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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Smietana M. (2010) Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of La Réunion Island
Smietana M, Bachèlery P & Hémond C

Smigielski M. (2008) Crystal Growth in Heterogeneous Magmas – 3D Visualization and Self-Affine Fractal Statistics
Slaby E, Martin H, Domonik A & Smigielski M

Smik L. (2022) Antiphased Dust Deposition and Productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 Million Years
Weber ME, Bailey I, Hemming SR, Martos YM, Reilly BT, Ronge TA, Brachfeld S, Williams T, Belt S, Smik L, Vogel H, Peck V, Gutjahr M & Seki O
(2021) Light Intensity Control on Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Cultures of Haslea Ostrearia
Sánchez Montes ML, Mock T, Smik L & Pedentchouk N
(2017) The Effect of Light Intensity on 2H/1H Ratios of Highly Branched Isoprenoids (HBIs) in the Diatom Pleurosigma Intermedium
Pedentchouk N, Belt S, Smik L, Brown T, Cormier M-A, Jones M & Mock T

Smillie I. (2014) Relative Genome Size of Vascular Plants Through Geological Time
Lomax B, Smillie I, Bateman R, Leitch I, Hilton J, Upchurch G, Lake J, Cromwell A & Knight C

Smillovich J. (2023) Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes Controlling Heterogeneity in Groundwater Mn Contamination: Insights from Two Lake Catchment Systems
Hausladen D, Islam M, Smillovich J & Di Battista V

Smirnoff A. (2020) High Temperature Calibration of Calcite Clumped Isotopes: When Theory Meets Experimentation
Jautzy J, Savard M, Dhillon R, Bernasconi S & Smirnoff A

Smirnov A. (2020) Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposure – Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Vander Kaaden K, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2017) Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures – Implications for Human Space Exploration
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2007) Kaersutite in the Chassigny Martian Meteorite: How Much Water?
McCubbin F, Nekvasil H, Smirnov A & Lindsley D
(2007) Application of the Pitzer Ion Interaction Model to the Fe2(SO4)3-H2SO4-H2O System
Tosca N, Smirnov A & McLennan S
(2007) Abiotic Nitrogen Reduction in Hadean Hydrothermal Systems
Smirnov A, Hausner D, Laffers R, McCubbin F, Strongin D & Schoonen M

Smirnov G.S. (2023) Nanoconfined Water in the 10-Å Phase at Subduction Zone Conditions: Classical and ab Initio MD Simulations up to 7 GPa and 800 K
Kalinichev AG, Tararushkin EV & Smirnov GS

Smirnov S. (2013) Crystallization of P-Rich Minerals from the High Phosphorus Rare-Metal Magma of East-Kalguty Dyke Belt (S.Altay, Russia)
Sokolova E & Smirnov S
(2006) Hydrosilicate liquids in late magmatic processes: experimental results and natural evidence
Smirnov S, Thomas V, Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Kamenetsky V & Large R
(2002) REE Geochemistry of the Fluorite from Yucca Mountain, USA: Fingerprinting Multiple Sources of Matter in Hydrothermal Fluids
Smirnov S, Dublyansky Y, Mel'gunov M & Mel'gunova E
(2002) The Model of Pocket Formation in Boron-Rich Granitic Pegmatites
Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Smirnov S, Mikhailov M, Prokofiev V & Madyukov I

Smirnov V. (2009) Why Metabolic Processes Fractionate Oxygen Isotopes
Smirnov V & Roth J

Smirnova M. (2023) Voluminous Permian-Triassic Felsic Volcanic Activity in the West Siberian Basin: Evidence for the Buried Silicic LIP
Latyshev A, Panchenko I, Smirnova M, Kulikov P & Trushkova Y

Smis A. (2010) Interactions between Climate Change, Land Use and the Biological Silica Buffer in Wetlands and Forests
Struyf E, Kokfelt U, Smis A, Conley D, Humborg C, Mörth C-M, Vandevenne F & Meire P

Smit A. (2016) Formation of Continental Crust during Ultra-Hot Precambrian Orogeny: Insight from Geodynamic Modeling
Perchuk A, Safonov O, Smit A, van Reenen D, Zakharov V & Gerya T

Smit H. (2023) Low-Temperature Plate Boundary Serpentinization Post-Dates Subduction Initiation and Facilitates Obduction of an Appalachian Ophiolite
Kotowski AJ, Smit H, van Broekhoven J, Cooperdock EHG, Tarling MS, Hellebrand E, Kirkpatrick J, King HE & Plümper O

Smit J. (2023) Iron Isotope Signatures of Distal Impact Spherules from the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Rabin S, Goderis S, Krämer Ruggiu L, Debaille V & Smit J
(2014) Tephrochronostratigraphy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation: Implications for Coal Deposition?
Kuiper K, Abels H, Dekkers M, Hilgen F, Noorbergen L, Rost E, Smit J, van der Kaars S & van Wetten I

Smit Karen (2015) Sources of Diamonds from Orapa, Botswana and Evolution of the Kaapvaal-Zimbabwe Cratons
Shirey S, Smit K, Gaillou E, Richardson S & Harris J
(2015) Diamond Growth in the Lithospheric Mantle: New SIMS and Raman Evidence from Zimbabwe Diamonds
Smit K, Shirey S, Steele A, Stern R & Wang W

Smit Karen V (2018) Archaean Sulphur in Neoproterozoic Zimmi Diamonds (West Africa)
Smit KV, Hauri EH, Shirey SB & Wang J

