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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Soriano A. (2019) Aerobic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Driven by Air Entrapment
Teramoto EH, Chang HK, Baessa MP & Soriano A

Soriano M.A. (2023) Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination from Fossil-Fuel Development
Saiers JE, Soriano MA, Siegel HG, Clark CJ, Plata DL & Deziel NC
(2023) Advancing Methods for Contaminant-Source Attribution in Complex Aquifer Settings: Applications in the Northwestern Appalachian Basin, USA
Siegel HG, Nason SL, Soriano MA, Clark CJ, Johnson NP, Wulsin G, Deziel NC, Plata DL, Darrah T & Saiers JE

Sorichetti R. (2020) Phosphorus Retention in a Dammed Reservoir in Ontario, Canada: Implications for Nutrient Management
Kao N, Parsons C, Niederkorn A, Mohamed M, Sorichetti R & Van Cappellen P

Sorieul Stephanie (2023) Intense Arsenic Enrichment Linked to Microbial Detoxification Processes in a Mineralized Mat of the Dead Sea
Thomas C, Filella M, Ionescu D, Sorieul S, Oehlert AM, Pollier CGL, Zahajska P, Ferreira Sanchez D, Gedulter N, Agnon A & Ariztegui D

Sorieul Stéphanie (2018) Influence of Early Ocean Chemistry on Cell Biochemistry and Prokaryotic Metallomic Biosignatures
Hickman-Lewis K, Cavalazzi B, Sorieul S, Gautret P, Foucher F, Georgelin T, Cockell C & Westall F
(2017) Geochemical Tracing of the Early Archaean Hydrothermal Chemotrophic Biosphere
Hickman-Lewis K, Gautret P, Foucher F, Sorieul S, Cavalazzi B & Westall F

Sorlie J. (2004) Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Katedan Industrial Area, Hyderabad, India
Govil P, Sorlie J, Murthy N, Rudolph-Lund K & Reddy G

Soro P. (2023) Geochemical Variability of Ivory Coast Tektites
Soro P, Baratoux D, Kouamelan AN & Rochette P
(2023) The Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Science – Five Years Later
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Rochette P, Folco L, Niang CAB, Soro P, Kouamelan AN, Sapah MS & Kaire M

Sorokhtina N. (2016) He, Ne, Ar Isotope Systematics of Seblyavr Massif Rocks, Kola Peninsula
Buikin A, Hopp J, Sorokhtina N, Trieloff M & Asafov E
(2015) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Agpaitic Dyke in the Kandalaksha Region (Kola Peninsula)
Filina M, Kogarko L, Sorokhtina N & Kononkova N
(2014) Major Volatiles and Noble Gases in Pyroxenites and Carbonatites of the Seblyavr Massif (Kola Peninsular): Stepwise Crushing Data
Buikin A, Verchovsky A, Sorokhtina N & Kogarko L

Sorokin Anatoliy (2009) Stages of the Mesozoic Ore Formation in the East Asia
Ponomarchuk V, Sorokin A, Travin A & Sorokin A

Sorokin Andrey (2011) Early Paleozoic Granites in the Jiamusi Terrane of the Central Asian Fold Belt
Sorokin A, Kotov A, Sal`nikova Y & Kudryashov N
(2009) Early Paleozoic Granitoids of the Argun, Mamyn, Bureya Terranes of the Central Asian Fold Belt
Sorokin A, Kotov A, Sal'nikova Y & Kudryashov N
(2009) Timing of Precambrian Gabbro-Anorthosites in the Stanovoy Mobile Belt (Eastern Siberia)
Buchko I, Sal'nikova Y, Larin A, Kotov A, Sorokin A & Velikoslavinsky S
(2009) Stages of the Mesozoic Ore Formation in the East Asia
Ponomarchuk V, Sorokin A, Travin A & Sorokin A
(2004) Paleozoic Magmatism in the North-Eastern Margin of the Argun Terrane:timing and Tectonic Implications (Upper Amur Region)
Sorokin A & Kudryashov N
(2004) Timing of Mesozoic Magmatism in Khingan-Okhotsk Volcanoplutonic Belt (Russian Far East)
Derbeko I, Sorokin A, Ponomarchuk V & Sorokin A
(2004) Timing of Mesozoic Magmatism in Khingan-Okhotsk Volcanoplutonic Belt (Russian Far East)
Derbeko I, Sorokin A, Ponomarchuk V & Sorokin A
(2002) Umlekan-Ogodzha Early Cretaceous Magmatic Belt (North Margin of the Amurian Superterrane): Duration of Magmatism and Tectonic Implications
Sorokin A & Ponomarchuk V

