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Song Zijun (2022) Elasticity of Phase H Under the Mantle Temperatures and Pressures: Implications for Discontinuities and Water Transport in the Mid-Mantle
Song Z & Wu Z

Söngen H. (2017) Atomic Force Microscopy at Mineral-Water Interfaces: From High-Resolution Imaging to Chemical Identification
Söngen H, Adam H, Klassen S, Seibert S, Nalbach M, Bechstein R & Kühnle A

Songkasiri W. (2005) Biosorption of Neptunium (IV) and Neptunium (V) on Soil Bacteria
Reed D, Rittmann B & Songkasiri W

Sonibare O.O.

Sonke Jeroen (2020) Isotopic Compositions of Hg in Cross-Hemisphere Marine Aerosols Reveal Different Hg0 Redox Reactions
David AY, Chen J, Zheng W, Sonke J, Shi G, Cai H, Yuan W & Cartigny P
(2017) Multi-Isotope (Hg, C & N) Approach to Assess Mercury Origin along the French Coast
Briant N, Sonke J, Chouvelon T, Brach-Papa C, Chiffoleau J-F, Savoye N & Knoery J
(2016) Japanese Peat Records of Atmospheric Deposition of Artificial Radionuclides (J-Peat): Impacts of Fukushima Accident and Implications for Radiochronology
De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Sonke J, Van Beek P, Souhaut M, Pourcelot L, Masson O, Guarriaran R, Hughes P, Piotrowska N, Tanimizu M & Hotes S
(2016) Progress on Atmospheric Hg Stable Isotope Research
Sonke J
(2016) Mercury Stable Isotope in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelami), a Tracer of Methyl Mercury Spatial Distribution in Ocean?
Itai T, Point D, Sonke J, Lorrain A, Munaron JM, Houssard P, Kamei T & Tanabe S
(2015) A Hg Stable Isotope Study of Wet and Dry Deposition to the Pinet Peat Bog
Enrico M, Marusczak N, Heimburger L-E, Claustres A, Le Roux G & Sonke J
(2015) Geographical Variation of Total Mercury Level and its Stable Isotope Composition in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis) from Western North Pacific Ocean
Itai T, Sonke J, Point D, Kamei T & Tanabe S
(2015) Hg Stable Isotopes as Tracers for Dietary Hg Exposure and Metabolic Detoxification in Humans
Menges J, Laffont L, Maurice L & Sonke J
(2015) A Stable Isotope View of the Atmospheric Hg Cycle
Sonke J, Marusczak N & Fu X
(2014) Arctic Biomonitor Hg Isotope Signatures Suggest Sea-Ice Control on Marine Hg Photochemistry
Masbou J, Point D, Sonke J & Becker P
(2014) Gaseous Hg Stable Isotope Variations in the Free Troposphere of the Pic du Midi Observatory
Sonke J & Fu X
(2014) Hg Stable Isotopes as Tracers for Dietary Hg Exposure and Metabolic Detoxification in Humans
Sonke J
(2013) A Stable Isotope Perspective on Tracing Natural and Anthropogenic Hg Emissions at the Global Scale
Sonke J
(2013) (Non-?)Traditional Hg Stable Isotope Geochemistry in the Early 1920’s
Sonke J, Estrade N, Donard O & Carignan J
(2012) Tracing Anthropogenic Hg Deposition in Peat Bogs with Hg Stable Isotopes
Heimburger L-E, Enrico M, Gael LR & Sonke J
(2012) Mercury Stable Isotope Time Trends in Cryogenically Archived Ringed Seal Livers from the Alaskan Arctic
Masbou J, Point D, Sonke J & Becker P
(2012) Peat Land Records of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition in the French Pyrenees
Enrico M, Heimburger L-E, Le Roux G & Sonke J
(2010) A 1D Global box Model for Mercury Stable Isotopes
Sonke J
(2010) Hg Stable Isotopes in Human Hair as a Tracer for Dietary Hg Exposure
Laffont L, Sonke J, Maurice L, Bacarreza Y & Behra P
(2010) Indirect Determination of the North-Pacific Ocean Hg MIF Baseline
Dupre B, Sonke J & Point D
(2010) Mercury Stable Isotopes Fractionation in Cryogenically Archived Specimens from The Arctic Marine Environment
Point D, Sonke J, Day R, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P
(2009) Speciation and Isotopic Signatures of Hg in the Lake Baikal – Angara River Food-Web
Epov V, Pastukhov M, Perrot V, Tessier E, Grebenshchikova V, Sonke J, Amouroux D & Donard O
(2008) Thorium Complexation with Humic Acid: Results from Ligand Competition Experiments
Stern J, Sonke J & Salters V
(2008) Mercury Isotopes Fractionation in the Alaskan Marine Environment along an Arctic/subArctic Transect
Point D, Day R, Sonke J, Vanderpol S, Donard O, Simac K, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P
(2007) Mass Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes during Evaporation and Condensation Processes
Estrade N, Carignan J, Sonke J & Donard O
(2007) Historical Variations in Zinc Stable Isotope Compositions of Smelter Polluted Sediments
Sonke J, Sivry Y, Viers J, Audry S, DeJonghe L, Andre L, Aggarwal J, Schafer J, Blanc G & Dupre B
(2007) Experimental Study of REE Behavour during Apatite Dissolution in Presence of Iron and Organic Matter
Roncal-Herrero T, Mathieu N, Sonke J & Oelkers EH
(2007) Mercury Stable Isotope Variations in a Bolivian Watershed: Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation
Laffont L, Sonke J, Foucher D, Hintelmann H, Behra P & Maurice-Bourgoin L
(2007) Development of the High Presicion Measurement of Mercury Species Isotopic Ratios by GC-MC-ICP-MS and its Validation with Two Other Analytical Aproaches
Epov V, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P, Sonke J, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Maurice Bourgoin L, Estrade N, Carignan J & Donard O
(2006) Use of Cd and Zn isotopic variations in a sedimentary core to trace anthropogenic contamination
Sivry Y, Dupré B, Sonke J, Viers J, Audry S, Schäfer J, Blanc G & Riotte J
(2006) Seasonality of dissolved element fluxes in the Amazon River Endmember
Barroux G, Seyler P, Sonke J, Viers J, Boaventura G, Sondag F & Lagane C

