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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Singh V.p. (2009) Earthquake Generation Processes in Western Peninsular India – A Petrologic Modelling
Shanker D, Singh HN & Singh VP

Singh Veer Vikram (2023) Exploring the Role of DNA-Mineral Interactions in the Long-Term Preservation of Ancient DNA
Singh VV, Kimber R, Kumar N & Kraemer SM

Singh Vikas (2019) A Numerical Approach for Picking Win-Win Strategies for Air Pollution in Megacities
Chen Y, Wild O, Ryan E, Sahu SK, Lowe D, Archer-Nicholls S, Wang Y, McFiggans G, Ansari T, Singh V, Sokhi RS, Archibald A & Beig G

Singh Vikram P.

Singh Vinod K (2018) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Basalts: Empirical Evidences from the Babina and Mauranipur Greenstone Belts of the Bundelkhand Craton, India
Singh PK, Verma SK, Moreno JA, Singh VK & Oliveira EP

Singh Virinder Pal (2020) Giant Plagioclase Basalt from the Eastern and Western Deccan Volcanic Province: Petrogenetic Implications
Singh VP, Shrivastava JP & Kumar P

Singh Ahlawat A.

Singha K. (2022) Evidence for Rapid and Wide-Spread Root-Induced Soil Structural Changes in Response to Land Use
Guthrie AV, Hirmas D, Sullivan PL, Singha K, Flores A, Nippert J, Li L, Wen H, Ajami H & Billings S
(2022) Microbiome Structure Influenced by Metal-Oxide Precipitation in Hyporheic Zones Receiving Acid Mine Drainage
Hoagland B, Navarre-Sitchler A, Singha K, Rasmussen K & Spear J
(2021) Concentration-Discharge and Mass Flux Relationships in Two Alpine Headwater Catchments
Warix SR, Heil E, Navarre-Sitchler A & Singha K
(2021) Do Root-Regolith-Rock Interactions Govern Critical Zone-Climate Feedbacks over Decades to Centuries?
Sullivan PL, Billings S, Li L, Nippert J, Wen H, Zhang X, Moreno V, Sadayappan K, Keen R, Hirmas D, Flores A, Murenbeeld K, Barnard H, Singha K & Ajami H
(2019) Hydrogeochemical Controls of Arsenic and Uranium Mobility in Groundwater of the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota
Swift Bird K, Navarre-Sitchler A & Singha K
(2015) The Interplay of Regolith Evolution and Watershed Hydrodynamics in a First-Order Watershed
Sullivan P, Hynek S, Gu X, Singha K, White T, West N, Kim H, Clarke B, Duffy C & Brantley S
(2015) Geochemical Characterization of Subsurface Variation on Contrasting Hillslope Aspects, Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
Eldam R, Navarre-Sitchler A, Singha K & Hinckley E-L
(2014) Quantifying Stream-Groundwater Interactions and Biogeochemical Cycling at Several Spatial and Temporal Scales
Gooseff M, Wlostowski A, Singha K, Ward A, McGlynn B & Burgos W
(2011) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of a Deep Coal Mine Discharge
Burgos W, Fitzgerald M, Larson L, Herwehe L, Singha K & Gooseff M
(2010) Using Direct-Current and Complex Electrical Conductivity to Monitor Biogeochemical Redox Reactions
Regberg A, Singha K, Bond D, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Roden E & Brantley S
(2009) Electrical Conductivity Associated with Dissimilatory Iron Reduction: Are Microbial Biofilms Conductive?
Regberg A, Singha K, Picardal F, Zheng Q, Bond D & Brantley S
(2008) Using Conductivity to Measure Iron Reduction Rates from Flask to Field
Regberg A, Singha K, Tien M & Brantley S

Singla G. (2020) Provenance, Tectonic Settings and Depositional Environmental Records of the Cambrian Wuliuan (Miaolingian) Kunzam La (Parahio) Formation in the Sumna Valley, Spiti, NW Himalaya
Singla G, Ali S, Singh BP, Bhargava ON, Kaur R & Stopden S

Singletary S. (2007) Growth of the Earth's Core
Halliday A, Georg B, Grove T, Lee D-C, Markowski A, Quitte G, Schauble E, Singletary S & Williams H

Singleton I. (2005) The Role of Minerals in Catalysing Manganese Removal from Mine Water
Bamforth S, Singleton I, Manning D, Younger P & Johnson K

Singleton Michael (2023) Humidity Chambers for Examining Phase Stability and Stable Isotope Fractionation
Cisneros M, Oerter E & Singleton M
(2019) Hydrogen and Triple Oxygen Stable Isotope Composition of Water in Hydrated Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oerter E, Singleton M & Alexander C

