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Standish C. (2020) Benefits of Assessing Elemental and Isotopic Distributions in Marine Biominerals and Precipitates by LA-ICP-MS Imaging
Hutchinson R, Foster G, Milton J, Standish C, Sherrell R, Ko S, Pelejero C, Kozdon R, Rittner M & Field MP

Standish Chris (2007) Pb Isotope Provenance Study of Irish Bronze Age Gold Using LA-ICP-MS
Pike A, Standish C, Foster G, Pollard CJ, Cahill M & Chapman R

Standish Chris (2014) The Onset of the Mediterranean Climate in Western Europe Inferred from Dating and CT Scanning of Un-Sectioned Stalagmite
Walczak I, Baldini J, Baldini L, Marsden S, Richards D, Standish C, McDermott F & Andreo B

Standish Christopher (2019) Exploring Small-Scale Boron Isotope Variations within Tropical Coral Skeletons by LA-MC-ICP-MS and their Implications for the Boron Isotope pH Proxy
Standish C, Chalk T & Foster G
(2019) Coral Chemists: Decoupling the Carbonate System to Survive
Chalk T, Standish C, Murray F, Foster G, Saeed M, Lei F, Hennige S, Roberts M, D'Angelo C & Wiedenmann J
(2018) The Effect of Matrix Interferences on in situ Boron Isotope Analysis by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Standish C, Chalk T, Babila T, Milton A & Foster G

Standish Christopher D (2023) Contrasting Biomineralisation Strategies in the Cold-Water Coral Desmophyllum dianthus Revealed by Correlative Geochemical Imaging
Standish CD, Foster GL, Kleboe JP, Chalk TB, Mahajan S, Milton A, Page T & Stewart JA
(2023) The Production of CaCO3 Boron Standard Reference Materials for Laser Ablation MC‐ICP‐MS Studies of Biogenic Carbonates
Hayes ES, Standish CD, Pearce C & Foster GL
(2023) High-Resolution (<5 Micron/Pixel) 2D Geochemical Imaging of Biogenic Carbonates Using a Nu Vitesse TOF-ICPMS
Foster GL, Milton JA, Standish CD, Shaw P, Schlatt L & Paul B
(2021) Historic Trends in Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs Revealed by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS Analysis of Coral δ11B
Standish CD, Chalk TB & Foster GL

Standish Jared (2020) Explosive Volcanism on the SW Indian Ridge
Dick H, Zhou H & Standish J

Standish Jared J (2021) The Complicating Influence of Source Variability on the Applicability of U-Th-Ra Disequilibria as a Simple Chronometer of Deep Fluid Addition during Magma Genesis: A Case Study from the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
Kant LB, Sims KW, Langmuir C, Standish JJ & Michael PJ

Standish Jeffrey (2010) Heavy Noble Gases from the Southwest Indian Ridge: Insights into Upper Mantle Heterogeneity
Parai R, Mukhopadhyay S & Standish J
(2008) A Window into Exotic Arctic Mantle
Standish J, Langmuir C, Michael P & Goldstein S
(2006) Lava Emplacement And Crustal Architecture Within An Ultraslow-Spreading Rift Valley
Standish JJ & Sims KWW
(2005) Producing U-Series Disequilibria Thru Ultraslow Crustal Accretion
Standish JJ, Sims KWW & Dick HJB
(2004) Source Enrichment Versus Degree of Melting beneath the SWIR (9º-25ºE)
Standish J, Dick H, Hart S, Workman R & le Roex A

Stanek C. (2013) The Effect of Chemical Evolution in 137CsCl on Radionuclide Leaching
Zhang F, Marks N, Gale J, Kang Q, Uberuaga B, Stanek C & Henson N

Stanek J.J. (2017) Ediacaran Paleosols of the EEC: Geochemical Evidence of Paleoclimate and Major Release of Phosphorus into the Ediacaran Ocean
Liivamägi S, Środoń J & Stanek JJ

Stanek K.P. (2007) Age of HP Metamorphism from the Escambray Massif, Cuba
Krebs M, Stanek KP, Scherer E, Maresch WV, Grafe F, Idleman B & Rodionov N
(2007) Coexisting Jadeite and Omphacite in Metabasites from the Escambray Massif, Cuba
Maresch W, Grevel C, Stanek K & Carpenter M

Stanelle T. (2013) Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Coupled Climate Aerosol Model ECHAM-Ham: Insights into Production Dependencies and Climate Impacts
Sousa Santos G, Stanelle T, Bey I & Lohmann U
(2013) Impact of Anthropogenic Land Cover Changes (ALCC) on Dust Particle Emissions and Associated Impact on Radiation
Stanelle T, Bey I, Reick C, Raddatz T & Tegen I

Stanetty C. (2011) The Biogeochemistry of Phytosiderophores in the Rhizosphere in Relation to Fe Uptake
Schenkeveld W, Oburger E, Dell´Mour M, Stanetty C, Walter M, Hann S, Puschenreiter M & Krämer S

Stanev E.V. (2017) Temporal and Spatial Variability of Oxygen and Sulfide in the Black Sea
Stanev EV

Staneva J. (2017) Response of the Black Sea Coastal Ecosystem Variability during the Last Decade to Climate Change and Anthropogenic Inputs
Staneva J & Moncheva S

Stanford B. (2010) Titanium Distribution in a Swimming Pool – The Case for Dissolution
Holbrook RD, Motabar D, Quinones O, Stanford B & Snyder S

Stanford J. (2010) Do the Sunda Shelf and Barbados Timings for Mwp-1a Agree?
Stanford J, Rohling E & Challenor P

Stange K. (2015) In situ Hyperspectral Raman Imaging of the Sintering Process of Kaolinite-Bearing Clay
Stange K & Geisler T

Stange M. (2015) Geogenic Aqueous Uranium in an Alluvial Aquifer
Nolan J, Pan D, Healy O, Stange M & Weber K

Stanienda K. (2011) Effects of Diagenesis in Triassic Limestone of Opolskie Voivodesip
Stanienda K
(2002) Mg-Calcite in Triassic Limestone of Polish Silesia
Stanienda K

Staniland Sarah (2015) Understanding Magnetite Nanoparticle Biomineralization Proteins: From Magnetotactic Bacteria to in Vitro Chemical Precipitations
Rawlings A, Bramble J & Staniland S

Staniland Sarah (2014) Developing Biotemplated Nanoparticles for Data Storage
Galloway J, Critchley K & Staniland S
(2009) Cobalt Uptake and Resistance to Trace Metals in Comamonas testosteroni Isolated from Heavy-Metal Contaminated Sites in the Zambian Copperbelt
Roychoudhury AN, Staniland S, Tuffin M & Cowan D

Stanish L. (2018) Using NEON Data to Explore Plot to Continental Scale Patterns in Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics
Weintraub S, Stanish L & Ayres E

Stanislawska M. (2009) Re-Os Depositional Age for Extremely Thermally Mature Upper Carboniferous Organic-Rich Shales, Western Ireland: Challenges and Insights
Stanislawska M, Selby D & Chew D

Stanistreet I. (2017) Molecular Stratigraphic Records of Climatic and Environmental Change at Lake Olduvai (~1.8 Myr)
Brassell S, Colcord D, Shilling A, Freeman K, Njau J, Stanistreet I, Stollhofen H, Schick K & Toth N

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