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Sporleder D. (2017) Combination of REE and Sr/Nd Isotopes to Study Soil/Water/Biomass Interactions in a Former U Mining Area
Sporleder D, Grawunder A, Steinmann M & Büchel G

Spormann A.M. (2011) Redox Reactions on Mineral Surfaces: Spectroscopic and Imaging Studies at the Molecular Level
Brown G, Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Fandeur D, Benzerara K, Calas G, Wang Y, Ha J, Kaya S, Kendelewicz T, Spormann A & Nilsson A
(2010) NanoSIP: Combining Stable Isotope Probing and High Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Identify Diazotrophs in Stratified Marine Microbial Communities
Singer S, Woebken D, Burow L, Prufert-Bebout L, Bebout B, Hoehler T, Pett-Ridge J, Spormann A & Weber P
(2009) Sorption Processes on Small and Dirty Mineral Particles – Do Size and Cleanliness Matter?
Brown Jr. GE, Ha J, Gélabert A, Singer DM, Wang Y, Bargar JR, Eng P, Choi Y, Kendelewicz T & Spormann AM
(2008) Impact of S. oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm Coatings on Trace Element Partitioning at Metal-Oxide/Water Interfaces: A Long Period XSW-FY Study
Wang Y, Alexandre G, Ona-Nguema G, Ha J, Gescher J, Bargar J, Rogers J, Eng P, Spormann A & Brown G
(2008) Parameters Controlling Metal Adsorption at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface: Evidence for a Diffusion Limited Process and Comparison with Thermodynamic Modeling
Gelabert A, Wang Y, Ha J, Ona-Nguema G, Spormann AM, Bargar JR, Rogers J, Eng P, Ghose S & Brown GE
(2008) Study of Proton, Pb2+ and Zn2+ Adsorption on to Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Strain and a Mutant Strain (ΔEPS): Spectroscopic Observation and Modeling Approach
Ha J, Gelabert A, Wang Y, Spormann A & Brown G
(2007) Designing a Dissimilatory Iron Reducer. Reconstitution of the Fe(III)-Reducing Electron Transport Chain of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in Escherichia Coli
Gescher J, Cordova C & Spormann A
(2006) Applications of synchrotron radiation to processes at environmental interfaces
Brown GE, Benzerara K, Yoon TH, Ha J, Cordova CD, Spormann AM, Tyliszczak T, Tanwar KS, Trainor TP & Eng PJ
(2006) Microbial reduction of hematite: effects of particle size and exopolysaccharides
Ha J, Cordova C, Yoon T-H, Spormann A & Brown G
(2001) Biotransformation of Pb and Se within Aerobic B. Cepacia and S. oneidensis Biofilms
Templeton AS, Trainor TP, Traina SJ, Spormann AM & Brown Jr. GE
(2000) Pb Speciation at Sapphire and Hematite Surfaces Associated with Bacterial Biofilms
Templeton A, Trainor T, Traina S, Spormann A & Brown Jr. G
(2000) Interactions of Pseudomonas Fluorescens with Uranyl (UO22+): Implications for Mobility of Uranyl in the Subsurface
Bencheikh-Latmani R, Leckie J & Spormann A

Sposito F. (2023) Shallow Hydrothermal Vent System at Panarea Island (Italy): A Multidisciplinary Study Based on Geochemical, Geophysical and Biochemical Aspects in an Extreme Marine Environment
Sposito F, Gallo AM, Longo M, Brusca L, Lazzaro G, Sciré Scappuzzo S, Caruso CG, Alduina R, Arculeo M & Italiano F
(2019) Geochemistry of REE and Trace Elements in Shallow Hydrothermal Vent System at Panarea Island (Italy)
Sposito F, Longo M & Brusca L
(2017) Behavior of REE in Superficial Saline Waters: A Peculiar Example in South-Central Sicily
Sposito F, Censi P, Inguaggiato S, Zuddas P & Inguaggiato C
(2015) Zr, Hf and REE Behaviour in River Waters. A Consequence of Dissolution of Fe-Oxyhydroxides and Evaporites
Censi P, Inguaggiato C, Zuddas P, Sposito F & Inguaggiato S

