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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Staniszewska K. (2023) Summertime Sources of Mercury in the Yukon River, Canada
Staniszewska K, Cooke C & Reyes A

Staniszewski Y. (2013) Geochemical and Isotopic Monitoring of Dissolved Carbon Dynamic in a Karst Aquifer, Located Above the Rousse Site Test for CO2 Geological Storage
Staniszewski Y, Groleau A, Jézéquel D & Agrinier P

Stanjek H. (2011) On the Use of Nucleation Barriers in Numerical Simulation of Water-Rock Interactions
Bertier P, Weber C & Stanjek H
(2008) Actinide Uptake by Powellite
Bosbach D, Dardenne K, Roemer J, Vinograd V & Stanjek H
(2007) The CO2 Sealing Efficiency of Caprocks
Busch A, Alles S, Krooss BM, Dewhurst DN & Stanjek H

Stankevica K. (2015) Clay Minerals and Modified Species for Removal of Anionic and Cationic Pollutants
Burlakovs J, Vincevica-Gaile Z, Stankevica K & Ozola R

Stankevičius Ž. (2013) Important Factors for Geochemical Research of Stream Sediments Near Storm Water Outflow Sites
Taraškevičius R, Zinkutė R & Stankevičius Ž

Stankiewicz A. (2018) Optimizing Gas Stable Isotope Measurements in Geochemistry
Luu N, Mehay S, Jacksier T, Turich C, Socki R & Stankiewicz A
(2016) Compound Specific Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Petroleum Gases
Said-Ahmad W, Wong K, Mcnall M, Jacksier T, Turich C, Stankiewicz A & Amrani A
(2013) Hydrocarbon Generation and Accumulation in the Unconventional Petroleum System of the Silurian Shale, Lublin Basin, Poland
Lehne E, Schenk O, Peters K & Stankiewicz A
(2011) Collection and Measurements of Reservoir Fluids Properties – ‘Today and Tomorrow’
Stankiewicz A, O'Keefe M, Mostowfi F, Ratulowski J, Atkinson M & Sharma S
(2005) A Short Story About Preservation – From Living Organisms to Fossils
Stankiewicz A & van Bergen P

Stankiewicz K. (2022) Dianite, Rare Siberian Gemstone, – Mineralogy, Origin, and Terminology Issues
Dumańska-Słowik MA, Powolny T, Natkaniec-Nowak L & Stankiewicz K

Stanković N. (2013) Formation Mechanism of Hematite-Rutile Pseudomorphs from Mwinilunga (Zambia)
Stanković N, Daneu N & Rečnik A

Stanley B. (2014) Reduced COHN Volatile Speciation and Solubility in Basaltic Melt: Terrestrial Volcanism, Atmospheric Evolution and Deep C Cycling
Armstrong L, Hirschmann M, Stanley B, Falksen E & Jacobsen S

Stanley Chris (2019) Occurrence of Rare Phosphides in Ophiolitic Chromitites from Greece and Russia
Zaccarini F, Ifandi E, Sideridis A, Tsikouras B, Grammatikopoulos T, Garuti G, Pushkarev E, Bindi L, Mauro D & Stanley C

Stanley Christopher (2018) Atomic-Scale Imaging of Mixed-Layer Compounds from the Aleksite Group
Liu W, Ciobanu C, Cook N, Slattery A & Stanley C

Stanley Cliff (2010) Documenting the Physicochemical and Thermodynamic Changes Associated with all Possible Geochemical Reactions in Rocks Using Gale Vector Space
Stanley C & Murphy D

Stanley F. (2020) The Effect of Bacillus sp.ores on the Actinide Source Term at the WIPP Nuclear Waste Repository
Swanson J, Hazelton C, Navarrette A, Richmann M & Stanley F

Stanley Rachel (2014) Coupling O2/Ar and Triple Oxygen Isotope Distribution with Estimates of Vertical Transport to Constrain Biological Production in the Coastal Ocean
Haskell W, Prokopenko M, Hammond D & Stanley R
(2013) Net Community and Gross Primary Production in the Southern California Bight Based on Carbon Export, Dissolved O2/Ar and Triple Oxygen Isotopes: Exploration of How the Magnitude and Timing of Upwelling Events may Influence Export Efficiency
Haskell WZ, Prokopenko MG, Hammond DE, Stanley RHR & Berelson WM
(2009) Triple Isotopic Signature of Oxygen in the Equatorial Pacific
Stanley R & Bender M

Stanley Ryan R.E. (2020) Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Climate Change – Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
Bianchi TS, Aller RC, Atwood T, Brown C, Batois L, Levin LA, Levinton JS, Middelburg JJ, Morrison ES, Regnier P, Shields MR, Snelgrove PVR, Sotka EE & Stanley RRE

Stanley S. (2009) Magnetic Records of Early Planetary Differentiation
Weiss B, Carporzen L, Elkins-Tanton L, Stanley S, Ebel D & Berdahl J
(2004) Biocalcification throughout Phanerozoic Time: Effects of the Mg/Ca Ratio of Seawater
Stanley S

Stannek L. (2011) Recent and Fossil Chemosynthetic Endosymbioses
Dreier A, Blumenberg M, Taviani M, Stannek L & Hoppert PDM
(2010) Microbial Biofilms on Stone Surfaces
Hallmann C, Stannek L, Fritzlar D, Friedl T & Hoppert M

Stansell N. (2012) Hg Deposition in the Tropics during the Younger Dryas
Cooke C & Stansell N

Stantis C. (2023) Known Origin? Promise and Limitations of North American Stable Isotope Reference Data for Human Geolocation
Bowen G, Verostick K, Stantis C & Serna A

Stanton C. (2017) Tales from the Crypt(ic): The Phantoms of the Nitrogen Cycle
Glass J, Cavazos A, Stanton C, Tang Y, Taillefert M, Stewart F & Ostrom N

Stanzick A. (2003) Stable Nitrogen Isotopic Chemistry of Nitrate in GISP II Ice
Lyons W, Wagenbach D, Stanzick A, Haberhauser G & Welch K

Stanzione D. (2004) Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints on Algal Distribution in Acidic Hydrothermal Environments: Pisciarelli (Naples, Italy) as a Model Site
Valentino G, Ciniglia C, Cennamo P, de Stefano M, Stanzione D, Pinto G & Pollio A
(2002) Interaction between Acidic Geothermal Waters and Algae Living in Pisciarelli (Naples, Italy)
Cennamo P, Ciniglia C, Valentino GM & Stanzione D

Staples R. (2019) Emerging Contaminants in Mine-Impacted Water
Liu Y, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Groza L, Staples R & Jenkins R

Star A. (2010) Environmental Bioremediation of Carbon Nanotubes via Enzymatic Catalysis
Star A

Starchenko S. (2011) Mantle-Protocore System Evolution in the Case of Heterogenic Accretion: Paleomagnetic and Isotopic Evidences
Pushkarev Y & Starchenko S
(2010) Solid Core as Relic of Protocore
Pushkarev Y & Starchenko S

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