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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Sole C. (2023) Evidence for Hadean Mafic Rocks Preserved in the NE Superior Craton, Canada
O'Neil J & Sole C
(2019) New Time Constraints on Mafic Intrusions from the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt, Canada
Sole C, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Davies J, Benn D & Plakholm J
(2018) Sm-Nd Isotopic Compositions of the Mantle-Derived Rocks of the Saglek-Hebron Gneiss Complex, Labrador
Flageole J, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Wasilewski B & Sole C

Solé J. (2008) K/Ar Dating of a Fossil Lagerstätte Locality: The Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico
Pi T, Solé J & Centeno-García E
(2008) In situ K/Ar Geochronology Using Simultaneous LIBS and Noble Gas Mass Spectrometry
Solé J
(2004) The Importance of Grain-Size in Geochronology: Examples from Spain and Mexico
Solé J
(2004) Identification of Several Mineralising Events with Combined (UTh)/ He Dating and Lanthanide Geochemistry at La Azul Fluorite Deposit (Mexico)
Pi T, Solé J & Taran Y
(2002) (U+Th)/Noble Gas Dating of Fluorite
Pi T & Solé J

Sole-Mari G. (2019) Modeling Reactive Transport with Local Mixing Limitation via Random Walk Particle Tracking
Sole-Mari G, Fernàndez-Garcia D, Bolster D & Sanchez-Vila X

Solé-Viñas J. (2019) The Epazoyucan-Sierra de Pachuca Oligocene-Miocene Silicic Volcanism: Its Relation to the Sierra Madre Occidental and to the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt Magmatism, Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence
Solís-Pichardo G, Cristiani-Solís C, Martínez-Serrano RG, Martínez-González I, Solé-Viñas J, Ramírez-Ramírez B & Arrieta-García G
(2019) Phase Equilibria Thermobarometry of Grenvillian Granulites from Oaxacan Complex (Mexico)
Culí Verdaguer L, Reche Estrada J & Solé Viñas J

Solecka U. (2016) Thermodynamic Stability of Pyromorphite-Vanadinite Solid Solution Series
Solecka U, Bajda T, Topolska J & Manecki M
(2015) Solubility of Mimetite-Vanadinite Solid Solution Series – Preliminary Results
Solecka U, Bajda T, Topolska J & Manecki M

Soler Albert (2011) Use of Sequential Extraction to Evaluate the Mobility of Heavy Metals in the Huanuni Basin (Bolivia)
Kralj M, Marchesi M, Dinelli E, Soler A, La Fuente S & Coronado F
(2009) Denitrification Driven by Pyrite Oxidation and Colonization of Pyrite Surface by Thiobacillus denitrificans
Torrento C, Urmeneta J, Edwards K, Cama J & Soler A
(2007) Anaerobic Nitrate-Dependent Oxidation of Pyrite Mediated by <i>Thiobacillus denitrificans</I>
Torrento C, Southam G, Urmeneta J, Cama J & Soler A

Soler Albert (2017) Stable Isotope Characterization to Evaluate the Efficiency of Induced Denitrification at Field-Scale
Carrey R, Margalef-Marti R, Viladés M, Jubany I, Vilanova E, Grau R, Soler A & Otero N

Soler Albert (2019) Isotopically Evaluating the Impact of Industrial Activities on the Atmospheric Pb Budget of Tarragona (Spain)
Trottier K, Plasencia Sánchez E, Rosell M, Soler A, Sánchez-Soberón F, Rovira J, Schuhmacher M, Poirier A & Widory D
(2019) Artificial Recharge Using Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents: Evaluation of Nitrogen Fate in Meso-Scale Experiments by Means of an Isotopic Approach
Carrey R, Valhondo C, Martinez-Landa L, Soler A & Otero N
(2019) Effect of Biochar Addition on the Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Nitrate Retained and Leached from Soil after Manure Fertilization: Lysimeter Experiments
Otero N, Llovet A, Carrey R, Ribas A, Domene X, Mattana S, Chim-Pampillo J, Alcañiz JM & Soler A
(2019) How to Determine the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Barriers in Porphyry Cu Tailings Dams?
Navarro-Ciurana D, Saleta-Daví À, Soler A, Quintana Sotomayor C, San Miguel Cornejo D, Musalem Jara M, Novoa Godoy G, Carrasco Jaramillo C, Aguirre-Dueñas E & Escudero Vargas MA
(2019) Isotopic Analysis of Nitrite during Abiotic Reduction by Bio-Produced Fe(II). Potential Insight into the Fate of Nitrite in Marine Environments
Margalef Marti R, Offedu F, Benaiges Fernandez R, Palau J, Urmeneta J, Carrey R, Otero N, Soler A & Cama J
(2019) Fluoride Release from Rocks and Sediments from East African Rift Valley
Domènech C, Navarro-Ciurana D, Canals MÀ, Cossío O, Barbieri M, Pittalis D, Soler A & Ghiglieri G
(2019) Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Composition for Particulate Matter Source Apportionment in Tarragona – Spain
Plasencia Sánchez E, Sánchez-Soberón F, Rovira J, Sierra J, Torrento C, Schuhmacher M, Rosell M & Soler A
(2019) A Multi-Isotopic Approach as a Tool for Assessing Nitrate Pollution in the Province of Girona (NE Spain)
Vinyes M, Navarro Ciurana D, Torrentó C, Carrey R, Micola N, Garrido T, Munné A, Solà J, Soler A & Otero N
(2019) Dual C-Br Isotope Fractionation during Anaerobic Biodegradation of Ethylene Dibromide by Dehalococcoides- and Dehalogenimonas-Containing Cultures
Shouakar-Stash O, Palau J, Rosell M, Yu R, Hatijah Mortan S, Marco Urrea E, Freedman DL & Soler A

