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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Soares Georgia Gracie (2020) Extracting Primary Information Through Si Isotope Analysis on a c. 2.4 Ga Microbialite Reef
Soares GG, Van Kranendonk MJ, Scicchitano MR, Nomchong BJ & Barlow EV

Soares M.A. (2011) Variability of Nitrogen Stable Isotope in Suspended Organic Matter in Waters of the Western Continental Shelf of India and the Mandovi Estuary
Maya MV, Karapurkar SG, Soares MA, Agnihotri R, Roy R, Naik H & Naqvi SWA

Soares R. (2021) A Didactic Strategy on Teaching Source Mixing Isotope Models Based on the Analogy between Colors and Isotopic Compositions
Barreira JPG, Machado WTV, Araújo DF & Soares R

Soares T. (2013) Dissolved Mercury in Funil Reservoir, RJ, Brazil
Vidal M, Ferreira M, Satyro-Ferreira S, Soares T, Belmino I, Lacerda L & Patchineelam SR

Soares W.C. (2015) Metamorphic Evolution of the Granja Migmatitic Paragneisses (NW Ceará, Brasil)
Silva AJF, Azevedo MR, Valle Aguado B, Nogueira Neto JA, Silva FDO & Soares WC

Soares FernandesSoares Fernandes B. (2017) Dating Fe-Duricrusts of Central Amazonia (Brazil) by (U-Th)/He and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Methods
Allard T, Gautheron C, Balan E, Bressan Riffel S, Morin G, do Nascimento N, Pinna-Jamme R, Selo M, Soares FernandesSoares Fernandes B & Taitson Bueno G

soares pereira C. (2012) Engineered Nanoparticle Sorption onto Mineral Surfaces
Gelabert A, Sivry Y, soares pereira C, Aubry C, Menguy N, Croue J-P & Benedetti MF

Soballa E. (2023) The Effect of Se(IV)O32- and Np(V)O2+ on Calcite Growth
Zunftmeister L, Soballa E, Schild D & Heberling F
(2013) Impact of Increasing MoO3 Loading on Incorporation Properties of Multi-Component Borosilicate Glass
Kutzer A, Vitova T, Kvashnina K, Prüßmann T, Rothe J, Soballa E, Adam C, Kaden P, Denecke MA, Weisenburger S, Roth G & Geckeis H

Sobanska S. (2023) Interactions between SOA-Like Droplets and Water Vapor Using Acoustic Levitation
Becote C, Bourdon G, Flaud P-M, Perraudin E, Villenave E & Sobanska S
(2019) Hygroscopic Behavior and Chemical Composition Evolution of Aerosols Generated from Mixture Solutions of 3-Methyl-1, 2, 3-butanetricarboxylic Acid (MBTCA) and NaCl
Wu L, Talaga D, Li X, Kim H, Ro C-U, Bonhommeau S, Desmedt A, Flaud P-M, Perraudin E, Villenave E & Sobanska S
(2017) Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Characterizing SOA: A Preliminary Study
Chatain M, Dresselt De Abreu N, Flaud PM, Perraudin E, Villenave E, Bonhommeau S, Talaga D, Desmedt A & Sobanska S
(2017) Influence of O2 on the Photochemistry of Sulfur Organic Species – Matrix Isolation Experiment
Seng S, Tamone L, Bava Y, Juncal L, Tobon Y, Sobanska S, Picone L & Romano R
(2016) In situ Observations of the Efflorescence and Deliquescence Processes of Single Aerosol Particles Levitated in Air by Means of a Laser Trapping Technique
Guo F, Ishikawa T, Seng S, Tobon Y, Sobanska S & Ishizaka S
(2016) Phototransformation Process of Mixed Single Inorganic/Organic Particles. An AFM, Raman and FTIR Study
Sobanska S, Moreau M, De Waele I & Tobon Y
(2011) Combined Use of Raman, TOF-SIMS and AFM Imaging for Characterizing the Surface Reactivity of Sea Salts
Sobanska S, Choël M, Moreau M & Barbillat J

Sobanski F. (2022) Development of Physical-Biological Filters for Groundwater Remediation of Tetrachloroethene and Naphthalene
Ugochukwu Ukwamedua T, Leitner S, Soja G, Keiblinger KM, Sobanski F, Fernández Balado C, Stumpp C & Watzinger A

Sobczak A. (2014) Identification of Genes Associated with Transformations of Metals and Metalloids in Metagenome of the Microbial Mats
Drewniak L, Krawczyk P, Lipinski L, Sobczak A & Sklodowska A

