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Slejko F. (2010) Isotopic Evidence of Possible Cr(III) Oxidation in an Early Contaminated Site from NE Italy
Petrini R, Lutman A, Cavazzini G, Slejko F & Pezzetta E
(2005) Identification of the Hydrous Environments in Volcanic Glasses
Petrini R, Slejko FF, Forte C & D'Antonio M
(2005) Chromium Isotopic Fractionation during Cr(VI) Reduction in Groundwaters
Petrini R, Slejko FF, Ottonello G, Marini L, Vetuschi Zuccolini M & Accornero M
(2002) Melt/Biotite 11B/10B Isotopic Fractionation and the Boron Local Environment in the Structure of Volcanic Glasses
Ferrara G, Forte C, Petrini R, Slejko F & Tonarini S

Šlejkovec Z. (2010) Interaction of Hg and Other Metals with Marine Macroaggregates
Koron N, Faganeli J, Falnoga I, Šlejkovec Z, Kovač N & Mazej D

Slemons L. (2009) Biogeochemical Impacts of a Western Iron Source in the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent
Murray J, Slemons L, Gorgues T, Aumont O & Menkes C
(2008) Tracing Metals and Pathways in the Equatorial Pacific
Slemons L, Murray J, Resing J & Paul B

Sleno L. (2023) Multiple-Element Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (C, N, Cl) to Assess Photodegradation of Herbicides Atrazine and Metolachlor
Levesque-Vargas M, Höhener P, Sleno L, Gélinas Y & Ponsin V

Slepkov A. (2012) Integrated 3D Multimodal CARS Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, and Microthermometry of Gas-Rich Inclusions in the Marcellus Shale-Gas System
Burruss R, Evans M, Slepkov A, Pegoraro A & Stolow A
(2011) GEO-Cars: 3-D, Chemically Selective Imaging of Fluid Inclusions with Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
Burruss R, Slepkov A, Pegoraro A & Stolow A

Slesinger A.E. (2000) Raman Observations of the OH Stretching Region in Hydrous ß-Mg2SiO4 (Wadsleyite) to 50 GPa
Kleppe AK, Jephcoat AP, Olijnyk H, Slesinger AE, Wood BJ & Kohn SC

Slessarev E. (2023) The Cost of Cultivating Cooling: Quantifying the Contributions of Financial Incentives for Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture to Reducing Global Surface Temperatures
Mayer A, Dumortier J, Pett-Ridge J & Slessarev E
(2021) Testing the Relationship between Carbon-Use Efficiency and Soil Carbon Formation in Rhizosphere and Detritusphere Microbial Communities
Sokol N, Foley M, Hungate B, Firestone M, Blazewicz S, Slessarev E, Estera-Molina K, Greenlon A & Pett-Ridge J
(2020) Ecohydrologic Implications of Deeply Rooted Grasses
Oerter E, Nuccio E, Slessarev E, Min K, Kan M, Visser A, McFarlane K, Asefaw Berhe A & Pett-Ridge J
(2020) Applying the Pedogenic Threshold Concept at the Global Scale
Slessarev E

Sletten Ronald (2018) Using Magnesium Isotopes to Understand Chemical Weathering in Permafrost Environments
Cuozzo N, Sletten R, Hu Y & Teng F
(2017) New Insights on Brine Dynamics and Source in Don Juan Pond, Antarctica
Toner J, Catling D & Sletten R

Sletten Ronald S (2022) Active Silicate Weathering in Antarctic Ice-Rich Permafrost Revealed by Mg Isotopes
Sletten RS, Cuozzo N, Hu Y, Liu L, Teng F, Hagedorn B, Ming DW & Tu V

Sleutel M. (2015) Observing Classical Nucleation Theory at Work: Monitoring Phase Transitions with Molecular Precision
Sleutel M, Lutsko JF, Van Driessche AES, Duran-Olivencia MA & Maes D
(2014) Supersaturation-Independent Clusters: A Scaffold for Nucleation and Growth of Crystals
Sleutel M, Gil D, Maes D & Van Driessche AES