Sonke Jeroen E (2023) Long-Term Atmospheric Mercury Measurements on Amsterdam Island in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Collignon L, Angot H, Magand O, Bertrand Y, Duperray S, Laffont L, Sonke JE & Dommergue A
(2023) Stable Mercury Concentrations in Tunas from the Global Ocean Arise Question About Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Minamata Convention
Médieu A, Point D, Sonke JE, Buchanan P, Bodin N, Adams D, Bignert A, Streets D, Hélène A, Ménard F, Choy CA, Allain V, Itai T, Bustamante P, Ferriss B, Bourlès B, Habasque J, Gauthier O & Lorrain A
(2023) Carbon and Mercury Stable Isotope Fractionation during Aqueous Photodemethylation of CH3Hg
Malberti LM, Lagane C, Point D & Sonke JE
(2023) A Mass Budget and box Model of Global Plastics Cycling, Degradation and Dispersal in the Land-Ocean-Atmosphere System
Sonke JE, Koenig AM, Yakovenko N, Le Roux G & Thomas JL
(2023) Active Sampling of Atmospheric MPs and their Efficient Extraction from Glass/Quartz Microfiber Filters
Yakovenko N & Sonke JE
(2023) Tracing Atmospheric Selenium from Sources to Deposition by Combining Chemical Speciation Analyses with Modelling
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Feinberg A, Bouchet S, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel LHE
(2023) Using Ombrotrophic Peat Archives to Determine the Evolution of Atmospheric Microplastic Deposition Patterns
Hagelskjaer O, Le Roux G & Sonke JE
(2022) Insights into the Atmospheric Cycle of Arsenic: Linking Elemental Speciation, Organic Composition with Atmospheric Transport in a 5-Year Time Series of Aerosol Measurements
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Bouchet S, Mestrot A, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel LHE
(2021) Carbon and Mercury Stable Isotope Fractionation during Aqueous MeHg Photoreduction
Malberti LM, Lagane C, Sonke JE & Point D
(2021) Mercury Concentrations in Pacific Ocean Tunas are Driven by Both Anthropogenic and Natural Factors
Médieu A, Point D, Itai T, Angot H, Buchanan P, Allain V, Griffiths S, Fuller L, Gillikin D, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Menkes CE, Madigan D, Tagliabue A, Bopp L, Verheyden A & Lorrain A
(2021) Unequal Anthropogenic Enrichment of Mercury in Earth’s Northernand Southern Hemispheres
Li C, Sonke JE, Le Roux G, Piotrowska N, Van der Putten N, Roberts SJ, Daley T, Rice E, Gehrels R, Enrico M, Mauquoy D, Roland TP & De Vleeschouwer F
(2021) Towards a Better Understanding of Mercury (Hg) Dynamics in the Marine Environment
Gindorf S, Kleindienst A, Malberti LM, García Arévalo IG, Torres-Rodriguez N, Amptmeijer D, Amouroux D, Point D, Knoery J, Guyoneaud R, Lorrain A, Bieser J, Horvat M, Schrum C, Tessier E, Sonke JE, Jonsson S & Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E
(2021) Global Mercury Observation Training Network (GMOS-Train)
Horvat M, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Lobnik A, Jonsson S, Dommergue A, Pirrone N, Amouroux D, Ebinghaus R, Knoery J, Corns W, Lapanje A, Kocman D, Hedgecock IM, Bieser J, Matthias V, Schrum C, Lorrain A & Point D
(2021) Redox Dynamics of Atmospheric Mercury at Maido Observatory in the Tropical Indian Ocean
Koenig AM, Magand O, Brioude J, Colomb A, Vimeux F, Ramonet M, Volkamer R, Regis J, Belloir A, Metzger J-M, Cammas J-P, Sonke JE & Dommergue A
(2021) A Potential Mechanism to Explain Even Hg Isotope Mass Independent Fractionation
Fu X, Jiskra M & Sonke JE
(2021) Ultratrace Level Speciation of Se, As and S in Atmospheric Deposition at the High Altitude Pic du Midi Observatory
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Bouchet S, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel L

