkaline Cr(VI) Contaminated Land
Whittleston R, Burke I, Stewart D & Mortimer R
(2009) Biostimulation of Nitrate, Iron and Chromate Reduction at Hyperalkaline Conditions
Whittleston R, Stewart D, Mortimer R & Burke I
(2008) Microbially Mediated Chromate Reduction in Alkaline Soils
Burke IT, Stewart DI & Mortimer RJG

Stewart Douglas I. (2016) Coprecipitation of 14C and Sr with Carbonate Precipitates: The Importance of Reaction Kinetics and Recrystallization Pathways
Hodkin D, Stewart D, Graham J & Burke I
(2016) Understanding the Behaviour of Organic Carbon-14 Compounds in Contaminated Groundwater
Boylan A, Stewart D, Graham J & Burke I
(2016) What are the Effects of Sediment Resuspension Events on Nutrient and Trace Metal Mobilisation along an Estuarine Continuum?
Vidal Dura A, Burke IT, Stewart DI & Mortimer RJG
(2016) A Cost Effective Alternative for Red Mud Rehabilitation
Bray AW, Stewart DI, Courtney R, Mayes WM & Burke IT
(2016) Surface Leaching of Vanadium from BOF Steel Slag: A µXAS and SEM Study
Hobson A, Stewart D, Bray A, Mayes W, Rogerson M & Burke I
(2016) Fate and Behaviour of Vanadium during the Aerobic Neutralisation of Alkaline Steel Slag Leachate
Hobson A, Stewart D, Bray A, Mayes W, Riley A & Burke I

Stewart E. M. (2018) Dating Changes in Relative Plate Motion in the Betic-Rif Cordillera Using Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology
Farrell T, Baxter E, Aerden D & Stewart EM

Stewart Emily (2018) The Acadian Metamorphic Carbon Flux and Devonian Climate
Stewart E & Ague J

Stewart Frank (2019) Habitability of Methane Hydrates: Insights from Omics
Glass J, Ranjan P, Kretz C, Nunn B, Johnson A, McManus J & Stewart F
(2019) Combining Geochemical Measurements and Omics to Investigate Competitive Anaerobic Redox Dynamics in Sediments
Eitel E, Moran A, Shin H-D, Patin N, Bertagnolli A, Kemner K, Brooks S, Pennacchio C, Kaplan D, Stewart F, DiChristina T & Taillefert M
(2018) Characterization of Icelandic Mars Analog Environment Using 16S rRNA Sequencing
Tan G, Holtzen S, Parris D, Stewart F, Stockton A & Feldspar T
(2018) Metaproteomics Reveal Uncharacterized Betaproteobacterial Electron Conduits
Szeinbaum N, Henny C, Crowe S, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Reinhard C, Nunn B & Glass J
(2016) How did Ferruginous Archean Oceans Make Methane?
Glass J, Bray M, Wu J, Reed B, Kretz C, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Brandes J, Fowle D & Crowe S
(2015) Oxygen in the OMZ: In situ Measurement and Biological Transformations
Garcia-Robledo E, Tiano L, Paulmier A, Ward B, Stewart F, Klimant I, Ulloa O, Borisov S & Rebsvech NP
(2014) Linking Trace Metal Geochemistry and Microbial Metagenomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone
Glass J, Ranjan P, Ganesh S, Seston S, Buck K & Stewart F

Stewart Frank J (2017) The Metabolic Potential of Freshwater Bathyarchaeota
Crowe S, Zhou C, Simister R, Glass J, Bray M, Morgan-Lang C, Hahn A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Stewart F, Kallmeyer J & Hallam S
(2017) Non-CAnonical N2O Production Pathways Under Low Oxygen
Bristow LA, Padilla CC, Frame CH, Lehmann MF, Stewart FJ & Thamdrup B
(2017) Tales from the Crypt(ic): The Phantoms of the Nitrogen Cycle
Glass J, Cavazos A, Stanton C, Tang Y, Taillefert M, Stewart F & Ostrom N

