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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Sakuyama T. (2017) Fluid-Fluxed Melting of the Mantle as the Cause of Intraplate Magmatism over a Stagnant Slab: Evidence from Fukue Volcano Group, SW Japan
Kuritani T, Sakuyama T, Kamada N, Yokoyama T & Nakagawa M
(2016) Volcanism Above a Stagnant Slab: Constraints from Cenozoic Alkaline Basalts in Eastern China and Korea
Sakuyama T & Kimura J-I
(2016) Experimental Presentation of Plate Tectonics Using Paraffin Wax
Vaglarov B, Ueki K, Sakuyama T, Hanyu T, Nichols A & Iwamori H

Sakyi P.A. (2008) Dislocation Microstructures in Naturally Deformed Olivine Crystals from Hawaiian Lavas
Sakyi PA, Tanaka R & Nakamura E
(2008) Lead Isotope Systematics of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Hawaiian Lavas
Tanaka R, Sakyi PA, Kobayashi K & Nakamura E

Sal'nikova Y. (2011) TIMS U-Pb Dating of Bastnäsite, Calzirtite and Tantalite as a Powerful Tool for Timing of Rare-Metal Granites and Carbonatites (Eastern Siberia)
Salnikova E, Yakovleva S, Kotov A & Plotkina J
(2011) Early Paleozoic Granites in the Jiamusi Terrane of the Central Asian Fold Belt
Sorokin A, Kotov A, Sal`nikova Y & Kudryashov N
(2011) Direct (U-Th)/He Dating of Native Metals
Yakubovich O, Yakovleva S, Salnikova E, Kotov A & Shukolyokov Y
(2009) Early Paleozoic Granitoids of the Argun, Mamyn, Bureya Terranes of the Central Asian Fold Belt
Sorokin A, Kotov A, Sal'nikova Y & Kudryashov N
(2009) Timing of Precambrian Gabbro-Anorthosites in the Stanovoy Mobile Belt (Eastern Siberia)
Buchko I, Sal'nikova Y, Larin A, Kotov A, Sorokin A & Velikoslavinsky S
(2008) Use and Abuse of Sm-Nd Whole-Rock Isochron Data for Komatiites
Kovalenko A, Salnikova E & Arestova N
(2007) The Neoproterozoic Alkaline Rocks of the Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton: Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Geochronology
Vernikovskaya I, Sal'nikova E, Vernikovskaya A, Matushkin N & Yasenev A

Sala Dariusz (2019) Geochemical Characterization of Subglacial Pillow Lavas from Vicinity and the Base of the Bárðarbunga Volcano
Repczyńska MM, Halldórsson SA, Bali E, Anczkiewicz R, Sala D, Matyszczak M, Einarsson P, Hjartardóttir ÁR & Koleszar MT
(2018) Mineralogy and Chemistry of Ochre Sediments from Eastern Part of the Outer Carpathians
Sala D

Sala David (2017) Early Preservation of Sedimentary Organic Matter in an Anoxic, Sulfidic Lake (Lake Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte)
Jovovic I, Grossi V, Adam P, Antheaume I, Sala D, Jezequel D, Leboulanger C, Milesi V, Cadeau P, Cartigny P, Gelin F & Ader M
(2017) Lipid Biomarkers and Microbial Diversity Associated with Aphotic Euxinic Chemoclines in a Saline Lake
Sala D, Grossi V, Agogué H, Hugoni M, Leboulanger C, Bernard C, Antheaume I, Jézéquel D, Sarazin G & Ader M

Sala H. (2013) Effect of Increased Glacier Melt on Diagenetic Fe Cycling in Marine Sediments at King George Island (Antarctica)
Henkel S, Kasten S, Sala H, Busso A & Staubwasser M

Šala M. (2019) Ultra-Fast and Beyond: LA ICP MS Isotope Ratio Mapping of Zircon at 500 Hz
Stremtan C, Săbău G, Šala M & Šelih V
(2013) Study of Archaeological Glass Based on Elemental Imaging by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
van Elteren JT, Panighello S, Šelih VS, Tennent NH, Orsega EF, Izmer A, Šala M & Vanhaecke F

Sala O. (2019) Assessing the Biopersistence of Asbestos by Nano Single Crystal Diffraction of Fibres Extracted from Human Lung Tissues
Zoboli A, Di Giuseppe D, Giacobbe C, Vigliaturo R, Bonasoni MP, Sala O & Gualtieri A

Salabarnada A. (2016) A Geochemical Approach to Contourites Deposits: Examples from Antartic Margin and Gulf of Cadiz (IODP Exp. 318 and 339)
Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Salabarnada A, Bahr A, Kuroda J, Escutia C, Ikehara M, Voelker AHL, Evangelinos D, Röhl U, Hernández-Molina FJ & Ohkouchi N

Salacinska A. (2019) Cimmerian Hydrothermal Activity in the Sakar Mountains of SE Bulgaria
Salacinska A, Szopa K, Gaweda A, Gumsley A, Chew D & Petrov P
(2017) A Monazite and Zircon Record of Neoarchean Polymetamorphism in the Saglek Block of Labrador
Kusiak MA, Dunkley DJ, Wilde SA, Konecny P, Salacinska A & Whitehouse MJ

