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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Small C. (2012) Buoyant Asthenosphere Affects Mid-Ocean Ridge Depths and Melt Patterns
Buck WR, Small C & Ryan WBF

Small James (2011) Si Isotope Fractionation in High-Temperature Metal-Silicate Systems: Implications for Core Formation
Kempl J, Vroon PZ, Westrenen WV, Small J & Jak HG

Small Jennifer (2011) Does Aerosol Alter Entrainment Mixing in Warm Cumulus?
Small J, Jonsson H & Chuang P

Small Joe (2023) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Citric Acid in the Presence of Cement Pellets: Impact on Cement Integrity
Byrd N, Morris K, Singh A, Small J, Taylor F, Boothman C, Engelberg D, Lowe T, Mahmood S & Lloyd JR
(2021) Anaerobic Biodegradation and Biotransformation of Ni-Citrate Complexes at Alkaline pH
Byrd N, Lloyd JR, Small J, Taylor F, Bagshaw H, Hughes L & Morris K
(2020) The Biogeochemical Fate of Organic Decontamination Agents in Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal
Byrd N, Lloyd J, Small J, Taylor F, Bagshaw H, Boothman C & Morris K
(2017) Microbial Degradation of Low-Level Radioactive Waste in Repository Conditions
Vikman M, Marjamaa K, Itävaara M, Nykyri M, Small J & Paaso N
(2017) The Biogeochemistry of Gas Generation from Low-Level Nuclear Waste: Modelling After18 Years Study Under in situ Conditions
Small J, Nykyri M, Vikman M, Itävaara M & Paaso N
(2017) Plasticised PVC Fuels Nitrate Reduction at High pH: Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Nixon S, van Dongen B, Small J & Lloyd J
(2012) Leak Fluid Chemistry Control on Sr-90 Sorption Mechanism in Sediments
Wallace S, Shaw S, Morris K, Small J & Burke I
(2011) Incorporation of 90Sr into Alkaline Altered Sediments
Wallace S, Shaw S, Morris K, Small J & Burke I

Small M. (2014) Applying Quantum Chemistry to Interpret XAS and NMR of Cd(II) Adsorbed onto Gibbsite and Kaolinite
Watts H, Kubicki J, Mueller K, O'Day P, Govind N, Small M & Poweleit E
(2014) Characterization of Cd2+ Surface Complexes on Kaolinite and Gibbsite with Experimental and Theoretical XANES
Small M, Watts H, Govind N, Kubicki J & O'Day P

Smalla K. (2011) Microbial Community Development and Mineral-Organic Matter Interactions in an Artificial Soil Incubation Experiment
Pronk GJ, Heister K, Ding G-C, Smalla K & Kögel-Knabner I

Smalley Craig (2023) Strontium and Carbonate Isotopes to Reveal the Effect of Low-Permeability Barriers on the Evolution of Formation Waters
Polteau S, Johansen I & Smalley C
(2018) Determining the Controlling Factors of Carbon Isotope and Molecular Weight Fractionation in Shale Gases during Depressurization
Davey R, Sephton M & Smalley C
(2017) Measuring Carbon Isotope Fractionation of Methane during Progressive Degassing: A Novel Online GC-C-Irms Technique
Davey R, Smalley C & Sephton M

Smalley Craig P (2013) Clumped Isotopes and Concretions: The Prairie Canyon Member of the Mancos Shale, Colorado
Dale A, John CM, Mozley P, Smalley CP & Muggeridge AH

Smalley M. (2011) Chiral Interactions of Amino Acids in a Hydrated Vermiculite Clay
Fraser D, Skipper N, Smalley M & Greenwell C

Smallman D. (2018) The Influence of Solid Phase Organic Carbon on the Sorption/Desorption of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Landfill Barriers
Huang P-R, Smallman D, Stringfellow A & Marshall J

Smallwood B. (2003) Dissecting the Nitrogen Cycle in a Tropical Mangrove Ecosystem
Fogel M, Wooller M, Jacobson M, Cheeseman J, Smallwood B & Romero I

