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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Sinha V. (2009) Springtime Boreal VOCs: The Role of Monoterpenes in Selected Intense Nucleation Events (Source Inventory)
Eerdekens G, Sinha V, Yassaa N, Aalto P, Aufmhoff H, Arnold F, Kulmala M & Williams J

Sinha Ray S. (2004) Arsenic Reduction by Bacteria in Shallow Aquifers from Ambikanagar in West Bengal (India)
Routh J, Saraswathy A, Bhattacharya A, Nag S, Sinha Ray S & Jacks G

Sinigoi S. (2016) Comparing the Cana Brava and Niquelândia Complexes: Large Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Lower Crust and Contamination Processes
Giovanardi T, Girardi VAV, Correia CT, Sinigoi S, Tassinari CCG, Mazzucchelli M & Sforna MC
(2007) Further Evidence for a Two Stage Magmatic Underplating Event in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy
Günes Z, Klötzli U & Sinigoi S
(2002) Age of Magmatism in the Ivrea Zone, NW Italy: A Zircon Study to Test the Emplacement Model
Peressini G, Poller U, Todt W, Quick JE, Sinigoi S & Sbisa' A

Sinitsa S. (2017) Sulfur Speciation in Soft Tissues from a Jurassic Ornithischian Dinosaur
McNamara M, Godefroit P, Benton M, Dhouailly D, Sinitsa S, Reschetova S & Spagna P

Sinitsyn K. (2023) Pyroxenite and Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe: Metasomatism and Paleosubduction
Kalashnikova T, Kostrovitsky S, Sinitsyn K & Yudintseva E
(2022) The Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition of Siberian Eclogite Xenoliths: Paleosubdiction Significance
Kalashnikova T, Kostrovitsky S, Solovieva L, Sinitsyn K & Yudintseva E
(2021) The Geochemical Features and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Eclogite and Clinopyroxenite Xenoliths from Kimberlite Pipes of Siberian Craton
Kalashnikova T, Kostrovitsky S, Solovieva L, Sinitsyn K & Yudintseva E

Sinke D. (2014) Impact of Species Composition on Paleosalinity Reconstructions from Coastal δD Alkenone Records
van der Meer M, M'Boule D, Kasper S, Chivall D, Sinke D, Schefuss E, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damste J

Sinmyo R. (2019) Core-Mantle Interaction Through Liquid Magnesium Silicate Release from the Earth's Core
Helffrich G, Hirose K, Nomura R & Sinmyo R
(2018) Anomalous Behavior of the Compressibility and Thermal Conductivity of Fe, Al-Bearing Bridgmanite
Okuda Y, Ohta K, Sinmyo R, Yagi T, Ohishi Y & Hirose K
(2017) Evolution and Structure of an Outer Core Crystallizing SiO2
Helffrich G, Hirose K, Morard G & Sinmyo R
(2017) Density and Structure of Amorphous Silicate at High Pressure Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Kupenko I, Sahle C, Spiekermann G, Weis C, Sternemann C, Sinmyo R, Hennet L, Wilke M & Rubie D
(2017) Effect of Fe3+ on the Subsolidus and Melting Phase Relations Under Lower Mantle Conditions
Sinmyo R, Nakajima Y, McCammon C, Miyajima N, Petitgirard S, Myhill R & Frost D
(2016) Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Lower Mantle Minerals
Ohta K, Okuda Y, Yagi T, Hirose K & Sinmyo R
(2016) Crystallization of SiO2 in the Core Before Inner Core Formation
Hirose K, Morard G, Sinmyo R & Hernlund J
(2016) Amorphous MgSiO3 and SiO2 Densities at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Journaux B, Collings I, Kantor I, Hennet L, Harries D, Dane T, Burghamer M & Rubie D
(2016) Sound Velocity of Liquid Fe-Si Alloy Under High Pressures
Nakajima Y, Imada S, Hirose K, Kuwayama Y, Sinmyo R, Tateno S, Tsutsui S, Ushiyama H & Baron A
(2016) The Spin State of Fe3+ in Lower Mantle Bridgmanite
Sinmyo R, McCammon C & Dubrovinsky L
(2015) Fate of Silicate Melts at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Harries D & Rubie D

