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Smith Jesse (2018) Equations of State and Phase Diagram of SiO2 to Lower Mantle Conditions
Fischer R, Campbell A, Chidester B, Reaman D, Thompson E, Pigott J, Prakapenka V & Smith J
(2015) Mutual Constraints between Lighter and Heavier Element Compositions of Earth's Core from Geochemistry and Mineral Physics Experiments
Li J, Liu J, Hrubiak R & Smith J

Smith Joanne (2013) Western Oregon as a Low-Sediment End Member of Particulate Organic Carbon Export from Temperate Forested Uplands
Smith J, Galy A, Hovius N & Tye A
(2013) New Views on the Neogene Harvesting & Burial of Terrestrial Organic Carbon
Galy A, Hilton R, Smith J, Sparkes R & Hovius N
(2011) Looking for PON in Fluviatile and Marine Sediments: Insights from Nitrogen Isotopic Compositions
Galy A, Hilton R, Hovius N, Smith J & Sparkes R

Smith John (2012) Pore-Water Diffusive Fluxes of 224Ra and CO2 in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia
Burt W, Thomas H, Fennel K, Smith J & Horne E

Smith John (2015) Tracer Applications of Anthropogenic Radionuclides in the Global Ocean
Smith J

Smith John (2016) Fukushima and the Ocean- Five Years Later
Buesseler K, Dai M, Aoyama M, Benitez-Nelson C, Charmasson S, Delfanti R, Higley K, Maderich V, Masque P, Morris P, Oughton D & Smith J

Smith John (2017) Marine Applications of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Tracers in the Global Ocean
Smith J

Smith John N. (2019) 129I and 236U Transit Time Distributions of Atlantic Waters in the Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait
Wefing A-M, Casacuberta N, Christl M, Vockenhuber C, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Dodd PA & Smith JN
(2019) Applications of Transit Time Distributions (TTDs) to 129I Transport in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans
Smith J & Casacuberta N
(2019) InFORMing Perceived Risks from Fukushima Through Scientific Engagement from Data Collection to Social Media
Cullen J, Kellogg J, Buesseler K, Chen J, Cooke M, Frank E, Gurney-Smith H, Mercier J-F, Velazquez S, Smith J & Trudel M
(2019) Is DZ Driving You(r) MAD? Volcanogenic Zircon in Mature Paleosols Better Determine the Maximum Age of Deposition
Möller A, Ludvigson GA, Smith JJ, Joeckel RM, McLean NM, Hallman JA, Sitek BC & Turner E

Smith Jon (2020) Assessing Stable Carbon Isotope Disequilibrium in Late Pleistocene Buried Soils of the Great Plains, USA, Using a State Factor Approach
Layzell A, Ludvigson G, Smith J & Mandel R

Smith Jon J. (2014) Recharge in the High Plains Aquifer: Physical and Chemical Data
Stotler RL, Katz BS, Butler JJ, Whittemore DO, Reboulet EC, Hirmas DR, Smith JJ & Ludvigson GA

Smith Joseph (2022) Landscape Change and Metal Transport in Arctic Watersheds
Liddle Broberg K, Barker A, Sullivan T, Barbato R, McInturff G, Saari S, Douglas T, Gallaher S & Smith J
(2021) Fe Speciation at the Permafrost-Active Layer Boundary
Barker A, McInturff G, Douglas T, Gallaher S & Smith J
(2017) Shock-Metamorphosed Rutile and Associated Mineral Phases in Neoarchean Impact Layers
Davatzes A, Smith F, Simonson B, Smith J & Booksh K

Smith Joseph P (2023) Enhanced Constituent Fluxes in the Sagavanirktok River on the North Slope of Alaska during the Summer Thaw Season
Smith JP, Gallaher SG, Barker AJ, Douglas T, Vas DA & O’Banion MS

Smith Joseph P. (2011) Medically-Derived 131I as a Tracer in Aquatic Environments
Rose PS, Smith JP, Cochran JK, Aller RC, Swanson RL & Coffin RB

