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Staddon Leanne G (2021) Combined Microstructural Analysis and in situ U-Pb Chronology of Baddeleyite within Shergottites
Staddon LG, Darling JR, Schwarz WH, Stephen NR, Schuindt S, Dunlop J & Tait KT

Stadelmann G. (2013) Investigation on Neodymium Isotopic Fractionation Occuring during HPLC Separation
Guéguen F, Isnard H, Nonell A, Stadelmann G, Aubert M & Chartier F

Stadermann F.J. (2009) Why are There so few Presolar Grains in Samples from Comet Wild 2?
Stadermann F, Floss C, Kearsley A & Burchell M
(2009) The Presolar Grain Inventories of Adelaide and Kakangari
Floss C & Stadermann F
(2005) Mineral Reaction Interfaces and Associated Porosity Generation
Cole D, Labotka T, Larson P, More K, Kenik E, Fayek M, Stadermann F & Riciputi L
(2002) Isotopic Compositions of Small Presolar Dust Grains
Zinner E, Amari S, Guinness R, Ann N & Stadermann F
(2002) Isotopic and Elemental Studies at a 50 nm Scale with the NanoSIMS
Stadermann FJ

Stadey C. (2006) Mass spectrometric investigation of thioarsenate formation in waters
Wallschläger D & Stadey C
(2005) Mass Spectrometric Investigation of Thioarsenate Formation in Waters
Wallschläger D & Stadey C
(2004) Arsenic Geochemistry in Reducing Environments – Influence of Arsenic-Sulfide Interaction on Mobility
Wallschläger D & Stadey C

Stadler L. (2019) New Synthetic Biology Tools to Track Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
Masiello C, Silberg J, Stadler L, Fulk E, Del Valle I, Gao X, Shis D & Bennett G

Stadler S. (2014) Comparison of Model and Experimental Results for CO2-Water-Rock Interactions: What Data are Best?
Hentscher M, Ostertag-Henning C, Stadler S & Waldmann S
(2013) Origin of Methane to N-Butane in Marine Sediments of the New Jersey Shallow Shelf
Stadler S, van Geldern R & Schlömer S
(2012) Strontium-, Magnesium-, Sulfur- and Bromine-Isotopes as Indicators for Brine Origin and Migration
Stadler S, Henjes-Kunst F, Shoukar-Stash O & Buhl D
(2011) A Multi-Isotope Study for Identifying Groundwater Movement Near Disturbed Salt Domes: Case Study Stassfurt, Germany
Stadler S, Holländer H, Sültenfuss J, Jahnke C & Bohn A
(2011) Alteration of Carbonates in Saline Aquifers due to CO2 and Accessory Gases at Geological Storage Conditions
Risse A, Heeschen K, Stadler S & Ostertag-Henning C
(2011) Mineral Alterations due to Accessory Gases in the Geological Storage of CO2
Heeschen K, Risse A, Stadler S & Ostertag-Henning C
(2002) Tracer Tests with arsenic(III) and Arsenic (V) at the Cape Cod Site
Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Hoehn R, Stadler S, Jann S, Davis J & Kent D

Stadnitskaia Alina (2011) Validation and Application of a Novel, Terrestrial Biomarker-Based Paleo Thermometer to Holocene Sediments of Lake Cadagno, Switzerland
Niemann H, Wirth SB, Stadnitskaia A, Gilli A, Anselmetti FS, Sinninghe Damsté JS, Schouten S, Hoppmans EC & Lehmann MF
(2010) Fossilized Microbes in Methane-Derived Carbonates: False Interpretation or the True Evidence?
Stadnitskaia A, Kars S, Lustenhouwer WJ, Liebetrau V & Sinninghe Damsté JS

Stadnitskaia Alina (2015) Sources and Sinks of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers and Bacteriohopanepolyols in the Major Yenisei River System and Kara Sea (Siberia)
De Jonge C, Stadnitskaia A, Talbot HM & Sinninghe Damsté JS