Smarov G. (2018) Deep Mantle Roots of Zarnitsa Pipe
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N, Ntaflos T, Khmelnikova O, Tolstov A & Smarov G

Smart Katie (2021) Cycling of Surficial Sulphur into the Lithospheric Mantle: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton Root
Burness S, Thomassot E, Smart K & Tappe S
(2021) Calcium Isotopes in Cratonic Mantle Eclogites
Smart K, Tappe S, Woodland AB, Harris C, Gussone N & Simonetti A
(2018) Reduced Volatile Sources for Karelian Diamonds Linked to Punctuated Ultramafic Magmatism
Smart K, Cartigny P, Tappe S, O'Brien H & Klemme S
(2017) S-Bearing Metasomatism of Mantle Eclogites: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton and Experiments
Burness S, Smart K, Stevens G, Tappe S, Sharp ZD & Gibbons J
(2017) The Redox State of Mantle Eclogites
Smart K, Tappe S, Simonetti A, Simonetti S, Woodland A & Harris C
(2017) Cycling of the Elements of Life within the Archean Crust-Mantle System
Tappe S, Smart K & Stern R

Smart Katie A (2015) Metasomatic Growth of Eclogitic Diamonds from Decoupled Volatile Sources
Smart K, O'Brien H, Cartigny P, Tappe S, Klemme S & Harris C
(2015) The Misleading Role of Carbonatites in the Deep Volatile Cycle
Tappe S, Smart KA, Stracke A, Romer RL, Steenfelt A & Muehlenbachs K
(2013) The Role of Ultramafic Veins in Mafic Alkaline Magmatism: Contrary Evidence from Continental Intra-Plate Settings
Smart K, Tappe S, Stracke A, Romer R & Prelevic D
(2012) Carbon Fluxes beneath Cratons: Insights from West Greenland Kimberlites and Carbonatites
Tappe S, Smart K, Stracke A, Romer R, Steenfelt A & Muehlenbachs K
(2012) Subduction-Driven Growth and Modification of Cratons: Examples from Canada and Greenland
Smart K, Tappe S, Simonetti A & Klemme S
(2011) Formation of Diamond from Oxidized Fluids/Melts: δ13C-N SIMS Study of an Eclogitic Diamond from the Jericho Kimberlite, Canada
Smart KA, Chacko T, Stachel T, Stern R & Muehlenbachs K
(2011) Crust-Mantle Links in Cratons
Pearson GD, Tappe S, Smart KA, Mather KA, Dale CW & Kjarsgaard BA
(2010) 13C Depleted Diamonds in Jericho Eclogites: Diamond Formation from Ancient Subducted Organic Matter
Smart K, Chacko T, Heaman L, Stachel T & Muehlenbachs K
(2009) Jericho Eclogites of the Slave Craton Record Multiple Subduction-Related Crust Formation Events
Smart K, Heaman L & Chacko T

Smart Katie A (2016) Oxidized Carbon Species in the Early Archean Mantle: Clues to the Evolution of Plate Tectonics and Terrestrial Magmatism
Tappe S, Smart KA & Stern RA
(2016) Evidence for the Deep Archean Nitrogen Cycle from >3 Ga Diamonds
Smart KA, Tappe S & Stern RA

Smart Katie A. (2019) Views of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Metal Budgets from Alkaline and Carbonate Magmas
Tappe S, Burness S, Smart K, Magna T & Stracke A
(2019) Metasomatic Effects of Sulphur-Bearing Carbonated Melts on the Lithospheric Mantle
Burness S, Smart KA, Tappe S, Stevens G & Woodland AB

Smart Kyle (2015) Mineral Surface Alterations in the Rhizosphere of Conifers
Smart K, Balogh-Brunstad Z, Wallander H & Stipp S

Smart Kyle E. (2018) Fungal Weathering of Micas in Spruce Forest Soils
Balogh-Brunstad Z & Smart KE

Smart Matthew (2017) Rootedness and the Devonian Phosphorus Cycle
Smart M, Filippelli G, Gilhooly W & Whiteside J