Sorokin Andrey A (2020) Stagnant Slab Front within the Mantle Transition Zone Controls Cenozoic Intrplate High-Mg Andesites in NE Asia: A Case Study from Russian Far East
Xu W-L, Chen J-H, Tang J, Wang F & Sorokin AA

Sorokin D. (2015) The Chemistry and Genetics of Microbial Thiosulfate Disproportionation Under Haloalkaline Conditions
Melton E, Sorokin D & Muyzer G

Sorokin K. (2017) Numerical Modeling of Partial Melting in Igneous Columns of Volcanic Arcs
Perepechko Y, Sorokin K, Chudnenko K, Mikheeva A & Sharapov V

Sorokina Elena (2017) Cr3+ Behavior at the Content < 100 > 0 Ppmw within α-Al2O3: Case Study of Ilmen Blue Sapphires by RS PL and LA-ICP-MS Mappings
Sorokina E, Sun Z, Loudin L, Nishanbaev T & Nikandrov S

Sorokina Elena S. (2019) Sapphire-Bearing Rocks as Indicators of Continent-To-Continent Collision Events
Sorokina ES, Botcharnikov RE, Berndt J, Häger T & Hofmeister W

Sorokina O. (2011) Geochemical Features of the Amur River Sediments in its Middle Reaches
Sorokina O

Sorooshian Armin (2009) Precipitation in Warm Clouds and its Susceptibility to Aerosol Perturbations
Sorooshian A & Feingold G

Sorooshian Armin (2013) Satellite and Aircraft Views of Relationships between Particles, Cloud Water, and Rain Water
Sorooshian A, Wang Z, Feingold G, L'Ecuyer T & Jonsson H

Sorowka A. (2017) Submicron Architecture of Bivalve Shells Revealed by Microbeam Techniques
Otter LM, Konsik MA, Kilburn MR, Sorowka A, Hoppe P, Williamson JE & Jacob DE

Sortino F (2004) Zn Isotopic Composition of Fumarolic Gases from Merapi Volcano (Indonesia), Preliminary Results
Nonell A, Toutain J, Polve M, Munoz M, Viers J, Sortino F, Gainville R & Dupre B

Sortino Francesco (2013) Noble Gases Geochemistry of Magma Degassing at Santorini (Greece): Inferences on 2011-2012 Unrest
Rizzo A, Barberi F, Carapezza ML, Francalanci L, D'Alessandro W, Di Piazza A & Sortino F

Sorwat J. (2019) Challenges and Solutions of Using Magnetite Nanoparticles for Metal(loid) Remediation
Sorwat J, Kappler A & Byrne J
(2018) The Role of Microbial Fe Metabolism in the Biogeochemical Cycle of Cd
Tomaszewski E, Bayer T, Sorwat J, Muehe M, Byrne J & Kappler A

Sosa Emma S.

Sosa Emma Sofia (2022) Iron Isotopes in Mantle and Cumulate Xenoliths from Adak Island, Central Aleutians
Sosa ES, Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Kay SM & Kay R
(2022) Fractionation of Iron Isotopes between Strongly Peraluminous Granites and their Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of the Archean Ghost Lake Batholith
Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Sosa ES, Tissot FLH & Kipp MA

Sosa Emmanuel (2019) A Quantitative Assessment of the Presence and Mobility of Trace Metals in Soils and Groundwater
Sosa E, Ma L, Ortiz A & Jin L

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