Sposito G. (2016) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cesium Adsorption on Illite
Lammers L, Bourg I, Okumura M, Kolluri K, Sposito G & Machida M
(2016) Transition Metal Incorporation into Layer Type FeS
Kwon K, Refson K & Sposito G
(2015) Ab Initio Atomistic Thermodynamics of Water Vapor-Pyrophyllite (010) Surface
Kwon K, Newton A, Refson K & Sposito G
(2013) Ni Sorption at the Particle Edges of Synthetic and Biogenic Birnessite
Simanova AA, Bone SE, Bargar JR, Sposito G & Pena J
(2013) A Bimodal Crystallite Size Distribution for Mackinawite (FeS)
Bone S, Sposito G & Bargar J
(2013) Sorption of Cobalt and Nickel by Biogenic Birnessite
Pena J, Simanova AA, Bargar JR & Sposito G
(2012) Linking Mackinawite (FeS) Structure to Redox Activity
Bone S, Kwon K, Bargar J & Sposito G
(2012) Does the Naturally Elevated Sulfur Content of Ulva Lactuca Play a Role in the Uptake and Speciation of Arsenic?
Pham C, Charlet L & Sposito G
(2011) Sorption of Hg(II) by Nanocrystalline Mackinawite (Tetragonal FeS)
Bone S, Kwon K, Bargar J & Sposito G
(2011) Characterization of Fe(0) Electro-Coagulation Reaction Products Using Synchrotron-Based Techniques
van Genuchten C, Peña J, Addy S, Sposito G & Gadgil A
(2011) Arsenic Uptake and Speciation in the Green Marine Alga Ulva Lactuca: Development of a Coastal Aquatic Bioindicator
Pham C, Charlet L & Sposito G
(2011) Water Structure and Hydration Properties of Imogolite Nanotubes
Fernandez-Martinez A, Cuello G, Bourg I, Johnson M, Waychunas G, Sposito G & Charlet L
(2011) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Electrical Double Layer on Smectite Clay Surfaces
Bourg I & Sposito G
(2010) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of CO2-Brine Interfacial Tension and Mutual Solubility
Nielsen L, Bourg I & Sposito G
(2010) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Brine-Clay Interfaces: Implications for CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers
Bourg I & Sposito G
(2009) Nanoscale Environment of Metal Coordination States in Humic Substances: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Sposito G & Aristilde L
(2009) Isotopic Fractionation by Diffusion in Liquid Water and Clay Nanopores
Bourg IC & Sposito G
(2008) Sorption of Iron from Siderophore Complexes by Mn Oxides
Duckworth O, Bargar J & Sposito G
(2007) Influence of Transition Metal Cations on the Formation and Reactivity of Biogenic Mn Oxides
Peña J, Sposito G & Bargar JR
(2005) Formation of Manganese-Desferrioaxime B Complexes by Dissolution of Manganese Oxides
Duckworth O & Sposito G
(2004) The Energetics of Selenite and Iodate Adsorption onto Goethite
Cheney M, Ferruzzi G, Sposito G & Casey W
(2002) Adsorption of desferrioxamine-B and Oxalate on Al-Goethite: Implications for Microbial Dissolution Processes
Cervini-Silva J & Sposito G
(2001) Abiotic Transformations of Atrazine by Manganese Oxide
Shin JY, Cheney MA, Toner B, Sposito G & Spiro T
(2001) Steady-State Dissolution Kinetics of Aluminum-Goethite in the Presence of Desferrioxamine-B and Oxalate
Cervini-Silva J & Sposito G

Sposito L. (2023) Investigating Zinc Isotopic Variations Among Different Types of Plants
Mejean P, Fuller BT, Mendes Cardoso J, Sposito L & Jaouen K
(2022) Zinc Isotopic Variation Among Plants: What Impact for Paleodietary Studies?
Mejean P, Sposito L, Fuller BT, Mendes Cardoso J & Jaouen K

Spotkaeff C. (2020) Phylogenomic Analysis of Viral Genomes Assembled from Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank Basalt-Hosted Crustal Fluids
Spotkaeff C, Rappe M, Jungbluth S, Steward G & Nigro O