Smart Matthew S (2023) Land Plant Radiation and its Linkages to Global Marine Anoxia during the Devonian
Gilhooly W, Vander Pas B, Smart MS, Filippelli G, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA & Whiteside J
(2021) Modeling Global Biosphere Response to Enhanced Riverine Nutrient Delivery during the Late Devonian Kellwasser Event
Smart MS, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA, Whiteside J, Gilhooly W & Filippelli G

Smart P. (2011) Taking Advantage of Both U-Th and U-Pb Disequilibrium Methods for Speleothem Geochronology
Richards D, Smith C, Smart P, Farrant A, Parrish R & Ford D
(2008) Reconciling 14C Timescales for Marine Isotope Stage 3
Richards D, Beck W, Hoffmann D, Smart P, Singarayer J, Ridgwell A & Valdes P
(2004) Investigating the Causes of 14C Variation in Speleothems Using Highresolution Stable-Isotope and Trace-Element Data
Hoffmann D, Richards D, Smart P, Beck J, Mattey D, Paterson B & Hawkesworth C

Smart R.S.C. (2006) Application of Principal Component Analysis and ToF-SIMS to Mineral Recognition, Surface Chemistry and Separation by Flotation
Smart R, Hart B, Biesinger M, Francis J & Negeri T
(2001) Spectroscopic Characterisation of Leached Sphalerite Surfaces as a Function of Temperature at pH 1
Weisener CG, Gerson AR & Smart RSC
(2001) The Effects of Leaching on Sphalerite Containing Various Fe Concentrations
Weisener CG, Gerson AR & Smart RSC

Smart S. (2017) The Upper Ocean Nitrogen Cycle in the Atlantic Southern Ocean
Fawcett S, Smart S, Mdutyana M, Forrer H, Philibert R, Thomalla S, Kemeny P, Ward B & Sigman D
(2013) Wintertime Nitrate Isotope Dynamics in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean
Smart S, Sigman D, Fawcett S, Thomalla S, Weigand A & Reason C

Smeaton Christina (2022) Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Methanogenic Hydrocarbon Degradation: Experiment and Numerical Simulation
Ramezanzadeh M, Slowinski S, Rezanezhad F, Murr K, Lam C, Smeaton C, Alibert C, Vandergriendt M & Van Cappellen P
(2021) Possible Coupling of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (AOM) and Anammox in Cold Wetland Soils
Townsend HR, Rezanezhad F, Slowinski S, Smeaton C, Macrae M, Parsons C, Webster K & Van Cappellen P
(2018) Tetrahedral Fe Promotes Atom Exchange between Aqueous Fe(II) and Structural Fe(III) in Clay
Shi B, Van Cappellen P, Liu K & Smeaton C
(2018) Does Carbon or Energy Limit Chemosynthetic Mixotrophic Microbial Growth?
Slowinski S, Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P
(2018) What are the Thermodynamic Controls on Methanogenesis?
Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Soil Biogeochemical Processes Under Freeze-Thaw Cycles Using a Process-Oriented Experimental Approach
Rezanezhad F, Milojevic T, Oh D, Parsons C, Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Linking Water Table Dynamics to Soil Biogeochemistry in a Column Incubation Experiment
Pronk G, Mellage A, Milojevic T, Smeaton C, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P
(2016) Predicting Growth Yields in Low Energy Environments
Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P

Smeaton Christina M (2011) Biotic Dissolution of Tl(I)jarosite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32
Smeaton CM, Fryer BJ & Weisener CG
(2011) Bacterial Physico-Chemical Controls on As-Pb Iron Hydroxy Sulfates in Reduced Environments
Weisener CG, Smeaton CM, Walshe GE, Smith AML, Chi Fru E & Fryer BJ
(2008) The Microbial Weathering of Lead Jarosite
Smeaton C, Fryer B & Weisener C
(2006) The Reactivity of Uranyl Phosphate Mineral Phases via microbial weathering: Short vs. Long Term Kinetics
Smeaton C, Weisener C & Fowle D

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