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Sohst Bettina (2023) Southern Ocean Hydrothermal Iron and Manganese Supply from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dick K, Conway TM, John SG, Resing JA, Sedwick P, Halbeisen D, Sohst B, Weiss G & Fitzsimmons JN

Sohst Bettina (2012) Assessing the Release of Bioactive Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash into Natural Fresh Waters
Wall C, Sohst B, Cutter G & Sedwick P
(2006) Iron Cycling within the Columbia River plume: The role of tidal mixing and upwelling.
Lohan M, Buck K, Berger C, Aguilar-Islas A, Sohst B, Smith G & Bruland K

Sohst Bettina (2015) Organic Complexation of Dissolved Iron from the U.S. GEOTRACES Cruise (GP16) in the South Pacific
Buck K, Sohst B & Sedwick P

Sohtome T. (2016) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Radiocaesium in Seawater and Plankton Samples off Fukushima after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station Accident
Aono T, Fukuda M, Yamazaki S, Ishimaru T, Kanda J, Ito Y, Sohtome T, MIzuno T, Yamada M & Yamabe A

Soja G. (2022) Development of Physical-Biological Filters for Groundwater Remediation of Tetrachloroethene and Naphthalene
Ugochukwu Ukwamedua T, Leitner S, Soja G, Keiblinger KM, Sobanski F, Fernández Balado C, Stumpp C & Watzinger A

Sokalska E. (2010) Can Ti Phases Appearance on Foresudetic Monocline be Affected by CO2
Sokalska E & Aagaard P
(2009) New Occurences of Pumpellyite on Fore Sudetic Monocline
Sokalska E, Dubińska E & Kaproń G
(2009) Hydration of Forsterite at 1 Atm PCO2 and 80 to 120℃ – Comparisons of Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Experiments to Understand the Factors that Govern the Overall Mineral Transformation Rate
Hellevang H, Sokalska E & Aagaard P

Sokaras D. (2020) Before and after Spectra: Enhanced Chemical Speciation Below Former Detection Limits
Nehzati S, Dolgova N, Sokaras D, Kroll T, Pickering I & George G
(2015) New Insights into the Mineral Chemistry of Au-Bearing pyrite/As-Pyrite/arsenopyrite Concentrate from Olympias Deposit, Kassandra Mines (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Godelitsas A, Tzamos E, Filippidis A, Sokaras D, Wenk T-C, Griego G, Papadopoulos A, Stoulos S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Daftsis E & Dimitriadis D

Sokerina N. (2015) Gold and PGE Minerals from the Northern Urals and Pay-Khoy
Kuznetsov S, Mayorova T, Sokerina N & Shaybekov R

Sokhi R.S. (2019) A Numerical Approach for Picking Win-Win Strategies for Air Pollution in Megacities
Chen Y, Wild O, Ryan E, Sahu SK, Lowe D, Archer-Nicholls S, Wang Y, McFiggans G, Ansari T, Singh V, Sokhi RS, Archibald A & Beig G

Sokhorev K. (2021) Some Features of the Geological Structure and Ore Mineralization of the Anorogenic Gold Deposits in the West of Aldan Shield (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia)
Trumm T, Tishin P, Sokhorev K & Gladkov A

Sokol Alexander (2020) Hydrogenation of Graphite, Diamond, Carbonates and Iron Carbides as the Source of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Mantle
Sokol I, Sokol A, Zaikin P, Tomilenko A & Bulbak T
(2017) Carbon and Nitrogen Speciation in C-O-H-N Fluids at 5.5-7.8 GPa
Sokol A, Tomilenko A, Bul'bak T & Palyanov Y
(2017) Interaction of Orthopyroxenes with Carbonates at the Earst’s Crust and Mantle Conditions
Persikov E, Bukhtiyarov P, Nekrasov A & Sokol A
(2015) Viscosity of Kimberlite and Basaltic Magmas during Origin, Ascent and Volcanic Eruption
Persikov E, Bukhtiyarov P, Sokol A & Palyanov Y

Sokol Anna (2007) Occurrence and Origin of Igneous Fragments in Chondritic Breccias
Sokol A, Chaussidon M, Bischoff A & Mezger K

Sokol Ella (2014) Chemistry of Primary High Temperature Uranium Minerals from Central Jordan
Khoury H, Sokol E & Clark I