Sonke Jeroen E. (2020) Zinc Isotope Study of Neurotoxic Peptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C
(2019) Zinc Isotope Investigations into Neuropeptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C
(2019) Processes Controlling the Vertical Distribution of Methylmercury in the Arctic Ocean
Schartup A, Heimbürger-Boavida L-E, Soerensen A, Sonke J & Sunderland E

Sönmez Safak Utku (2021) Precious and Base Metal Crustal Fertility during Construction of the Eastern Pontides Arc, NE Turkey
Turlin F, Moritz R, Karsli O, Keskin S, Sönmez SU, Dokuz A & Aydin F

Sonmez Şafak Utku Utku (2023) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Oligocene Dikes at Yanıklı, Artvin District, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: New Regional Implications
Sonmez SU, Moritz R, Keskin S, Turlin F, Ulianov A, Chiaradia M & Aydın Ü
(2023) Classical Metallogenic Settings of the Lesser Caucasus and the Eastern Pontides, Tethyan Orogenic Belt, Revisited for their Critical Metal Potential
Moritz R, Hovakimyan S, Turlin F & Sönmez ŞUU

Sonnenberg S. (2020) Facies Control on Redox Interpretations: Implications from Early Mississippian Bakken Fm
Nandy D, Sahoo S & Sonnenberg S

Sonnenthal Eric (2020) Potential Pb Mobilization, Transport, and Sequestration in Shallow Sandstone Aquifers Impacted by CO2 Leakage: A Natural Analogue Study from the Virgin River Basin, Southwestern Utah
Plampin M, Blondes M & Sonnenthal E
(2019) 2D Reactive Transport Models of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
DePaolo D, Sonnenthal E & Pester N
(2017) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Emissions and Calcite Precipitation Kinetics in Dryland Agriculture
Ortiz A, Sonnenthal E & Jin L
(2016) Reactive-Transport Modelling of the Native-State and Enhanced Geothermal Systems At Newberry Volcano, Oregon
Sonnenthal E
(2014) Tracking Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation by Li Isotope Fractionation
Wanner C, Sonnenthal E, Nakagawa S, Brown S, Christensen J, Icenhower J & Nakashima S

Sonnenthal Eric L (2022) Reactive Transport Modeling of Enhanced Weathering as Soil Amendments for Carbon Removal
Deng H, Spycher N, Sonnenthal EL, Arora B, Kleber M & Nico PS
(2021) Experimental Determination of Mg Removal Rates from Seawater-Like Fluids due to Reaction with Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene at 200℃ and 32.5 MPa
DePaolo DJ, Pester NJ, Sonnenthal EL & Christensen JN

