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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Sniadkowski A. (2022) Perspectives for Ore Prospecting in Space: Multiplanetary Far-Ir ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)
Jozefowicz M, Ciazela J, Kowalinski M, Bakala J, Zalewska N, Ciazela M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B, Paslawski G, Szaforz Z & Sniadkowski A

Snider J. (2013) Combustion Aerosol over Marine Stratus: Long Range Transport, Subsidence and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the South East Pacific
Clarke A, Freitag S, Kazil J, Feingold G, Blot R, Snider J, Campos T & Brekhovskikh V

Snider M. (2013) Anoxygenic Cyanobacterial Mats in Middle Island Sinkhole, Lake Huron: An Analogue of the Precambrian
Dick G, Kinsman-Costello L, Sheldon N, Biddanda B, Marcus D, Voorhies A, Snider M & Gallagher T

Sniderman J.M.K. (2018) Late to the Party: Australia’s Tardy Expansion of C4 Vegetation Linked to Australian Summer Monsoon
McInerney F, Andrae J, Polissar P, Sniderman JMK, Howard S, Hall PA & Phelps S

Sniderman K. (2017) Precipitation Responses in the Southern Hemisphere Subtropics: Reconciling Palaeodata and Climate Model Projections
Woodhead J, Sniderman K, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R, Brown J, Lorbacher K, Gillett N, Tokarska K, Maas R & Meinhausen M
(2014) Speleothem Archives of Cenozoic Climate Transitions
Woodhead J, Drysdale R, Sniderman K, Blyth A, Hellstrom J & Frisia S

Snihur Katherine (2020) Carbonation of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Zhu B, Wilson SA, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M, Wang B, Rostron B, Snihur K, von Guten K, Harrison A & Alessi D
(2019) Implications of Recycling Flowback and Produced Water on Microbial Community Composition and Scale Formation
Flynn S, Zhong C, von Gunten K, Nesbø C, Warchola T, Snihur K, Sun C, Laniol B, Konhauser K, Martin J, Goss G & Alessi D

Snihur Katherine N. (2023) Pyrogenic Carbon Enables Microbial Fe(III)-mineral Reduction over Centimetre Distance as a Redox Mediator
Bai Y, Snihur KN, Tang L, Kappler A, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS
(2022) Synthetic Biochar vs Forest Fire Generated Pyrogenic Carbon: A Comparison of Physicochemical Properties
Snihur KN, Tang L, Rozanitis K, Lazowski C, Kononovs D, Gutierrez Rueda D, Swaren LR, Gingras MK, Kenney JPL, Flynn SL, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS

Snippe Jeroen (2019) Waterflooding for Improved Oil Recovery: Cation Exchange Makes the Difference
Tambach T, Fadili A, Gdanski R, Kampman N, Koot W, Snippe J & de Zwart B-R

Snippe Jeroen R. (2015) Geochemical Consistency between Subsurface-Wells-Surface Applications
Tambach T, Peters H & Snippe J
(2015) Multiphase Flow Modelling of Unstable Calcite Dissolution Patterns from Core Scale to Reservoir Scale
Snippe J & Ott H
(2014) A Geochemical Database for Integrated Subsurface-Wells-Surface Applications
Tambach TJ, Peters H & Snippe JR

Snöälv J. (2019) Geochemical Behaviour and Mineral Potential of Critical Elements in Swedish Till
Ladenberger A, Sadeghi M, Morris G, Lax K & Snöälv J

Snodgrass J. (2014) Alteration of Critical Zone Chemistry due to Addition of Rapidly Dissolving Rock Salt
Moore J, Sandosky B, Mcguire M, Casey R, Snodgrass J & Lev S

Snoeck C. (2023) Oceans of Data: Comparing the Sea Spray Effect on Bioavailable Strontium Across Islands
James HF, Gerritzen CT, Willmes M, Grün R, Courtaud P, Fabre M, Balasse M & Snoeck C
(2023) Trace Element Determination in Ca-Heavy Matrices: Comparing ICP-MS Based Strategies and Protocols
Boonants T, Snoeck C, Gerritzen CT & Goderis S
(2023) Understanding Diet Through Combined Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotope Systematics in Archaeological Skeletal Remains
Gerritzen CT, Goderis S, James HF, Črešnar M, Leskovar T, Gruškovnjak L, Potočnik D, Ogrinc N & Snoeck C
(2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P
(2017) Isotopic Variations in Bone Material during Burning
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2016) Multi-Proxy Analyses of Bioapatites – Implications for Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology and Bioarchaeology
Claeys P, de Winter N, Stein K & Snoeck C
(2016) Isotopic and Trace Element Seasonality in Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves (Hippuritida): Tracing Cretaceous Seasonality
de Winter N, Snoeck C, Skelton P, Huck S & Claeys P
(2016) Investigating Diagenetic Patterns Using δ18Op and δ18Oc in Bone and Tooth Apatite of Modern, Archaeological and Fossil Specimens
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Stein K & Claeys P