Spötl C. (2020) Deglaciation Hydroclimatic Variability in the Southwest Indian Ocean
Li H, Cheng H, Sinha A, Spötl C & Ning Y
(2019) δ234Uo in Stalagmites as a Proxy of Paleohydrological Conditions, a LA-MC-ICP-MS Study
Bernal J-P, Cruz F, Lachniet M, Spötl C, Deininger M & Martinez-Paredes J-A
(2019) Non-Stationary North Atlantic Oscillation Forcing on Mediterranean Hydrology Since the Middle Holocene
Hu H-M, Lee S-Y, Shen C-C, Michel V, Valensi P, Spötl C, Hsu H-H & Starnini E
(2019) Time Resolution of Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS Sr Isotope Composition Measurements in Dental Enamel: Implications for the Reconstructions of Mammals Paleo-Ecology
Anczkiewicz R, Kowalik N, Müller W, Wilczyński J, Wojtal P, Spötl C, Bondioli L & Lengyel G
(2018) Seasonal Wooly Mammoth Migration Recorded by Sr Isotope Composition of Molar Tooth Enamel
Kowalik N, Anczkiewicz R, Müller W, Wojtal P, Wilczyński J, Bondioli L & Spötl C
(2018) Simulating Formation of Speleothem Calcite in the Laboratory: Investigating Kinetic Stable Isotope Fractionation in the Laboratory
Hansen M, Schöne BR, Spötl C & Scholz D
(2017) Centennial Growth Rate Variability of Two Alpine Holocene Speleothems
Arps J, Trüssel M, Leutz K, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Edwards L, Cheng H, Zhang P, Thil F, Deininger M, Aeschbach N, Spötl C, Fohlmeister J & Frank N
(2017) Seasonal Meteoric and Calcite Precipitation Recorded in Two Active Stalagmites and Cave Monitoring Data from Katerloch, Austria
Sakoparnig M, Boch R, Wang X, Lin K, Spötl C, Leis A, Mittermayr F & Dietzel M
(2016) Monitoring of Cave Air CO2 Using High Temporal Resolution Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectroscopy
Mandic M, Toechterle P, Dublyansky Y, Jost H & Spötl C
(2016) Simulating Speleothem Growth in the Laboratory: Determination of Stable Isotope Fractionation Factors and their Dependence on Temperature and Precipitation Rate
Scholz D, Hansen M, Schöne B & Spötl C
(2016) Climate Variability in Rodrigues Island, Southern Indian Ocean, over the Past 8000 Years
Li H, Cheng H, Sinha A, Spötl C, Ning Y, Biswas J & Edwards RL
(2016) A New Devils Hole Chronology and Orbital Forcing of Great Basin Climate
Moseley GE, Edwards RL, Wendt KA, Cheng H, Dublanski Y, Boch R, Lu Y & Spotl C
(2015) High Precision U-Series Dating of Speleothems from Alpine Caves
Arps J, Frank N, Thil F & Spötl C
(2015) Delayed Beginning of the Eemian in Central Europe due to a Reduced AMOC
Scholz D, Hoffmann DL, Spötl C, Jochum KP & Richter DK
(2013) Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Variability Using Stalagmites from the Herbstlabyrinth, Central Germany
Mischel S, Scholz D, Spötl C & Jochum KP
(2013) Reconstruction of Humid Phases in the Caribbean during the Late Pleistocene
Winterhalder S, Scholz D, Mangini A, Spötl C, Miller TE, Winter A, Jochum KP & Pajón JM
(2013) Seasonal Distinction of Hydrological Variability in Speleothem Calcite
Wynn PM, Fairchild IJ, Spotl C, Hartland A, Mattey D, Cotte M & Fayard B
(2013) Evolution of Temperature and Precipitation during Marine Isotope Stage 5 Recorded in Speleothems from the Hüttenbläserschachthöhle, Western Germany
Scholz D, Hoffmann D, Spötl C, Kocot Y & Hopcroft P
(2011) Decoupled Evolution of Temperature and Precipitation in Western Germany during the Last Interglacial Reconstructed from a Precisely Dated Speleothem
Scholz D, Hoffmann D, Spötl C, Hopcroft P, Mangini A & Richter D
(2009) Last Glacial Rapid Climate Shifts in Central Europe: Environmental and Chronological Considerations from Precisely Dated Cave Carbonates
Boch R, Spötl C, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Wang X & Häuselmann P
(2009) Isotopic Compositions of Aqueous Fluid Inclusions in Calcite from Yucca Mountain, NV, USA
Dublyansky Y & Spötl C
(2009) Noble Gas Temperatures from Speleothems
Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kluge T, Marx T, Scholz D, Spötl C, Niggemann S & Mangini A
(2007) High Resolution Ion Microprobe Analysis of Sulphur Isotopes in Speleothem Carbonate
Wynn P, Fairchild I, Baker A, Frisia S, Borsato A, Miorandi R, Spotl C & Craven J