Singleton Michael J. (2014) Quantifying Groundwater Discharge to Subalpine Streams Using Radon
Moran J, DeRubeis E, Visser A, Singleton M, Uriostegui S & Esser B
(2012) Groundwater Vulnerability to Climate Change in High Elevation Catchments of the Sierra Nevada
Moran J, Singleton M, Hillegonds D, Shaw G, Conklin M, Esser B & Visser A
(2008) Dissolved Gas and Isotopic Tracers of Denitrification
Singleton M, Moran JE, Esser B, McNab W, Carle S & Cey B
(2008) Arsenic Mobilization Associated with Applied Recharge of low-TDS Water in Central Valley, California
Esser BK, McNab WW, Moran JE & Singleton MJ

Singurindy Olga (2010) Noble Gas Composition and Reactive Gas Fluxes: Indicators for Natural Attenuation Processes in Contaminated Aquifers
Mayer KU, Jones K, Kipfer R, Sihota N & Singurindy O

Singurindy Olga (2008) Reactive Gases and Inert Gas Tracers in Vadose Zone Environmental Applications
Jones K, Singurindy O, Molins S, Beckie R, Smith L & Mayer KU

Sinha A. (2020) Spotting “Black Swans” from Speleothems
Sinha A, Kathayat G, Li H & Cheng H
(2020) Deglaciation Hydroclimatic Variability in the Southwest Indian Ocean
Li H, Cheng H, Sinha A, Spötl C & Ning Y
(2020) Role of Climate in the De-Urbanization of the Indus Valley Civilization
Kathayat G, Cheng H, Sinha A & Li H
(2016) Trends, Oscillations, and Anomalies in the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
Sinha A, Cheng H & Kathayat G
(2016) Climate Variability in Rodrigues Island, Southern Indian Ocean, over the Past 8000 Years
Li H, Cheng H, Sinha A, Spötl C, Ning Y, Biswas J & Edwards RL
(2013) North Pacific SST Variability and Drought in Southwestern North America Since 854 AD
Johnson K, McCabe-Glynn S, Strong C, Berkelhammer M, Sinha A, Cheng H & Edwards RL

Sinha Baerbel (2012) Combined Silicon, Oxygen Isotope and Trace Element Microanalysis of Giant Spicules of the Deep-Sea Sponge Monorhaphis chuni for Paleoclimate Research
Jochum K, Wang X, Schuessler J, Sinha B, Stoll B, Weis U, Andreae M & Muller W
(2011) Cloud Processing Measured with Sulfur Isotopes during HCCT 2010
Harris E, Sinha B, Hoppe P, Crowley J, Borrmann S, Foley S, Gnauk T, Van Pinxteren D & Herrmann H

Sinha Bärbel (2015) Highlight Results from the HCCT-2010 Hill Cap Cloud Experiment
van Pinxteren D, Poulain L, Tilgner A, Henning S, Stratmann F, Mertes S, Schneider J, Harris E, Sinha B, Whalley L, Heard D, D'Anna B, George C & Herrmann H

Sinha K. (2008) The Nature of Magmatism Associated with Breakup of Super-Continents: Constraints from Geochemical and Pb, Sr, Nd and Hf Isotopic Studies from the Appalachian Orogen
Sinha K, Rooney T & Hanan B

Sinha Nabodita (2023) Microplastics in the Ganga River: Sources and Pathways to the Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve
Neelavannan K, Sen IS, Sinha N, Thakurb AK & Misra DS

Sinha Nitesh (2023) Application of TEX86 Paleothermometer to Speleothems as an Approach to Reconstructing Interglacial Climate over the Korean Peninsula
Cleary DM, Wassenburg JA, Sinha N, Basu S, Jo K-N, Vonhof H, Martinez-Garcia A & Timmermann A

Sinha R (2011) Copper and Zinc Isotope Composition of China and India Dust Sources
Dong S, Weiss DJ, Najorka J, Ferrat M, Spiro B, Sun Y, Gupta S & Sinha R

Sinha Rajiv (2019) Late-Quaternary Sediment Fluxes in the Himalayan Foreland Using Geochemical Budgeting
Bhattacharjee S, Sinha R & Bookhagen B
(2017) Relationship between Indian Summer Monsoon and Melting Himalayan Glaciers
Boral S, Sen IS, Ghosal D, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hemingway JD
(2016) Hydrological Dependence of Ganges River on Himalayan Cryosphere
Boral S, Sen I, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Ghosal D
(2016) Sedimentary Provenance and Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Using Drill Cores from the Kosi Megafan, India
Sinha R, Yadav M, Paul D, Chabaux F & Mathieu G

Sinha Rupal (2023) Status of Emerging DBPs in Drinking Water and their Remediation Techniques: A Review
Sinha R & Ghosal PS

Sinha S.K.

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