Slezak P. (2022) Characterisation of Irish Volcanic Ash Layers Using Combined in situ U-Pb and Lu-Hf Analyses of Zircon and/Or Apatite and its Implication for the Growth Rate of the Waulsortian Reef
Koch HA, Chew DM, Hitzman MW, Slezak P, Dunlevy E, Badenszki E & Holdstock M
(2021) Time for an Upgrade: The Importance of Weathering for Increasing Ore Tenor in Carbonatite Complexes
Slezak P, Hutchinson M, Spandler C, Hitzman MW & Wendlandt R
(2020) Tectonic Significance of Australian Rare Earth Element Deposits
Spandler C, Slezak P & Nazari-Dehkordi T
(2016) Age and Origin of the Yangibana LREE Deposit and Associated Ferrocarbonatites, Gascoyne Province, Western Australia
Slezak P & Spandler C

Slivko I. (2016) Biomarkers in “Extreme” Oils
Ablya E & Slivko I

Sliwinski J. (2019) Hydrological Variations Inferred from Colloidally-Transported and pH-Dependent Trace Elements in Stalagmites
Sliwinski J, Kost O & Stoll H
(2018) Controls on Lithium Concentration in Zircon
Sliwinski J, Kueter N, Guillong M & Bachmann O
(2017) 40Ar-39Ar, Chemistry and Mantle Source Modelling of Apollo 17 Basalts
Assis Fernandes V, Czaja P, Fawcett L, Khan A, Liebske C, Neal C & Sliwinski J
(2016) Biotite Trace Element Fingerprints (V-Co-nb) Identify Magma Batches and Correlate Volcano Sequences at Las Cañadas Volcano, Tenerife
Sliwinski J, Ellis B, Dávila-Harris P, Wolff J, Olin P & Bachmann O
(2014) Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Remobilized Cumulates on Tenerife, Canary Islands
Sliwinski J, Bachmann O & Ellis B

Sliwinski Maciej (2019) Large Isotopic Variability at the Micron-Scale in Shuram Excursion Carbonates from South Australia
Husson J, Linzmeier B, Sliwinski M, Kitajima K, Ishida A, Maloof A, Schoene B, Peters S & Valley J
(2018) Large δ18O and δ13C Zonations in Diagenetic Dolomites of the Bakken Formation, Middle Member
Denny A, Śliwiński M, Orland I & Valley J
(2014) An X-Ray Analysis of Solid-Phase Bromine in Gulf of Alaska Marine Sediments: Proxy Development and Paleoceanographic Applications
Addison J, Sliwinski M, Hayes S, Routson C & Foster A
(2014) Burial Temperatures and δ18O-zoning in Diagenetic Cements of the Eau Claire Fm., Illinois Basin (U.S.A.)
Sliwinski M, Kitajima K, Kozdon R, Hyodo A & Valley J

Śliwiński Marek (2023) Pre-Variscan and Variscan Evolution of the Eastern Saxothuringian Margin: Petrological, Geochemical and Geochronological Study of the Stáre Město Belt, the Sudetes
Śliwiński M, Jastrzębski M, Sláma J, Machowiak K, Kozub-Budzyń GA, Krzemińska E & Míková J
(2023) Zircon Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Volcano-Sedimentary Rocks of the Kaczawa Complex, the Sudetes (SW Poland): New Data for Early Palaeozoic Development of the Saxothuringian Basin
Jastrzębski M, Machowiak K, Śliwiński M & Sláma J

Slizhov Y. (2015) Analysis of the Carboxylic Acid in Surface Water of the Subarctic Zone of Western Siberia
Slizhov Y, Khasanov V, Makarycheva A & Mishenina L

Sloan L. (2013) Diagnosing the Hydroclimate Influences on Soil Water δ18O: Precipitation δ18O, Evaporation, or Moisture Transport?
Kanner L, Buenning N, Stott L, Timmerman A, Noone D & Sloan L
(2007) The Magnitude of Ocean Warming during the PETM: Implications for Forcing and Climate Sensitivity
Zachos J, McCarren H, Bohaty S, John C, Sluijs A, Brinkhuis H, Sinninghe Damste J, Schouten S & Sloan L

