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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Siringan Fernando (2018) Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Quinn T, Shen C-C, Erb M, DiNezio P, Okumura Y, Siringan F, Cardenas MB, Thirumalai K, Lin K, Wu C-C, Banner J, Hu H, Jackson C & Taylor F
(2016) Distrbution of Pu in the Coral of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Hong GH, Kim SH, Lee H, Kawahata H, Siringan FP, Anderson DM, Ketterer ME & Baskaran M
(2016) Differences of Coral 129I and 14C as Nuclear Bomb Indicators
Bautista AV, Matsuzaki H & Siringan F

Sirio C. (2013) μ-XRD, μ-XRF, and µ-XANES Synchrotron Analyses of Heterogeneous Mine-Waste Materials Related to AMD Processes
Carbone C, Giuli G, Sirio C, Pietro M & Lucchetti G

Siripornadulsil S. (2012) Bioremediation of Heavy Metals Using Transgenic Microalgae
Rajamani S, Siripornadulsil S, Falcao V, Torres M, Colepicolo P & Sayre R

Sirocko F. (2023) Improved Calibration of the GDGT Paleothermometer in Lake Sediments and Reconstruction of Warm Season Temperatures in Europe during the Past 60, 000 Years
Zander PD, Böhl D, Sirocko F, Haug GH & Martinez-Garcia A

Sirois M. (2017) The Impact of Fe and Cu on the Natural Phytoplankton Communities and on the Complexing Organic Ligand Pool Through Incubation Experiments at the Vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean)
Gonzalez AG, Sarthou G, Chever F, Bowie A, van der Merwe P, Cheize M, Sirois M, Bucciarelli E, Obernosterer I, Catala P & Blain S

Siron G. (2023) PyDEW: A Python Interface for Calculations with the Deep Earth Water Model
Matthews S, Ghiorso MS, Sverjensky DA, Huang F & Siron G
(2023) Tracking the Migration and Conversion of Metamorphic H2 and Reduced Carbonic Fluids in Orogenic Belts
Vitale Brovarone A, Boutier A, Olivieri OS, Ressico F, Giuntoli F, Siron G, Pastore Z & Peverelli V
(2023) Strategies for Oxygen Isotope Thermometry for High-Temperature Rocks in the Age of SIMS
Bonamici C, Roig CI, Siron G & Blum T
(2023) Investigating the Complexity of Mantle Wedge Hydration Using Automated Thermodynamic Modeling of Fluid-Rock Interactions
Siron G & Vitale Brovarone A
(2022) The Refractory Precursor of Al-Rich Chondrules in Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites: CAI or non-CAi?
Zhang M, Fukuda K, Siron G & Kita NT
(2022) Tracking Deep Fluid Infiltration along Major Detachment Fault Using a Multi-Mineral in situ Oxygen Isotopes Approach, a Case Study from the Buckskin-Rawhide Complex
Bonamici C, Siron G & Roig CI
(2022) Capturing Low-δ18O Fluid Infiltration along a Detachment Fault: A Case Study from the Buckskin-Rawhide Metamorphic Core Complex
Siron G, Bonamici C & Roig CI
(2020) Younger Al-Mg Ages of Chondrules in CO Chondrites Than L/LL Chondrites
Kita N, Fukuda K, Siron G & Kimura M
(2017) Importance of Relative Water Fugacity Estimates in Metagranites and White Schists from SIMS Measurements of Water in Phengite
Luisier C, Baumgartner LP, Bouvier A-S, Siron G, Vaughan-Hammon J & Schmalholz SM
(2017) Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Decipher Fluid-Rock Interaction
Baumgartner L, Bégué F, Siron G, Luisier C, Marger K & Bouvier A-S
(2017) Chlorine Content in Biotite as Tracer of Fluid-Rock Interaction during Contact Metamorphism
Siron G, Bodner R, Baumgartner L, Bouvier A-S & Putlitz B

Siron Valerie (2016) Testing Nano Effect onto Model Bacteria: Impact of Speciation and Genotypes
Gelabert A, Sivry Y, Gobbi P, Mansour N, Menguy N, Brayner R, Siron V, Benedetti MF & Ferrari R

Siron Valérie (2009) Fate of Manufactured Mineral Nanoparticles in Freshwater
Sivry Y, Gélabert A, Siron V, Ferrari R, Juillot F & Benedetti M

Sironval V. (2019) Silanol Distribution is the Main Determinant of the Membranolytic and Inflammatory Activity of Respirable Silica Particles
Pavan C, Tomatis M, Leinardi R, Santalucia R, Fabbiani M, Yakoub Y, Uwambayinema F, Sironval V, Pastero L, Fubini B, Martra G, Turci F & Lison D

