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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

St-Onge Marc R. (2008) Polyphase Tectonometamorphic History in the Upper Plate of Trans-Hudson Orogen (Southern Baffin Is.)
Rayner N, St-Onge M, Berman R, Sanborn-Barrie M & Wodicka N
(2008) Characteristics of Two Opposing Continental Margin Successions in Northeast Laurentia
Wodicka N, St-Onge MR & Whalen JB

St-Onge Marc Robert (2017) Record of Modern-Style Continental Subduction in the Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen
Weller OM & St-Onge MR

St. C. O'Neill H. (2013) Iron Isotope Geochemistry of the Balmuccia Peridotite Massif and the Composition of the Upper Mantle
Sossi P, St. C. O'Neill H & Beltrando M

St. Clair B. (2020) Host Rock Controls on Hydrothermal Geochemistry
Cox A & St. Clair B

St. Clair M. (2023) Mineralogical Diversity of Jezero Crater, Mars from Orbit and Rover Observations and Implications for Mars Sample Return
Horgan BHN, Bell J, Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Million C, St. Clair M, Vaughan A, Udry A, Herd CDK, Fagents S, Randazzo N, Ravanis E, Simon JI & Wadhwa M
(2023) Remote Detection of a Lunar Granitic Batholith at Compton-Belkovich
Siegler MA, Feng J, Lehman Franco K, Andrews-Hanna J, Economos R, St. Clair M, Million C, Head J, Glotch TD & White M
(2022) Mastcam-Z Views of Alteration in Jezero Crater Floor Rocks
Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Horgan BHN, Vaughan A, Rice M, Bell J, Núñez J, Curtis S, Million C & St. Clair M

Staats M. (2009) Regulation of Biogeochemical Fluxes Through Microbial Networks
Roling W, Staats M, Tas N & Wegkamp A

Stabile P. (2022) Crystallization Kinetics in Anhydrous and Hydrous Trachytic to Latitic Melts Subjected to Variable Degrees of Undercooling
Appiah E, Krasheninnikov SP, Holtz F, Stabile P, Arzilli F & Carroll MR
(2020) Alkali Feldspar Crystallization Kinetics in Phonolites and Peralkaline Rhyolites
Carroll M, Arzilli F, Stabile P & Appiah E
(2019) Crystallisation Kinetics of Alkali Feldspar in a Peralkaline Melt of Pantelleritic Composition
Stabile P, Arzilli F & Carroll MR
(2019) The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Alkali-Carbonates: An Hypothetical Equivalent of the Ceres Bright Spots
Zucchini A, Morgavi D, Stabile P, Carroll MR, Comodi P, Frondini F, Perugini D, Cherin M, Maturilli A, D'Amore M, Helbert J, Alemanno G, Fastelli M & Arzilli F
(2018) Water Solubility in Pantelleritic Melts
Stabile P, Appiah E & Carroll M
(2013) The Structural Role of Iron in Pantelleritic Glasses
Stabile P, Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Behrens H, Knipping J & Paris E

Stable L. (2002) Late Proterozoic Alkaline Magmatism in the South Brazil as an Evidence of Mantle Heterogeneity
Pla Cid J, Conceição RV, Nardi LVS & Stable L

Stacey J. (2023) Interpreting the Neoproterozoic Metasedimentary Succession of the Central African Copperbelt: Geochemical Applications to Aid Deciphering Sedimentary Environments
Doran AL, Torremans K, Hitzman MW, Vincent VI & Stacey J

Stach P. (2019) Blue and Green Natural Fluorescence Phenomenon in Amber from Sumatra (Palembang Province) and Dominican Republic (El Valle, Hato Mayor Province)
Stach P, Drzewicz P, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Naglik B, Wagner M, Girulski R, Kubica D, Milovsky R & George C

Stachel T. (2015) Deeply Subducted Carbon and Nitrogen within the Earth’s Mantle: A View from SIMS Analysis of Super Deep Diamonds from Monastery and Jagersfontein (RSA)
Palot M, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Stern RA, le Pioufle A & Harris JW
(2015) Micro-Windows into Earth’s Subduction Flux from Diamonds
Pearson G, Weiss Y & Stachel T