Soler Albert (2013) Modeling of Enhanced in situ Biodenitrification in Fractured Aquifer: Biogeochemical Interactions and Isotope Fractionation
Rodríguez-Escales P, vanBreukelen BM, Vidal-Gavilan G, Soler A & Folch A

Soler Josep M (2021) Natural Attenuation of Heavy Metals via Secondary Hydrozincite Precipitation in an Abandoned Pb-Zn Mine
Giannetta MG, Benaiges R, Cama J, Queralt IM & Soler JM
(2021) Laboratory Measurements of the Hydraulic-Geochemical-Mechanical Properties of a Limestone during Injection of CO2-rich Water Under CO2 Supercritical Conditions
Vafaie A, Cama J & Soler JM

Soler Josep M. (2023) Reactive Transport Modeling of the Release and Mobility of Hexavalent Chromium in a Contaminated Soil
Ceballos E, Cama J & Soler JM
(2023) Rare-Earth-Elements Retention by Oxyhydroxysulfates in an Estuary Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage
Gutiérrez-León J, Carrero S, Pérez López R, Di Tommaso D, Toroz D, Soler JM & Cama J
(2023) Tracer Transport and Reactive Transport Modeling of Clay-Concrete Interaction: The CI/CI-D Experiments at Mont Terri
Soler JM, Mäder U & Martin L
(2019) The Ionic Strength – EDL Effect on Diffusion in Clay. Modeling an in situ Experiment at Mont Terri
Soler J, Steefel C, Gimmi T, Leupin O & Cloet V
(2019) Reductive Dissolution of Magnetite from Iron Mine Tailings: Potential Impacts in Coastal Environments
Palau J, Benaiges R, Offeddu F, Urmeneta J, Soler J, Cama J & Dold B
(2019) Rock/cement Fracture in Geological CO2 Storage
Fernandez-Rojo L, Soler JM, Chaparro MC, Galí S, Queralt I & Cama J
(2019) Reductive Dissolution of Fe(III) Oxides by Shewanella Loihica Under Submarine Tailings Disposal Conditions
Benaiges-Fernandez R, Palau J, Offedu FG, Cama J, Urmeneta J, Soler J & Dold B
(2019) Microbial Reductive Dissolution of Iron Oxides and Subsequent Heavy Metal Release in Submarine Tailings Disposal
Giannetta M, Soler J & Cama J
(2017) 2D Reactive Transport Modeling of Opalinus Clay-Opc-Bentonite Interaction
Yokoyama S, Minato D, Watanabe Y, Soler J & Cama J
(2017) Portland Cement – Rock Interaction. Diffusion and Advection Scenarios
Soler J, Chaparro C & Saaltink M
(2017) Using Reactive Transport Modelling to Analyse Cement-Groundwater-Rock Interaction. The LCS Experiment at Grimsel
Chaparro MC, Saaltink MW & Soler JM
(2016) The Role of Mineral Heterogeneity on the CO2 Storage Capacity and Injectivity Under CO2 Supercritical Conditions
Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2016) Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Evolution of Artificially Fractured Marl Cores Under Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Dávila G, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2015) Modeling the DR-A in situ Diffusion Experiment (Opalinus Clay): Ionic Strength Effects on Solute Transport
Soler J, Steefel C, Leupin O & Gimmi T
(2015) Effect of S Impurities on the Interaction between CO2-rich Solutions and Limestone and Marl Rocks at P = pCO2 = 10 Bar
Thaysen EM, Cama J & Soler JM
(2014) Gypsum Precipitation during Interaction between CO2-Rich Sulfate Solution and Carbonate Rocks (From Atmospheric to Supercritical CO2 Conditions)
Cama J, Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L & Soler JM
(2013) Perturbing a Field Diffusion Experiment: First Results of the DR-A Test in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland)
Gimmi T, Leupin OX, Soler JM & Van Loon LR
(2013) Interaction between CO2-Rich Brine and Marly Shale Under Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Dávila G, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2013) Reactive Transport Modeling of Cement/Concrete – Rock Interaction: The Tournemire and Maqarin Cases
Soler JM