Sonnenthal Eric L. (2015) Isotopic Insights into Deep Geothermal Systems in the Snake River Plain in Southeastern Idaho
Conrad ME, Dobson PF, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Spycher N, Cannon C, Wood T, McLing TL, Neupane G & Mattson ED
(2015) Geochemical-Isotopic Systematics, Geothermometry, and THMC Models of the Newberry Volcano Enhanced Geothermal System
Sonnenthal E, Cladouhos T, Brown S, Christensen J, Smith JT, Spycher N, Conrad M, Kennedy BM, Yang L & Dobson P
(2015) Fracture Properties in Geothermal Systems from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes
Brown ST, Christensen JN, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Sturchio NC, Nakagawa S, Wanner C & DePaolo DJ
(2013) Seawater δ7Li: A Tracer for Global CO2 Consumption by Continental Silicate Weathering?
Wanner C & Sonnenthal E
(2013) Reactive Transport Modeling to Assess Geological CO2 Storage via Mineral Carbonation in Peridotite
Paukert A, Matter J, Kelemen P & Sonnethal E
(2012) Revisited Multicomponent Chemical Geothermometry: Application to the Dixie Valley Geothermal Area
Peiffer L, Wanner C, Spycher N, Sonnenthal E & Kennedy BM
(2012) Evaluating the Control on the Kinetic Cr Isotope Fractionation Factor: A Reactive Transport Modeling Approach
Wanner C & Sonnenthal EL
(2012) Cr(VI) Reduction and Isotopic Fractionation In Bacteria: Cytoplasmic/Extracellular Reduction Rate and Diffusion Controls
Sonnenthal E, Christensen J & Han R
(2011) U and Sr Isotopic Variations at a Deep Underground Laboratory, Homestake Mine, SD
Cruz M, Maher K, Olsen N, Jones T, Conrad M & Sonnenthal E
(2011) Cr Isotope Fractionation during Biogeochemical Reduction of Cr(VI) by Hanford Native Aquifer Microbial Communities
Qin L, Christensen J, Brown S, Yang L, Conrad M, Sonnenthal E & Beller H
(2009) Isotopic Signatures for Key Mineralogical Reactions Accompanying Biostimulated Uranium Reduction
Druhan JL, Conrad ME, Williams KH, Sonnenthal EL & DePaolo DJ
(2005) Reactive Transport Modeling of Acid Gas Generation and Condensation
Zhang G, Spycher N, Sonnenthal E & Steefel C
(2001) Predicting Fluid Compositions and Mineral Alteration Around Nuclear Waste Emplacement Tunnels
Spycher N, Sonnenthal E & Apps J
(2001) Isotopic Constraints on the Thermochemical Evolution of the Drift-Scale Heater Test at Yucca Mountain
Conrad ME & Sonnenthal EL
(2001) A Conceptual and Numerical Model for Reaction-Transport Processes in Unsaturated Fractured Rock at Yucca Mountain: Model Validation Using the Drift Scale Heater Test
Sonnenthal EL, Spycher NF, Apps JA & Conrad ME

Sonnet P. (2017) Using Portable XRF Devices for Quick and Low-Cost Measurement of Metal Content in Soils, Plants and Mushrooms in Peri-Industrial Areas of Wallonia (Southern Belgium)
Vandeuren A, Baillieux T, Pereira B, Sonnet P & Delmelle P
(2017) Can Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Measurements Replace Standard Soil Assays in Soil Protection Regulations? A Case Study in Wallonia (Belgium)
Pereira B, Vandeuren A, Sonnet P & Delmelle P

Sonneville C. (2012) Structural Modifications in Densified Soda Alumino Silicate Glasses
Sonneville C, De Ligny D, Neuville D, Florian P, Le Floch S, Le Losq C & Henderson G

Sonney R. (2012) Experimental Simulation of Brine Re-injection Under Subcritical and Supercritical Conditions
Mountain B & Sonney R
(2011) Experimental Fluid-Rock Interaction Simulating Brine Reinjection in Greywacke-Hosted Reservoirs of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Sonney R & Mountain BW

Sonnino M. (2004) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Triassic to Early Jurassic Pelite Layers Continental Redbeds from the Calabria-Peloritan Arc, Italy
Perri F, Mongelli G, Critelli S, Greco M, Pappalardo A, Sonnino M & Spina A

Sonntag I. (2011) Drillcore Imaging Spectroscopy for Exploration and Mining
Laukamp C, Sonntag I, Cudahy T, Haest M & Rodger A
(2011) Geochemical Fingerprint of an Oligocene to Miocene Arc Segment in Eastern Mindanao (Philippines)
Sonntag I, Kerrich R & Hagemann S
(2007) Diffusion Profiles of Li in Plagioclase/Clinopyroxene and Plagioclase/Olivine Intergrowths
Sonntag I, Ludwig T & Altherr R
(2006) Li, Be and B in plagioclase phenocrysts from Nisyros, Greece
Sonntag I, Altherr R & Ludwig T