Stachel Thomas (2022) Mesoproterozoic Diamond Formation in the Root of the Sask Craton: A Link to the MacKenzie Large Igneous Event?
Milne SE, Timmerman S, Read G, Pearson DG, Banas A & Stachel T
(2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ
(2021) Sulphide Inclusions and the Age of Diamond Formation: Does Protogeneity Matter?
Pamato MG, Novella D, Jacob D, Oliveira B, Pearson DG, Greene S, Afonso JC, Favero M, Stachel T, Alvaro M & Nestola F
(2021) Origin and Implications of Low V in Eclogitic Inclusions in Diamond
Aulbach S & Stachel T
(2021) Genesis and Depth of Formation of Ferropericlase Inclusions within Super-Deep Diamonds
Lorenzon S, Nestola F, Pamato MG, Novella D, Nimis P, Marone F, Anzolini C, Mazzucchelli ML, Alvaro M, Regier M, Stachel T, Pearson DG & Harris J
(2020) In situ Mineralogical Characterization of Sulphide Inclusions in Diamonds
Pamato MG, Nestola F, Novella D, Pearson DG & Stachel T
(2020) Diamond Formation from the Lithosphere to the Lower Mantle Revealed by Koffiefontein Diamonds
Meyer NA, Stachel T, Pearson DG, Stern RA & Harris JW
(2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Coupled Recycling of Carbon and Boron to Lower Mantle Depths
Regier ME, Chalk TB, Stern RA, Smit K, Smith EM, Stachel T, Foster GL, Bussweiler Y, Harris JW & Pearson DG
(2019) A Diamondiferous Palaeoproterozoic Mantle Root beneath the Sask Craton (Western Canada)
Czas J, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Kjarsgaard BA & Read G
(2019) Diamonds Isotope Compositions Indicate Altered Igneous Oceanic Crust Dominates Deep Carbon Recycling
Li K, Li L, Pearson G & Stachel T
(2018) Deep Carbon Through Time: The Diamond Record
Howell D, Stachel T, Pearson G, Stern R, Nestola F, Shirey S & Harris J
(2018) Polycrystalline Diamonds and their Mantle-Derived Mineral and Fluid Intergrowths
Jacob D, Stern R, Stachel T & Piazolo S
(2018) Oxygen Isotopes in Kankan Super-Deep Diamond Inclusions Reveal Variable Slab-Mantle Interaction
Regier ME, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Stern RA & Harris JW
(2017) Oxidation State of Majoritic Garnet Inclusions in Diamond
Kiseeva K, Vasiukov D, Wood B, McCammon C, Stachel T, Chumakov A & Dubrovinsky L
(2016) Diamond Formation beneath the Sask Craton – Insights from Diamondiferous Microxenoliths
Czas J, Stachel T, Pearson G, Stern R & Read G
(2016) Evidence for Water in the Lower Mantle from Ferropericlase Included in Diamond
Palot M, Jacobsen SD, Townsend JP, Nestola F, Marquardt K, Harris JW, Stachel T, McCammon CA & Pearson DG
(2014) Complex Lithosphere Evolution in the Attawapiskat Area, Canada – A Tale of Craton Thinning and Re-growth
Smit K, Pearson G, Stachel T & Seller M
(2014) A Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Factor between Diamond and Fluid Derived from Detailed SIMS Analysis of an Eclogitic Diamond
Petts D, Stern R, Stachel T, Chacko T & Heaman L
(2013) Nitrogen Isotope Systematics and Origins of Mixed-Habit Diamonds
Howell D, Stern R, Griffin W, Southworth R, Mikhail S, Stachel T, Verchovsky S, Jones A, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2012) Siderophile Element Redistribution during Mantle Metasomatism
Aulbach S, Heaman L, Matjuschkin V, Hofmann J, Stachel T & Brey G
(2012) Non-Gem Diamonds from the Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada: Tracers for Cratonic Mantle Metasomatism
Hunt L, Stachel T, Pearson DG, Stern R, Muehlenbachs K, Marcheggiani-Croden V & McLean H
(2012) Diamond Growth from Organic Carbon Suggested by Coupled delta18O-Delta13C Variations in Diamonds and Garnet Inclusions
