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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Singh Hukam (2022) A Novel Analytical Pyrolysis Technique for Investigating the Presence of N-Bearing Biopolymers in Fossils and its Potential Applications in their Molecular Taphonomy in Deep Time
Umamaheswaran R, Dutta S, Kumar S, Singh H, Khan MA & Bera S

Singh I. (2020) Synthesis of Brucite from Reject Brine and its Direct Carbonation for Possible Use as Construction Material
Hay R, Singh I & Celik K

Singh Jasveer (2017) Naturally Occurrning Fullerenes in P-T Boundary Section from Spiti Valley, India: Links to Global Anoxia Events
Sreenivas B, Parthasarathy G, Bhandari N, Singh J & Sharma ND

Singh Jyotibala (2019) Mineralogical, Geochemical and Genesis of Complex Ferricrete-Silcrete Association in Lateritic Profile from NW Bengal Basin; Eastern India
Singh J, Mukhopadhyay S, Sangode S, Dhobale A & Rajaguru SN

Singh K (2004) Analysis of Thermal Pressures and Melting Temperatures for Pyrope Minerals of the Lower Mantle
Singh K

Singh Kamaljit (2017) Dynamic X-Ray Tomography Studies of Multiphase Flow, Reactive Transport and Evolution of Pore Structure
Bijeljic B, Andrew M, Menke H, Singh K, Saif T, Lin Q & Blunt M

Singh Kesar (2015) Hydrothermal Origin of Cap Carbonate Cement from Lesser Himalayan Proterozoic Strata
Vasiliev MV, Ghosh P, Srinivasan R, Islam R, Singh K & Gupta AK

Singh M (2015) Coupled Model-Data Approach to Terrestrial Methane Cycling during Paleogene Greenhouse Climates
Badger M, Rohrssen M, Inglis G, Naafs BD, Pancost R, Valdes P, Wilton D, Beerling D, Collinson M, Kennedy E, Singh P & Singh M
(2015) Evidence for Methane Cycling in Paleogene Terrestrial and Marginal Marine Sediments
Rohrssen M, Inglis GN, Badger MPS, Naafs BDA, Kennedy EM, Collinson ME, Singh PK, Singh MP & Pancost RD

Singh Monika
(2017) C and O Isotope Systematics of Auriferous Quartz Carbonate Veins, Western Lode Systems, Archaean Gadag Gold Field, Dharwar Craton, India: Implication to the Source of Mineralizing Fluids for Orogenic Gold Deposits
Singh M, Sarangi S, George BG, Ray JS & Sawkar RH

Singh Naman Deep (2019) Dissolved Aluminium Cycling in the Northern, Equatorial and Subtropical Gyre Region of the Indian Ocean
Singh ND, Chinni V & Singh SK
(2019) The Distribution of Dissolved Zinc in the Northern and Subtropical Indian Ocean Waters
Chinni V, Singh ND & Singh SK

Singh Narendra K. (2021) Rock/desert Varnish Geochemical Characteristics: A Study from Ladakh, India
Chaddha AS, Sharma A, Singh NK & Rai N

Singh Nisha (2023) Nanoplastics Stability and Aggregation Behaviour in Natural Aqueous Matrices
Singh N & Nakajima R
(2020) The Genotoxicity Effect of Nanoplastic as a Factor of Other Contaminants in Adult Zebrafish (Danio Rerio)
Singh N, Bhagat J & Darbha GK
(2020) Understanding the Fate of Nanoplastics and Nanopesticides in Riverine and Agricultural Environments
Singh N, Tiwari E, Khandelwal N & Darbha GK

Singh O. (2016) Towards the Understanding Hydrodynamics of Mansar Lake, Jammu and Kashmmir, Western Himalayas, India Through Isotopic and Chemical Approcahes
Rai SP, Kumar S, Singh O & Singh RD

Singh Pradip K (2018) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Basalts: Empirical Evidences from the Babina and Mauranipur Greenstone Belts of the Bundelkhand Craton, India
Singh PK, Verma SK, Moreno JA, Singh VK & Oliveira EP