Sinnet B. (2018) Nanoparticles in Sewage Sludge: Natural, Incidental or Engineered?
Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Gogos A, Sinnet B, Vriens B, Winkel L, Hug S & Berg M
(2012) Fate of Metallic Silver Nanoparticles in a Sewer System
Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Sinnet B, Hagendorfer H & Ort C
(2010) Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles in a Waste Water Treatment Plant
Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Zuleeg S, Sinnet B, Eugster J, Burkhardt M & Siegrist H

Sinninghe Damste Jaap (2019) Biomarker Evidence for Cyanobacterial Blooms in a Brackish Surface Layer in the Mediterranean Sea during S5 Sapropel Deposition
Bale N, Hennekam R, Hopmans E, Dorhout D, Reichart G-J, van der Meer M, Villareal T, Sinninghe Damsté J & Schouten S
(2019) Aerobic Methanotrophy in North Sea Sediment and Baltic Sea Water Column as Revealed by Bacteriohopanepolyol Lipids and Genomic Approaches
Rush D, Villanueva L, van der Meer M & Sinninghe Damsté J
(2017) Branched GDGTs as Palaeoenvironmental Proxies: Origin, Application and Limitations
Sinninghe Damste J

Sinninghe Damste Jaap S. (2021) Occurrence of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea over the Last 56 kyr
van Kemenade ZR, Hennekam R, van der Meer M, Hopmans EC, Villanueva L, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Rush D
(2021) Spatial Distribution of Lipid Biomarkers, Dinoflagellate Cysts and Pollen in Coastal Marine Surface Sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Sangiorgi F, Sluijs A, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Peterse F
(2021) Omics of Complex Environmental Microbial Communities
Ding S, Bale NJ, Hopmans EC, Villanueva L, Arts MGI, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2018) Unusual Lipid Biomarkers at Terrestrial Methane Seeps in Southern Sicily, Italy
Smit NT, Grassa F, Rush D, Villanueva L, Hopmans EC, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Schouten S
(2018) Isotopic Fractionation of Phytoplankton Reveals Phanerozoic pCO2 Trend
Witkowski CR, Weijers JWH, Blais B, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damste JS
(2017) Marine Group II Euryarchaeota Only Produce GDGT-0 in the Marine Water Column
Besseling MA, Hopmans EC, Koenen M, van der Meer M, Vreugdenhil S, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Villanueva L
(2016) Constraints on the Application of Long Chain Diol Proxies in Sediments of the Iberian Atlantic Margin
de Bar M, Dorhout D, Sinninghe Damsté J & Schouten S
(2016) The C32 Alkane-1, 15-Diol as a Tracer for Riverine Input in Coastal Seas
Lattaud J, De Jonge C, Kim J-H, Zell C, Sinninghe-Damste J & Schouten S
(2016) The Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Marine Phytoplankton throughout the Phanerozoic
Witkowski CR, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2016) The Impact of Oxic Degradation on Long Chain Diol Proxies: A Laboratory Study
Reiche S, Rampen SW, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Schouten S
(2016) Markers for Biomass Burning in Saharan Dust and Marine Sinking Particles
Schreuder LT, Hopmans EC, Stuut J-BW, Sinninghe Damste JS & Schouten S
(2015) Sources and Sinks of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers and Bacteriohopanepolyols in the Major Yenisei River System and Kara Sea (Siberia)
De Jonge C, Stadnitskaia A, Talbot HM & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2015) Microbial Membrane Lipid Distribution Shifts in Baltic Sea Subsurface Sediment Enrichment Cultures
Moore E, Ozuolmez D, Plugge C, Hopmans E & Sinninghe Damste J
(2015) Organic Proxies for Palaeotemperature Assessment: Prospects and Problems
Sinninghe Damste J
(2015) Controls on Anoxia in the Baltic Sea
Warden L, Moros M, Sollai M & Sinninghe Damsté J
(2014) Anammox: Source of BHT Stereoisomer in Marine Sediments
Rush D, Sinninghe Damsté J, Poulton S, Thamdrup B, Acuna Gonzalez J, Schouten S, Jetten M & Talbot H
(2014) Impact of Species Composition on Paleosalinity Reconstructions from Coastal δD Alkenone Records
van der Meer M, M'Boule D, Kasper S, Chivall D, Sinke D, Schefuss E, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damste J
(2014) Potential Application of Branched Tetraether Lipids as Palaeo-Environmental and Palaeoclimatic Proxies in Lakes and Marine Systems
Sinninghe Damste J
(2014) The Impact of Oxic Degradation on the Novel Long Chain Diol Temperature Proxy
Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Rampen SW, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2014) D/H Ratios of Fatty Acids as a Tool to Infer the Metabolism of Microbial Communities
Heinzelmann S, Villanueva L, Schouten S, Sinninghe Damste J & van der Meer M
(2014) Why Does the TEX86 Seem to Work in Sediments of Lake Malawi?
Werne J, Woltering M, Halbur J, Sinninghe Damsté J, Schouten S, Munoz-Ucros J & Hicks R
(2014) Seasonal Variability of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in a Temperate Lake System
Loomis S, Russell J, Heureux A, D'Andrea W & Sinninghe Damsté J
(2013) Controls on Redox-Nutrient Cycling in the Cretaceous Greenhouse Ocean: Insights from S Isotope Systematics
Poulton S, Henkel S, März C, Urquhart H, Flögel S, Kasten S, Sinninghe Damsté J & Wagner T