Snoeyenbos David (2013) Isotopic Tomography of Monazite
Snoeyenbos D, Peterman E, Jercinovic M, Williams M & Reinhard D

Snoeyenbos David (2018) Atomic Scale Resolution of Trace Element Variation in Zircon Reveals Multiple Metamorphic Processes
Peterman E, Reddy S, Saxey D, Snoeyenbos D, Fougerouse D & Rickard W

Snoeyenbos David (2020) Fungal Biofilm on Cu-Mineralized Speleothem from the Kiruna Magnetite Mine, Sweden
Snoeyenbos-West O, Snoeyenbos D, Madsen P & Ivarsson M

Snoeyenbos David (2012) Atomic Scale Imaging of U, Th and Radiogenic Pb in Zircon
Snoeyenbos D, Reinhard D & Olson D

Snoeyenbos-West O. (2020) Fungal Biofilm on Cu-Mineralized Speleothem from the Kiruna Magnetite Mine, Sweden
Snoeyenbos-West O, Snoeyenbos D, Madsen P & Ivarsson M
(2020) Fungi from Submarine Volcanic Rocks, Vesteris Seamount, Greenland Basin
Ivarsson M & Snoeyenbos-West O
(2017) The Electromicrobiome of Oxygen Minimum Zones and its Biogeochemical Significance
Snoeyenbos-West O, Loescher C & Rotaru A-E

Snorrason A. (2007) Direct Evidence of the Feedback between Climate and Weathering
Gislason S, Oeklers E, Eiriksdottir E, Kardjilov M, Gisladottir G, Sigfusson B, Snorrason A, Elefsen S, Hardardottir J & Torssander P
(2005) The Effect of Climate, Vegetation, Rock Age, and Human Activity on Basalt Weathering Rates in NE-Iceland
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Sigfusson B, Snorrason A, Elefsen S, Hardardottir J, Karjilov M, Oelkers E, Torssander P & Gisladottir G
(2004) The Role of River Suspended Material on the Global Carbon Cycle
Gislason S, Oelkers E & Snorrason A
(2004) River Water in NE Iceland: S Isotopes, Fe and Mn Concentrations
Torssander P, Gislason S, Eiriksdóttir E, Elefsen S, Mörth C & Snorrason Á

Snow D. (2014) Viral Influence on Subsurface Biogeochemcial Cycling and Heavy Metal Transport
Weber K, Pan D, Tan Z, Wang D, Williams K, Robbins M, Snow D, Kananizadeh N & Li Y
(2014) Correlation between Nitrate and Naturally Occurring Uranium Contamination in Two Major US Aquifers: Potential for Nitrate Driven U Contamination of Groundwater
Nolan J, Healy O, Spanbauer T, Heithoff A, Pan D, Snow D & Weber K

Snow Jonathan (2019) Lower Oceanic Crust Exposure in the Shikoku Backarc Basin: Preliminary Data from the Mado Megamullion
Sani C, Alessio S, Yasuhiko O, Snow J, Harigane Y & Yamashita H
(2019) Orthopyroxene and the Ocean Crust
Snow J
(2019) Formation of Plagioclase Bearing Peridotites by Mantle Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization
Sen A, Snow JE, MacLeod CJ & Lissenberg CJ

