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Steudel A. (2010) Montmorillonite Catalysis and Potential of Charge Density in Proposing the Target Sites on Mars for Search of Organics
Ertem G, Schuhmann R, Steudel A, Emmerich K & Hazen R

Steudtner R. (2023) Exploring the Eu(III) Translocation in Hydroponically Grown Plants
Klotzsche M, Steudtner R, Vogel M & Drobot B
(2022) Microscopic and Spectroscopic Insights into uranium(VI) Association-Reduction Processes by a Sulfate-Reducing Microorganism
Hilpmann S, Steudtner R, Rossberg A, Hübner R, Prieur D, Bauters S, Kvashnina K, Stumpf T & Cherkouk A
(2021) U(VI) and Eu(III) Bioassociation Behavior and Uptake Mechanisms of Plant Cells
Jessat J, Moll H, Bilke M-L, John W, Hübner R, Steudtner R, Drobot B, Bok F, Stumpf T & Sachs S
(2021) Sorption and Reduction of uranium(VI) by a Sulfate-Reducing Microorganism in Synthetic Opalinus Clay Pore Water
Hilpmann S, Drobot B, Steudtner R, Bok F, Stumpf T & Cherkouk A
(2021) Uranium Diffusion Through Opalinus Clay in the Absence and Presence of Citric Acid
Joseph C, Steudtner R & Schmeide K
(2019) Time Dependence of the Bioassociation Behavior of U(VI) and Eu(III) with Brassica Napus Cells
Jessat J, Sachs S, Moll H, Steudtner R, Bok F & Stumpf T
(2019) Radionuclide Sorption in Heterogeneous Systems: From Model Mineral Oxides to Complex Rocks
Schierz A, Stockmann M, Jordan N, Foerstendorf H, Steudtner R, Bok F & Brendler V
(2018) Consolidation of Surface Speciations by a Combined Spectroscopic and Modeling Approach
Foerstendorf H, Jordan N, Heim K, Mayordomo N, Steudtner R, Stockmann M & Lützenkirchen J
(2017) Spectroscopic and Microscopic Approach of U(VI) Sorption on Acidovorax Facilis for Remediation Purpose
Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Gerber U, Steudtner R, Müller K, Moll H, Rossberg A & Merroun M
(2016) U(VI) – SO42− Complexation at Elevated Temperature – a Combination of Spectroscopy and Thermodynamic Modeling
Franzen C, Haubitz T, Drobot B, Firkala T, Brendler V & Steudtner R
(2016) Development of a Quality-Assured Thermodynamic Database for Rare Earth Elements
Jordan N, Barkleit A, Steudtner R, Bok F, Heller A & Brendler V
(2016) ThermAc: A Joint Project on Aquatic Actinide Chemistry and Thermodynamics at Elevated Temperature Conditions
Bosbach D, Altmaier M, Gaona X, Endrizzi F, Brendler V, Steudtner R, Franzen C, Tsushima S, Panak P, Skerencak-Frech A, Hagemann S, Brandt F, Krüger S, Colas E, Grive M, Thoenen T, Kulik D & Finkeldei S
(2016) The Ternary Sorption System U(VI)/ phosphate/SiO2: A Consistent Surface Speciation Derived from a Multimethodological Approach
Foerstendorf H, Comarmond MJ, Heim K, Steudtner R, Stockmann M & Payne TE
(2015) Neptunium Redox Reactions at the Iron Mineral − Water Interface
Steudtner R, Hübner R, Müller K, Weiss S & Scheinost AC
(2015) Spectroscopic Identification of Np(V) Sorption Complexes at the Mineral Oxide-Water Interface
Müller K, Steudtner R, Huittinen N, Bok F & Rossberg A
(2015) Evidence of U(VI) Sorption on Acidovorax by TRLFS and TEM/EELS
Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Gerber U, Steudtner R, Lünsdorf H & Arnold T
(2013) Formation of Se(0) Nanoparticles by Azospirillum brasilense
Steudtner R, Maffert A, Vogel M, Franzen C & Scheinost AC
(2013) Sorption of Uranium and Neptunium onto Diorite from Äspö HRL
Schmeide K, Gürtler S, Müller K, Steudtner R, Joseph C, Bok F & Brendler V
(2011) Uranium(VI) Complexation with Lactate and Citrate in Dependence on Temperature (7-65℃)
Steudtner R, Schmeide K & Bernhard G

Stevanova I. (2003) Holocene Climate History and Watershed Dynamics of the Crow Wing Watershed, North Central Minnesota as Interpreted from δ18O and δD in Lake Sediments
Zabielski V, Ito E, Wright H, Person M, Huan Y & Stevanova I

Stevanović Z. (2018) Spatial Distribution and Mobility of Elements in River Water and River Bed Sediments from Eastern Serbia
Đorđievski S, Ishiyama D, Ogawa Y & Stevanović Z