(2012) Intact Polar Tetraether Lipids in the Arabian Sea Water Column and Sediments: Implications for TEX86 Paleothermometry
Schouten S, Lengger S, Pitcher A, Hopmans E, Villanueva L & Sinninghe Damste J
(2011) Validation and Application of a Novel, Terrestrial Biomarker-Based Paleo Thermometer to Holocene Sediments of Lake Cadagno, Switzerland
Niemann H, Wirth SB, Stadnitskaia A, Gilli A, Anselmetti FS, Sinninghe Damsté JS, Schouten S, Hoppmans EC & Lehmann MF
(2011) δD of Alkenones as Proxy for Paleo Sea Surface Salinity
van der Meer M, Kasper S, Benthien A, Bijma J, Zahn R, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Schouten S
(2010) Fossilized Microbes in Methane-Derived Carbonates: False Interpretation or the True Evidence?
Stadnitskaia A, Kars S, Lustenhouwer WJ, Liebetrau V & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2010) Parallel Trends in Middle Eocene Temperatures and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration?
Bijl PK, Houben AJP, Schouten S, Bohaty SM, Sluijs A, Reichart G-J, Sinninghe Damste JS & Brinkhuis H
(2009) Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Input to Marine Sediments
Weijers J, Schouten S, Schefuss E, Schneider R & Sinninghe Damsté J
(2009) Evolution of Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eocene and Oligocene Reconstructed Using Organic Proxies
Schouten S, Bohaty S, Houben S, Bijl P, Sluijs A, Eldrett J, Harding I, Sinninghe Damste J & Brinkhuis H
(2009) Oceanic Anoxia, Organic Carbon Burial and Climate Change during OAE-2
Sinninghe Damste J, Mueller A, van Bentum E, Reichart G-J & Schouten S
(2009) Half-Precessional Dynamics of Monsoon Rainfall Near the East African Equator: Implications for Indian Ocean ITCZ Migration over the Past 25, 000 Years
Verschuren D, Sinninghe Damsté J, Moernaut J, Kristen I, Blaauw M, Fagot M & Haug G
(2008) Application of Ladderane Lipids as a Proxy for Past Anammox Activity
Jaeschke A, Ziegler M, Reichart G-J, Hopmans EC, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2008) Tracking Soil Organic Matter Export Across the Continent-Ocean Interface: A Case Study of the NW Mediterranean Using the BIT Index
Kim J-H, Buscail R, Bzarzycka B, Kerhervé P, Peterse F, Schouten S, Ludwig W & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2008) Integrated Biomarker Records Reveal Complex and Dramatic Changes in High Latitude Climate during the Paleogene
Handley L, Hollis C, Crouch E, Schouten S, Huber M, Morgans H, Pearson P, Sinninghe Damsté J, Burgess C & Pancost R
(2007) Thermally Altered Early Silurian Cyanobacterial Mats: Biomarkers and 15N Isotopic Signatures
Bauersachs T, Schouten S, Sinninghe Damste JS & Kremer B
(2007) Bacterial Tetraether Membrane Lipids in Soils and their Application in Palaeoenvironmental Studies
Weijers J, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté J
(2007) Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel Formation and Preservation; Diagenesis Versus Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Thomson J, Ferreira A, Sinninghe-Damste J & Vale C
(2007) Development and Application of Novel Organic Proxies
Schouten S, Weijers J, Peterse F, van der Meer M & Sinninghe Damste J
(2007) The Magnitude of Ocean Warming during the PETM: Implications for Forcing and Climate Sensitivity
Zachos J, McCarren H, Bohaty S, John C, Sluijs A, Brinkhuis H, Sinninghe Damste J, Schouten S & Sloan L
(2006) The carbon isotope stratigraphy of the PETM – new records from bacterial and higher plant biomarkers
Handley L, Hawkins E, Steart D, Collinson M, Scott A, Crouch E, Sinninghe Damste J & Pancost R
(2005) The Development of TEX86 for Continental Paleotemperature Reconstruction: Problems and Promise
Powers L, Werne J, Johnson T, Hopmans E, Sinninghe Damsté J & Schouten S
(2002) Geochemical and Environmental Importance of Marine Archaea
Schouten S, Hopmans E, Schefuss E, Wuchter C & Sinninghe Damste JS
(2001) The Use of Biomarkers in Peats to Reconstruct Palaeoclimate
Pancost RD, Baas M, van Geel B, Hopmans EC, Schouten S, Allen G & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2000) Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotopes: The Effect of Biosynthetic Pathways
Schouten S, Özdirekcan S, van Dongen BE, van der Meer MT & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2000) Heterogeneity of Anaerobic Methane-Oxidizing Archaeal Communities in the Mediterranean Inferred from Lipid Distributions and Carbon Isotopic Compositions
Pancost R, Hopmans E, Werne J & Sinninghe Damste J
(2000) Lipid Biomarkers in Carbonate Crusts from Mud Volcanoes of the Eastern Mediterranean Ridge: Implications for Methane Oxidation
Bouloubassi I, Aloisi G, Pancost RD, Sinninghe Damste JS, Pierre C & Medinaut Scientific Party 
(2000) The Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition: Insight from Organic Geochemical Records from the Tropical Atlantic
Schefuss E, Pancost RD, Jansen JHF & Sinninghe Damsté JS
(2000) Carbon Isotopic Variability between Carbohydrates and Lipids within a Single Organism: An Explanation of the Enriched *13CTOC Values in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation
van Dongen BE, Pancost RD, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS

Sinnwell M. (2023) Investigating the Use of MOF-Derived nano-Pies to Improve Thermal Ionization Efficiencies of Actinides
McHugh K, Barpaga D, Seo J-H, Kumar A, Makovsky K, Sinnwell M & Krogstad E
(2022) Towards Improved Sample Utilization: Development of Filament Loading Techniques for Trace Isotopic Analyses by TIMS
McHugh K, Krogstad E, Makovsky K, Barpaga D, Seo J-H & Sinnwell M

Sinogeikin S. (2011) Toward a Self-Consistent Pressure Scale: Elastic Moduli and Equation of State of MgO and Ringwoodite by Simultaneous X-Ray Density and Brillouin Sound Velocity Measurements at High-P and High-T
Sinogeikin S, Lakshtanov D, Prakapenka V, Sanchez-Valle C, Wang J, Shen G & Bass J
(2005) Effect of Al3+ and H+ on Elasticity of Stishovite
Lakshtanov D, Sinogeikin S, Litasov K, Ohtani E & Bass J
(2005) Equations of State of H<->2<$>O and NaCl-H<->2<$>O Fluids from Brillouin Scattering in the Diamond Anvil Cell
Sanchez-Valle C, Sinogeikin SV & Bass JD
(2000) Elasticity of Mantle Minerals at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Mantle Composition and Heterogeity
Bass J & Sinogeikin S