Staebler R. (2014) Mercury Depletion, Deposition, and Re-emission in Snowpack over the Arctic Tundra and Ocean
Moore C, Obrist D, Steffen A, Staebler R, Douglas T & Nghiem S

Staff R. (2013) Using Tephra Layers to Provide Absolute and Relative Chronologies for Sedimentary Archives: An Example from the Lake Suigetsu SG06 Record from Japan
Smith V, Staff R, Mark D, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C & Nakagawa T
(2011) Toward Establishing Precise Chronologies for the Integration of Late Pleistocene Palaeoclimate Archives: An Example from Suigetsu SG06, Japan
Smith V, Mark D, Staff R, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C, Bryant C, Nakagawa T, Kim KH, Weh A, Takemura K & Danhara T

Staffier K. (2005) PENELOPE Computer Simulations of Secondary Fluorescence in EPMA
Kelly J, Gosses J, Webber C, Staffier K & Fournelle J

Stafford K. (2008) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes: Evidence of H2S Spring Sources, Southern Mexico
Rosales-Lagarde L, Campbell A, Boston P & Stafford K
(2006) Subsurface Sulfur Systems: Production and Preservation of Distinctive Biogenic Signatures in Sulfur, Iron, Manganese, and Carbonate Cave Systems
Boston P, Spilde M, Northup D, Rosales-Lagarde L & Stafford K

Stafford S. (2002) Paleoenvironmental Investigation of the Proterozoic Hokkalampi Paleosol, Eastern Finland
Stafford S, Capo RC, Stewart BW, Marmo J & Ohmoto H

Stafford T. (2019) Osmium Isotopes and Highly Siderophile Elements Establish Volcanism as Causing Younger Dryas Geochemical Anomalies ca. 13, 000 CAL BP
Sun N, Brandon A, Forman S, Waters M, Befus K & Stafford T

Stagg O. (2023) Competition and Selectivity during Rare Earth Element Adsorption at Aluminum Oxide-Water Interfaces
Catalano JG, Fang Y, Ledingham GJ, Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ & Bylaska EJ
(2023) Citrate-Promoted Dissolution of Yb-Incorporated Goethite
Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Mergelsberg ST, Ilton ES & Catalano JG
(2021) Exploring the Impact of Fe-Atom Exchange on the Fate of U(VI)-incorporated Goethite
Stagg O, Morris K, Lam A, Vitova T, Schacherl B, Neumann A, Abrahamsen-Mills L & Shaw S

Staggs K. (2005) Chemical Environment at Waste Package Surfaces in a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
Carroll S, Alai M, Craig L, Gdowski G, Hailey P, Nguyen QA, Rard J, Staggs K, Sutton M & Wolery T

Stagno Vincenzo (2021) Chemical Geodynamics with Eclogite – P. Gast Medal Lecture
Aulbach S, Arndt NT, Gerdes A, Heaman LM, Höfer HE, Stagno V, Stern RA, Viljoen F & Woodland AB

Stagno Vincenzo (2022) Co-evolution of Continental Mantle and Magmas, and Some Implications for Carbon Cycling
Aulbach S & Stagno V
(2022) Viscosity Measurements of Magmas in the Earth’s Upper Mantle: Constraints on Rates and Ascent Timescales of a Primitive Alkaline Basalt
Bonechi B, Stagno V, Kono Y, Hrubiak R, Ziberna L, Andreozzi GB, Perinelli C & Gaeta M

Stagno Vincenzo (2023) Redox Heterogeneities in the Archean Mantle Inferred from Mineral Inclusions in Siberian E-Type Diamonds: Implications for Volatile Speciation and Diamond Formation
Marras G, Mikhailenko D, McCammon C, Aulbach S, Logvinova A, Dominijanni S & Stagno V

