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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Skyllberg U. (2017) Using Organic Matter Gradients to Predict Mercury Cycling in Perturbed Coastal Seas
Björn E, Bravo AG, Jonsson S, Seelen E, Skrobonja A, Skyllberg U, Soerensen A & Zhu W
(2016) Mercury Interactions with Thiol Ligands: Implications for Mercury Methylation
Björn E, Van L-N, Adediran G & Skyllberg U
(2013) Tracing Local Industrial Pollution Sources with Mercury Isotopes
Wiederhold JG, Jiskra M, Skyllberg U, Drott A, Jonsson S, Björn E, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Molecular-Level Studies of Fe(III) in Aquatic Systems
Karlsson T, Persson P & Skyllberg U
(2009) Seasonal Transformations of Hg and MeHg in Relation to C, Fe and S Biogeochemistry in a Sub-Oxic Lake Sediment
Skyllberg U, Karlsson A, Fredriksson I, Björn E & Meili M
(2007) Linkage between Hg(II) Pore Water Speciation and MeHg Production in Contaminated Sediments
Drott A & Skyllberg U

Slabon A. (2023) Multi-Element River Water Monitoring by Quantifying 68 Elements in One Single Analytical run
Belkouteb N, Schroeder H, van Dongen R, Terweh S, Slabon A, Arndt J, Wiederhold JG, Ternes TA & Duester L

Slaby E. (2023) Characterization of Hydrothermally Altered Allanite – TEM Study
Gmochowska W, Wirth R, Slaby E & Bhattacharya S
(2022) Metal Migration Through an Oceanic Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (ICDP OmanDP Holes CM1A and CM2B)
Marciniak D, Ciążela J, Jesus AP, Koepke J, Pieterek B, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Horn I, Kuhn T, Czupyt Z, Panczyk M, Slaby E & Prell M
(2022) Ore Minerals in Martian Meteorites: MIL 03346, NWA 5219, and NWA 13367
Fitt M, Ciazela J, Marciniak D, Paquet M, Ciazela M, Latacz L, Laban M, Blutstein K, Marciniak-Maliszewska B, Slaby E & Prell M
(2021) Improvements of Calibration Strategies for SIMS Isotope Analysis of Apatite – IAG Young Scientist Medal Lecture
Wudarska A, Slaby E, Wiedenbeck M & Couffignal F
(2020) High-K and Shoshonitic Intrusions in Southeastern Tibet: Implications for the Metasomatized Lithospheric Mantle and Enriched Continental Crust
Zhu R-Z, Lai S-C, Slaby E, Fowler M, Zhao S, Qin J & Liu W
(2013) Chemical Composition of Apatite as a Tool for Modeling Composite-Pluton Evolution Using Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA)
Lisowiec K, Slaby E, Förster H-J, Götze J & Michalak P-P
(2008) Crystal Growth in Heterogeneous Magmas – 3D Visualization and Self-Affine Fractal Statistics
Slaby E, Martin H, Domonik A & Smigielski M

Slack John (2015) Geochemical Evidence for Variable Redox Structure in the Paleoproterozoic Animikie Basin, Lake Superior Region
Tang T, Planavsky N, Slack J, Cannon W, Lyons T, Bekker A & Asael D
(2015) Do Hyperenriched Black Shales Correspond with Periods of Elevated Atmospheric O2?
Large R, Johnson S, Kelley K, Slack J & Coveney R
(2015) Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits: Modern Analogues for Precambrian Iron Formations
Rouxel O, Bekker A, Slack J & Glazer B
(2010) U-Pb and Trace Elements in Xenotime from Sediment-Hosted Co-Cu-Au and Cu-Ag Deposits, ID-MT
Aleinikoff J, Slack J, Hayes T, Fanning M, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2008) Extreme Sulfur Isotope Variation in the Dry Creek Massive Sulfide Deposit, East-Central Alaska
Slack J, Ridley I, Dusel-Bacon C & Fayek M
(2007) Tourmaline in Evaporites and Metaevaporites: Perspectives from Namibian Metasediments
Henry D, Sun H, Dutrow B & Slack J

Slack John (2016) Hadean-Eoarchean Microfossils in Hydrothermal Vent-Related Sediments
Dodd M, Rittner M, Grenne T, Pirajno F, Slack J, O'Neil J & Papineau D