Smith Kate (2020) Honeybees and Citizen Scientists: Two Communities Collaboratively Expanding the Use of Honey for Pb Biomonitoring in Urban Centres
Smith K, Weis D, Chauvel C, Berg C & Segal Y
(2019) Establishing Efficacy of Honey as an Urban Biomonitor for Heavy Metal Distribution
Smith K, Weis D & Li M
(2019) Assessing Sources and Fate of Heavy Metals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Smith K, Smith W, Hunt B, Pakhomov E & Sunderland E

Smith Kate E. (2022) A Tale of Two Cities: Comparison of Metals and Pb Isotopes in Honey from Vancouver, Canada, and Brussels, Belgium, during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Hoppstock-Mattson B, Maton J, Weis D, Smith KE & Mattielli N
(2021) Honey let me Tell you About This City! Honey as a Biomonitor for Lead Distribution in Urban Environments
Smith KE & Weis D

Smith Katherine (2015) Lightning-Induced Shock Lamellae in Quartz
Gieré R, Wimmenauer W, Müller-Sigmund H, Wirth R, Lumpkin G & Smith K
(2008) Anthropogenic Metal Sulfates in Atmospheric Particulate Matter
Gieré R, Oehler A & Smith K
(2007) Metal Sulfates in PM Emissions from a Coal-Fired Power Plant
Gieré R, Blackford M, Smith KL, Williams CT & Kirk C
(2003) Particulate Atmospheric Emissions from a Power Plant Combusting a Coal+Tire Mixture
Gieré R, Smith K & Blackford M
(2002) Assessing the Geochemical Behaviour of Ceramic Nuclear Waste Forms Using Natural Samples
Lumpkin G, Smith K, Gieré R & Williams T

Smith Kathleen (2018) New Geochemical and Geographic Information System Methodologies to Assess Element Mobility in Groundwater and Surface Water
Blake J, Yager D, Gallegos T, Walton-Day K & Smith K

Smith Kurt (2020) Pu(IV) Interaction with iron(III) (Oxyhydr)oxide Minerals
Smith K, Balboni E, Moreau L, Zavarin M & Booth C
(2014) BIGRAD: Uranium(VI) Nanoparticles in Geodisposal Relevant Conditions
Bots P, Morris K, Hibberd R, Smith K, Law G, Mosselmans F, Brown A, Doutch J, Smith A & Shaw S
(2009) Isotopic Investigation into the Role of Surface Waters in Promoting Arsenic Release in Bengali Groundwaters
Lawson M, Ballentine C, Polya D, Zhou Z, Smith K, Boyce A, Chatterjee D, Majumder S & Biswas A

Smith Kurt Francis (2021) Plutonium Coprecipitation with Calcite
Balboni E, Smith KF, Booth C, Zavarin M & Kersting AB

Smith Lan S (2021) Vertical Migration by Bulk Phytoplankton can Sustain High Primary Productivity in the Global Ocean
Wirtz KW, Smith LS, Mathis M & Taucher J

Smith Leslie (2020) A Mechanistic Scale-Up Approach to the Prediction of the Geochemical Evolution of Sulfidic Waste Rock
Wilson D, Amos RT, Langman JB, Smith L, Sego DC & Blowes DW
(2019) Assessment of the Influence of Heterogeneity in S, C, and Hydraulic Conductivity on the Geochemical Evolution of Large-Scale Experimental Waste-Rock Piles Using Reactive Transport Simulations
Wilson D, Su D, Amos R, Mayer KU, Smith L, Sego D & Blowes D
(2017) Diavik Waste Rock Project: Scale-Up of a Reactive Transport Conceptual Model for Temperature and Sulfide Dependent Geochemical Evolution
Wilson D, Amos R, Blowes D, Langman J, Smith L & Sego D
(2014) Weathering Evolution of Nickel and Sulfur in Pyrrhotite within a Low-Sulfide, Granitic, Mine-Waste Rock in the Canadian Arctic
Langman J, Holland S, Sinclair S, Wilson D, Smith L, Sego D & Blowes D
(2012) Bacterial Communities in Drainage from Waste-Rock Test Piles
Bailey BL, Blowes DW, Gould WD, Smith L & Sego DC
(2010) Acidophiles in Neutral Drainage and their Impact to Chemistry and Flow
Blackmore S, Power I, Southam G, Mayer KU, Beckie R & Smith L
(2008) Reactive Transport Analysis of Mineralogical Controls Affecting Metal Release from Polymetallic Carbonate Waste Rock
Mayer KU, Beckie R, Klein B, Conlan M & Smith L
(2008) Reactive Gases and Inert Gas Tracers in Vadose Zone Environmental Applications
Jones K, Singurindy O, Molins S, Beckie R, Smith L & Mayer KU
(2008) Humidity Cell Analysis of Waste-Rock from the Diavik Diamond Mine, NWT, Canada
Moore M, Blowes D, Ptacek C, Gould D, Smith L & Sego D

