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Smith D. E. (2001) Entropic and Energetic Contributions to Clay Swelling from Grand Canonical Simulations
Smith DE, Whitley HD & Wang Y

Smith D. Scott (2008) Insights into Interactive Microbial and Geochemical Controls on Bacterial Surface Reactions from SiO2 Uptake
Amores D, Smith DS & Warren L

Smith Damian (2006) Lateral persistence of the Merensky Cyclic Unit and the significance of footwall reconstitution within Normal to Regional Pothole reef types in the Bushveld Complex
Reid D, Roberts M, Miller J, Basson I, Roberts M & Smith D

Smith Daniel (2012) The Pyroxene Sponge: Amphibole Signatures and Controls on Water in Arc Magmas
Smith D
(2011) Fractionation of a Hydrous Arc Magma: The Origin of Adakitic and Alkaline Signatures at Savo Volcano, Solomon Islands
Smith D, Petterson M, Saunders A, Jenkin G & Naden J
(2006) Origin of fluids in the shallow geothermal environment of Savo, Solomon Islands
Smith DJ, Jenkin GRT, Boyce AJ, Naden J & Petterson MG

Smith Daniel

Smith Daniel (2015) Temporal Constraints on Magma Dynamics Resulting in Porphyry Copper Deposit Formation
Tapster S, Smith D, Naden J & Condon D

Smith Daniel (2019) An SCLM Control on the Metallogenic DNA of the Continental Lithosphere
Holwell D, Fiorentini M, McDonald I, Lu Y, Giuliani A, Smith D, Keith M & Locmelis M
(2019) Every Atom Counts: High-Precision U-Isotope Analysis on Nanogram Quantities of U from Geoenvironmental Materials
Banks L, Horstwood M, Tapster S, Chenery S, Smith D & Barry T
(2019) Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Arc-Like Post-Subduction Magmas: Apuseni, Romania
Ene V-V, Smith D, Tapster S, Rosu E, Munteanu M & Naden J
(2019) LA-ICP-MS Evidence for Decoupled Geochemical Behavior of Tl, As and Au in Modern SMS, Kolumbo Arc-Volcano (Santorini), Greece
Zegkinoglou N, Kilias S, Smith D, Keith M, Nomikou P & Polymenakou P

Smith Daniel J (2023) Post-Subduction Porphyry Mineralisation – Triggers and Magma Sources
Tuffield L, Naden J, Smith DJ, Tapster SR, Millar I & Miles AJ
(2023) Volatile and Trace Element Evolution in Apatite from Ore-Forming Volcanic Systems, West Luzon Arc, Philippines
Stonadge G, Miles AJ & Smith DJ
(2022) Sulfide Saturation and Dissolution in Mid-Crustal Magma Chambers: Insights from the Colorado Mineral Belt
Berry J, Holwell D, Smith DJ & Miles AJ

Smith Daniel J. (2018) Tellurium Mineralisation in a Post-Collisonal Alkaline Epithermal Au Deposit, Cripple Creek, Colorado
Keith M, Smith DJ & Doyle K
(2017) Te and Se Systematics in Hydrothermal Pyrite from Precious Metal Ore Deposits
Keith M, Smith DJ, Jenkin GRT, Howell DA & Dye MD
(2017) Igneous Framework of the South Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Ene V-V, Smith D, Naden J, Munteanu M & Rosu E

Smith David (2023) A Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network
Sanjuan PA, Demetriades A, Johnson CC, Smith D, Ladenberger A, Stouraiti C, Argyraki A, de Caritat P, Knights K, Rincón GP & Simubali GN
(2007) A Coordinated Continental and Regional Soil Geochemical Survey of North America
Goldhaber M, Smith D, Morrison J, Wanty R & Holloway J
(2006) A Soil Geochemical Transect in Northern California: Links to Human Health
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Wanty R, Smith D & Plumlee G
(2005) A Soil Geochemical Transect in Northern California-Links to Human Health Issue
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Reynolds R & Smith D
(2002) Hydrogen Concentrations in Deeply Buried Marine Sediments: Determination of Concentrations and Utilization Rates
Spivack A & Smith D

Smith Dayle (2013) Electron Flow in Bacterial Multi-Heme Cytochromes
Breuer M, Smith D, Blumberger J & Rosso K

Smith Debra (2014) Focused Melt Flow and Abyssal Magmatism at Lower Magma Supply Rates
Dick H, Salters V, Sanfilippo A, Schouten H & Smith D