Snow Jonathan E. (2020) Melt-Rock Reaction in the Late Stages of Back Arc Spreading Forming the Mado Megamullion in Shikoku Basin
Sen A, Snow JE & Ohara Y
(2020) Crustal Accretion in a Back-Arc Slow-Spreading Ridge: Insights from the Mado Megamullion Core Complex (Shikoku Basin)
Basch V, Sani C, Sanfilippo A, Ohara Y, Snow J, Harigane Y & Yamashita H
(2018) Water Content of the Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere at Ridges
Peslier AH, Bizimis M, Snow J & Von der Handt A
(2018) Melting History of Northern Mariana Residual Trench Peridotite: A Re-Os-PGE Study
Ghosh T, Snow JE & Brandon AD
(2014) Isotopic Evolution of the Backarc Oceanic Mantle
Nelson W, Snow J, Brandon A & Ohara Y
(2014) Orthopyroxene in Primitive Layered Gabbros from Hess Deep (EPR) Drilled by IOD
Koepke J, Meyer R & Snow JE
(2014) Hydrothermal Alteration at the Hess Deep Rift
Gillis K, Marks N, Faak K, McCaig A, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R, Snow J & Klaus A
(2013) Re-Os-PGE Constraints on the Evolution of Backarc Oceanic Mantle
Nelson W, Snow J, Brandon A, Ohara Y & Lee C-T
(2013) Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Crust: Results from IODP Expedition 345 at the Hess Deep Rift
Godard M, Meyer R, Saha A, Gillis K, Snow J, Klaus A & Shipboard Scientific Party IE3
(2013) Deep Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust – Fluid Interactions: Petrography and Volatiles from IODP Expedition 345 Hess Deep Plutonic Crust
Meyer R, Wintsch RP, Nozaka T, Gillis K, Snow JE & Expedition 345 Shipboard Scientific Party 
(2009) Composition, Distribution and Properties of the Ultra-Depleted Mantle Component
Hellebrand E, von der Handt A, Johnson K, Snow J, Liu C-Z, Dick H & Hofmann A
(2009) Os-Isotope Constraints on the Origin of Lena Trough Peridotites, Arctic Ocean: Asthenospheric Mantle or Continental Lithosphere?
Lassiter J & Snow J
(2009) Experiments on the Effect of Oxygen Fugacity and Water on Tholeiitic Basalt Phase Equilibria
Feig ST, Koepke J & Snow JE
(2008) Helium-Ne-Ar Systematic in Lena Trough Lavas, Arctic Ocean
Nauret F, Moreira M & Snow JE
(2007) Low Water Contents in Minerals from Gakkel Ridge Abyssal Peridotites, Arctic Ocean
Peslier A, Snow J, Hellebrand E & Von Der Handt A
(2007) Plagioclase Lamellae in Peridotite-Hosted Orthopyroxene
Jovanovic Z, Hellebrand E & Snow J
(2007) Highly Siderophile Element (HSE) Compositions of Gakkel Abyssal Peridotites: Effects of Serpentinization and Constraints on Accretion Processes in Early Earth
Liu C, Snow J, Hellebrand E & Brügmann G
(2004) Geochemistry of Plagioclase Peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge (63°to 65°E)
von der Handt A, Seyler M, Snow J & Hellebrand E
(2004) Geochemistry of Gakkel Ridge
Michael P, Langmuir C, Goldstein S, Soffer G, Dick H, Snow J & Graham D
(2004) Constraints from the Gakkel Ridge on the Origin of MORB
Langmuir C, Michael P, Lehnert K, Goldstein S, Soffer G, Gier E & Snow J
(2004) Comparative Melting Dynamics of Gakkel Ridge and Lena Trough, Arctic Ocean
Snow J, Hellebrand E, Von der handt A, Dick H, Michael P, Langmuir C & Goldstein S
(2004) Gakkel Ridge: Mantle & Melting at Ultraslow Spreading Rates
Dick H, Snow J, Michael P, Hellebrand E & Shimizu N
(2004) High-Pressure Partial Melting of Gabbro and the Preservation of “Ghost Plagioclase” Signatures
Yaxley G, Sobolev A & Snow J
(2002) Oxygen Isotope Profile of the Lower Ocean Crust: An in situ Study by UV-Laser-Ablation Oxygen Isotope Microprobe
Gao Y, Hoefs J & Snow J
(2002) Plagioclase Peridotites: Subsolidus Breakdown or Trapped Melt?
von der Handt A, Snow JE, Hellebrand E, Dick HJB & Michael P
(2002) Geochemistry of Abyssal Peridotites from Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Snow JE, Dick HJB, Hellebrand E, Büchl A, von der Handt A & Langmuir C
(2002) Deep Melting Underneath the Ultraslow Lena Spreading Center
Hellebrand E, Snow JE & Hofmann AW
(2000) Major and Trace Elements Directly Contradict Melt Interaction Interpretations of MARK Area Os Isotopic and PGE Results
Snow JE & Hellebrand E
(2000) Ghost Garnet Signature in Residual Abyssal Peridotites?
Hellebrand EW, Snow JE & Hofmann AW

Snow Joseph (2019) Marine Algal Revolution and Trace Metals: Comparing Metal Acquisition Strategies
Zhang Q, Nevado B, Snow J, Filatov D & Rickaby R
(2017) Investigating Trace Metal Nutrient Co-limitation of Marine Phytoplankton Growth
Eggins S, Zhang Q, Snow J & Rickaby R
(2017) The Mesozoic Seas Incarnadine: Trace Metal Availability and the Transition from Green to Red Algal Dominance
Rickaby R, Zhang Q, Snow J, Shafiee R, Eggins S & Lu Z
(2014) Heme B Distributions in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean are Influenced by Iron Demand for Nitrogen Fixation
Honey DJ, Schlosser C, Snow J, Moore CM, Achterberg EP & Gledhill M

Snow L. (2013) The Caribbean Plateau and OAE2: Resolution of Timing and Trace Metal Release
Duncan R, Snow L & Scopelliti G

Snow T.P. (2002) Element Segregation during Star Formation
Snow TP

Snowdon Lloyd (2011) Towards the Geochemical Tricorder: Trends and Needs in Subsurface Geochemical Sensor Systems for Energy Recovery and Carbon Management
Larter S & Snowdon L
(2004) Characterising the Organic Facies of Cretaceous and Tertiary Sediments in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories (Canada)
Saison A, Dieckmann V, Snowdon L & Horsfield B

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