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Smeaton Christina M. (2019) Winter Soil Processes in Transition
Rezanezhad F, Smeaton CM, Hug L, Jensen GB, Krogstad KJ, Macrae ML, McCarter CPR, Milojevic T, Mills R, Parsons CT, Quinton W, Rudolph D, Smith S, Townsend HR & Van Cappellen P
(2019) Microbial Uncoupling and Energy Storage: A Modeling Study of Nitrite Toxicity-Induced Stress Response
Mellage A, Smeaton C, Slowinski S & Van Cappellen P
(2019) Impact of Variable Microbial Growth Yields on Reservoir Souring Simulations
Jahanbani Veshareh M, Nick HM, Smeaton CM & Van Cappellen P

Smeaton Craig (2021) Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Carbon from Forested Environments to Coastal Waters and Sediments
Kellock CCI, Smeaton C, Shah N, Austin W & Schröder C
(2017) The Rusty Sink: Investigating the Importance of Iron to the Long-Term Storage of Organic Carbon in Coastal Sediments
Smeaton C, Schröder C, Wood D & Austin W

Smedley P (2000) Hydrogeochemistry of Arsenic and Other Problem Constituents in Groundwaters from La Pampa, Argentina
Smedley P, Nicolli H & Macdonald D

Smedley Pauline (2022) Resolving Fingerprints of Unconventional Gas Sources and Methane-Rich Groundwaters in the Vale of Pickering, UK
Chambers RM, Gilfillan SMV, McDermott CI, Smedley P & Ward R

Smeets Paul (2022) Search for the Carriers of P-Process Anomalies in Early Solar System Condensates
Marquez RT, Charlier BLA, Abbott T, Smeets P, Heck PR & Tissot FLH

Smeets Paul (2015) An in situ View of CaCO3 Nucleation
De Yoreo J, Nielsen M, Smeets P, Sommerdijk N & Sand K
(2014) The Control of Organic Matrices on Nucleation and Growth of CaCO3
De Yoreo J, Nielsen M, Smeets P, Hamm L, Dove P & Sommerdijk N

Smeets Paul (2013) Unraveling the CaCO3/PSS Mesocrystal Formation Mechanism by in situ TEM and in situ AFM
Smeets P, Cho KR, Li D, Nielsen M, Sommerdijk N & De Yoreo J
(2013) The Discovery and Role of Non-Stoichometric Complexes of Calcium Carbonate in the Solution Precipitation of Vaterite
Smeets P, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Nudelman F & Sommerdijk N

Smeets Paul (2020) Interfaces, Interphases, and Graded Single Crystals in Dental Enamel
DeRocher K, Smeets P, Goodge B, Zachman M, Balachandran P, Stegbauer L, Cohen M, Gordon L, Rondinelli J, Kourkoutis L & Joester D

Smeets R. (2015) Extreme Heterogeneity Prior to Extensive Mixing: Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Analysis of Individual Melt Inclusions from the Italian Peninsula
Koornneef J, Nikogosian I, van Bergen M, Smeets R, Bouman C, Schwieters J & Davies G

Smekhova A. (2013) Crystal Chemistry and Magnetism of Fe-Serpentines Based on XMCD
Elmaleh A, Arrio M-A, Juhin A, Sainctavit P, Tarantino SC, Zema M, Auzende A-L, Smekhova A & Rogalev A

Smelkov V. (2010) Modern Geodynamic Processes in the Earth's Crust and the Problem of a Deep Origin of Oil
Muslimov R, Plotnikova I, Smelkov V & Borisov A
(2009) Concentration of the Trace-Elements in Heavy Oil and Bitumen of Tatarstan
Muslimov R, Smelkov V, Plotnikova I & Borisov A

Smellie John (2014) Glaciovolcanic Evidence for a Polythermal Neogene East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Rocchi S, Smellie J, Wilch T, Gemelli M, Di Vincenzo G, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Panter K & Fargo A
(2013) Recent Groundwater Circulation of U at Forsmark, Eastern Sweden
Tullborg E-L, Suksi J, Sandström B, MacKenzie AB, Smellie J, Krall L & Puigdomenech I
(2012) Origin and Evolution of Reactive and Noble Gases Dissolved in Porewater of Low-Permeable Crystalline Rocks
Eichinger F, Waber HN & Smellie JAT
(2011) Studies of Near Surface Redox Transitions in Crystalline Rocks in Sweden and Greenland
Tullborg E-L, Drake H, Suksi J & Smellie J
(2007) Large-Scale Matrix Diffusion in Crystalline Rocks Revealed by Natural Cl, δ18O and δ2H Tracers in Pore Water
Waber N, Gimmi T & Smellie J
(2003) Natural Analogues and Scenario Development for Use in Repository Safety and Performance Assessments
Smellie J, Grundfelt B, Beushausen M & Wollrath J

Smellie John (2018) Origin and Cause of Melting beneath East Antarctica
Reindel J, Panter K & Smellie J
(2018) On the Orgin of Intraplate Volcanism in Antarctica
Panter K, Castillo P, Krans S, Reindel J, Martin A & Smellie J

Smellie John (2019) The Pleiades Volcanic Complex in the W Antarctic Rift: Basaltic Magmas Differentiation Affected by Ice Cover during the Last Glacial Maximum
Agostini S, Leone N, Di Vincenzo G, Rocchi S & Smellie J