Sirotkina E. (2018) Interphase Partitioning of Minor Elements in the Transition Zone and Uppermost Lower Mantle
Bobrov A, Tamarova A, Sirotkina E, Zhang G & Irifune T
(2017) Ti-Rich Phases in the MgO–SiO2–TiO2 System at 10–24 GPa:composition, Solid Solutions, and Structural Features
Sirotkina E, Bobrov A, Bindi L & Irifune T
(2016) Na-Bearing Phases in the Deep Transition Zone and Lower Mantle: Composition, Structural Features and Na Transport to the Deep Earth
Tamarova A, Bindi L, Bobrov A, Sirotkina E, Tschauner O, Walter M & Irifune T
(2014) Cr-Rich Phases in the MgO-SiO2-Cr2O3 System at 10-25 GPa: Composition, Solid Solutions, and Structural Features
Sirotkina E, Bindi L, Bobrov A & Irifune T
(2013) Experimental Study of the System Mg<sub>4</sub>Si<sub>4</sub>O12 – Mg<sub>3</sub>Cr<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O12 at 12-25 GPa and 1600℃
Sirotkina E, Bobrov A, Luca B & Tetsuo I
(2011) Pyroxene and Olivine Exsolution Textures in Majoritic Garnets from the Mir Kimberlitic Pipe (Yakutia)
Sirotkina E, Bobrov A, Garanin V, Bovkun A, Shkurskii B & Korost D

Siroux B. (2017) Predictive Modelling of the Adsorption of Cs and Sr onto French Soils
Siroux B, Beaucaire C, Benedetti MF & Reiller PE
(2017) Modelling of Sr Reactive Transport in a Clayey Sandstone at Different Scales
Wissocq A, Latrille C, Siroux B & Beaucaire C
(2016) Adsorption Behaviour of Cs+ and Sr2+ onto Natural Clays Towards a Predictive Modelling
Siroux B, Benedetti MF, Reiller PE & Beaucaire C

Sisk C. (2017) Solubility of Nd(OH)3 at High pH
Icenhower J, Sisk C, Kirkes L, Knox J, Marrs C & Dean J

Siska A. (2019) Pyrite Dissolution Rate in Saline Fluids and Implications for Fracking
Vandeginste V, Siska A & Belshaw G

Sisma-Ventura G. (2021) Sr and O Isotope Analyses Reveal Late Cretaceous Shark Teeth in Iron Age Strata of Jerusalem
Tütken T, Weber M, Zohar I, Helmy H, Bourgon N, Lernau O, Jochum KP & Sisma-Ventura G
(2015) The Distributions of Carbon Isotopes and the Carbonate System Variables in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin
Yam R, Sisma-Ventura G, Kress N & Shemesh A

Sison-Mangus M. (2020) A Novel Random Forest Approach to Revealing Interactions and Disentangling Inland and Oceanic Controls over Coastal Phytoplankton Productivity
Cheng Y, Bhoot V, Kumbier K, Sison-Mangus M & Newcomer M

Sissman O. (2019) The Development of a Subduction Channel Serpentinite Reservoir: Insights from IODP Expedition 366 Recovered Solids and Fluids
Ryan J, Johnston R, Jensen O, Menzies C, Price R, Sissman O & Wheat G
(2019) The Role of Metallic Cation in H2 Production during Hydrothermal Reactions
Martinez I, Geymond U, Guelard J, Ekambas P, Chardin M & Sissmann O
(2017) Compositional Variability in Serpentinite Solids, IODP Expedition 366: Insights into a Developing Subduction Channel
Ryan J, Johnston R, Menzies C, Price R, Sissman O, Fryer P & Wheat G

Sissmann Olivier (2017) Plugging Wellbore Formations with Environment-Friendly Silicate Gels
Sissmann O, Fleury M, Leveque I, Henaut I, Chardin M, Labaume J & Brosse E
(2017) Chemistry of Slab-Derived Fluids in the Mariana Forearc
Menzies CD, Ryan JG, Price RE, Sissmann O, Wheat CG & Expedition 366 Science Party I
(2017) Abiotic Hydrocarbon Production: The Role of Mineral Catalysts
Kularatne K, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Chardin M, Carlut J & Guyot F
(2017) Formation of Reduced Carbon Compounds Using Natural Catalysts in Hydrothermal Experiments
Martinez I, Vacquand C, Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Milesi V & Bernard S
(2017) Natural H2 Associated to N2 and He in Intra-Cratonic Environments
Guélard J, Beaumont V, Rouchon V, Sissmann O, Guyot F, Newell DK & Deville E

Sissmann Olivier (2018) The Role of Ammonium in Native H2 Production in Continental Lithosphere
Guélard J, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Bordmann V & Fleury J-M
(2018) Abiogenic Formation of Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds within the Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes of the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Sissmann O, Price R, Elvert M, Heuer V, Prieto X, Monnin C, Rouchon V, Noirez S, Beaumont V, Menzies C & Takai K
(2018) Formation Processe(s) of Methane in Submarine Mud-Volcanoes from the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Labidi J, Sissmann O, Giunta T, Price R, Takai K, Kohl I & Young E
(2018) CO2 Storage and H2 Production from Olivine Bearing Mine Tailings
Kularatne K, Martinez I & Sissmann O