Sokol Ellina (2019) Boron in Onshore Mud Volcanoes: From Clay to Borate Deposit
Sokol E, Kokh S, Kozmenko O, Lavrushin V & Belogub E
(2019) Hg Behavior in Mud Volcanic Landscape, Kerch Peninsula
Kokh S, Sokol E, Gustaytis M & Deviatiiarova A
(2017) ‘X-Phase’ Ca2UO5•2-3H2O: Long-Term Behaviour in Natural Cement-Like Rocks
Sokol E, Kokh S, Khoury H, Novikova S & Seryotkin Y
(2017) Ti-Andradite – Nagelschmidtite Highly Oriented Rod-Like Microstructures as Indicator of Overcooled Melt Crystallisation
Sokol E, Kokh S & Sharygin V
(2017) Post-Late Glacial Travertines of Gorny Altai (Russia): Palaeoclimatic and Tectonic Proxies
Kokh S, Sokol E, Deev E & Ryapolova Y
(2013) Migration of Hydrocarbons Recorded in Calcite-Hosted Inclusions, Dead Sea Area: Trace Elements and Isotopic Evidence
Kozmenko O, Sokol E & Reutsky V

Sokol I. (2020) Hydrogenation of Graphite, Diamond, Carbonates and Iron Carbides as the Source of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Mantle
Sokol I, Sokol A, Zaikin P, Tomilenko A & Bulbak T

Sokol N. (2021) Testing the Relationship between Carbon-Use Efficiency and Soil Carbon Formation in Rhizosphere and Detritusphere Microbial Communities
Sokol N, Foley M, Hungate B, Firestone M, Blazewicz S, Slessarev E, Estera-Molina K, Greenlon A & Pett-Ridge J
(2021) Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular Networking
DiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L

Sokoll S. (2015) Extensive Nitrogen Loss from Permeable Sediments off NW Africa
Sokoll S, Lavik G, Sommer S, Goldhammer T, Kuypers M & Holtappels M

Sokolov N. (2004) Statistical Estimation of the Geophysical Fields and Basalt Assemblages Distribution in the Central Atlantic
Dmitriev L, Sokolov N & Sokolov S

Sokolov S. (2019) Anciently Depleted Mantle at Knipovich Ridge?
Sanfilippo A, Sokolov S, Salters V, Stracke A & Peyve A
(2008) Superimposed Lithogeochemical Patterns and Trains as Pathfinders to Concealed Ore Deposits
Shevchenko S, Sokolov S, Marchenko A & Makarova Y
(2008) Ultramafic-Mafic Complex of the Pekulney Range (Chukotka, NE Russia): The Evaluation of the Initial Melt Composition
Ledneva G, Bazylev B, Ishiwatari A, Hayasaka Y & Sokolov S
(2007) New Approaches to Geochemical Exploration for Deep-Seated and Covered Mineral Deposits
Sokolov S, Marchenko A, Shevchenko S, Makarova Y & Ilchenko V
(2004) Statistical Estimation of the Geophysical Fields and Basalt Assemblages Distribution in the Central Atlantic
Dmitriev L, Sokolov N & Sokolov S

Sokolova A. (2020) The Creation and Evolution of Porosity during Mineral-Fluid Interactions: A Combined USANS/SANS, Microscopy, and Synchrotron PXRD Study
Kartal M, Xia F, Adegoke IA, Ralph D, Mata J & Sokolova A

Sokolova Ekaterina (2013) Crystallization of P-Rich Minerals from the High Phosphorus Rare-Metal Magma of East-Kalguty Dyke Belt (S.Altay, Russia)
Sokolova E & Smirnov S

Sokolova Elena (2008) The Crystal Structure of Bornemanite, a Complex Group III Ti-Disilicate Mineral from Lovozero Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Cámara F & Sokolova E

Sokolovskaya O. (2014) Elucidating Molecular Mechanisms of Psychrophilicity: A Study of Cytochrome c552 from Colwellia psychrerythraea
Magyar J, Buzzeo M, Chen W, Harvilla P, Oswald V & Sokolovskaya O

Sokouti R. (2009) The Effects of Physical and Chemical Properties of Marl Derived Soils on the Erosion Forms and Rates
Sokouti R, Mahdian MH & Farshad A

Sokov A. (2019) Organic Matter Effect on Fe(II) Oxidation Kinetics in the Labrador Sea
Santana-González C, González-Dávila M, Santana-Casiano M, Gladyshev S, Sokov A, González A & González-Santana D
(2017) Carbonate Characteristics and Buffer Capacity of Water Masses along the North-Atlantic Section 59.5ºN as a Response to Ocean Acidification
Gonzalez-Davila M, Gonzalez-Santana D, Santana-Casiano JM, Gladyshev S & Sokov A

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