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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Skarpeli-Liati M. (2011) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidation of Substituted Anilines by Manganese Oxide
Skarpeli-Liati M, Jiskra M, Arnold WA, Cramer CJ & Hofstetter TB
(2009) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidation of Substituted Anilines at Manganese Oxides
Skarpeli-Liati M, Schwarzenbach RP & Hofstetter TB

Skarpelis N. (2009) Characterization of Sources of Inhalable Particulate Matter (PM10) in the Old Processing and Smelting Site of Lavrion, Greece
Skarpelis N, Argyraki A & Grypioti A
(2009) Modelling of an Acid Pit Lake from an Abandoned High Sulfidation Deposit: Kirki, NE Greece
Triantafyllidis S & Skarpelis N
(2007) Deciphering the Time of Igneous Activity in the Lavrion Ore Province, Attica, Greece: Manifestation of Late Miocene and Triassic Magmatism
Liati A, Skarpelis N & Pe-Piper G
(2007) Fluid Inclusions, REE and Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of the Lavrion Carbonate Hosted Ore Deposit, SE Attica, Greece
Skarpelis N, Lüders V & Banks D

Skartsila K. (2011) Solubility and Toxicity of Hydroxylapatite (HAP) Nanoparticles (NPs): Implications for Nanobiomaterial Safety
Skartsila K, Misra S & Valsami-Jones E

Skattum S.B. (2016) Multiscale Models and Experiments of Chemo-Mechanical Effects of CO2 Sequestration in Carbonate Reservoirs
Bergsaker AS, Skattum SB, Keszthelyi D, Jamtvei B & Dysthe DK

Skatvold A.M. (2001) Biologically Induced Formation of Novel Nanocrystalline Iron Oxyhydroxides
Welch SA, Nesterova M, Chan CS, Skatvold AM & Banfield JF
(2000) Biogenic Carbonate Precipitation by a Planktonic Microbial Population
Welch SA, Skatvold AM, Labrenz M, Druschel GK, Thomsen-Ebert T & Banfield JF

Skei J. (2010) On the Comparison of Redox-Interfaces Structure in Black Sea, Baltic Sea and Oslo Fjord
Yakushev E, Skei J & Pakhomova S

Skeie R.B. (2009) Black Carbon as a Climate Agent: Least Cost Strategies for Abatement
Rive N, Rypdal K, Berntsen TK, Klimont Z, Mideksa TK, Myhre G & Skeie RB

Skelton Adam (2010) Towards an Accurate Prediction of Surface Protonation Equilibria: Quantifying Interfacial Structure via the Bond Valence-MUSIC Model Framework
Machesky M, Predota M, Vlcek L, Rosenqvist J, Skelton A, Cummings P, Ridley M, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Bandura A & Wesolowski D
(2010) A Combined Computational/Experimental Approach to Understanding the Quartz/Water Interface
Skelton A, Kubicki J, Fenter P, Van Duin A, Wesolowski D & Cummings P
(2004) Hydrogeochemical Changes Before and after a Major Earthquake
Claesson L, Skelton A & Graham C

Skelton Adam (2015) Computer Simulations of Quartz (101)-Water Interface over a Range of pH Values
Kroutil O, Chval Z, Skelton A & Předota M

Skelton Alasdair (2019) Ikaite Column Formation Explained by Secondary Alteration of a Syenite-Carbonatite Complex
Tollefsen E, Skelton A, Stockmann G, Lundqvist L & Sturkell E
(2019) Sr and Ar Diffusion Systematics in Polygenetic White Micas from Naxos
Villa IM, Glodny J, Ring U, Skelton A & Peillod A
(2018) Fluid-Rock Reaction in N Iceland in Connection with Earthquakes
Stockmann G, Skelton A, Andrén M, Sturkell E, Keller N, Kjartansdóttir R, Balic-Zunic T, Siegmund H & Hjartarson H
(2017) Bolin Centre Climate Festival 2017
Stockmann G, Burström A, Jonsell K, Däcker E, Skelton A & Kirchner N
(2017) What Controls Ikaite (CaCO36H2O) Formation in Ikka Fjord, Greenland?
Stockmann G, Tollefsen E, Skelton A, Brüchert V, Balic-Zunic T, Langhof J & Skogby H
(2017) Chemical Controls on Ikaite Formation
Tollefsen E, Stockmann G, Skelton A, Mörth C-M, Dupraz C & Sturkell E
(2015) Putative Biogenic Signature found in Extremely REE Enriched Black Substance, Ytterby Mine, Sweden
Sjöberg S, Rattray J, Callac N, Allard B, Skelton A, Dupraz C, Ivarsson M, Karlsson S & Sjöberg V
(2013) Non-Linear Rates of Fluid-Mineral Reaction in Metamorphic Fluid Flow
Zhao Z & Skelton A
(2011) Flux Rates for Water and Carbon during Greenschist Facies Metamorphism
Skelton A
(2011) Evidence of K-Fe Metasomatism in the SW Scottish Highlands
Kleine B, Skelton A & Pitcairn I