Stewart Gavin (2023) Non-Arid Brine Sources of Li: Using Mine Waters of the North Pennines, England to Test Near-Surface Measurements as a Tool for Assessing the Li Resource of Hydrothermal Brines in Granitic Systems
Robinson AD, Acikalin S, Stewart G & Flynn SL

Stewart Gillian (2017) The Influence of Particle Concentration and Composition on the Sorption and Fractionation of 210Po and 210Pb along the North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect GA03
Tang Y & Stewart G
(2017) 210Po and 210Pb as Tracers of the Biological Pump in the Ocean: Review of Lab and Field Data
Stewart G
(2012) Tracing Particulate Scavenging Fluxes Using 210Po and 210Pb during North Atlantic GEOTRACES
Rigaud S, Church T, Baskaran M, Stewart G, Choi Y, Puigcorbe V & Masque P
(2008) Field Evidence of Relationships between Plankton and 210Po, 210Pb
Stewart G, Masqué P, Verdeny E & Tovar-Sanchez A

Stewart Glen (2015) A Reassessment of the Oxidation State of Iron in MORB Glasses
Berry A, Stewart G, O'Neill H, Mallman G & Mosselmans F

Stewart Heather A (2021) Sedimentation Processes of Hadal Environments: A Comparison between Kermadec and Atacama Trenches
Oguri K, Turnewitsch R, Rowden A, Zabel M, Masque P, Stewart HA, Wenzhöfer F & Glud RN

Stewart Heather A. (2020) Early Diagenesis of Organic Material in Hadal Trenches
Glud RN, Thamdrup B, Zabel M, Larsen M, Glud A, Sanei H, Yunping X, Lou M, Li X, Oguri K, Jamieson A, Stewart HA, Rowden A, Fang J & Wenzhoefer F

Stewart Joseph (2021) Tracing Anthropogenic Radiocarbon Transfer Through the Tropical North Atlantic Using Deep Sea Bamboo Corals
Liu Q, Robinson LF, Hendy E, Stewart J, Knowles T, Li T & Samperiz A
(2021) Refining Trace Metal Temperature Proxies in Cold-Water Scleractinian and Stylasterid Corals
Stewart J, Robinson LF, Day R, Strawson I, Samperiz A, Burke A, Rae JWB, Spooner P, Etnoyer P, Williams B, Paytan A, Leng M, Haussermann V, Wickes L, Bratt R & Pryer HV
(2021) Benchmarking Analysis of δ11B in Low B Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) Volcanic Glasses
Paul AN, Stewart J, Agostini S, Kirstein L, De Hoog J, Savov I, Walowski K, Rae JWB & Elliott T
(2021) Ba/Ca Ratios of Stylasterid Coral Skeletons: Implications for Palaeoceanography and Coral Biomineralisation
Kershaw J, Stewart J, Strawson I, Samperiz A & Robinson LF
(2020) Productivity and Dissolved Oxygen Controls on the Southern Ocean Deep-Sea Benthos during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
Stewart J, Spooner P, Burke A, Chen T, Li T, Rae J, Roberts J, Peck V, Liu Q & Robinson L
(2020) The Geochemistry of Coral Biomineralization: Using Boron Isotopes to Understand the Cost of Resilience in a Changing Ocean
Gagnon A, Gothmann A, Branson O, Rae J & Stewart J
(2019) Paleoceanographic Utility and Calcification Mechanisms of Stylasterid Corals
Strawson I, Samperiz A, Stewart J, Robinson L, Leng M & Day R
(2019) Atlantic Connections to Southern Ocean Warming and Overturning during the Last Deglaciation
Stewart J, Robinson L, Rae J, Burke A, Li T, Chen T, Cole C, Samperiz A & Spooner P
(2019) Coral Tracers of Post Bomb Radiocarbon Transfer in the Equatorial Atlantic
Liu Q, Robinson L, Samperiz A, Stewart J, Knowles T & Li T
(2019) Radiocarbon Records of Ocean Stratification during the Last Glacial Maximum
Ferreira MLC, Robinson L, Stewart J, Chen T, Li T & Millo C
(2018) Deep-Sea Coral Records of Deep Ocean Carbon Storage and Release during the Last Deglaciation
Stewart J, Rae J, Burke A, Li T & Robinson L
(2008) Comparison of Seasonal Geochemical Variability in Chinese Speleothems Under Different Climatic States
Johnson KR, Hu C, Stewart J & Henderson G