Ickert R, Stachel T, Stern R & Harris J
(2012) Formation of Eclogites and Pyroxenites Below Attawapiskat, Superior Craton (Canada)
Smit KV, Stachel T, Creaser RA, DuFrane SA, Ickert RB, Stern RA & Seller M
(2012) Nature of Fluids in the Deep Mantle (>300km) Inferred from a Carbon and Nitrogen Micro-Analytical Study of a Single Ultra-Deep Diamond from Kankan, Guinea
Palot M, Pearson DG, Stern R & Stachel T
(2011) Formation of Diamond from Oxidized Fluids/Melts: δ13C-N SIMS Study of an Eclogitic Diamond from the Jericho Kimberlite, Canada
Smart KA, Chacko T, Stachel T, Stern R & Muehlenbachs K
(2011) C- and S-Transfer in Subduction Zones: Insights from Diamonds
Aulbach S, Stachel T, Heaman L, Creaser R, Thomassot E & Shirey S
(2011) Mixed-Habit Diamonds: Evidence of a Specific Mantle Fluid Chemistry?
Howell D, Griffin W, O'Reilly SY, O'Neill C, Pearson N, Piazolo S, Stern R, Stachel T & Nasdala L
(2010) Evolution of SCLM beneath the Renard Kimberlites, SE Superior Craton: An Integrated Study of Diamonds, Xenoliths and Xenocryts
Hunt L, Stachel T & Armstrong J
(2010) MC-HR-SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Ferropericlase Inclusions in Diamond
Ickert R, Stern R & Stachel T
(2010) 13C Depleted Diamonds in Jericho Eclogites: Diamond Formation from Ancient Subducted Organic Matter
Smart K, Chacko T, Heaman L, Stachel T & Muehlenbachs K
(2010) Formation of Cratonic Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle from Hybrid Plume Sources
Aulbach S, Stachel T, Heaman L, Creaser R & Shirey S
(2010) Large Exchange Through the 660km Discontinuity: Evidence from C- and N- Isotopes in Super-Deep Diamonds
Palot M, Cartigny P, Harris J, Stachel T & Kaminsky F
(2009) Tracking Lower Crustal Events with Re-Os Isotopes of Granulite Sulfides
Aulbach S, Krauss C, Creaser R, Stachel T, Heaman L & Chacko T
(2008) Sulfides, Diamonds and Eclogites: Their Link to Peridotites and Slave Craton Tectonothermal Evolution
Aulbach S, Creaser R, Heaman L, Simonetti S, Griffin W & Stachel T
(2008) Differences in FTIR Spectra Measured in Olivines Derived from Depleted and Metasomatised Sections of the Earth’s Mantle
Matveev S & Stachel T
(2007) OH in Mantle Olivine: Experiment vs. Nature
Matveev S & Stachel T
(2007) Proterozoic Diamond Formation at the Kaapvaal Craton Edge: Re-Os of Jagersfontein Sulfide Inclusions
Aulbach S, Shirey S, Stachel T & Harris J
(2006) Carbon speciation and mantle metasomatism
Creighton S, Stachel T & Luth RW
(2006) Alluvial diamonds from Brazil: Where and what are their sources?
Tappert R, Stachel T, Muehlenbachs K, Harris J & Brey G
(2006) OH in peridotitic olivines entrained in kimberlitic magma
Matveev S, Crerighton S & Stachel T
(2005) FTIR Spectrum of OH in Olivine: A New Tool in Diamond Exploration
Matveev S & Stachel T
(2001) Possible Link of Eclogitic and Websteritic Diamond Sources Via Slab Melting: An Example from the Venetia Mine, South Africa
Aulbach S, Stachel T, Viljoen KS, Brey GP & Harris JW
(2001) Diamond Genesis, Mantle Fractionations and Mantle Evolution: A View from Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in Diamonds
Cartigny P, Harris JW, Stachel T & Javoy M
(2001) Transition Zone Inclusions in Diamonds
Stachel T
(2000) Isotopic Composition of the Earth's Lower Mantle from Ca-Silicate Inclusions in Diamonds
Mueller W, Stachel T, Harris JW & Halliday AN
(2000) Kankan Diamonds (Guinea) – Messengers from an Enriched Layer at the Top of the Lower Mantle
Stachel T, Harris JW & Brey GP