Sinoir M. (2015) Tracing Zinc Bioavailability in the Tasman Sea Using Zinc Isotopes
Samanta M, Ellwood M, Strzepek R, Sinoir M & Hassler C

Sinreich R. (2010) Sources of Reactive Halogen Species and Oxygenated VOC over Biologically Active Upwelling Regions of the Tropical Pacific Ocean
Volkamer R, Coburn S, Dix B & Sinreich R
(2010) Measurements of Halogen Oxides and Speciated Mercury at a Coastal Site in Pensacola, FL
Coburn S, Dix B, Sinreich R, Terschure A, Edgerton E & Volkamer R

Sinton D. (2015) Pore Scale Visualization of Multiphase Reactions in the Unsaturated Zone
Harrison AL, Dipple GM, Song W, Power IM, Mayer KU, Beinlich A & Sinton D

Sinton John (2016) Iodine Budget in the Manus Back-Arc Basin: Implication for the Iodine Cycle in the Earth’s Mantle
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Burgess R, Joachim B, Clay P, Sinton J & Ballentine C

Sinton John M (2014) Spatial Distribution of Halogens (Cl, Br, I) in Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Chavrit D, Ruzié L, Burgess R, Hilton DR, Sinton J & Ballentine CJ
(2014) Magma Dynamics from Temporal and Spatial Compositional Variations within and between Eruptions
Rubin K, Michael P, Perfit M & Sinton J
(2014) Rapid Clinopyroxene Growth in Deep Magmas: The Symptoms
Welsch B, Hammer J, Jacob S, Baronnet A, Hellebrand E & Sinton J
(2013) Halogen Systematics of the Manus Spreading Center
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim B, Hilton DR, Sinton JM & Ballentine CJ
(2013) The Halogen Cycle in Subduction Zones: Insight from Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Burgess R, Hilton DR, Sumino H, Sinton J & Ballentine CJ
(2012) Geochemical Mapping of Mantle Flow between Samoa and the Lau Basin
Price A, Jackson M, Hall P, Sinton J & Kurz M
(2011) A “Hotspot Highway” in the S. Pacific
Jackson M, Hart S, Konter J, Koppers A, Staudigel H, Kurz M, Blusztajn J & Sinton J
(2011) Local and Regional Magmatic Modulators to Mantle Signatures in Erupted Mid-Ocean Ridge Lavas
Rubin K, Maclennan J, Sinton J & Hellebrand E
(2009) Back-Arc Melting: Fluid or Source Induced?
Beier C, Turner S, Bach W, Niedermeier D, Sinton J & Gill J
(2008) The Ridge Filter: How Melt Supply and Magma Chambers Modulate Mantle Compositions in MORB
Rubin K & Sinton J
(2006) H isotopes of Manus Basin glasses: a unique perspective on mantle plumes and recycling processes
Shaw A, Hauri E, Hilton D, Macpherson C & Sinton J
(2000) Evidence for Nucleogenic Neon in High 3He/4He Lavas from the Manus Back-Arc Basin
Shaw A, Hilton D, Macpherson C & Sinton J

Sintoni F. (2012) Solubilities of H-O-C-S-Cl Volatiles in Fluids and Silicate Melts and their Control on Magmatic Processes
Webster J, Goldoff B, Sintoni F & De Vivo B

Sintoni M.F. (2005) Mass Transport in S- and Cl-Bearing Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids
Webster J, Sintoni MF & De Vivo B

Sinyutkina A. (2013) The Role of Swamps in Formation of Chemical Composition of River Waters in Western Siberia
Kharanzhevskaya J, Sinyutkina A, Ivanova E & Voistinova E