Smith Lesllie (2018) Diavik Waste Rock Project: Analysis of Measured and Simulated Acid Neutralization Processes within a Large-Scale Field Experiment
Wilson D, Sinclair S, Blowes D, Amos R, Smith L & Sego D
(2018) Geochemical Controls on Mine Waste Drainage Quality: Long-Term Monitoring of Waste Rock Weathering at the Antamina Mine, Peru
Vriens B, Peterson H, Laurenzi L, Smith L, Mayer U & Beckie R

Smith Lianna (2012) Mineralogy and Porewater Geochemistry of Processed Kimberlite: Implications for Acid Rock Drainage and Metal Releases
Smith L, Moncur M, Paktunc D & Thibault Y

Smith Lydia (2011) Redox Front Variability and Phosphorus Flux Across the Sediment-Water Interface
Druschel G, Smith L, Shufelt N, Watzin M, Pearce A & Rizzo D

Smith M (2006) Applications of High Field Solid State NMR Techniques to Examine Problems in Geochemistry
Smith M, Howes A, Kohn S, Roome B, Couch S & Klimm K
(2005) On the <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Age of Biotite in Green River Formation Ash: The Advantages of Incrementally Heating Single Crystals with a Laser
Smith M, Singer B & Carroll A
(2005) Isotopic Effects in Reactive Fluid-Rock Systems with Fracture-Dominated Flow and Matrix Diffusion
DePaolo D & Smith M
(2005) <+>210<$>Pb-<+>226<$>Ra-<+>230<$>Th Disequilibria in Very Young Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Rubin K, van der Zander I, Smith M & Bergmanis E
(2004) LA-ICPMS Common Pb Corrected U-Th-Pb Dating of Titanite
Storey C, Jeffries T & Smith M
(2004) Is There a Genetic Link between Iron Oxide-Apatite and Cu Deposits, Norbotten, Sweden?
Gleeson S, Smith M & Storey C
(2004) Trace Element Incorporation into Garnet as a Tracer of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Crystal Growth
Smith M, Henderson P & Jeffries T
(2004) The Effect of Dissolved Water on the Intracrystalline Partitioning of Al in Orthopyroxene
Kohn S, Roome B & Smith M
(2001) Geochemistry and Organic Chemistry on the Surface of Titan
Lunine JI, Beauchamp P, Beauchamp J, Dougherty D, Welch C, Raulin F, Shapiro R & Smith M
(2000) REE and Uranium in Skarn Garnets and Other Phases: Constraints on the Transport of U and REE in Skarn Forming Fluids
Smith M, Henderson P, Long J & Williams CT
(2000) Fluid Evolution and The Formation and Alteration of Allanite in Skarn from the Beinn an Dhubaich Granite Aureole, Skye
Smith M & Henderson P

Smith M. Isabel (2023) Permafrost Mercury Stores and Mobilization by Riverbank Erosion in the Yukon River Basin of Alaska
Smith MI, Seelen E, Douglas M, Ke Y, Magyar JS, Mutter EA, Fischer WW, Lamb MP & West AJ

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