Soler Joseph Maria (2009) Calcite Cleavage Surface Reactivity in Sulphate-Rich Waters
Atanassova R, Cama J, Soler JM, Ayora C & Casanova I
(2009) Cement Degradation and Host Rock Alteration in Nuclear Waste Disposal. Studies at the Grimsel Test Site
Soler JM
(2009) The Passivation of Calcite during the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. Laboratory Experiments
Offeddu FG, Cama J, Soler J & Ayora C
(2009) Dissolution of Fluorite (111) Cleavage Surface in Acid pH: VSI, AFM and Monte Carlo Simulations
Cama J, Zhang L, De Giudici G, Soler JM, Ardvison RS & Lüttge A
(2008) Diffusion and Retention Experiment in Clay Formation: An International Field, Lab and Modelling Exercise
Leupin OX, Dewonck S, Savoye S, Wersin P, Van Loon LR, Gimmi T, Samper J, Soler JM, Eikenberg J & Bayens B
(2007) Comparison of Thermodynamic Data for Aqueous Species with Focus on Hyperalkaline Conditions
Fernández R, Mäder UK & Soler JM
(2006) Composition and dissolution kinetics of garnierite from Loma de Hierro (Venezuela)
Cama J, Soler JM, Melendez W & Ramirez A
(2005) In situ Diffusion at Mont Terri URL
Soler J, Gimmi T, Cartalade A, Wersin P & Van loon L
(2002) The GTS-Hpf Experiment: Reaction-Induced Permeability Changes
Soler J & M‰der U
(2000) One-Dimensional Reactive Transport Modelling of the Interaction between a High-Ph Plume and a Fractured Granodiorite. The GTS-Hpf Project
Soler JM

Soler Gil A. (2023) The Efficiency of Different Electron Donor Sources in Biological Denitrification Processes
Abu AT, Carrey R, Navarro-Ciurana D, Fernández-Lagunas A, Soler Gil A, Otero N, Causapé J & Domènech C

Soler-Sagarra J. (2016) Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modelling of CO2-rich Brine Injection Through Sandstone Samples: Role of Flow Rate, Brine Composition, Mixing and Spreading Effects
Luquot L, Soler-Sagarra J, Gouze P, Martinez-Perez L, Saaltink M, Di Gaspari F & Carrera J

Soleymani A.A. (2009) Geochemical Data Analysis of Deh-Salm Area Using Neuro-Fuzzy Networks
Ziaii M, Soleymani AA, Kamkar-Rouhani A & Modarres HR

Soleymani M. (2021) Geochemical Characterization of the Kuh-E Janja Intrusion: Implication for Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting
Soleymani M, Niroomand S & Rajabi A

Solferino G. (2021) Metallogenesis of Cobalt-Bearing Mineralisation in the English Lake District
Eskdale AE, Gough A, Lowry D, Solferino G & Johnson S
(2017) Copper Metallogenesis in Upper Palaeozoic Sedimentary Rocks from the Irish Variscides
Lang J, Meere P, Solferino G & Unitt R
(2012) Experimental Investigations of the Structural Environment of Metal (Nb, Ta) Ions in Silicate Glass-Water Systems to High P-T Conditions
Mayanovic R, Anderson A, Luna M, Solferino G & Yan H
(2006) Percolation Threshold of Iron-Sulfide Melts in Olivine Matrix: an Experimental Study with a Centrifuging Piston Cylinder
Solferino G, Schmidt MW & Bagdassarov N

Solgi A. (2016) Provenance Study of Upper Paleozoic in Zagros Using U-Pb Dating of Detrital Zircon
Motavalli F, Carter A, Rezaeian M & Solgi A

Solic M. (2022) Normalized Wet Deposition of Total Mercury Reflects Concentration Gradient in Surface Seawater
Živković I, Gacnik J, Jozic S, Kotnik J, Solic M & Horvat M

Solidoro C. (2023) How Will Climate Change Affect Mercury Biogeochemistry in the Ocean? Projected Changes for the Mediterranean Sea Under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Emission Scenarios
Rosati G, Canu D, Lazzari P, Reale M & Solidoro C

Solidum R.U. (2022) Understanding Zinc Isotopic Signatures in Volcanic Lakes
Robic J, Debaille V, Villacorte E, Bornas MAV, Solidum RU, Syahbana DK, Huda K & Bernard A

Soligo M. (2020) A Late Holocene Sea Level Rise Event Inferred from Precisely Dated Speleothems from Mallorca
Asmerom Y, Onac B, Mitrovica J, Tuccimei P, Fornos J, Polyak V, Gines J, Gines A, Soligo M & Villa I
(2018) Enhanced Radon Emissions from Volcanic Rocks Exposed to High-Temperature Conditions: Implications for the Geochemical Survey and Public Health in Densely Populated Volcanic Areas
Scarlato P, Mollo S, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Iezzi G & Soligo M

Solińska A. (2021) Immobilization of Pharmaceuticals on Mineral Raw Materials
Solińska A, Skalny M & Bajda T

Solis G.

Solis-Dominguez F.A. (2009) Prosopis juliflora and Mycorrhizal Fungi to Revegetate Acidic, Metalliferous Desert Mine Tailings
Solis-Dominguez FA & Maier RM

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