Sobczak K. (2011) Mineral Composition of Sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea and their Heavy Metals Content
Sobczak K, Bełdowski J & Michalik M

Sobczyk M. (2020) Stability of Chromium Compounds Immobilized on Organo-Zeolites
Bajda T & Sobczyk M

Sobczyński T. (2009) Application of Chromium and Lead Concentration Changes to Relative Dating of Floodplain Deposits: Laboratory and Field Experiments
Słowik M, Młynarczyk Z & Sobczyński T

Sobecki T. (2008) Medical Geology: Dust Exposure and Potential Health Risks in the Middle East
Lyles M, Fredrickson H, Bednar A, Fannin H, Griffin D & Sobecki T

Sobecky P. (2010) Uranium Biomineralization Through the Activities of Microbial Phytases
Salome K, DiChristina T, Martinez R, Sobecky P & Taillefert M

Sobek A. (2023) Resuspension of Mercury and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Sediments
Azaroff A, Chaumet B, Sobek A, Gorokhova E & Jonsson S

Sobek S. (2016) Air-Water CO2 Exchange in Continental and Coastal Systems – Regional and Global Budgets
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hastie A, Landschützer P, Weyhenmeyer G, Sobek S, Hartmann J, Ciais P, Gruber N & Regnier P
(2010) Quantifying Temperature-Dependent Methane Ebullition from Reservoirs via Systems Analysis
DelSontro T, McGinnis D, Sobek S, Ostrovsky I & Wehrli B
(2009) Chemical Features of Organic Carbon (OC) that Foster OC Burial in Lake Sediments
Durisch-Kaiser E, Sobek S, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Hertkorn N, Solothurnmann N & Wehrli B
(2008) Controls of Organic Nitrogen Accumulation in Freshwater Sediments
Wehrli B & Sobek S

Sobel E. (2021) Calcite U-Pb Dating of Paleozoic Oceanic Crust in the North Pamir, Central Asia
Rembe J, Zhou R, Sobel E & Kley J

Soberano O.B. (2022) Episodes of Barren to Fertile Porphyry Copper Deposit Magmatism on a Complex Island Arc System: Insights from the Igneous Host Rocks of the Suyoc Epithermal Prospect, Northern Luzon, Philippines
Jabagat KD, Gabo-Ratio JAS, Soberano OB, Andal ES, Queaño KL, Yonezu K, Dimalanta CB, Yumul GP & Lee Y-H

Sobocký T. (2020) Remobilization of HFSE and Formation of Rhabdophane and Corkite-Hinsdalite Under Supergene, Highly Acidic Conditions, Velence Hills, Hungary
Ondrejka M, Bačík P, Sobocký T, Mikuš T, Škoda R, Luptáková J & Uher P
(2018) Fluid-Assisted Destabilization of Accessory Minerals in the Granitic Rocks of Veporic Basement (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
Ondrejka M, Putiš M, Uher P, Bačík P & Sobocký T

Sobol M.S. (2023) Probing Modern Microbial Genomes for Resurrecting Ancient Metabolisms
Sobol MS & Kaçar B

Sobol P. (2014) 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Quaternary Basalt with the Noblesse 5-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Singer B, Jicha B & Sobol P
(2014) 40Ar/39Ar Incremental Heating of Single Sanidine Phenocrysts Using the Noblesse 5-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Jicha B, Singer B & Sobol P

Sobolev A (2006) Petrology and geochemistry of East-African kamafugites: constraints from inclusions in minerals
Gurenko A & Sobolev A
(2006) Deep mantle origin of kimberlite magmas revealed by neon isotopes
Sumino H, Kaneoka I, Matsufuji K & Sobolev A
(2006) Heterogeneous primary melts of the Emeishan picrites: contribution from eclogite to “plume” magmas
Kamenetsky M, Kamenetsky V, Chung S-L, Crawford A, Kuzmin D & Sobolev A

