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Singarayer J. (2016) Modelling Microbial Processes during Soil Formation in a High-Arctic Glacier Forefield
Bradley J, Anesio A, Arndt S, Sabacka M, Barker G, Benning L, Blacker J, Singarayer J, Tranter M & Yallop M
(2010) Insights from Modelling Holocene and Glacial Cycle Atmospheric Methane
Singarayer J, Valdes P, Friedlingstein P, Beerling D & Nelson S
(2008) Reconciling 14C Timescales for Marine Isotope Stage 3
Richards D, Beck W, Hoffmann D, Smart P, Singarayer J, Ridgwell A & Valdes P

Singer Brad (2022) H2O Contents of Melt Inclusions in Zircons from the Rhyolite of Laguna del Maule
Shimizu K, Hannon J, Blum T, Bonamici C, Fournelle JH, Kita NT, Klug J, Nachlas WO, Singer B, Spicuzza MJ, Wathen B & Valley JW

Singer Brad S. (2019) Thermal and Paleoceanographic Responses to OAE2 from Δ47 Geochemistry and a Refined Chronostratigraphy
Jones MM, Petersen SV, Sageman BB, Selby D, Jacobson AD, Singer BS & Jicha BR
(2019) Sparrow: A Cyberinfrastructure Component Supporting Data Management and Sharing in Geochronology Laboratories
Quinn DP, Schaen AJ, Sundell K, Gehrels G, Peters SE, Ross JI, Schmitz M & Singer BS
(2016) 16 Million Years of Volcanism on Bolaven Plateau, Laos
Herrin JS, Sieh K, Wiwegwin W, Chualaowanich T, Charusiri P, Singer BS, Jicha B & Sihavong V
(2016) The Timing of Compositionally-Zoned Magma Reservoirs and Mafic 'Priming' Weeks Before the 1912 Novarupta-Katmai Rhyolite Eruption
Singer B, Costa F, Herrrin J, Hildreth W & Fierstein J

Singer Bradley (2014) 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Quaternary Basalt with the Noblesse 5-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Singer B, Jicha B & Sobol P
(2014) 40Ar/39Ar Incremental Heating of Single Sanidine Phenocrysts Using the Noblesse 5-Collector Mass Spectrometer
Jicha B, Singer B & Sobol P
(2014) Magmatic Processes and Time Scales Below a Yet-To-Be Silicic Caldera Eruption
Costa F, Jay J, Pritchard M, Lara L, Singer B & Herrin J
(2012) Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of 40Ar/39Ar Data for Sanidines from the Fire Clay Tonstein
Hemming S, Heizler MT, Jicha B, Machlus M, Rasbury ET, Renne PR, Singer BS, Swisher CC & Turrin BD
(2011) Rejuvenation of an Old Magmatic System at Parinacota Volcano, Chile
Hora JM, Wörner G, Kronz A, Banaszak M, Singer BS & Johnson CM
(2009) More Precise Than Ice: Radioisotopic Dating of the Laschamp Excursion
Singer B, Guillou H, Jicha B, Laj C, Kissel C, Beard B & Johnson C
(2008) 40Ar/39Ar, 238U-230Th, and K-Ar Age of the Laschamp Excursion
Singer B
(2008) Deciphering Crust vs. Mantle Inputs and Timescales of Magma Genesis at Mount Adams Using 238U-230Th Disequilibria and Os Isotopes
Jicha B, Johnson C, Hildreth W, Beard B, Hart G, Shirey S & Singer B
(2007) Shallow Crystallization and Deep Magma Storage: Insights from U-Th and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Jicha B, Singer B, Johnson C, Beard B & Hora J
(2007) Evolution of a Maturing Arc System: The West-Central Isthmus of Panama
Wegner W, Wörner G, Harmon R, Simon K & Singer B
(2006) Utilising U-series disequilibria of calcic soils to constrain the surface age of Quaternary deposits: a comparison with 10Be, 26Al age data from Patagonian glacial moraines
Phillips R, Sharp W, Singer B & Douglass D
(2005) B and delta<+>11<$>B in Aleutian Island Arc Basalt Track Slab and Sediment Fluid Addition to the Mantle Wedge
Singer B, Leeman W, Thirlwall M, Tonarini S, Jicha B & Rogers N
(2005) <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Cooling Ages from a Vertical Transect Through the Patagonian Batholith 46o S, Chile
Zhang X & Singer B
(2005) On the <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Age of Biotite in Green River Formation Ash: The Advantages of Incrementally Heating Single Crystals with a Laser
Smith M, Singer B & Carroll A
(2005) Calibration of a Pleistocene Geomagnetic Instability Time Scale (GITS) Using <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar-Dated Lavas
Singer B