Steven C. (2006) Diamondiferous microxenoliths from the Diavik Diamond Mine (Canada): lherzolitic hosts for harzburgitic diamonds?
Thomas S, Steven C, Hayley M, Cara L. D, Sean W & Robert W. L

Steven E. (2002) Experimental Determinations of Ar Diffusion and Solubility in Plagioclase and Leucite
Kelley S, Wartho J-A & Steven E

Steven N. (2017) A Clumped and Stable Isotope Study on the Sediment‐hosted Stratabound Copper Deposits of Malachite Pan, Namibia
Vennemann T, Cornuz L, Daweti E & Steven N

Steven R. (2014) Resolving Shock Features in Monazite Using EBSD and their Effects on SHRIMP U-Pb Systematics
Erickson T, Mark P, Cavosie A, Nicholas T, Steven R, Richard T & Christopher C

Steven L G. (2017) Nd Isotopes in the North Atlantic Endmember of the AMOC over the Last 1.3 Ma
Jaume-Seguí M, Steven L G, Leopoldo D P, Joohee K, Maayan Y, Karla K, Chandranath B, Alison H & Rachel L

Stevens A. (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A

Stevens Bjorn (2009) Why Are (Precipitation Mediated) Aerosol Effects on Clouds so Difficult to Establish?
Stevens B
(2006) A Magmatic – Hydrothermal Origin for the Giant Broken Hill Pb-Zn Deposit
Crawford A & Stevens B

Stevens Brooke (2014) Evaluation of Bioaccessibility Methods to Predict Relative Bioavailability of Arsenic in Contaminated Soils
Stevens B, Basta N, Whitacre S, Naber S, Scheckel K, Casteel S, Bradham K & Thomas D

Stevens F. (2005) Rapid Ectomycorrhizal Channel Development on Biotite in Liquid Culture Experiments
Balogh Z, Keller CK, Stevens F & Dickinson JT

Stevens Gary (2023) Characterisation of Post-Burial Alterations in Archean Seafloor-Derived Lava and Cherts: Implications for the Primitive Terrestrial Environments
Kitoga S, Marin-Carbonne J, Boyet M, Moyen J-F, Stevens G & Zakharov D
(2023) Peritectic Crystal Entrainment during Partial Melting in the Mantle: Importance for the Formation of Layered Ultramafic Complexes & Chromitite Seams
Otto T, Stevens G, Moyen J-F, Mayne MJ & Clemens J
(2022) Accessory Phase Saturation and Trace Element Partitioning in Combination with Compositionally Flexible Phase Equilibrium Modelling in Rcrust: A New Tool for Igneous Petrology
Mayne MJ, Stevens G & Hoffman S
(2021) Textural Evidence of Mantle-Derived Carbonate in Composite Granite-Lamprophyre Dykes Associated with the Formation of the Variscan Aigoual Granite Pluton, Massif Central, France
Werle M, Stevens G, Moyen J-F & Laurent O
(2019) Paleoproterozoic I-And-S-Types Granitic Magmatism in the Northern São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil: New Perspectives from Geochemistry, Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopes
Gordilho Barbosa R, Stevens G & Lana C
(2019) Metasomatic Effects of Sulphur-Bearing Carbonated Melts on the Lithospheric Mantle
Burness S, Smart KA, Tappe S, Stevens G & Woodland AB
(2018) Paleoproterozoic Granitic Magmatism in the Contendas-Mirante Region, Bahia, Brazil
Gordilho Barbosa R, Stevens G & Lana C
(2018) New Insights on the Thermal Evolution of the Stolzburg Pluton, Barberton Granitoid Greenstone Terrain, South Africa, by U-Pb Apatite and Zircon Ages
Mühlberg M, Stevens G, Moyen J-F, Lana C, Kisters AFM & Bracciali L
(2018) Earth’s Oldest Garnet: 3.20 Ga Garnet Ages Robustly Constrain the Timing of Early Metamorphism
Maneiro K, Cutts K, Baxter E & Stevens G
(2017) The Shape of the P-T Path Controls the Solidus: An Investigation of Fully-Hydrated, Fluid-Absent Anatexis of an Average Metapelite
Mayne M, Stevens G, Moyen J-F & Johnson T
(2017) The Origins of Geochemical Trends in Felsic Igneous Rocks: Insight into Processes in the Source
Stevens G, Clemens J & Mayne M
(2017) Small-Scale Zircon Age Variability in the Monte Capanne Pluton Revealing the Timescale of Crustal Melting and Melt Extraction
Farina F, Stevens G, Dini A & Schaltegger U
(2017) Extreme U-Pb Zircon Age Variability in the Lower Crustal Galiléia Batholith (SE Brazil)
Narduzzi F, Farina F, Lana C, Stevens G, Alkmim A & Nalini HA
(2017) S-Bearing Metasomatism of Mantle Eclogites: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton and Experiments
Burness S, Smart K, Stevens G, Tappe S, Sharp ZD & Gibbons J
(2015) Melt Segregation and Magma Interactions during Crustal Melting: Breaking out of the Matrix
Clemens J & Stevens G
(2013) The Inheritance of Source Hf Isotopic Diversity in S-Type Granites
Farina F, Stevens G, Gerdes A & Frei D
(2013) Leucosome Formation by Desequilibrium Melting and Melt Loss: Perspectives from the South Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa
Nicoli G, Stevens G, Moyen J-F & Taylor J
(2013) P-T Modelling and Geochronology of the Barberton Granite Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Rates of Tectonic Processes in the Archaean
Cutts K, Stevens G, Hoffmann E, Buick I, Frei D & Münker C
(2012) Mineral-Scale 87Sr/86Sr Heterogeneities in the Elba Island Intrusive Complex: A Consequence of Prograde Disequilibrium Melting of the Source
Farina F, Dini A, Rocchi S & Stevens G
(2006) The behaviour of boron during LP/HT metamorphism of metapelites, Mt. Stafford, central Australia.
Buick I, Stevens G, Hermann J & Spicer E
(2006) The Origin of the S-type Cape Granite (South Africa)
Villaros A, Stevens G & Buick IS