Sissmann Olivier (2021) The Concentration of Organic Compounds in high-Ph Waters of Serpentinizing Environments Determined by 1H NMR: Continental Sites (Oman, Liguria, New Caledonia, Portugal) and a Marine Environment (Marianna Mud Volcanoes: IODP Exp 366, ODP Legs 125 and 195)
Monnin C, Sissmann O, Berger G, Quéméneur M, Price R, Pelletier B, Marquès J & Wheat CG
(2021) Redox-Dependent Recycling of Carbon in Subduction Zones: A Petrological and Isotope Study from the Belvidere Mountain Complex Ultramafic Body
Boutier A, Vitale Brovarone A, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Agostini S, Daniel I & Mana S
(2021) Serpentinization in Formate-Bearing Fluids: An Experimental Approach at 300℃-25 MPa
Barbier S, Andreani M, Grossi V, Gaucher E, Sissmann O, Daniel I, Menez B, Antheaume I, Albalat E, Fellah C, Cardon H, Jame P, Saupin X & Bonjour E

Sissmann Olivier (2023) Tracing Volatile Cycling during Progressive Subduction in the Mariana Forearc
Menzies CD, Ryan J, Sissmann O, Price R, Foster GL, Boyce A & Wheat CG
(2023) Reassessing the Role of Magnetite during Natural Hydrogen Generation
Martinez I, Geymond U, Briolet T, Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Duttine M & Moretti I
(2023) Composition and Origin of Gas Associated with High pH Waters within the Mid-Continent Rift in Minnesota (USA)
Combaudon V, Julia G, Sissmann O, Noirez S, McKeever D, Derluyn H & Deville E
(2023) A Multiscale Petrology Study on Fe-Rich Clays Minerals in Fayalite-Bearing Gabbros within the Kansas (USA) Precambrian Basement: An Attempt to Quantify Natural Hydrogen Generated
Combaudon V, Kularatne K, Centrella S, Sissmann O, Deville E & Derluyn H
(2023) Setting Upper Limits on the Natural Hydrogen Generation in Intracratonic Areas
Kularatne K, Sénéchal P, Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Deville E & Derluyn H
(2023) Changes in Hydrogen Conversion Kinetics and Microbial Response to Variations in Temperature and Mineralogy
Muller E, Julia G, Sissmann O, Tafit A & Poirier S
(2023) Towards a New Economically Viable CCUS Process ? Producing Clean H2 by Solid Storage of CO2 into Mine Slags
Sissmann O & Kularatne K

Sissmann Olivier (2022) Tackling TSR Risk in Deeply Buried Carbonate Reservoirs: New Insights from Coupling Fluid Inclusion Study with Clumped Isotopes Δ47/U-Pb Thermochronology
Sissmann O, Gasparrini M, Renard S, Maurand N, Wenke A, Henriksen LB, Rhodes P, Gerdes A & Eiler J
(2022) Experimental Study of Microstructural Controls on the Weathering of Carbonate Rocks
Briolet T, Sissmann O, Bemer E, Poitrineau V, Pelerin M, Bellamy M & Fortin J
(2022) Can Weathering of Banded Iron Formations Generate Natural Hydrogen? Constraints from Thermodynamic Modeling and Experiments
Geymond U, Sissmann O, Briolet T, Martinez I & Moretti I
(2022) Investigating and Quantifying Natural H2 Emissions within the Fe-Rich Kansas Precambrian Granitoid Crust, Through High Resolution Microscopy and Tomography
Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Kularatne K, Julia G, Guyot F, Bernard S, Viennet J-C, Martinez I, Renard S, Newell KD, Derluyn H & Deville E

Sissmann Olivier (2012) Feedback Effects of Clay Minerals Formation on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Olivine Carbonation within Tholeiitic Basalt
Sissmann O, Daval D, Martinez I, Brunet F, Verlaguet A, Pinquier Y & Guyot F
(2011) Effects of Organic Ligands and Temperature on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Olivine Carbonation
Sissmann O, Daval D, Martinez I, Brunet F, Findling N & Guyot F
(2009) How do Silica Coatings Affect Mineral Weathering Rates?
Daval D, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Hellmann R, Goffé B & Guyot F

Sissmann Olivier

Sissmann Olivier (2015) Hydrogen Migration Through Porous Media: An Experimental Comparative Study in Cap and Reservoir Rocks
Cherubini A, Sissmann O, Garcia B, Vacquand C, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Cerepi A, Magnier C, Rouchon V & Beaumont V
(2015) New Experimental Insights on Hydrogen/Hydrocarbon Generation and Simultaneous Carbonation of Olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4
Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Martinez I, Chardin M, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Labaume J, Lopes De Azavedo J, Lutz F, Hayrault P, Kohler E, Cordier L, Carlut J & Guyot F

Sissmann Olivier (2016) Experimental Destabilization of Reservoir Rocks Under Low-Grade Metaphorphism: A Potential Source for CO2 Plumes in Basins ?
Sissmann O, Brosse E, Kohler E, Chardin M, Bachaud P & Gaucher E
(2016) Using Environment-Friendly Silicate Gels to Plug Near Wellbore Formations
Fleury M, Sissmann O, Brosse E, Chardin M & Berthe G
(2016) Catalytic Potential of Natural Minerals Towards Fischer-Tropsch Type (FTT) Synthesis of Hydrocarbons
Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Martinez I, Chardin M, Carlut J & Guyot F

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