Skelton J. (2019) Atom-Level Modelling the Free Energy of Adsorption of Hazardous Compounds at Soil-Water Interfaces
Ohene-Yeboah L, Underwood T, Skelton J & Parker S
(2017) Adsorption of Contaminants on Clay Mineral Surfaces
Ohene-Yeboah L, Grant J, Skelton J & Parker S

Skelton Peter (2016) Isotopic and Trace Element Seasonality in Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves (Hippuritida): Tracing Cretaceous Seasonality
de Winter N, Snoeck C, Skelton P, Huck S & Claeys P

Skelton Peter W. (2017) C-Isotope Stratigraphy of the Early Aptian OAE1a: Contribution to Global Correlation from a New High-Resolution Record (the Cau Core – Prebetic Zone, Southern Spain)
Castro JM, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Aguado R, Gallego D, de Gea GA, Jarvis I, López C, Molina JM, Nieto LM, Pancost R, Quijano ML, Reolid M, Rodríguez R, Skelton PW & Weissert H

Skelton S. (2023) The Development of Reference Material and Calibration Curves for Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Tourmaline by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Whattam J, Sharpe R, Skelton S, Day MC, Fayek M, Hawthorne FC, Xu C & Gallagher S

Skemer P. (2016) Reaction Products and Evolution of Permeability during Carbon Sequestration in Fractures of Unaltered and Serpentinized Basalt
Adeoye J, Menefee A, Xiong W, Wells R, Skemer P, Giammar D & Ellis B

Skennerton C. (2017) Taking the Pulse of the Subseafloor Biosphere, Strategies for Studying Microbial Activity and Slow Growth
Orphan V, Trembath-Reichert E, Chadwick G, McGlynn S, Kopf S, Hatzenpichler R, Skennerton C, Morono Y & Inagaki F
(2015) Tracking the Genomic Signatures and Metabolic Interactions within Single Methane-Oxidizing Archaeal-Bacterial Consortia
Orphan V, Hatzenpilcher R, Chadwick G, Skennerton C, Yu H, Scheller S, McGlynn S, Goudeau D, Malstrom R & Woyke T

Felipe dos Santos P, Gaona X, Lassin A, Garbev K, Skerencak-Frech A, Touzelet S, Cartigny Y, Altmaier M & Madé B
(2020) Impact of Carbonate on the Sorption of Eu(III) and Cm(III) on Clay Minerals: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
Skerencak-Frech A, Rieder F, Trumm M, Rabung T & Geckeis H
(2016) ThermAc: A Joint Project on Aquatic Actinide Chemistry and Thermodynamics at Elevated Temperature Conditions
Bosbach D, Altmaier M, Gaona X, Endrizzi F, Brendler V, Steudtner R, Franzen C, Tsushima S, Panak P, Skerencak-Frech A, Hagemann S, Brandt F, Krüger S, Colas E, Grive M, Thoenen T, Kulik D & Finkeldei S

Skeries K.

Škerlep M. (2017) Effect of Decreasing Sulphate Concentrations on Iron Mobility in Soils
Škerlep M, Björnerås C & Kritzberg E

Sket B. (2003) Preservation of Organic Matter in Macroaggregates
Kovac N, Faganeli J, Bajt O, Sket B, Orel B & Mozetic P
(2002) Spectroscopic Studies (FT-Ir, 13C and 1H-Nmr) of Macroaggregates in the Northern Adriatic
Kovac N, Bajt O, Faganeli J, Sket B & Orel B

Skewes M.A. (2009) Genesis of Igneous Rocks Associated with El Teniente Cu-Deposit, Chile
Stern CR, Skewes MA & Arévalo A

Skhirtladze I. (2020) Upper Miocene Megavolcano in the Lesser Caucasus, Georgia-Turkish Border: Geological and Isotope Evidences
Okrostsvaridze A, Gamkrelidze I, Boichenko G & Skhirtladze I
(2017) Silica Deposits Perspectives of the Cenozoic Samtskhe-Javakheti Volcanic Highland, Southern Georgia
Skhirtladze I & Okrostsvaridze A

Skiba Vladimir (2020) Chemical Stability vs. Isotope Changes in Ferrous Mineral Water (Karelia, Northwest Russia)
Yakovlev E, Tokarev I, Borodulina G, Kamensky I & Skiba V

Skiba Vladimir I. (2009) Mantle and Crustal Helium in Ancient Mafic Rocks: Components, Sites and Mobilities
Tolstikhin I, Kamensky I, Tarakanov S, Kramers J, Pekala M, Skiba V & Gannibal M
(2007) Helium Isotope Signatures in Rocks, Minerals, and Related Groundwater: Residence Time of He in a Sandstone – Shale Interlayering (Molasse Basin, N. Switzerland)
Tolstikhin I, Waber N, Loosli HH, Kamensky I, Skiba VI & Novokov D

Skidmore A. (2014) Extraction of Tellurium for Use in High Technology as a Byproduct of Current Mining Processes
Hayes S, Skidmore A & Spry P

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