Smellie John (2015) Cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne and 10Be Production in Xenoliths from Mount Hampton, West Antarctica
Carracedo A, Rodes A, Stuart F & Smellie J

Smercina D. (2018) Free-Living N-Fixation: Optimizing 15N Methods and Reassessing Importance in Temperate Soils
Tiemann L, Smercina D, Evans S & Friesen M
(2018) Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixation Rates Driven by Nitrogen-Fixer Diversity over Nitrogen Availability
Smercina D, Tiemann L, Evans S & Friesen M

Smerdon B.D. (2013) Helium Equilibrium between Pore Water and Quartz: A Clever, but Limited Tool
Smith SD, Harrington GA, Smerdon BD & Solomon DK

Smet I. (2021) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering Combined with Cotton Farming in Thessaly, Greece
Smet I, Evangelou E, Tsadilas C, Hagens M, Bijma J, Hartmann J, Steffens R & Paessler D
(2021) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering Combined with Corn Farming in Germany
Bijma J, Smet I, Hagens M, Hartmann J, Steffens R & Paessler D
(2021) Quantifying CO2 Removal Through Enhanced Weathering: Grassland and pot Experiments
Hagens M, Hoosbeek M, Smet I, Bijma J, Hartmann J, Steffens R & Paessler D
(2015) A Distinct Source and Differentiation History for Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Santorini, Aegean Arc
Klaver M, Nomikou P, Carey S, Godelitsas A, Smet I & Vroon P
(2015) Crustal Anatexis at the Western Edge of the South Aegean Arc?
Smet I, Soens B & Klaver M
(2014) Influence of Regional Tectonics on Crustal Petrogenesis & Eruption Style
Smet I & Elburg M
(2011) Volcanism on Methana (W Aegean Arc): Magma Mixing, Crustal Contamination & Mantle Sources
Smet I, De Pelsmaeker E, Elburg M, Vanhaecke F & Andersen T
(2009) Volcanism in the Saronic Gulf (W Aegean): Geochemical Indications for Across-Arc Variations?
Smet I, Elburg M & Vanhaecke F
(2009) Along-Arc Variations in the Aegean: Contrasting Aegina-Methana-Poros, Santorini and Nisyros
Elburg M, Smet I & Vanhaecke F

Smetaczek S. (2019) Spatially Resolved Analysis of Garnet-Type Li-Ion Conductors Using LIBS: Investigation of the H-Content
Smetaczek S, Zeller V, Rettenwander D, Fleig J & Limbeck A

Smethie W. (2019) What Triple Isotopes of Dissolved O2 Tell us About Deep Water Formation in the Arctic Ocean
Luz B, Barkan E, Bauch D & Smethie W
(2019) Relic Water in the Deep Arctic Ocean
Smethie W, Newton R, Schlosser P & Pasqualini A
(2019) Circulation Changes in the Amundsen Basin from 1991 to 2015 Revealed from Distributions of Dissolved 230Th
Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Geibert W, Gdaniec S, Moran SB, Lepore K, Puigcorbé V, Casacabuerta N, Paffrath R, Smethie W, Roy-Barman M & Edwards RL
(2017) 231Pa and 230Th in the Arctic Ocean 1991-2016: Changes in the Eurasian and Makarov Basins
Valk O, Gdaniec S, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Geibert W, Smethie W, Moran SB, Lepore K, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Rijkneberg M
(2011) 17O Anomaly of Dissolved O2 in the Deep Atlantic Ocean
Luz B, Barkan E, Henderson G & Smethie W

Smethurst M. (2008) Generation of Plumes at the Margins of Chemically Distinct Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces
Steinberger B, Burke K, Torsvik T & Smethurst M

Smets B. (2023) Petrology of the Nyiragongo Volcano, DR Congo
Molendijk SM, Namur O, Kamate Kaleghetso E, Mason PRD, Smets B, Vander Auwera JE & Neave DA
(2021) Petrology of the Nyiragongo Volcano, DR Congo
Molendijk SM, Namur O, Mason PRD, Smets B, Vander Auwera J & Neave DA

Smid E.R. (2015) Volatile Evidence for Mantle Metasomatism and Source Heterogeneity in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
Smid ER, Rowe MC & Lindsay JM

Smidt G. (2011) Uranium in Tap and Groundwater – Indications for Anthropogenic Origin
Smidt G, Birke M, Erdinger L, Schäf M, Knolle F, Koschinsky A & Schnug E

Smieja-Król B. (2023) Technogenic Particles as a Tool for the Identification of Large-Scale Industrial Pollution in Environmental Archives
Smieja-Król B, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B & Łokas E
(2020) Biogenic Sphalerite and Galena Formation in Peatlands Polluted by Atmospheric Deposition
Smieja-Król B, Pawlyta M, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B & Kądziołka-Gaweł M
(2020) Impact of Atmospheric Dust on Chinese Peatland Geochemistry
Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Smieja-Król B, Siepak M, Dopieralska J & Bao K
(2019) Zn-Cd Sulfides Formation at the Contact Zone between Organic-Rich Wetland and Alkaline Wastes
Smieja-Król B, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Kądziołka-Gaweł M, Siepak M & Liszka B
(2019) Sources of Dust in Chinese Peatland during the Last 130 Years
Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Bao K, Siepak M & Smieja-Król B
(2011) Processes of Heavy Metals Immobilization in Mires
Smieja-Król B, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B & Wiedermann J

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