Spots T. (2014) Dynamics of Carbon-Based Gas Flux from Glacial Sediments at a Retreating Alpine Glacier
Spotts T, Skidmore M, Boyd E & Dore J
(2013) Seasonal Variation in Biological Methane Production in a Subglacial Ecosystem
Boyd E, Hamilton T, Spots T, Dore J, Canovas P, Havig J, Peters J, Shock E & Skidmore M

Spracklen D. (2014) Understanding and Constraining Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Amount and Size-Resolved Condensational Behavior
D'Andrea S, Häkkinen S, Westervelt D, Kuang C, Levin E, Leaitch R, Spracklen D, Riipinen I & Pierce J
(2013) Organics in the Mix: How Important are They for the Uncertainty in Global Aerosol-Climate Effects?
Carslaw K, Lee L, Scott C, Pringle K, Reddington C, Mann G, Spracklen D, Riccobono F, Baltensperger U & Kirkby J
(2013) The Climate Impacts of Natural Aerosol
Spracklen D, Scott C & Rap A
(2011) Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Constraint on the Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Budget
Spracklen D, Jimenez J, Carslaw K, Worsnop D, Evans M, Mann G, Zhang Q, Canagaratna M, Allan J, Coe H, Mcfiggans G, Rap A & Forster P
(2011) Global Constraints on Biogenic Particles
Heald C, Spracklen D & Guenther A
(2009) Global Budget of Organic Aerosol from Fungal Spores
Heald CL & Spracklen DV

Sprain Courtney (2020) Assessing the Significance of Sulfate Driven Cooling for the Deccan Traps
Fendley I, Mizrahi N, Mittal T, Sprain C, Renne P & Self S
(2020) Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the Deccan Traps Volcanic System
Renne P, Tholt A, Pande K, Sprain C, Vanderkluysen L, Self S, Fendley I & Marzoli A
(2018) Mercury Chemostratigraphy as Indicator of Deccan Volcanism in Hell Creek, Montana
Fendley I, Sprain C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Renne P, Tobin T & Weaver L
(2017) The Interaction of Impact and Volcanism at the End of Earth’s Cretaceous Period
Renne P, Sprain C, Richards M, Self S, Vandercluysen L, Pande K & Fendley I
(2014) Correlating Bentonites Spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in the Hell Creek Region of Northeastern Montana Using Electron Microprobe Analysis of Tephras
Banaszak J, Mulcahy S, Renne P & Sprain C
(2013) Age Calibration of Geomagnetic Polarity Reversals Around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Sprain C, Renne P & Wilson G

Sprain Courtney J (2022) Emplacement Timing of the Markagunt Gravity Slide (Utah, USA): An Example of Instantaneous Lithospheric Change
Holliday ME, Rivera T, Sprain CJ, Jicha B, Malone D, Biek R, Braunagel M, Griffith A, Hacker D & Mayback D

Spránitz T. (2023) Elastic Thermobarometry: A Novel Approach to Constrain Entrapment P-T Conditions of Subduction Fluid Event
Spránitz T, Szabó C, Gilio M, Alvaro M, Blažeková M, Konečný P, Váczi T & Berkesi M
(2023) 3D Raman Mapping of Complex Fluid Inclusions to Shed Light on Fluid Compositions in the Deep Lithosphere
Aradi LE, Spránitz T, Myovela JL, Guzmics T & Berkesi M
(2023) 3D Raman Mapping of Fluid and Melt Inclusions in Amphibole-Rich Upper Mantle Xenoliths from the Styrian Basin (NW Hungary)
Myovela JL, Aradi L, Spránitz T, Kovács J & Berkesi M
(2023) FluidsByDepth: An Inclusion-Based Research Project on the Better Understanding of Lithosphere-Scale Fluid Transfer
Berkesi M, Spránitz T, Hencz M, Nemeth K, Török K, Békési E, Porkoláb K, Palcsu L, Kővágó Á & Szabó C
(2022) Raman Imaging of Multiphase Fluid Inclusions: A Case Study from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain
Aradi LE, Spránitz T, Guzmics T & Berkesi M
(2022) Evolution of Fluids from a Subduction Zone: Unraveling P-T and Compositional Evolution Path Based on Complex Inclusion Study
Spránitz T, Padrón-Navarta JA, Szabó C, Gilio M, Alvaro M, Szabó A & Berkesi M
(2021) Nitrogen Enrichment during Exhumation: New Insights from Multiphase Inclusions in Subducted Rocks (Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW-Spain)
Spránitz T, Padrón-Navarta JA, Szabó C & Berkesi M
(2021) 3D Raman Imaging of Multiphase Fluid and Melt Inclusions: Challenges and Perspectives
Aradi LE, Spránitz T, Guzmics T, Szabó C & Berkesi M
(2020) Multiple Fluid Migration Events Evidenced in Pyroxenites of the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW-Spain)
Spránitz T, Berkesi M & Szabó C
(2019) Subduction Fluids in the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW-Spain) – A Multiphase Inclusion Study
Spránitz T, Berkesi M, Józsa S, Kovács IJ & Szabó C