Stachnik L. (2019) Close Association of Aluminium and Nutrients in Glacial Meltwater
Stachnik L, Yde JC, Daly L, Niedzielski P, Hawkings J, Ignatiuk D & Sitek S

Stachowicz M.

Stachowitch M. (2013) Artificially Induced Migration of Redox Layers in Adriatic Sediments
Metzger E, Langlet D, Viollier E, Koron N, Riedel B, Stachowitch M, Zuschin M, Faganeli J, Tharaud M, Geslin E & Jorissen F

Stack Andrew (2017) Calcium Carbonate Growth and Dissolution: Building an Atomistic Picture via Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Reischl B, Stack A & Gale J
(2015) Precipitation in Pores
Stack A
(2014) Nano to Macro-Porosity of Eagle Ford and Marcellus Shales: Characterization of Porosity Evolution
Gordon A, Stack A, Anovitz L, McFarlane J, Littrell K & Rother G
(2014) Growth on Barite and Calcite, from a Different Perspective
Godinho J & Stack A
(2012) Calcite Growth from the Molecular Scale
Stack A, Bracco J, Raiteri P, Gale J & Grantham M
(2012) Calcite (CaCO3) Growth as a Function of Calcium-To-Carbonate Ratio in the Presence of Strontium: Implications for the Mechanism of Inhibition
Bracco J, Grantham M & Stack A
(2012) Computing the Thermodynamics and Reactivity of Carbonates from Solid State to Speciation
Gale J, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Quigley D, Gebauer D, Stack A, Dovesi R, Vinograd V & Winkler B
(2011) Mineral Growth and Dissolution from Rare Event Methods
Stack A
(2010) Crystal Growth in Terms of the Rates of Attachment of Ions from Solution and their Detachment
Stack A
(2010) The Kinetics of Binding of Aspartic Acid to Aqueous Calcium Ion by Molecular Dynamics
Warren DM & Stack A
(2010) Calcite (CaCO3) Growth as a Function of Calcium-To-Carbonate Ratio in the Presence of Strontium
Bracco J, Grantham M & Stack A
(2009) Dissolution Morphology of Iron (Oxy)(hydr)oxides Exposed to Shewanella oneidensis
Stack A, Zhang M, Ginn B & DiChristina T
(2009) Adhesion of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 to Iron (Oxy)(hydr)oxides: Microcolony Formation and Isotherm
Zhang M, Ginn B, DiChristina T & Stack A
(2007) Water Structure and Dynamics on Aqueous Barium Ion and the {001} Barite Surface
Stack A & Rustad J
(2007) Dissolution Morphology as an Indicator of Respiration Mechanism in S. oneidensis
Zhang M, Dale J, Dichristina T & Stack A
(2005) Molecular Modeling of Water Exchange on Aluminum Clusters: Identifying Reaction Mechanisms in Complex Systems
Stack A, Rustad J & Casey W
(2002) The Structure of Hematite (0001) Surfaces in Water: STM and Resonant Tunneling Calculations of Coexisting O and Fe Terminations
Eggleston C, Stack A, Rosso K & Higgins S
(2002) Electrochemical STM of Quinones at Hematite (0001) Surfaces: Adsorption of a Biological Electron "Shuttle."
Stack A, Eggleston C & Higgins S
(2001) Molecular Adsorption and Ordering of Molecules at the Corundum/Water Interface by Optical Second Harmonic Generation
Higgins SR, Stack AG & Eggleston CM
(2001) Oxygen Versus Iron Termination of Hematite (001) Surfaces: STM Imaging in Air and in Aqueous Solutions
Stack AG, Eggleston CM, Higgins SR, Pribyl R & Nichols J
(2000) A New Look at an Old Idea: The Structure of Oxide Mineral Surfaces and the Role of Metal Centers in Intermediate Co-ordination Environments as Adsorbed Ions
Eggleston C, Samson S, Higgins S, Stack A & Pribyl R