Sloan S. (2013) The Effect of Zinc, Nickel and Cobalt on Fluoride Removal by Low Cost Materials: Zeolite and Calcite
Cai Q, Turner B, Sheng D, Krabbenhoft K & Sloan S
(2011) Fluoride Removal by Calcite – Stirring Rate/Temperature Effects
Sleap S, Turner B, Krabbenhoft K & Sloan S
(2011) Fluoride Removal from Solution by Calcite — pCO2 Sorption Kinetics
Turner B, Sleap S, Krabbenhoft K & Sloan S
(2008) Bicarbonate Alkalinity Effect on the Fluoride Removal Efficiency of Activated Alumina
Sanjay S, Turner B & Sloan S
(2004) The CO2 Enhanced Removal of Fluoride Using a Calcite Permeable Reactive Barrier
Binning P, Turner B & Sloan S

Sloan W.T. (2012) Opening the Black Box: Imaging Nanoparticle Transport Through Rock with MRI
Phoenix V, Lakshmanan S, Sloan W & Holmes W
(2011) Imaging Nanoparticle Transport Through Porous Media Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lakshmanan S, Holmes W, Sloan B & Phoenix V
(2011) Psychrophilic Methanogens: A Possible Solution to More Cost-Effective Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
Couto JM, Collins G & Sloan WT
(2011) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pollutant Mass Transport in Biofilms
Ramanan B, Holmes W, Sloan W & Phoenix V
(2010) Imaging Nanoparticle Transport with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lakshmanan S, Holmes W, Sloan B & Phoenix V
(2009) Imaging Biogeochemical Processes with MRI: Application of Paramagetic Tracers
Phoenix V, Ramanan B, Sloan W & Holmes W

Sloane H.J. (2007) A High-Resolution Study of Diatom Oxygen Isotopes in a Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene Laminated Record from Lake Chungará (Andean Altiplano, Northern Chile)
Hernández A, Bao R, Giralt S, Leng MJ, Barker PA, Pueyo JJ, Sáez A, Moreno A, Valero-Garcés B & Sloane HJ

Slobodník M. (2015) The Variability of Chemical Composition of the Syntectonic Fluids, Moravo-Silesian Paleozoic
Pořádek P & Slobodník M

Slodczyk A. (2023) Phase Equilibria Point to Cold and Shallow Depth Conditions for Magma Storage at La Palma 2021 Eruption
Andújar J, Scaillet B, Casillas R, Di Carlo I, Slodczyk A, Frascerra D, Faranda CF, Jiménez Mejías M, Núñez-Guerrero E, Meletlidis S, Scaillet S & from Orléans-Olot 2021-2022 course ESG
(2023) In situ Spectroscopic Investigations of Volatiles Speciation in Hydrous Melts and Magmatic Fluids
Louvel M, Chatelin T, Hazemann J-L & Slodczyk A
(2021) Nitrogen Speciation and Solubility in Silicate Melts and Fluids
Bernadou F, Slodczyk A, Füri E, Gaillard F, Marrocchi Y & Canizares A

Slodzian G. (2016) Light Element Isotopic Composition in Ultra-Carbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites
Duprat J, Engrand C, Bardin N, Dartois E, Baklouti D, Benzerara K, Delauche L, Dobrica E, Marie G, Guerquin-Kern J-L, Kakazu Y, Leroux H, Quirico E, Remusat L, Slodzian G & Wu T-D

Slogoff-Sevilla P. (2012) Evidence for Mo, Organic Molecule, and Mineral Interactions
Morford J, Carney C, Lisher J, Murphy K, Slogoff-Sevilla P & Wishard A

Slokar Y. (2009) IHE-Adart An Innovative Dutch Arsenic Removal Technology
Petrusevksi B, Slokar Y, van der Meer WG & Schippers JC

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