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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Steele H. (2001) Simulation of the Surface Structure and Reactivity of Metal Sulfide Minerals
Wright K, Steele H, Keith C, Vaughan DJ & Hillier IH

Steele I. (2005) TE and REE Modeling of Central Anatolian Volcanics, Turkey
Dogan AU, Dogan M, Kilinc A, Steele I, Yesilyurt FI, Ustunisik G, Ozbay S, Tigli M, Conger O & Tosun S
(2005) 'Restitic' Quartz and its Melt Inclusions: A Record of Assimilation/melting Processes
Liu Y, Anderson A, Wilson C, Davis A & Steele I

Steele J. (2013) Metal Micronutrients for Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Glass J, Steele J, Dawson K, McGlynn S, Reinhard C & Orphan V
(2011) Endolithic Anaerobic Methane Oxidation at Cold Seeps
Marlow J, Steele J & Orphan V

Steele L.P. (2012) Concentrations and Isotope Ratios of He and Other Noble Gases in the Atmosphere during 1978-2011
Brennwald MS, Vollmer MK, Vogel N, Figura S, North RP, Langenfelds R, Steele LP & Kipfer R

Steele Robert (2007) Magma Sources in the Icelandic Western Rift Zone (WRZ): Crustal and Mantle Input
Steele R, Thirlwall M, Manning C, Gee M, Regelous M & Lowry D

Steele Robert (2011) Nickel Isotope Anomalies: Neutron-Rich or Neutron-Poor?
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M
(2009) Measurement of Mass-Independent ε64Ni Isotopic Anomalies in Meteorites
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M

Steele Robert (2023) Genetic Relationship of Chondrites and Ungrouped Iron Meteorites Based on their Nucleosynthetic Ni Isotope Compositions
Meyer L, Morino P, Steele R, Rüfenacht M & Schönbächler M

Steele Robert (2021) High Resolution Sulfur Isotopes from Ice Cores: New Techniques and Improved Estimates of the Volcanic Forcing of Climate
Burke A, Innes HM, Sigl M, McConnell J, Steele R, Rae JWB, Coath CD, Lewis J & Elliott T

Steele Robert (2016) High Precision Mass-Independent Cr Isotope Compositions by MC-ICPMS: Application to Terrestrial and Meteorite Samples
Steele R & Schonbachler M

Steele Robert (2018) Calculating Isotope Anomalies: A Bayesian Approach
Boehnke P, Steele R, Tissot F & Davis A

Steele Robert (2019) Copper Isotope Evidence for Aerobic Methanotrophy in the Late Archaean
Zavina-James N, Zerkle A, Steele R & Savage P
(2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Origin and Fate of the Late Veneer
Steele R, Dale C, Münker C & Schönbächler M

Steele Robert CJ (2017) Tracing Volatile Accretion to Earth Using Cr Isotopes
Steele RC, Dale CW & Schönbächler M

Steele T. (2017) Patterns of Secondary U in Ostrich Eggshell: Application to U-Th Dating of Quaternary Terrestrial Strata
Niespolo E, Sharp W, Fylstra N, Tryon C, Weisz D, Faith JT, Henshilwood C, Lewis J, Mackay A, Steele T & Van Niekerk K

Steele-MacInnis Matt (2018) Fugacities of N2, CO2 and CH4 in N2-CO2-CH4 Mixtures from 10-500 Bars Determined by Raman Spectroscopy
Sublett Jr DM, Lamadrid H, Steele-MacInnis M, Spiekermann G & Bodnar R

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2019) Fluids Exsolved from the Kaiserstuhl Carbonatite, SW Germany: Brine Generation by Boiling
Walter BF, Steele-MacInnis M, Giebel RJ, Marks MAW & Markl G

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2021) Fluid Release in Carbonatitic Systems and its Implication for Carbonatite Magma Ascent, Compositional Evolution and REE-Mineralization
Walter BF, Giebel RJ, Steele-MacInnis M, Marks MAW, Kolb J & Markl G

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2022) Graphite: A New Chapter in Re-Os Geochronology
Toma J, Creaser RA, Card C, Stern RA, Chacko T & Steele-MacInnis M

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2015) Mixing Electrolytes in Water at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures: Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Insights
Zezin D, Steele-MacInnis M & Driesner T