Stack Andrew G (2022) Chemomechanical Influences during Replacement of Limestones by Siderite
Weber J, Starchenko V, Zhang R, Ilavsky J, Debeer-Schmitt L, Mata J, Littrell K, He L, Chen W-R, Allard LF, Stack AG & Anovitz L
(2021) The Role of Grain Boundaries during the Experimental Dolomitization of Limestones
Weber J, Starchenko V, Cheshire M, Littrell K, Chang Y-J, Ilavsky J, Bleuel M, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz L
(2021) Effects of Sr2+ Impurity on the Nucleation and Growth of Barite Investigated by Optical Microscopy and X-Ray Nanotomography
Yuan K, Starchenko V, Rampal N, Yang F, Xiao X & Stack AG

Stack Andrew G. (2023) The Complex Role of Ion Interactions in the Interfacial Reactivity of Gibbsite
Clark AE, Guo Q, Pouvreau M, Rosso KM, Stack AG & Yang X
(2023) Development of an in situ Apparatus for Synchrotron-Based Surface Scattering Measurements at Mineral–water Interfaces in Elevated Pressure and Temperature Conditions
Lee SS, Park C, Bracco JN, Yang P, Stack AG & Fenter P
(2023) Sorption of Oxyanionic Contaminants at the Barite (001)–water Interface†
Yang P, Bracco JN, Fenter P, Stack AG & Lee SS
(2023) Modeling MgO Particle Passivation during Carbonization
Starchenko V, Yuan K, Stack AG & Weber J
(2020) Effect of Cation Concentration and Radius, and Rheology on Nano-Scale Boehmite Aggregation
Anovitz L, Huestis P, Krzysko A, Weston J, Zhang X, Chun J, Schenter G, Ilavksy J, Kuzmenko I, Frith M, Ivory C, Clark S, Weigandt K, Stack A, Bleuel M, Gagnon C & Mildner D
(2020) Adsorption of Water in Silica Nanopores: Impacts of Surface Hydrophilicity and Pore Size
Rother G, Stack A, Cole D, Liu T, Gautam S & Busch A
(2020) Uncovering the Roles of Organics on Solid Solution Nucleation and Growth
Hu Y, Deng N, Stack AG, Weber J, Cao B & Deyoreo J
(2020) Solvation Structure and Ion Complex Reactivity in Concentrated Aqueous Salt Solutions
Rampal N, Wang H-W, Biriukov D, Brady A, Neuefeind J, Předota M & Stack A
(2020) The Effect of Microstructure on Replacement Reactions – The Example of Limestone Replacement by Fluorite and Dolomite
Weber J, Cheshire MC, DiStefano V, Littrell K, Ilavsky J, Bleuel M, Bozell J, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz L
(2020) Cation Sorption at the Barite (001) and (210)-Water Interfaces
Bracco J, Lee SS, Dorfman A, Kenis L, Braha I, Stack A & Fenter P
(2020) Synergistic Incorporation of Lead and Selenate into Barite
Yang P, Lee SS, Bracco J, Fenter P & Stack A
(2020) Connecting in situ X-Ray Nano- and Micro-Tomography via Fluid Dynamics Simulations to Study Barium Sulfate Mineral Precipitation
Starchenko V, Yuan K, Weber J, Cheshire M, Rampal N & Stack A
(2019) Effect of Microstructure and Chemical Reactivity of the Replacement of Limestone by Fluorite
Weber J, Cheshire MC, Distefano V, Litrell KC, Ilavsky I, Bleuel M, Bozell JK, Ievlev A, Stack AG & Anovitz LA
(2018) Uncovering the Mysteries of (Ba, Sr)SO4 Formation in Ocean: Heterogeneous (Ba, Sr)SO4 Nucleation on Organics
Deng N, Hu Y, Stack AD, Weber J, Cao B & Kubicki JD
(2018) Investigating Calcite Growth Rates Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D)
Cao B, Stack A, Steefel C, DePaolo D, Lammers L & Hu Y
(2018) Nanoscale Processes for Calcium Carbonate Formation: Insights from Computer Simulation
De La Pierre M, Reischl B, Schuitemaker A, Koziara K, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Rohl A, Stack A, Gebauer D & Gale J
(2018) Simulation of Mineral-Fluid Interfaces and their Influence on Surface Binding
Garcia N, De La Pierre M, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Stack A & Gale J
(2018) Simulation of Sr(II) Adsorption and Sr-Ba Exchange on Barite (BaSO4)
Kubicki J, Kommu A, Bracco J, Lee SS, Fenter P & Stack A
(2018) Linking Impurity Incorporation to their Effect on Mineral Growth
Weber J, Bracco JN, Lorenz M, More K, Higgins S, Poplawsky JD, Starchenko V, Bertagni A, Jindra S, Anton I & Stack AG