Stewart Joseph A. (2023) Contrasting Biomineralisation Strategies in the Cold-Water Coral Desmophyllum dianthus Revealed by Correlative Geochemical Imaging
Standish CD, Foster GL, Kleboe JP, Chalk TB, Mahajan S, Milton A, Page T & Stewart JA
(2023) Controls on Stylasterid Coral δ11B and its Utility as a Seawater pH Proxy
Kershaw J, Stewart JA & Robinson LF
(2023) Boron Isotopes of Cold-Seep Carbonates Reveal Methane Seepage Intensity in the Past
Wang M, Stewart JA, Robinson LF, Feng D, Li T, Zhang X & Chen T
(2023) Ba/Ca of the Last Millennium North Atlantic Deep-Sea Corals as Water Mass Evolution and Ocean Circulation Variability Archive
Shen Y, Robinson LF, Stewart JA, Sun Y-J, de Carvalho Ferreira ML, Wang M, Prokopenko M, Hendry KR, Ng HC & Kershaw J
(2023) Coral Li/Mg Records of Tropical Atlantic Intermediate Water Warming at the End of the Little Ice Age
Liu Q, Robinson LF, Hendy E, Chen S-YS, Stewart JA, Knowles T, Li T & Samperiz A
(2023) Deep-Sea Coral 14C and Li/Mg Records of Ocean Circulation and Temperature in the Southwest Atlantic over the Last 35 Thousand Years
de Carvalho Ferreira ML, Robinson LF, Stewart JA, Kitahara MV, Pires DO & Millo C
(2015) Nutrient and pH Dynamics of Intermediate Depth Southern Ocean Waters during the Last Glacial and Interglacial Period
Anagnostou E, Stewart J, Sherrell R, Adkins J, Hines S & Foster G
(2015) Influence of pH on Boron and Carbon Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
Martin P, Yang TT, Stewart JA, Foster GL, Wang B-S, Fan T-Y, You C-F & Goodkin NF
(2014) Automated Sample Preparation for Boron Isotopes: Removing an Analytical Barrier
Martínez-Botí MA, Anagnostou E, Foster GL, Field MP, Henehan MJ, Stewart JA & de la Vega E
(2013) Improved Boron Isotope pH Proxy Calibration for the Deep Sea Coral Desmophyllum dianthus Through Sub-Sampling of Fibrous Aragonite
Stewart J, Anagnostou E & Foster G

Stewart Justin D. (2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA

Stewart L. (2015) Fractionation of 13CH3D during Microbial Methanogenesis
Gruen D, Wang D, Koenneke M, Hinrichs K-U, Stewart L, Topcuoglu B, Holden J, Pape T, Bohrmann G, Hristov A & Ono S
(2014) Clumped Isotope Systematics of Biogenic Methane
Gruen D, Wang D, Stewart L, Holden J & Ono S

Stewart M. (2020) The Influence of Wrench Tectonics on Submarine Volcanism in the NE Lau Basin (Tonga)
Norris-Julseth C, Anderson M, Rubin K, Haase K, Hannington M, Stewart M & Baxter A

Stewart R (2006) Formation of natural diamonds: an experimental perspective
Luth R, Gunn S, Ewanchuk S & Stewart R

Stewart R. Craig (2011) Contrasting Halogen Geochemistry of Barren and Mineralized Breccias of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario
Stewart RC, Hanley JJ & Ames DE

Stewart R. Michael (2014) Paleoclimate Proxies Also Record Human Impact Signals
Stinchcomb G, Williamson F, Messner T, Stewart RM, Allen P, Driese S & Nordt L

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