Sontag P. (2014) Offshore and Onshore Monomethylmercury (MMHg) and Total Mercury (THg) Accumulation during Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) Development along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
Sontag P & Reinfelder J

Sonzogni C. (2023) Changes in Atmospheric Relative Humidity during the Late Holocene Reconstructed Using the 17O-Excess of Phytoliths from Sediments of Lake Ngofouo (Republic of Congo, Central Africa)
Mention C, Aleman J, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C & Alexandre A
(2023) 17O-Excess of Tropical Forest and Savanna Phytoliths Record Diurnal Atmospheric Relative Humidity of the Growing Season: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions and Model-Data Comparisons
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Peugeot C, Grippa M, Ndiaye O, Vallet-Coulomb C, Aleman J, Landais A, Sonzogni C, Au Yang D, Mazur J-C, Voigt C, Ouani T, Afouda S, Wubda M, Mougin E, Soumaguel N, Tagesson T & Fensholt R
(2023) Néma 001 – A Fragment of the Crust of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body?
Tartese R, Gattacceca J, Devouard B, Debaille V, Joy KH, Sonzogni C & Jambon A
(2023) Subsurface/intermediate and Deep-Water Oxygenation States in Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene Sapropel Deposition Inferred from Planktonic Foraminiferal I/Ca and U/Ca Ratios
Guarinos V, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, Garcia M, Minon N, Sonzogni C, Revel M, Schulz H & Sierro FJ
(2021) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytoliths, a Proxy of Relative Humidity: Impact of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Soil Water and Vegetation Type
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Peugeot C, Afouda S, Couapel M, Landais A, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C, Ouani T & Wubda M
(2021) Indian-Atlantic Subsurface- and Deep-Water Mass Exchange over the Past 600 kyrs
Perez-Asensio JN, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, de Garidel-Thoron T, Sonzogni C, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Jorry S & Chen M-T
(2016) Evaluation of Potential Standards for Oxygen Isotope Microanalysis
Thomen A, Nagashima K, Couapel M, Sonzogni C, Alexandre A, Huss G & Krot A
(2013) Southern Hemisphere Orbital Forcing and its Effects on CO2 and Tropical Pacific Climate
Tachikawa K, Timmermann A, Vidal L, Sonzogni C & Elison Timm O
(2012) Laser Spectrometry for Tracing Evaporation in a Mediterranean Wetland (Rhône Delta, France)
Delattre H, Vallet-Coulomb C & Sonzogni C

Soo R. (2017) What if Oxygenic Photosynthesis Isn’t that Old?
Fischer W, Hemp J, Hugenholtz P, Johnson J, Parks D, Shih P, Soo R, Rasmussen B, Webb S & Ward L

Sood A. (2019) Temperature Mediates Impact of Nitrate on Freshwater Wetland Sediment Methanogenesis
Hamersley MR & Sood A

Sookdeo A. (2016) Investigating the Onset of the Younger Dyras by High Temporal Resolution of Radiocarbon
Sookdeo A, Wacker L, Büntgen U, Friedrich M, Helle G, Kromer B, Pauly M & Reinig F

Soomer S. (2016) Chemical Weathering Indicators at Archean–Proterozoic Transition in the Petchenga, Imandra-Varzuga Greenstone Belts and Onega Basin
Soomer S, Lepland A, Somelar P & Kirsimäe K

Soon M. (2023) Measurement of Chromium Concentration and Stable Isotopic Ratios in Marine Particles
Baconnais I, Francois R, Holmden C, Soon M & Jaccard SL
(2019) Decadal Changes in Circulation and Particle Flux in the Amerasian Basins of the Arctic Ocean Inferred from the Water Column Distribution of Dissolved 230Th and 231Pa
Grenier M, Francois R, Soon M, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Yu X, Valk O, Not C, Moran B, Edwards L, Lu Y, Lepore K & Allen S
(2018) Ocean Circulation and Land-Ocean Exchanges off the North Eastern Canadian Coasts as Told by Dissolved Geochemical Tracers
Grenier M, Francois R, Soon M, Baconnet I, Pham V & Jeandel C
(2016) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
Amini M, Weis D, Soon M & Francois R

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