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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Smit Maud J (2023) Mantle CO2 Fluxes and Carbonate Fixation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems in Iceland
Kleine BI, Smit MJ, Toro DI, di Stefano AM, Pope E, Waight T, Thomassot E, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Padilla Rivas EK, Wiese F, Fridriksson T, Ármansson H, Gunnarsdóttir SH, Mesfin KG, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Fiebig J, Ricci A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldorsson SA, Kjartansdóttir R, Ono S, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Ólafsdóttir R & Stefánsson A

Smit N.T. (2018) Unusual Lipid Biomarkers at Terrestrial Methane Seeps in Southern Sicily, Italy
Smit NT, Grassa F, Rush D, Villanueva L, Hopmans EC, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Schouten S

Smit Y. (2004) A Melt Inclusion Study in Primitive Olivines from Padloping Island, Baffin Bay
Smit Y & Schiano P
(2000) Low 187Os/188Os Isotope Ratios in Icelandic Basalts
Smit Y, Parkinson I, Hawkesworth C, Cohen A & Peate D

Smith A (2005) Regular Nano-Domains in Apatite Crystals from Developing Enamel: Implications for Crystal Assembly from Subunits and Protein Binding Sites for Growth Modulation
Robinson C, Connell S, Kirkham J & Smith A
(2005) Jarosites in Acid Mine Drainage Environments: Formation, Mineralogy, Stability
Hudson-Edwards K, Smith A, Dubbin W & Wright K
(2000) Serpentinite Geochemistry as an Indicator of the Tectonic Setting of Ophiolitic Assemblages: Examples from the Qilian Fold Belt of Northwest China
Smith A

Smith Ac (2003) Determination of Iron and Sulfur Cycling Rates in Bioturbated Saltmarsh Sediments with Multicomponent Inverse Modeling
Furukawa Y, Smith A & Kostka J

Smith Adrian M L (2011) Bacterial Physico-Chemical Controls on As-Pb Iron Hydroxy Sulfates in Reduced Environments
Weisener CG, Smeaton CM, Walshe GE, Smith AML, Chi Fru E & Fryer BJ

Smith Albertus (2019) Did Bacteria Induce Redox Cycling of Magnetite within Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)?
Byrne J, Schad M, McCammon C, Tomaszewski E, Smith A, Cerantola V & Kappler A
(2019) Seawater Chemistry in the Aftermath of the Extrusion of the Early Paleoproterozoic Ongeluk LIP, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Schier K, Bau M, Coetzee L, Smith A & Beukes N
(2019) The Paleoenvironmental and Economic Significance of the post-Goe pre-Gamagara Unconformity, South Africa
Smith A, De Kock M, Gutzmer J, Monareng F, Blignaut L & Beukes N
(2018) Hematite Polydomain Diffusion Thermochronology of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Miller H, McKeon R, Fischer W, Beukes N, Smith A & Farley K
(2017) Insights into Oncoidal Morphology and Sedimentology of a Mesoarchean Granular Iron Formation from Southern Africa Using 3D X-Ray Computed Tomography (µXCT)
Smith A, Beukes N, Gutzmer J, Johnson C, Czaja A & De Beer F

Smith Albertus J.B. (2014) The Paleoenvironmental Implications of pre-GOE Fe and Mn Deposition in the Mesoarchean Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
Smith A, Rammila E & Beukes N
(2013) Geomicrobiological Activity in the Mesoarchean Witwatersrand-Mozaan Succession: Evidence from Iron Formations and Shales
Smith A, Beukes N & Gutzmer J
(2012) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Stromatolitic Oncoidal Iron Formation, Mesoarchean Witwatersrand-Mozaan Basin, South Africa
Smith A, Beukes N, Gutzmer J, Johnson C & Czaja A
(2010) Evidence for Dissimilatory Manganese Reduction and Availability of Free Molecular Oxygen during Deposition of Mesoarchean Witwatersrand-Mozaan Strata
Smith AJB, Beukes NJ, Gutzmer J & Cochrane JM