Smit Karen V. (2020) Age and Depth of Oceanic Slab-Derived Diamonds and the Formation of Archean Subcontinental Mantle
Shirey S & Smit K
(2020) Trace Elements of Rare CH4-bearing Fluids in Zimbabwe Diamonds
Smit KV, Pearson DG, Krebs MY & Woodland S
(2019) Preservation of Archean Cratonic Mantle Below Grib Kimberlite (NW Russia) Through Proterozoic Rifting and Collision
Smit KV, Pearson DG, Shchukina EV & Woodland S
(2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Coupled Recycling of Carbon and Boron to Lower Mantle Depths
Regier ME, Chalk TB, Stern RA, Smit K, Smith EM, Stachel T, Foster GL, Bussweiler Y, Harris JW & Pearson DG
(2014) Complex Lithosphere Evolution in the Attawapiskat Area, Canada – A Tale of Craton Thinning and Re-growth
Smit K, Pearson G, Stachel T & Seller M
(2012) Formation of Eclogites and Pyroxenites Below Attawapiskat, Superior Craton (Canada)
Smit KV, Stachel T, Creaser RA, DuFrane SA, Ickert RB, Stern RA & Seller M
(2006) Trace element distribution amongst minerals of the Allalin Gabbro
Miller J & Smit K

Smit Matthijs (2018) Multi-Method Geochronological Insights into the Tectonics of Final Nuna Suturing, NE Australia
Pourteau A, Norsdvan AR, Volante S, Li J, Smit M, Li Z-X & Collins WJ
(2018) Advancing Petrochronology: Linking Zircon and Monazite to Garnet
Tual L, Kooijman E & Smit M
(2018) Decoupling of U-Pb Zircon and Lu-Hf Garnet Dates during High-Pressure Metamorphism in the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada
Thiessen E, Gibson D, Regis D, Pehrsson S & Smit M
(2018) Evolution of the Acasta Gneiss Complex Constrained by Sr Isotope Analysis of Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Emo R, Smit M, Schmitt M, Kooijman E, Scherer E, Sprung P, Bleeker W & Mezger K
(2018) Primitive Continents Suppressed Earth’s O2 Cycle during the Archean
Smit M & Mezger K

Smit Matthijs (2019) Framboidal Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Byrne J, Kenward P, Michiels C, Simister R, Friese A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Nomosatyro S, Kallmeyer J, Kappler A, Smit M & Crowe S

Smit Matthijs (2020) Boron Isotopes: no 'Arc' in Archean?
Smit M, Scherstén A, Næraa T, Emo R, Scherer E, Sprung P, Bleeker W, Mezger K, Maltese A, Cai M, Rasbury T & Whitehouse M
(2020) Comparative Chronology of Garnet, Zircon and Monazite in (Ultra)high-Temperature and -Pressure Rocks
Tual L, Smit M, Kooijman E & Schmitt M

Smit Matthijs (2014) Rutile U-Pb Thermochronology as a Tool to Constrain Time-Resolved Cooling Histories in Orogenic Belts
Kooijman E, Hacker B, Smit M & Kylander-Clark A
(2014) Early Eocene Thickening Revealed by Tibetan Garnet
Smit M, Hacker B & Lee J
(2013) Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology: Closure Revisited and New Applications in Lithosphere Studies
Smit M, Scherer E, Mezger K, Ratschbacher L, Kooijman E & Hacker B
(2011) Deformation of Garnet in Eclogite: Dominant Mechanisms and the Active Role of Fluids
Smit M, Scherer E, John T & Janssen A
(2011) Trace Element Systematics in HT Metamorphic Rutile: The Robustness of the Zr Geothermometer
Kooijman E, Smit M, Mezger K & Berndt J
(2009) High-Precision Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Dating of Eclogites from the SW Scandinavian Caledonides Reveals Protracted or Multi-Stage HP Metamorphism
Smit M, Scherer E, Bröcker M & van Roermund H

Smit Matthijs (2015) Rutile Thermochronology Constrains Time-Resolved Cooling Histories in Orogenic Belts
Kooijman E, Hacker B, Smit M & Kylander-Clark A
(2015) Lu-Hf and U-Pb Geochronology, and Thermometry Link Slab Break-Off to Regional Heating in the Pamir
Smit M, Ratschbacher L, Kooijman E & Stearns M

Smit Matthijs (2023) Multi-Step Release of Slab-Bound Fluids Caused by Blueschist Metamorphism in the Subducting Slab (Bridge River Blueschist, British Columbia, Canada)
Goumans J, Smit M & Musiyachenko K
(2023) Garnet Chronology: Where are We and What's Next?
Smit M
(2023) Taking the Pulse on Garnet Through Lu-Hf Domain Chronology in Alpine Metapelites
Tual L, Smit M, Cutts J, Kooijman E, Kielman-Schmitt M, Musiyachenko K, Majka J & Foulds I
(2023) Tracing the Origin of Melt-Enhancing Fluids in TTGs via in situ Oxygen Isotopes
Volante S, Pourteau A, Li Z-X, Collins W, Doucet LS, Olierook H, Martin LAJ & Smit M
(2023) Exploring the Versatility of Rutile Thermochronology
Kooijman E, Smit M & Kielman-Schmitt M

Smit Matthijs (2021) Insight into REE Systematics and Age Records of Metamorphosed Garnet from High-Resolution Trace-Element Mapping
Smit M, Guilmette C, Kielman-Schmitt M, Kooijman E, Tual L, Ratschbacher L, Scherer EE & Mezger K
(2021) Rapid, Paced Garnet Growth in Blueschists from Lu-Hf Dating of Laser-Cut Domains Combined with Trace-Element Mapping
Tual L, Smit M, Cutts J, Kooijman E, Kielman-Schmitt M & Foulds I

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