Slack John (2017) The Influence of Thermal Maturation on Trace Metal/Total Organic Carbon Ratios in Black Shales of the Bakken Formation, USA
Scott C, Jarboe P, Slack J & Kelley K
(2017) Precambrian Submarine Arc Volcanoes: Deep-Water Hydrothermal Oases for Anoxygenic Iron-Oxidizing Phototrophs?
Slack J, Konhauser K, Kappler A & Planavsky N

Slack John (2020) The Role of Seafloor-Hydrothermal Activity as a Driver of Marine Anoxia
Davis Barnes B, Slack J, Hannington M, Planavsky N & Kump L
(2020) How Robust is the Cassiterite U-Pb Geochronometer?
Neymark L, Moscati R, Larin A & Slack J
(2020) Ocean-Atmosphere Redox Conditions Recorded by the 1.88 Ga Sokoman IF
Sindol G, Babechuk M, Conliffe J, Rosca C, Schoenberg R & Slack J

Slack John (2018) SGA Speaker – Sulfur Isotope Stratigraphy and the Basinal Environments of Sediment-Hosted Stratiform Zn-Pb Deposits
Johnson C, Slack J, Dumoulin J, Kelley K & Falck H
(2018) Early Ordovician Anoxia and Biological Extinction Linked to a Large Seafloor-Hydrothermal System at Løkken, Norway
Slack J & Grenne T

Slack John (2012) Bottom Water Redox Conditions and Sea Level Changes during Zn-Pb and Phosphate Mineralization, Howards Pass District, Yukon Territory
Slack J, Falck H, Kelley K & Xue G

Slack John F. (2021) Boron Isotope Variations in Tourmaline from Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: Controlling Factors and Insights for Mineralizing Systems
Trumbull RB, Codeço MS, Jiang S-Y, Palmer MR & Slack JF
(2018) Boron Isotopes in the Continental Crust: Granites, Pegmatites, Felsic Volcanic Rocks, and Related Ore Deposits
Trumbull RB & Slack JF

Slade A.T. (2012) Exploring Water Quality and Flows Paths Using Boron Isotope Data
Slade A, Warner NR, Vengosh A & Whitehead BP
(2011) Testing a Geochemical Tracer Tool in New Zealand Water
Slade A, Warner N, Vengosh A & Whitehead B
(2010) Incorporating Boron Isotope Compositions in a Spatial Investigation of the Fate of Contaminated Water
Slade AT & Whitehead B
(2009) Using Boron Isotopic Compositions to Identify the Origin of Water: Contaminants from Landfill Site or Geothermal Activity
Slade A & Hikuroa D

Slade J. (2016) Multiphase Chemical Oxidation of Atmospheric Organic Aerosol
Knopf D, Slade J, Arangio A, Shiraiwa M, Forrester S, Li J, Wang J, Su H & Poschl U
(2015) Multiphase Chemical Kinetics of OH Radical Uptake by Semisolid Organic Aerosol Particles
Shiraiwa M, Arnagio A, Slade J, Berkemeier T, Pöschl U & Knopf D

Sladek M. (2017) Microbial Community Development Under Iron-Reducing Conditions in Wetland Sediment Microcosms Amended with Electron Shuttles
Flynn T, Sladek M, Jensvold Z, Marshall C, Antonopoulos D, Koval J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E

Slagle A.L. (2019) Geological Storage of CO2 in Sub-Seafloor Basalt Offshore Washington State and British Columbia
Goldberg D, Aston L, Bonneville A, Demirkanli I, Fisher AT, Gerrard M, Giammar D, Heesemann M, Knottavange-Telleen K, Hsu E, Moran K, Park A, Scherwath M, Slagle AL, Stute M, Weathers TS, Webb R, Wells RK, White MD & White SK

Slagle J. (2019) Siderophile Element Heterogeneity of the Early Mantle: The Western Australia Komatiite Connection
Puchtel IS, Nicklas RW, Slagle J, Locmelis M, Nisbet EG & Walker RJ

Slagstad T. (2020) Geochronology of the Karasjok Greenstone Belt Establishes the ~2.22-2.06 Ga Lomagundi Age for the Corgaš Formation Carbonates with Highly Positive Carbon Isotope Values
Hansen H, Slagstad T, Bekker A & Bergh S
(2017) Zircon and Monazite Geochronology of Long-Lived (>150 Myr) Metamorphism and Magmatism during the Terminal Stages of Fennoscandian Shield Evolution
Slagstad T, Roberts NMW, Kirkland CL, Røhr TS & Coint N
(2017) Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Sveconorwegian Orogen Recorded in the Chemical and Isotopic Composition of 1070–920 Ma Granites
Granseth AU, Slagstad T, Coint N, Sørensen BE & Roberts NMW