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2013) PTX Properties of FeCl<sub>2</sub>-bearing Fluids at Elevated PT Conditions
Steele-MacInnis M, Lecumberri-Sanchez P & Bodnar R
(2013) Ascent of Magmas Associated with the Solchiaro Eruption Procida Island (Italy) Based on Melt Inclusions and Glasses
Esposito R, Steele-MacInnis M, Cannatelli C, Lima A, De Vivo B & Bodnar RJ
(2013) Examination of Magma Degassing Paths Based on Melt Inclusions
Bodnar R, Gazel E, Esposito R, Moore L, Steele-MacInnis M & Wallace P
(2012) Quartz Precipitation and Fluid-Inclusion Characteristics in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Steele-MacInnis M, Han L, Lowell R, Rimstidt JD & Bodnar R
(2012) Ab Initio Vibrational Properties of Silica Species in Aqueous Fluids
Spiekermann G, Steele-MacInnis M, Kowalski PM, Schmidt C & Jahn S
(2011) Silica Speciation in Aqueous Sodium Silicate Solutions
Steele-MacInnis M, Schmidt C & Bodnar R
(2011) Zircon as a Raman Spectroscopic Pressure Sensor
Schmidt C, Steele-MacInnis M & Wilke M
(2010) Silica Solubility and Transport in Saline, Immiscible Fluids: Application of the Si-Cl Geothermobarometer to Sub-Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Steele-MacInnis M, Bodnar RJ, Lowell R & Rimstidt JD
(2010) Evolution of H2O and CO2 Contents in Silicate Melt Inclusions during Post-Entrapment Crystallization
Esposito R, Steele-MacInnis M, Fedele L & Bodnar RJ
(2010) Volumetric Constraints on CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers
Bodnar R, Steele-MacInnis M & Rimstidt JD

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2017) Age, Emplacement Conditions, and Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Clastic Dike by Hematite (U-Th)/He Dating and Fluid Inclusion Analysis
Jensen JL, Reiners PW, Steele-MacInnis M, Ault AK & Siddoway CS
(2017) High-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy of Apatite along the F-Oh, F-Cl, and Cl-Oh Binary Joins
Ashley K, Harlov D, Hughes J, Rakovan J, Balhouse B, Steele-MacInnis M & Bodnar R

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2014) Linking Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of Solutes in High-Temperature Fluids
Steele-MacInnis M, Bieler N, Zezin D, Hünenberger P & Driesner T

Steele-MacInnis Matthew (2020) Compositions of Fluid Phases and Quartz Solubility in H2O-NaCl-CO2 Fluids in Mesothermal Gold Deposits
Li X-H, Steele-MacInnis M & Fan H-R
(2020) Magma Mixing Recorded by Chronologically Constrained Melt Inclusions
Esposito R, Badescu K, Boyce J, Manning CE, Bodnar R, Steele-MacInnis M & De Vivo B
(2020) Petrographic and Geochemical Controls on δ34S of Pyrite and the Growth of the TAG Hydrothermal Mound, 26°N Mid Atlantic Ridge
Pujatti S, Klyukin Y, Steele-MacInnis M & Tutolo B

Steely A. (2014) The Laser and the Damage Done
Hourigan J & Steely A

Steemans P. (2023) New Objects of Study for Mass Spectrometry by Secondary-Ion and Laser Desorption-Ionization: Acritarchs, a Pilot Study of the Species "Gloeocapsomorpha Prisca"
Bon M, Lepot K, Carpentier Y, Bray F, Riboulleau A, Baudin F, Nuns N, Bridoux MC, Rolando C, Steemans P & Vandenbroucke TRA

Steen A. (2023) Complex Organic Matter Degradation by Secondary Consumers in Chemolithoautotrophy-Based Subsurface Geothermal Ecosystems
Lloyd KG, Paul R, Rogers T, Fullerton K, Selci M, Cascone M, Cordone A, Stokes M, Steen A, de Moor M, Chiodi A, Stefánsson A, Halldorsson SA, Ramírez-Umaña C, Jessen G, Barry PH & Giovannelli D
(2023) Subsurface Persistence of Carbon Degrading Microbes as Thawing Permafrost Moves between the Terrestrial and Marine Environments
Lloyd KG, Sipes K, Buongiorno J, Steen A, Abramov A, Peters S, Giannone R, Hettich RL, Boike J, Garcia S & Vishnivetskaya T
(2015) How to Use Extracellular Enzyme Biochemistry to Better Predict the Effect of Increasing CO2 on Microbe-Organic Matter Interactions
Steen A
(2014) Strategies to Assess the Biochemical Properties of Extracellular Hydrolases in Aquatic Environments
Steen A, Michalska K, Chhor G, Endres M, Vazin J, Lloyd K, Wilhelm S & Joachimiak A
(2013) A Meta-Analysis Reveals Biases in Methods to Quantify Marine Microorganisms
Lloyd K, May M, Kevorkian R & Steen A
(2013) Functional Contrasts and Functional Redundancy in Arctic Bacterial Communities in the Oxic Water Column and Anoxic Sediments
Arnosti C, Cardman Z, Steen A, Ziervogel K & Teske A

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