Singh Pragya (2022) Palaeoenvironmental Implication of Red and Green Palaeosol Developed within Lava Flow of Deccan Volcanic Province, India
Singh P, Banerjee S & Pande K

Singh Prakash (2015) Coupled Model-Data Approach to Terrestrial Methane Cycling during Paleogene Greenhouse Climates
Badger M, Rohrssen M, Inglis G, Naafs BD, Pancost R, Valdes P, Wilton D, Beerling D, Collinson M, Kennedy E, Singh P & Singh M
(2015) Evidence for Methane Cycling in Paleogene Terrestrial and Marginal Marine Sediments
Rohrssen M, Inglis GN, Badger MPS, Naafs BDA, Kennedy EM, Collinson ME, Singh PK, Singh MP & Pancost RD

Singh Prakash K. (2023) Native Neutrophilic Coal Bacteria- a Potential Tool for Extraction of Trace Elements and Rare Earth Elements
Rai S, Singh AL & Singh PK
(2023) Application of Advanced Geochemical Well log to Evaluate Cambay Shale in South Cambay Basin, India, for Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources
De DS, Singh PK & Sengupta D
(2022) The Geochemical Documentation of Redox Conditions in Paleogene Lignite Deposit of Barsingsar, Bikaner-Nagaur Basin, Western India
Chetia R, Rahi IC, Mathews RP, Sharma A & Singh PK
(2021) Lipid Biomarker Analysis on the Sediments of a Lignite-Bearing Succession
Chetia R, Mathews RP & Singh PK

Singh Pramod (2011) Sr and Nd Isotope Studies on Sediment Core Samples from Cauvery Delta, South India: Evidence for Monsoon Induced Changes in Provenance
Malik ZA, Srinivasan B & Singh P
(2011) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks from Kerala, South India – Implications to REE Behaviour Under Intense Chemical Weathering
Singh P & Lakshmidevi CG
(2010) Sr Isotope Geochemical Studies on Rivers of South India: Evidence for High CO2 Consumption Rates on Chemical Weathering of Silicates
Pattanaik JK, Balakrishnan S, Bhutani R & Singh P

Singh R (2004) U-Pb Dating of Mafic Dyke Swarms of the Bastar Craton, India
French J, Heaman L, Chacko T, Srivastava R & Singh R

Singh R. P. Singh

Singh Raj Deva (2016) Towards the Understanding Hydrodynamics of Mansar Lake, Jammu and Kashmmir, Western Himalayas, India Through Isotopic and Chemical Approcahes
Rai SP, Kumar S, Singh O & Singh RD

Singh Raj Kumar (2019) Relationship of Metal Distribution with Salinity Gradient in Brackish Water Lagoon
Barik SS, Singh RK & Tripathy S

Singh Rajesh (2020) Aspects of Weathering and Solute Acquisition Processes Controlling Chemistry of Proglacial Stream at Dokriani Glacier, Central Himalaya, India
Sundriyal S, Shukla T, Singh R & Dobhal DP

Singh Ram (2014) A Correlation between Specific Heat Capacity, Grüneisen Parameter and Phase Changes within 400 – 700 km of the Earth
Arafin S & Singh R
(2013) Melting of Rutile Under Pressure
Arafin S, Singh R, Al-Saidi Y & George A
(2012) Pressure Dependence of Enthalpy, Viscosity and Diffusivity of Olivine and its Constituent Minerals Near Melting
Arafin S, Singh R & George A
(2011) An Empirical Approach to Estimate Melting Temperature and Its Pressure Dependence of Some Rocks of Oman Ophiolite Suite
Arafin S, Singh R & George A
(2010) Thermal Conductivity of Oxide and Silicate Minerals, and Harzburgite
Arafin S, Singh R & George A

Singh Ravi Prakash (2011) Sustainable Water Resource Management in Eastern Punjab Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Demarcate Water Potential Zones
Singh RP, Singh CK & Mukherjee S

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