Sio Corliss (2020) Investigating Zn and Ga Isotope Systematics on the Moon
Wimpenny J, Sio C & Borg L
(2015) Spinel-Olivine-Pyroxene Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Fractionation and Applications to Natural Peridotites
Roskosz M, Sio C, Dauphas N, Bi W, Tissot F, Hu M & Alp E

Sio Corliss K. (2018) Inter-Mineral Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Fractionation Factors from a Special Metamorphic Rock
Nie NX, Dauphas N, Sio CK & Spear FS

Sio Corliss Kin I (2023) The Nickel Isotopic Composition of the Moon
Render J, Wimpenny J, Borg LE & Sio CKI
(2023) The Influence of Solid Structure and Liquid Composition on Fe-Isotope Fractionation between Solid and Liquid Alloys
Bennett NR, Verschoor JD, Wimpenny J & Sio CKI
(2023) Determining the Effect of 57Fe Enrichment on NRIXS-Derived Force Constants
Murtonen S, Sio CKI, Bormann K & Bennett NR
(2023) Iron Isotope Evidence of an Impact Origin for Main-Group Pallasites
Sio CKI, Bennett NR, Schauble E, Lesher C, Wimpenny J & Shahar A
(2022) Probing the Compositional Effects on Fe-Isotope Fractionation between Solid and Liquid Metal Alloys
Bennett NR, Verschoor JD & Sio CKI
(2022) Fractionation of Zn Isotopes by Post Accretion Volatile Loss from the Moon
Wimpenny J, Render J, Sio CKI, Borg LE, Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z & Huyskens M
(2022) A Search for Isotopic Evidence of Thermodiffusion at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Sio CKI, Render J, Wimpenny J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Rizo H, Archer G, Lesher C, Brenan J & Bennett NR
(2022) Growth-Induced Mg-Fe Zoning in a Skeletal Olivine
Ricardo BDS, Lynn KJ, Chu X & Sio CKI
(2020) Additive Manufacturing of PGE Standards with a Silica Matrix
Sio CKI, Parsons-Davis T, Lee E, Wimpenny J, Pascall A, Kuntz J, Goodell J, Roberts K, Bandong B & Bennett N
(2019) Reassessing Gallium Isotopic Evidence for Volatile Loss from the Moon
Wimpenny J, Borg L & Sio C
(2019) Iron Isotope Compositions of Lunar Highland Rocks and Mare Basalts
Sio CKI, Wimpenny J & Borg L
(2013) Diffusion-Driven Isotopic Fractionations in Olivine in Laboratory and Natural Settings
Sio CKI, Roskosz M, Chaussidon M, Dauphas N, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Teng F-Z
(2013) Redox and Pressure Controls on Iron Isotope Variations in MORBS Determined by NRIXS Spectroscopy
Roskosz M, Dauphas N, Alp EE, Sio CK, Tissot FLH, Neuville DR, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L, Cordier C & Médard E
(2013) MC-ICPMS and NRIXS: A Stereo View of Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Silicic Magmas
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Telus M, Hu M, Alp E, Moynier F, Sio C, Tissot F, Teng F, Neuville D, Nabelek P, Craddock P, Groat L & Zhao J
(2012) Iron Isotope Geochemistry with a Synchrotron Light Beam
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Alp E, Sio C, Tissot F, Neuville D, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L & Medard E
(2012) LA-MC-ICPMS Iron Isotopic Measurements of Zoned Olivine
Sio CKI, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Chaussidon M, Helz R, Roskosz M, Xiao Y & Ireland T
(2011) In situ Fe-Mg Isotopic Analysis of Zoned Olivines
Sio CK, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Helz R & Chaussidon M
(2010) Redox-Dependent, Diffusion-Driven Fractionation of Fe Isotopes in Silicate Melts and its Structural Controls
Roskosz M, Alexander C, Sio K, Wang J, Watson H, Dauphas N & Mysen B

Sioutas C. (2014) Long-Term Source Apportionment of Ambient PM2.5 in the Los Angeles Basin: A Focus on Emissions Reduction from Vehicular Sources
Hasheminassab S, Daher N, Ostro B & Sioutas C

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