Sobolev Alexander (2020) Magmatic Inclusions in Minerals Address Major Challenges in Earth Sciences
Sobolev A & Batanova V
(2019) Geochemical Evolution of the Jurassic Plume Magmatism in The e. Antarctica
Sushchevskaya N, Belyatsky B, Sobolev A, Letchenkov G & Melankholina E
(2019) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone beneath Bermuda
Mazza S, Gazel E, Bizimis M, Moucha R, Beguelin P, Johnson E, McAleer R & Sobolev A
(2019) Non-Isotopic Constraints on the Earth Evolution
Sobolev A
(2019) New Olivine (MongOl Sh11-2) Reference Material for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg@ifg.uni-kiel.de D, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Goemann K, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Sobolev A
(2018) Deep Mantle H2O Recycling at 3.3 Ga?
Sobolev A, Asafov E, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S, Wilson A & Byerly G
(2017) New Experiments and Komatiites Vindicate Nickel in Magmatic Olivine as a Monitor of Mantle Lithology
Sobolev A, Hofmann A, Krasheninnikov S, Batanova V, Asafov E, Arndt N, Koshlyakova A & Borisov A
(2017) Water in the 2.7 Ga Belingwe Komatiite Magma Inferred from the Melt Inclusions in Olivine
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schonberg D & Krasheninnikov S
(2017) The Influence of Potassium on Nickel Partitioning between Olivine and Silicate Melt
Koshlyakova A, Sobolev A, Krasheninnikov S, Batanova V & Borisov A
(2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D
(2016) Evidence for Neoarchean Hydrous Deep-Mantle Reservoir Provided by Abitibi Komatiites
Sobolev A, Asafov E, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg D & Krasheninnikov S
(2016) Relationship between Large Igneous Provinces and Kimberlites of the Siberian Craton
Sobolev N, Sobolev A, Tomilenko A, Kuzmin D, Batanova V, Logvinova A, Kostrovitsky S, Yakovlev D & Tolstov A
(2016) A Hydrous Mantle Reservoir in the Paleoarchean?
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S, Wilson A & Byerly G
(2015) Elevated H2O and Cl Contents in Komatiite Melts from Abitibi and Belingwe
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Arndt N & Batanova V
(2015) Temperatures of Mantle Derived Magmas and their Sources
Sobolev A & Batanova V
(2014) Peculiarities of Trace Element Geochemistry of the Gaussberg Leucitites (West Antarctica)
Migdisova N, Sobolev A, Portnyagin M & Sushchevskaya N
(2014) Olivine Composition: Resolving Effects of Mantle Sources and Processes
Sobolev A, Batanova V, Arndt N, Kuzmin D & Hofmann A
(2013) Potential Temperatures of Convecting Mantle Based on Al Partitioning between Olivine and Spinel
Sobolev A, Batanova V, Kuzmin D & Arndt N
(2013) Pyroxenites from Mantle Section of Voykar Ophiolite (Polar Urals) – Pathways for Melt and Fluid Migration
Belousov I, Batanova V, Sobolev A & Savelieva G
(2013) Magmas Going Through Icelandic Crustal Filter
Bindeman I, Gurenko A & Sobolev A
(2013) A New Analytical Protocol for Ultra High Precision EPMA of Olivine
Batanova V & Sobolev A
(2012) Melt Inclusions as a Source of Principal Geochemical Information
Sobolev A
(2012) The Way to Destroy Thick Cratonic Lithosphere
Sobolev S & Sobolev A
(2011) Modeling Relationships between a Mantle Plume, a Large Igneous Province and a Mass Extinction
Sobolev S, Sobolev A, Kuzmin D, Krivolutskaya N, Petrunin A, Arndt N, Radko V & Vasiliev Y
(2011) Volatiles in Siberian Flood Basalts: Melt Inclusions Study
Krivolutskaya N, Sobolev A, Svirskaya N, Nikogosian I, Simakin S & Kuzmin D
(2011) Recycled Crust in the Source of Deccan Flood Basalts
Malamoud K, Sobolev A, Kuzmin D, Viladkar S & Hofmann A
(2011) Mantle Source Compositions of Magmas from the North Atlantic Igneous Province
Lehmann B, Sobolev A, Arndt N & Chauvel C
(2011) Structure and Compositions of Zircon Grains from Lower Unites of Norilsk Lava Section
Kuzmin D, Sobolev A, Kuzmina O & Krivolutskaya N
(2011) Arc Magmas from Slab to Eruption: The Case of Kliuchevskoy Volcano
Portnyagin M, Mironov N, Ponomareva V, Bindeman I, Hauff F, Sobolev A, Kayzar T, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hoernle K