Stagno Vincenzo (2019) The Redox State of the Graphite- and Diamond-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe (Siberian Craton): Implication for the Origin of Diamonds
Mikhailenko D, Stagno V, Korsakov A, Andreozzi G, Cerantola V, Marras G, Golovin A & Malygina E
(2019) Viscosity and Atomic Structure of CO2-bearing Magmas in the Earth’s Interior
Stagno V, Stopponi V, Kono Y, Romano C, Poe BT, Lupi S, D'Arco A, Hrubiak R, Scarlato P, Bonechi B, Perinelli C, Gaeta M & Manning CE

Stagno Vincenzo (2017) The Transition from Carbonatitic to Carbonate-Silicate Magmas in Carbonated Eclogite Rocks as Function of Pressure, Temperature and Oxygen Fugacity
Caruso M & Stagno V
(2017) Do Fe-Bearing Minerals Control the Deep Carbon Cycle in the Interior of the Earth?
Stagno V, McCammon CA, Cerantola V, Andreozzi GB, Caruso M, Arimoto T & Irifune T
(2017) Melting Temperature of Tagish Lake (CI2) Meteorite from 5 to 30 GPa
Greaux S, Stagno V & Irifune T
(2017) From Carbon in Meteorites to Carbonatite Rocks on Earth
Stagno V, Kono Y, Greaux S, Kebukawa Y, Stopponi V, Scarlato P, Lustrino M & Irifune T

Stagno Vincenzo (2014) Carbon Diffusion in Solid Iron Metal at Conditions of the Earth's Upper Mantle
Stagno V, Crispin K & Fei Y
(2014) Diamonds, Carbonate Melts and Carbon-Bearing Aqueous Fluids in Eclogites
Stagno V, Sverjensky D & Shahar A
(2013) The Stability of Carbonate Melt in Eclogite Rocks with Respect to Oxygen Fugacity
Frost D, Stagno V, McCammon C & Fei Y
(2013) High-Pressure Stability of Synthetic Al<sub>63</sub>Cu<sub>24</sub>Fe<sub>13</sub> Icosahedral Quasicrystal
Stagno V, Bindi L, Murphy C, Fei Y & Steinhardt P
(2013) The Baric Behaviour of Bloedite at Low and High T: A Contribution to the Study of Icy Satellites
Comodi P, Stagno V, Zucchini A, Fei Y & Prakapenka V
(2012) The Stability of Carbon and Carbonate within Eclogites
Stagno V, Fei Y, McCammon CA & Frost DJ
(2011) High-Pressure Calibration of the Oxygen Fugacity Recorded by Garnet Bearing Peridotites
Stagno V, McCammon C & Frost D
(2009) The Carbon/Carbonate Equilibria in the Earth’s Mantle as Function of Pressure, Temperature and Oxygen Fugacity
Stagno V & Frost DJ
(2009) Halogens in Silicic Magmas, from the Upper Mantle to the Crust
Dolejs D & Stagno V

Stagno Vincenzo (2016) Melting of Tagish Lake Meteorite at High Pressure: Implications for the Fate of the Carbonaceous Matter during Planetary Accretion
Stagno V, Du W, Kebukawa Y & Irifune T

Stagno Vincenzo (2015) The Speciation of Carbon with Respect to the Redox State of the Mantle
Frost D, Beyer C & Stagno V
(2015) Diamond-Eclogitic Garnet Pair: A Test Case to Elastic Geobarometry
Milani S, Nestola F, Alvaro M & Stagno V
(2015) Mantle Redox Evolution Inferred from Eclogites: Implications for Volatile-Rich Magma Generation
Aulbach S & Stagno V

Stahl D. (2019) Large Scale-Analysis of Constraints on Microbial Community Assembly, Activity, and Dispersal in a Contaminated Subsurface Aquifer
Lui L, Smith H, von Netzer F, de Leon K, Majumder E, Moon J-W, Nielsen T, Poole F, Kosina S, Ning D, Paradis C, Stahl D, Wall J, Northen T, Adams M, Zhou J, Hazen T, Fields M, Adams P & Arkin A
(2002) Correlating Bioavailability with Metal Toxicity Using a Suite of Analytical Techniques
Dahl A, Lalande M, Jackson B, Gaillard J-F & Stahl D

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