Stevens Geoff (2017) Silica Gel Formation as a Barrier to CO2 Leakage
Black J, Castaneda-Herrera C, Llanos E, Stevens G & Haese R

Stevens H.J. (2023) Exploring the Unknowns of Levoglucosan and its Isomers in Sediments to Increase the Efficacy of This Technique as a Biomass Burning Tracer
Stevens HJ, Proemse B, Sanz Rodriguez E, Barmuta L, Chase Z, Bowie A, Paull B & Saunders KM

Stevens K. (2015) Microstructural Changes Reflect the Degree of Diagenetic Alteration in Biogenic Carbonates
Casella LA, Griesshaber E, Neuser RD, Stevens K, Ritter A-C, Mutterlose J, Brand U, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2015) EBSD Analysis of Belemnite Rostra: A Screening Tool for Diagenetic Alteration
Stevens K, Casella L, Griesshaber E & Mutterlose J

Stevens L. (2016) Subterranean Production of Neutrons, 39Ar and 21Ne: Rates and Uncertainties
McDonough W, Šrámek O, Stevens L, Mukhopadhyay S & Peterson J

Stevens M.
(2009) Oxide Dependent Adhesion of the Jurkat Line of T-Lymphocytes
Stevens M, Donato L, Lower S & Sahai N

Stevens R. (2001) Thermodynamics of the Fe-O-H System
Majzlan J, Navrotsky A, Lang BE, Stevens R, Woodfield BF & Boerio-Goates J

Stevens Rhiannon (2011) Marine and Terrestrial Palaeoclimate Proxies from the Stable Isotope Analysis of North African Molluscs
Prendergast A, Stevens R, O'Connell T, Hunt C & Barker G

Stevens Sally

Stevens Sally M. (2022) Timescales of Subduction Initiation in the Samail Ophiolite: High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Petrochronology of the Metamorphic Sole
Rioux M, Garber JM, Searle MP, Crowley JL, Stevens SM, Schmitz MD, Kylander-Clark A, Ambrose TK & Smye AJ

Stevens Scott (2009) CO2 Dissolution in Formation Water as Dominant Sink in Natural Gas Fields
Gilfillan S, Sherwood Lollar B, Haszeldine S, Holland G, Blagburn D, Stevens S, Schoell M, Cassidy M, Ding Z, Zhou Z, Lacrampe-Couloume G & Ballentine C
(2008) Quantifying the Precipitation and Dissolution of CO2 within Geological Carbon Storage Analogues
Gilfillan S, Ballentine C, Sherwood Lollar B, Stevens S, Schoell M & Cassidy M
(2007) Tracing Natural CO2 Geological Sequestion Processes with Noble Gases
Zhou Z, Ballentine C, Schoell M & Stevens S
(2006) New insights into geologic CO2 sequestration from natural analogues of the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountain provinces, USA
Gilfillan S, Ballentine C, Holland G, Sherwood Lollar B, Stevens S, Schoell M & Cassidy M
(2004) Noble Gases in Natural CO2 Gas Deposits: Identifying and Quantifying Natural CO2 Sequestration Processes
Zhou Z, Ballentine C, Schoell M & Stevens S

Stevenson Bradley (2018) Builders, Tenants and Squatters: Organic Matter Preservation and its Relationship to Stromatolite Formation
Petryshyn V, Bailey J, Stamps B, Spear J, Stevenson B & Corsetti F

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