Slagter S. (2023) The Role of Substrate and Seawater Geochemistry in Shaping the Fossilization of Earth's Earliest Animal Communities
Slagter S, Hao W, Planavsky NJ, Konhauser KO & Tarhan L
(2023) Preservation of Biosignature Fabrics in an Extinct, Variably Recrystallized Sinter Mound, El Tatio, Chile
van Zuilen MA, Wilmeth D, Nabhan S, Liesegang M, Slagter S, Sans-Jofre P, Homann M, Konhauser KO & Munoz-Saez C
(2022) The Role of Microbial Mats in “Ediacara-Style” Preservation
Slagter S, Hao W, Planavsky NJ, Konhauser KO & Tarhan L
(2018) Carbon-14 Dating of Silica Sinter Deposits from El Tatio, Chile
Slagter S, Reich M, Muñoz-Sáez C, Morata D & Southon J

Sláma Jiří (2023) Pre-Variscan and Variscan Evolution of the Eastern Saxothuringian Margin: Petrological, Geochemical and Geochronological Study of the Stáre Město Belt, the Sudetes
Śliwiński M, Jastrzębski M, Sláma J, Machowiak K, Kozub-Budzyń GA, Krzemińska E & Míková J
(2023) Zircon Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Volcano-Sedimentary Rocks of the Kaczawa Complex, the Sudetes (SW Poland): New Data for Early Palaeozoic Development of the Saxothuringian Basin
Jastrzębski M, Machowiak K, Śliwiński M & Sláma J
(2020) Composition of the Neoarchean Granitic Rocks from the Bienville and La Grande Domains, Superior Province, Canada
Ackerman L, Žák J, Svojtka M, Tomek F & Sláma J

Slama Jiri (2015) Mid to Late Cretaceous Plutons Recording Strain Variations in the Sierra Nevada, California
Tomek F, Žák J, Verner K, Holub F, Sláma J, Memeti V & Paterson S
(2015) Re-Os and Lu-Hf Isotope Constraints on the Origin and Age of Pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif
Haluzova E, Ackerman L, Slama J, Svojtka M & Hirajima T

Slama Jiri (2022) Rodinia, peri-Gondwana and Convergence with Baltica in the Late Ediacaran-Cambrian
Zelazniewicz A, Oberc-Dziedzic T & Slama J

Slama Jiri (2017) Hafnium Isotope Systematics of Carbonatites and Alkaline Silicate Rocks from South and West India
Ackerman L, Slama J, Haluzova E, Magna T, Rapprich V, Kochergina Y & Upadhyay D

Slama Jiri (2013) Timing and Sources of Pre-Collisional Neoproterozoic Sedimentation along the SW Margin of the Congo Craton (Kaoko Belt, NW Namibia)
Konopásek J, Košler J, Sláma J & Janoušek V
(2011) Factors Affecting Detrital Zircon Age Distribution – Natural Samples and Experimental Approach
Slama J & Kosler J
(2008) Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Dating Using Multiple Channeltron Ion Counting Detection
Kosler J, Fliegel D, Slama J & Pedersen R-B
(2008) Evolution of the Jan Mayen Ridge – New Data from the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone
Slama J, Pedersen R-B & Kosler J
(2007) Plešovice Zircon – A New Natural Standard for U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Microanalysis
Slama J, Kosler J, Crowley JL, Gerdes A, Hanchar J, Horstwood MSA, Morris GA, Nasdala L, Schaltegger U & Tubrett MN
(2007) Radiation Damage, Internal Textures and Post-Growth History of the Plešovice Zircon Standard
Norberg N, Nasdala L, Kosler J, Slama J, Götze J & Groschopf N
(2006) Deciphering metamorphic evolution of rocks by means of Hf isotopes
Slama J, Kosler J & Pedersen R-B

Slanger T. (2016) Understanding Molecular Oxygen in Cometary Atmospheres
Kalogerakis K & Slanger T

Slater B (2001) Atomistic Models of Cation Ordering and Substitution in Dolomite
Wright K, Cygan RT & Slater B
(2000) The Computer Simulation of Calcite Growth Inhibition: A Monophosphonate Study
Ojo S, Slater B & Catlow R

Slater Ben (2017) Oxygen Minimum Zones in the Early Cambrian Ocean
Guilbaud R, Slater B, Poulton S, Harvey T, Brocks J, Nettersheim B & Butterfield N

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