Spratt J. (2023) Ophiolitic Crust-Mantle Decoupling Revealed by Cr-Spinel Compositions of Timor Peridotites
Lin Y-C, Pearce JA, Ishikawa A, Buret Y, Spratt J, Maruyama S, Kadarusman A & Chung S-L
(2017) Eocene and Miocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Palaeoecology: Do Trace Elements and Stable Isotopes Tell the Same Story?
Bhatia R, Wade B, Hilding-Kronsforst S, Spratt J, Mattey D & Thornalley D

Spray John (2018) A Robust in situ Phosphate U-Pb Age for Martian Meteorite Los Angeles
McFarlane C, Spray J & Wilson B
(2011) Differentiation of Impact-Melt Sheets: Evidence from Manicouagan with Implications for the Moon
Spray J, O'Connell-Cooper C & Thompson L
(2010) The Geochemistry of the Brent Impact Structure, Ontario, Canada
Goderis S, Vleminckx B, Paquay F, Chakrabarti R, Renson V, Debaille V, Sluyts W, Vanhaecke F, Spray J, Jacobsen S & Claeys P

Spray John G. (2019) Extreme Isotopic Heterogeneity in Impact Melt Rocks from Manicouagan
Jaret SJ, Rasbury ET, Thompson LM & Spray JG

Spriggs G. (2011) Forensic Analysis of Surface Fallout from Low Yield Surface Nuclear Tests
Gostic R, Knight K, Spriggs G & Hutcheon I

Sprik M (2000) Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Model Smectite Clay System
Sprik M & Boek E

Sprik Michiel (2013) Molecular Simulation Study of Rectorite
Zhou J, Lu X, Zhu J, Sprik M, Boek E & He H
(2013) PH-Eh Diagram of Ore-Forming Elements from First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Liu X, Sprik M, Cheng J, Lu X & Wang R

Spring N. (2016) The Primordial Noble Gas Content of CR and CI Chondrites
Busemann H, Kuga M, Spring N, Schrader D, Holinger S, Maden C & Fehr M
(2015) Noble Gases and Organic Matter – Correlations and Trends, and the Attempt to Date Phase Q
Busemann H, Holinger S, Riebe M, Kuga M, Spring N, Wieler R, Maden C & Clay P

Springael D (2005) Presence and Impact of Micro-Organisms in Zero-Valent Iron Barriers
Van Nooten T, Bastiaens L & Springael D

Springael D (2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Springer G.S. (2008) Absolute Dated Terrestrial Climate Record of Temperature and Precipitation in the Eastern US
Hardt B, Rowe HD, Springer GS, Cheng H & Edwards RL

Springer Kathleen (2014) Seasonal Moisture Sources Influence on Desert Paleowetland Development during the Late Pleistocene in the American Southwest
Drewicz A, Kohn M, Evans S, Springer K, Manker C & Scott E

Springer Kellen (2020) 36Cl/35Cl by LG-Sims: Quantifying the Dynamic Range on NaCl
Cunningham H, Zimmer M, Peres P, Sievers N, Bowen J, Springer K & Carman A
(2009) Sm-Nd Geochronology of the Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, Northern Italy
Springer K, Lapen T, Baumgartner L, Johnson C & Beard B

Springer M. (2014) How Different Stresses Influence the Emission of BVOC and Consequent the Biogenic SOA Formation
Kleist E, Mentel TF, Ehn M, Thornton J, Pullinen I, Wu C, Andres S, Kindler-Scharr A, Lopez-Hilfiker F, Springer M, Tillmann R & Wildt J

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