Singer C. (2018) The Chicago Water Isotope Spectrometer (ChiWIS)
Singer C, Clouser B, Sarkozy L, Gaeta D & Moyer E
(2018) In situ Measurements of Vapor-Phase HDO/H2O Isotopic Ratio in the Asian Summer Monsoon
Clouser B, Singer C, Gaeta D, Sarkozy L, StratoClim T & Moyer E

Singer David (2012) Structural and Chemical Studies of the Pyrite (001) Surface
Gilbert B, Eng P, Singer D, Banfield J & Waychunas G
(2010) Identification of U(VI) Sorption Products and Precipitates on Magnetite by GI-SAXS, GI-XAS, and Microscopy
Singer D, Banfield J & Waychunas G
(2009) Sorption Processes on Small and Dirty Mineral Particles – Do Size and Cleanliness Matter?
Brown Jr. GE, Ha J, Gélabert A, Singer DM, Wang Y, Bargar JR, Eng P, Choi Y, Kendelewicz T & Spormann AM
(2008) Uranyl-Chlorite Sorption/Desorption: Evaluation of Different Sorption Mechanisms
Singer D & Brown G
(2006) Zn(II) sorption on nanoparticulate UO2
Singer D, Farges F & Brown G
(2005) Calcium Oxalate Surface Interactions with Lead
Singer D, Catalano J & Brown G

Singer David (2020) Influence of Permafrost Thaw on Redox, Iron Speciation, and Bioavailable Phosphorus in a Subarctic Peatland
Barczok M, Smith C, Kinsman-Costello L, Singer D & Herndon E

Singer David (2014) Oxidative Remobilization of Uranium Following Biostimulated Reduction
Fuller C, Akstin K, Singer D & Fuhrmann M

Singer David (2017) Speciation, Distribution, Mobility and Prediction of Pb in an Urban Soil
Perdrial N, Bower J & Singer D

Singer David M. (2021) Impact of Increasing Permafrost Thaw and Surface Ponding on Iron Speciation and Phosphorus Bioavailability in Abisko, Sweden
Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Singer DM, Patzner MS, Kappler A, Bryce C & Herndon E

Singer Jack (2015) High Chlorine of KREEP: Implications for the Volatile Content of the Moon
Greenwood J, Sakamoto N, Itoh S, Singer J, Warren P & Yurimoto H

Singer Jack (2014) Evidence for the Giant Impact Model from D/H of Water in Lunar Melt Inclusions and Apatite
Greenwood J, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Yanai K, Singer J & Yurimoto H

Singer Jared (2020) REE Analysis of Fluorite from the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District
Bergbower J, Dietsch C, Singer J & Rakovan J
(2012) Role of Hydration Energy on Near-Surface H2O and Ion Molecular-Scale Dynamics: Comparing Na- and Ca-Hectorite with NMR Spectroscopy
Bowers G, Singer J & Kirkpatrick RJ
(2012) Local Structure and Crystallization Pathways of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Singer JW, Yazaydin AO, Bowers G & Kirkpatrick J
(2011) Alkali Metal and H2O Dynamics at Clay-Water Interfaces: Lessons from NMR
Bowers G, Kirkpatrick RJ & Singer J
(2010) Hydrogen in Tooth Enamel, and δ2H for Paleodiet
Singer JW

Singer Jared Wesley (2018) Trace Element Intercalibration of EPMA and LA-ICP-MS for a Diverse Collection of Tourmalines
Singer JW & Lupulescu M

Singer M.B. (2014) Mercury Isotopes in California Rivers Impacted by Historic Gold and Mercury Mining
Donovan PM, Blum JD, Singer MB, Marvin-DiPasquale M & Tsui MTK

Singer P. (2009) In situ Removal of Arsenic: Column Studies
Johnston R & Singer P

Singer S. (2012) Extracellular c-Type Cytochromes from Geobacter Bemidjiensis
Singer S, Castelle C, Wrighton K, Wilkins M, Lipton M & Banfield J
(2010) A Perspective on Nanominerals and their Roles in Microbial Ecosystesms
Banfield J, Zhang H, Gilbert B, Williams K, Singer S & Waychunas G
(2010) NanoSIP: Combining Stable Isotope Probing and High Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Identify Diazotrophs in Stratified Marine Microbial Communities
Singer S, Woebken D, Burow L, Prufert-Bebout L, Bebout B, Hoehler T, Pett-Ridge J, Spormann A & Weber P
(2009) The Biochemistry of Unusual Cytochromes Isolated from Acidophilic Fe(II)-Oxidizing Biofilms
Singer S, Erickson B, VerBerkmoes N, Hwang M, Chan C, Jeans C, Banfield J, Hettich R & Thelen M