(2011) Crustal Recycling: New Findings and Challenges
Sobolev A
(2011) Heterogeneity in the Mantle Plume: Spatial Scales and Ages
Sobolev A, Hofmann A, Jochum K, Kuzmin D & Stoll B
(2009) Melting and Melt-Peridotite Interactions in Heterogeneous Upper Mantle Sources of Primitive Volcanics
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Sobolev A, Rosenthal A & Green D
(2009) Garnet Pyroxenite Melting at the Break-Up of Gondwana (Karoo LIP) to Present day (Bouvet TJ)
Kamenetsky V, Zellmer G, Kuzmin D, Maas R, Yaxley G & Sobolev A
(2009) B Isotope Composition of Gorgona Komatiites: Do Melt Inclusions Support a Subduction-Related Origin?
Gurenko A, Kamenetsky V, Sobolev A & Kerr A
(2009) Origin of Siberian Flood Basalts
Sobolev A, Krivolutskaya N & Kuzmin D
(2009) In situ Sr Isotopic Analysis of Low Sr Samples Using LA-ICP-MS
Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U, Kuzmin D & Sobolev A
(2009) Pyroxenite Melts Involved in Magma Genesis in Kamchatka
Portnyagin M, Sobolev A, Mironov N & Hoernle K
(2009) Hawaiian Tholeiite in Iceland
Kuzmin D, Sobolev A & Sigurdsson I
(2008) Recycled Crust as a Cause of Large Magmatic Events in the Convecting Mantle
Sobolev A
(2008) Melt and Fluid Transport in Mantle Wedges: Evidence from Bulk-Rock and Mineral Geochemistry of Mantle Section Rocks from Voykar Ophiolite (Polar Urals)
Belousov I, Batanova V & Sobolev A
(2008) Geochemical Fingerprinting of the Lithospheric Mantle Using High-Precision Olivine Analyses
Ionov D & Sobolev A
(2007) Melt Inclusions and Host Olivines: What do They Tell About Mantle Processes and Sources?
Sobolev A
(2007) Recycled Oceanic Crust as a Source of Siberian Flood Basalts
Sobolev A, Krivolutskaya N, Kuzmin D & Hofmann A
(2007) New Data Concerning the High-Mg Rocks of the Siberian Trap Formation in the Noril'sk Region
Krivolutskaya N, Sobolev A, Mikhailov V & Svirskaya N
(2007) Proterozoic Melt Percolation Event in Supra-Subduction Mantle: Evidence from Voykar Ophiolite, Polar Urals
Belousov I, Sobolev A & Batanova V
(2007) Fractionation of HSE during Melt Transport Processes in Supra-Subduction Mantle
Batanova V, Bruegmann G, Savelieva G & Sobolev A
(2004) Alkali Chloride-Carbonate Mantle Component in the Uniquely Fresh Udachnaya Pipe Kimberlites
Kamenetsky M, Sobolev A, Maas R, Kamenetsky V & Sobolev N
(2004) Boundary Layer Contribution to the Composition of Melt Inclusions in Olivine
Kuzmin D & Sobolev A
(2004) Magma Chamber Processes Recorded in Gabbro Xenoliths from Midfell (SW Iceland)
Gurenko A & Sobolev A
(2004) Evidence for Olivine Free Mantle Source of Hawaiian Tholeiites
Sobolev A & Hofmann A
(2004) High-Pressure Partial Melting of Gabbro and the Preservation of “Ghost Plagioclase” Signatures
Yaxley G, Sobolev A & Snow J
(2004) Mixing of high-Ca Arc-Related Melts in Lombok (Indonesia)
Elburg M, Kamenetsky V, Sobolev A & Foden J
(2003) Scales of Mantle Heterogeneity and Melting
Hofmann A, Sobolev A, Abouchami W, Galer S & Jochum K
(2002) PGE Abundances and Os Isotopes of the Depleted Mantle: Constraints from Ophiolite Peridotites
Batanova V, Bruegmann G, Bazylev B & Sobolev A
(2002) Kimberlite Parental Melts: New Insights from Inclusions in Olivine
Kamenetsky MB, Sobolev AV, Sobolev NV & Pokhilenko NP
(2002) Anatomy of the Hawaiian Plume: Heterogeneity on Many Scales
Hofmann AW, Abouchami W, Eisele J, Jochum KP, Sobolev A & Galer S
(2002) Primary Melts Reveal Small-Scale Heterogeneity in Convecting Mantle
Sobolev A, Hofmann AW, Shimizu N, Chaussidon M, Metrich N & Nikogosian IK
(2000) Extreme Compositional Variability of Hawaiian Primary Melts: The Clue to the Origin of Classical Mantle Plume?
Sobolev A & Hofmann A
(2000) Os Isotopic Heterogeneity in Mantle Peridotites from the Troodos Complex, Cyprus
Büchl A, Brügmann G, Batanova VG, Hofmann A & Sobolev AV
(2000) Comparative Study of Koolau and Mauna Loa Primitive Melts: Investigation of Melt Inclusions in Olivines
Sobolev V, Sobolev A, Rocholl A & Hofmann A

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