Salačová P. (2019) Sorption of Uranium from Aqueous Solution by TiO2 Composite Material
Šuhájek M, Szatmáry L, Salačová P, Motlochová M, Pližingrová E & Šubrt J
(2018) Sorption of Radionuclides from Aqueous Solutions Using Titania Based Nanomaterial
Szatmáry L, Havlová V, Salačová P, Motlochová M, Pližingrová E & Šubrt J

Salacup J. (2014) Continental Temperature Variability in the Beringian Arctic during the Past 3.6 Ma: The Lake El’gygytgyn MBT/CBT Record
Castaneda IS, Salacup J, de Wet G, Habicht MH, Keisling B, Phu V, Johnson J & Brigham-Grette J
(2012) A Coupled Biomarker-Genetic Approach to Understanding the Uk'37 SST Proxy in Estuaries
Salacup J, Herbert T & Prell W

Salah S. (2021) Complexation of Sn with Boom Clay Natural Organic Matter and its Effect on Sn Sorption onto Illite, Montmorillonite and Boom Clay
Durce D, Salah S, Maes N, Wang L & Brassinnes S
(2010) Humic Colloid-Associated Migration of Radionuclides in an Argillaceous Formation
Bruggeman C, Maes N, Salah S, Martens E, Wang L, Van Gompel M & Brassinnes S

Salama Walid (2011) Iron Isotope Composition of the Middle Eocene Ooidal-Oncoidal Ironstones and the Associated Lateritic Paleosols from the Bahariya Depression, Western Desert, Egypt
Salama W, Weryer S, Gaupp R & El Aref M

Salama Walid (2015) Intense Weathering and Geochemical Dispersion in a Tertiary Palaeochannel System: The DeGrussa Cu-Au Deposit Marker, Australia
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Salama W, leGras M, Hilliard P & Beckley R
(2014) Trace Element Dispersion and REE-HFSE Fractionation in a Deeply Weathered Profile: The Albany-Fraser Orogen Margin, Western Australia
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Salama W, Anand R, Sweetapple M, Abdat T, leGras M & Walshe J
(2014) Geochemical Characterization of Regolith in the NE Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia
Salama W, Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Anand R & Abdat T
(2014) Permo-Carboniferous Sediments: Implications for Paleolandscape Evolution, Climatic Changes and Geochemical Exploration in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Salama W & Anand R

Salama Walid (2020) Multi-Scale Detection of Buried Mineralization Through Cover Using Interfaces and Indicator Minerals
Salama W, Anand R & Noble R

Salama Walid (2017) Geochemical Dispersion of Gold and Silver in Silcrete as a Vector Towards VHMS Exploration
Salama W, Anand R, Morey A & Williams L

Salama Walid (2023) Greenfields Exploration for Sulphide Deposits along the Covered Tectonic Boundary of the Albany-Fraser Orogen and Madura Province, Western Australia
Salama W, Schoneveld L, Spaggiari C & Le Vaillant M

Salama Walid (2021) Behaviour of Critical Elements, Au and PGE in the Ni-Co Lateritic Profile, Goongarrie, Western Australia
Salama W, Verrall M, Lampinen H, Schoneveld L & Ibrahimi T

Salanne M. (2017) A Classical Polarizable Force Field for the Structure and Dynamics of Water and Cations in Clays and Zeolites
Marry V, Tesson S, Louisfrema W, Salanne M, Rotenberg B, Boutin A & Ferrage E
(2012) Accurate Force Fields Built from Ab-Initio: The Case of Clays
Tazi S, Salanne M, Rotenberg B & Turq P
(2011) Water Dynamics in Clay as a Function of Temperature: Coupling Neutron Spin Echo and Molecular Dynamics
Marry V, Dubois E, Malikova N, Salanne M, Longeville S, Haussler W & Breu J

Salas Erik (2013) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Metals Content in Tailings, Sediments and Soils Next to Some Metallic Ore Deposits in East Central Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Cruz N, Salas E, Monoz C, Audifred A & Levresse G
(2012) Environmental Geochemistry of Some Ore Deposits in the Sierra Gorda Nature Preserve, East-Central Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Cruz N, Audifred AI, Salas E, Ayala E, Levresse G & Gerke T

Salas Everett (2010) Quantitative Studies on the Relationship between Surface Roughness and Bacterial Adhesion
Salas E, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2008) Deep UV Native Fluorescence and Resonance Raman Spectroscopy for Life-Detection
Bhartia R, Hug W, Reid R, Salas E, Nealson K & Lane A

Salas G. (2008) Unravelling Complex Magmatic Processes Using Amphibole: A Case Study from El Misti, Peru
Tepley F, De Silva S & Salas G

Salas J. (2002) Groundwater Geochemistry and Dissolution Processes of the Okélobondo Uranium Ore (Gabon)
Salas J & Ayora C
(2000) Oxidation Processes of the Natural Nuclear Reactor of Okélobondo (Gabon): Reactive Transport Modelling
Salas J, Ayora C & Bitzer K

Salau S.L. (2022) Evolution of the Rare Metal-Bearing Jurassic Dutsen Wai and Roponmo Plutons of the Alkaline Anorogenic Granites, North-Central Nigeria: Constraints from Whole-Rock Geochemical Data and Zircon Trace Element Composition
Amuda AK, Salau SL, Faisal M, Girei MB, Rwabuhungu DER & Kamaunji VD

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