Stack D. (2012) Arsenic Transport from Former Mine Sites: An Empirical Modeling Approach
Stack D, Kim C & Rytuba J
(2012) Fluvial and Windborne Transport of Arsenic-Bearing Mine Tailings in Semi-Arid Environments
Kim C, Stack D & Rytuba J

Stack Kathryn (2020) Rapid Release of Molecular Hydrogen during Anaerobic Weathering of Basaltic Glass
Gong J, Cannon K, Hurowitz J, Stack K, Weiss B & Bosak T
(2019) The Origin of Vera Rubin Ridge: Oxidative Weathering on Mars?
Fraeman A, Arvidson R, Edgar L, Fedo C, Fischer W, Horgan B, L'Haridon J, Grotzinger J, Lanza N, Milliken R, Morris R, Salvatore M, Siebach K, Stack K, Thompson L, Sun V, Wiens R & Williams A

Stack Kathryn M. (2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2021) Initial Results of Mars2020: Characterization of the Geological Context of the Future Samples of Mars Sample Return
Quantin-Nataf C, Farley K, Stack KM, Williford KH, Mangold N & Brown AJ

Stackhouse S. (2019) The Behaviour of Rare Earths in Solution and at Clay/Water Interfaces: Insights from Computer Simulation
Finney A, Lectez S, Kong L, Freeman C, Stackhouse S & Harding J
(2018) Rare Earth Element Complexes and Ligand Exchange in Solution
Finney A, Kong L, Lectez S, Freeman C, Stackhouse S & Harding J
(2017) The Properties of (Mg, Fe)CO3 in the Earth Mantle Conditions
Li Z & Stackhouse S
(2017) Modelling Rare Earth Element Complexes in Aqueous solutions
Finney A, Lectez S, Freeman C, Stackhouse S & Harding J
(2014) Nano-Scale TEM Imaging of Caesium Incorporation into Illite Interlayers
Fuller A, Shaw S, Ward M, Haigh S, Mosselmans F, Peacock C, Stackhouse S, Dent A, Trivedi D & Burke I
(2013) Anisotropy: A Cause of Heat Flux Variation at the CMB?
Walker A, Ammann M, Stackhouse S, Wookey J, Brodholt J & Dobson D
(2013) First-Principles Calculations of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of the Lower Mantle
Stackhouse S, Stixrude L & Karki B
(2009) Thermal Conductivity of MgO and MgSiO3 Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions
Stackhouse S & Stixrude L

Stacy Erin (2016) Fate of Eroded Soil Organic Matter in Temperate, Forested Catchments: Implications for Erosion-Induced Carbon Sequestration
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy E, Hart SC, Hunsaker C & Johnson D

Stacy Erin M. (2014) Sources of Soil Organic Matter Transported by Soil Erosion in Fire-Prone Upland Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy EM, Hart SC, Fogel ML, Hunsaker C & Johnson D

Staddon Leanne (2018) Detrital Chromite from Jack Hills: Clarifying the Zircon Record
Staddon L, Parkinson I, Horstwood M & Elliott T
(2017) Crustal Evolution in the Yilgarn Craton: Detrital Chromite from Jack Hills
Staddon L, Parkinson I, Horstwood M & Elliott T

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