Smith Derek (2018) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Patterns of Chlorophyll Track Taxonomic Shifts in a Natural Phytoplankton Community
Kharbush JJ, Smith D, Powers M, Vanderploeg HA, Fanslow D, Robinson RL, Dick GJ & Pearson A
(2018) Upstream Enzymatic Reactions in Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Smith D, Fike D, Johnston D & Bradley A
(2015) Tracking Intermediate Redox Species of Sulfur
Smith D, Dalleska N, Sessions A & Orphan V

Smith Devin (2018) Local Meteoric Water Lines and the Spatial Transformation of Extratropical Precipitation
Smith D, Saelens E, Liston M & Carey A

Smith Dr. Nigel J. T. (2022) It’s all About the Baseline – Geochemical Perturbations in Hydrochronology
Warr O, Smith DNJT & Sherwood Lollar PB

Smith E (2004) Analytical and Toxicological Methods for Identification of Unresolved Complex Mixtures (‘humps’) of Hydrocarbons in the Environment
Smith E, Sutton P, Galloway T, Lewis A & Rowland S

Smith Emily F. (2019) The Cryogenian Carbon Isotope Record of Death Valley, California
Nelson LL, Ahm A-SC, Macdonald FA, Higgins JA & Smith EF

Smith Emmy (2022) A Carbonate Multi-Proxy Investigation of Oceanic Oxygenation Across the Ediacaran–Cambrian Boundary
Chanchai W, Smith E, Nelson LL, Lonsdale M, Hardisty D, Burke J & Lau KV

Smith Euan (2012) Use of in Vivo and in Vitro Assays for Refining Human Health Exposure Assessment for As-Contaminated Soil
Juhasz A, Smith E, Weber J & Naidu R

Smith Eugene (2021) Discovery of the Youngest Toba Tuff in South Africa; Challenges of Extremely Low Abundance Cryptotephra
Smith E, Johnsen R, Ren M, Hirniak J, Fisher E, Campisano C & Marean C
(2021) Carbonate Minerals in Trachytes, Ulleung Island, South Korea; Implications for Carbon Recycling in Subduction Zones
Chen S, Ren M, Lee H, Smith E, Huang S, Lee S-G, Lee T & Gao R

Smith Eugene I. (2014) Evolution and Genesis of Volcanic Rocks from Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
Simon A, Yogodzinski G, Smith E, Selyangin O & Kiryukhin A
(2014) Neogene Magmatism and Coeval Crustal Extension in Death Valley, CA, Part 3: Bimodal Magmatism in the Northern Greenwater Range
Smith E, Belmontes H, Tibbetts A, Johnsen R & Walker D
(2013) Mantle Source Characteristics and Petrogenesis in the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Cortes J, Smith E, Valentine G, Kuentz D & Johnsen R
(2012) The Petrogenesis of Monogenetic Volcanoes Inferred from Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Central Nevada
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Valentine GA, Smith EI, Cortes JA, Kuentz D & Johnsen R
(2012) Using Melt Inclusions to Constrain Magma Evolution and Pre-Eruptive Plumbing System Architecture of Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia
Simon A, Robertson K, Pettke T, Smith E, Kiryukhin A, Selyangin O, Mulcahy S & Walker D

Smith Evan (2021) Heavy Iron in Sublithospheric Diamonds Reveals Deep Serpentinite Subduction
Smith E, Ni P, Shirey SB, Richardson SH, Wang W & Shahar A
(2020) New Insights into Sublithospheric Type IIa and Type IIb Diamonds
Smith E & Wang W
(2018) Boron-Bearing, Type IIb Diamonds from Superdeep Subduction
Smith E, Shirey S, Richardson S, Nestola F, Bullock E, Wang J & Wang W
(2016) Inclusions in Large, Gem-Quality, Natural Type II Diamonds
Smith E & Wang W
(2013) Diamond Inclusions Reveal Fugitive Mantle Nitrogen
Smith E, Kopylova M, Frezzotti ML & Afanasiev V

Smith Evan M (2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Coupled Recycling of Carbon and Boron to Lower Mantle Depths
Regier ME, Chalk TB, Stern RA, Smit K, Smith EM, Stachel T, Foster GL, Bussweiler Y, Harris JW & Pearson DG

Smith Frances (2018) Engaging the Public in Electrical Energy Decision Making Through an Interactive Online Games
Shuller-Nickles L, Carbajales-Dale M, Moysey S, Godsey K, Hanna A, Hoover M, Phillips C, Boyer M & Smith F

Smith Francesca (2005) Using Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Terrestrial Organic Matter to Understand Climate Change at the PETM
Smith F, Wing S & Freeman K
(2002) The Development of Neogene Grasslands in Relation to Climate and Atmospheric CO2: The Carbon Isotope Ratios of Fossil Phytoliths
Smith F & White J

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