Singerling S. (2023) Formation and Structure Altering Processes of Iron-Molybdenum-Sulfide Clusters Under Abiotic vs Biotic Conditions- Implications for Molybdenum Paleoredox Proxies
Phillips R, Singerling S, Leng W & Xu J
(2020) Structural and Elemental Analysis of Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains
Stroud R, Singerling S, Liu N, Alexander C & Nittler L

Singh A. Krishnakanta Singh (2017) Zircon U-Pb/Hf and Sr-Nd Isotopic Data of Magmatic Rocks from the Lohit Plutonic Complex, Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Implications for Subduction of the Neotethyan Slab along Southeast Asia
Bikram RB, Chung S-LC, Singh AKS & Lee H-YL

Singh Abhas (2023) Effect of Magnesium on Fluoride Removal from Groundwater Using Calcium Phosphate-Based Amendments
Mohapatra AK & Singh A
(2023) Potential Role of Indigenous Bacteria in Controlling Arsenic Concentration in Mixed‑Oxic State Groundwater
Verma A, Matheshwaran S & Singh A
(2023) Investigation of Uranium (VI) Uptake by Rhodochrosite and Its Effect on Uranium Mobility in Sediments
Sujathan S, Sharma S & Singh A
(2022) Kinetics of Precipitation of Barium Chromate [BaCrO4(s)] in Groundwater
Singh A, Bhattacharya M & Mohapatra AK
(2022) Biogeochemical Processes Governing Arsenic Release in Shallow Mixed‑Oxic State Groundwater
Verma A, Mohapatra AK, Matheshwaran S & Singh A
(2021) A Comparative Study on Stabilization of Chromite Ore Processing Residue with Prevalent Reductants
Bandyopadhyay T, Kumar S, Bhattacharya M & Singh A
(2021) Potential Role of a Novel Strain of Citrobacter sp. in Controlling Arsenic Speciation in Groundwater
Verma A, Murugan PA, Matheshwaran S & Singh A
(2021) Kinetics of Transformation of Calcite to Fluorapatite Under Flow Conditions
Singh A, Ekamparam ASS & Sujathan S
(2021) Microscopic Investigations of Uranium Uptake by Rhodochrosite
Sujathan S & Singh A
(2021) Impact of Manganese-Inhibited Calcite Precipitation on Fluoride Mobilization in Groundwater
Mohapatra AK & Singh A
(2020) Analysis of Uranium Geochemistry in Indian Groundwaters with a Unified Thermodynamic Model
Sujathan S & Singh A
(2020) Relative Kinetics of Precipitation and Adsorption of Arsenic(V) in Systems with Dissolved Iron(II)
Nilling JJ & Singh A
(2019) As(V) Reduction to As(III) in the Presence of Chloride in Ambient Conditions
Verma A, Nilling JJ & Singh A
(2019) Potential Solubility and Sorption Controls on Arsenic in the Presence of Elevated Dissolved Iron
Nilling JJ, Verma A & Singh A
(2019) Cr Isotopes as Tracers for Environmental Contamination: A Field Study in the Kanpur Area, India
Cornet M, Fitoussi C, Singh A & Bourdon B
(2018) Phosphate-Induced Transformation of Calcite to Fluorapatite in the Presence of Fluoride
Ekamparam ASS & Singh A
(2012) Dissolution of Uranyl Precipitates in Contaminated Vadose Zone Sediments
Singh A, Zachara JM, McKinley JP, Liu C, Boyanov MI, Kemner KM & Moore DA
(2008) Uranium(VI)-Phosphate Interactions at the Goethite-Water Interface
Singh A, Ulrich K-U & Giammar D
(2008) Nano-Scale Structure and Stability of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide
Ulrich K-U, Schofield E, Bargar J, Sharp J, Veeramani H, Bernier-Latmani R, Singh A & Giammar D
(2007) Uranium(IV) Oxide Surface Reactivity
Ulrich K-U, Singh A, Dixon S, Schofield E, Bargar J & Giammar D

Singh Ad (2022) Reconstruction of the Late Miocene Redox Condition in the Eastern Arabian Sea at IODP Site U1457 of Laxmi Basin Using Stable Isotopes of Molybdenum and Tungsten
Alam M, Tripti M, Gurumurthy G, Sohrin Y, M T, Singh A, Takano S & Verma K

Singh Ajay (2011) Dissolved 230Th-232Th Dynamics in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Singh A, Marcantonio F & Lyle M
(2011) 230Th Inventories in New Sediment Cores from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Constraints on the 230Th Constant-Flux Proxy
Marcantonio F, Ibrahim R, Singh A & Lyle M

Singh Ajay Kumar (2016) Fe-Concretions from Jaisalmer, India: Possible Analogue of Martian Blueberries
Singh AK, Upadhyay D & Pruseth KL

Singh Alpana

Singh Amit K

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