Smith Albertus Johannes Basson J.B. (2023) The Formation of High-Grade Iron Formation-Hosted Iron Ores in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa – Insights from Iron Isotopes and Trace Elements
Smith AJBJB & Lalonde SV

Smith Alison (2002) Geochemistry of Ostracode Calcite: Empirical Calibration of 3 Species from Page Pond, Ohio, U.S.A
Ito E, Bacon S, Smith A & Palmer D

Smith Alison G. (2011) Oxygen Isotope Modification Through Assimilatory Sulphur Cycling
Tostevin R, Turchyn AV, Smith AG, Zori M, Howe CJ & Lea-Smith D

Smith Allison (2013) Links between Diel Vertical Migrations and Ocean Oxygen
Bianchi D, Galbraith E, Smith A, Stock C, Jorge S & Carozza D

Smith Alyssa (2011) The Effect of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria on the Stability of the Gold-Thiosulfate Complex
Shuster J, Smith A, Bolin T & Southam G

Smith Andrew (2013) A Record of Carbonyl Sulfide from Antarctic Ice over the Last 1000 Years
Allin S, Sturges W, Laube J, Etheridge D, Rubino M, Trudinger C, Curran M, Smith A & Mulvaney R
(2010) The Measurement of Pb in Ancient Antarctic Ice: Implications for Source Regions of Aerosols and Past Environmental Conditions
Burn-Nunes L, Rosman K, Vallelonga P, Loss R, Curran M & Smith A

Smith Andrew (2008) Chemical and Valence State Imaging of Mineral Intergrowths Using X-Ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy
Schofield P, Smith A & Scholl A

Smith Andrew (2019) Refinement of the Cosmogenic in situ C-14 Extraction Procedure
Fülöp R-H, Fink D, Tanner D, Codilean AT, White L, Yang B, Smith A, Levchenko V, White D & Dunai TJ

Smith Andrew (2022) The Shredding of Environmental Signals by Australia’s River Systems Studied Using 26Al/10Be/14C Ratios in Sediment
Fulop R-H, Codilean AT, Wilcken KM, Smith A, Yang B & Fink D

Smith Andrew Christopher (2013) Millennial Scale Holocene Climate Variability: Iberian Precipitation Reconstructed from Two Speleothems
Smith AC, Wynn PM, Barker P, Leng M & Noble S

Smith Andrew J. (2013) Uranyl on Mg-Rich Minerals: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Copping R, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Shuh DK & Wogelius RA
(2011) Uranyl Coordination Chemistry on Magnesite and Brucite Surfaces: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Rogers J & Wogelius RA

Smith Andy (2011) The Oxidation State of Ti in Synthetic and Meteoritic Hibonite
Doyle P, Berry A, Schofield P, Mosselmans F, Smith A, Scholl A & Young T
(2002) Weathering Control of River and Ocean (234U/238U)
Henderson G, Robinson LF, Smith A, Matthews I, Barker D & Hall B

Smith Andy (2014) BIGRAD: Uranium(VI) Nanoparticles in Geodisposal Relevant Conditions
Bots P, Morris K, Hibberd R, Smith K, Law G, Mosselmans F, Brown A, Doutch J, Smith A & Shaw S

Smith Anna L. (2021) NEA-Tdb Update Book on U, Np, Pu, Am and Tc: Overview, Systematic Trends and Datagaps of Relevance to Nuclear Waste Disposal
Gaona X, Grenthe I, Plyasunov A, Rao L, Runde W, Grambow B, Konings R, Smith AL & Moore E

Smith April (2002) Multicomponent Inverse Modelling in Aquatic Sediments
Furukawa Y, Kostka J & Smith A

Smith B (2004) Chemicals in the Environment
Plant J, Korre A, Reeder S, Smith B & Voulvoulis N

Smith Belinda (2019) Chromium Isotope Constraints on the Late Paleoproterozoic Marine Redox: Evidence from ~1.64 Ga Carbonates of the Greater McArthur Basin, Australia
Farkas J, Toledo G, Klaebe R, Frei R, Collins A, Cox G, Blades M, Bullen M, Guiliano W, Samanta M, Edgoose C & Smith B

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