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Sims Ken (2017) Determining Magma Ascent Rates from Diffusive D/H Fractionation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Gaetani G, Bucholz C, Le Roux V, Klein F, Wallace P, Sims K & Ghiorso M

Sims Kenneth (2020) Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Super-Segment of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
Park S-H, Langmuir C, Michael P, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Scott S, Kim S-S, Lin J, Choi H & Yang Y-S
(2019) Origin of Low U/Th Lavas at El Reventador Volcano, Ecuador
Kant L, Sims K, Garrisson J, Yogodzinski G, Scott S, Hall P & Hall M
(2019) Major, Trace Element and Isotope Variations along the Super-Segment of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
Park S-H, Langmuir C, Michael P, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Scott S, Kim S-S, Lin J, Choi H & Yang Y-S
(2019) Implications from U and Th Concentrations for Drivers of Oceanic Crustal Construction along the Kane-Atlantis Supersegment, 24-30ON MAR
Lyu Y, Elkins L, Langmuir C, Sims K & Kant L

Sims Kenneth W. W. (2015) Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes Reveal the Nature and Evolution of Mantle Upwelling at Ross Island, Antarctica
Phillips E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Kyle P, Gaetani G, Wallace P & Rasmussen D
(2014) Fe Isotopes in Serpentinites: A Positive Fe Isotopic Reservoir in the Oceanic Crust
Scott SR, Sims KWW, Frost BR, Kelemen PB, Evans KA & Schwarzenbach EM
(2014) Magmatic Plumbing of Ross Island, Antarctica Uncovered by Melt Inclusions from CO2-rich Alkalic Magmas
Rasmussen D, Kyle P, Wallace P, Sims K, Phillips E & Gaetani G
(2013) Origins of Anomalous Ridge Magmatism Near Jan Mayen
Elkins LJ, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Chernow R, Davis R & Meisenhelder K
(2013) Evolution of Subglacial Weathering Based on Multiple Isotopic Systems
Arendt C, Aciego S, Sims K, Hetland E & Stevenson E
(2012) Isotopic Constraints on the Genesis of Basanitic Lavas beneath Haleakala
Phillips Writer EH, Sims KWW & Salters VJM
(2012) 238U-230Th Equilibrium in Arc Magmas: Implications for the Time Scales of Fluid Transfer in Subduction Zones
Reubi O, Sims K & Bourdon B
(2011) A New Statistical Method for Modeling Mixing of Mantle End-Members for Global MORB and OIB Isotopic Data
Sohn R & Sims K
(2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M
(2011) Time Scales of Metasomatism, Differentiation and Degassing at Volcán de Colima
Reubi O, Sims KWW, Eikenberg J, Reagan M, Varley N & Bourdon B
(2011) Do 226Ra-230Th Isochrons Provide Realistic Crystallization Ages?
Sims KWW, Pichat S, Reagan M, Kyle P, Dunbar N & Blichert-Toft J
(2010) Temporal Isotope Variations in Glacial-Postglacial Lavas from Northern Iceland
Mervine E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Maclennan J, Blusztajn J & Gronvold K
(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G
(2008) Geochemical Evidence for a Transient Change in Mantle Melting from the Deglaciation of Iceland
Mervine E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J & Jull M
(2008) Evidence for a Heterogeneous Mantle at 9º30'N EPR
Waters C, Sims K, Perfit M, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J & Fornari D
(2007) Diffusively Driven Li Isotope Fractionation
Elliott T, Pogge van Strandmann P, Gallagher K, Kasemann S & Sims K
(2007) Characterizing Degassing and Magma Recharge from Measurement of Short-Lived U-Series Isotopes in Volcanic Gases and Lavas
Sims KW & Gauthier P-J
(2007) 238U- and 232Th-Decay Series Constraints on the Timescales of Generation and Degassing for Phonolite Erupted in 2004 Near Tristan da Cunha
Reagan M, Turner S, Legg M, Sims K & Hards V
(2006) A 210Pb-226Ra-230Th-238U study of Klyuchevskoy and Bezymianny volcanoes, Kamchatka
Turner S, Sims K & Reagan M
(2006) Progressive melting of a heterogeneous mantle source beneath 9-10°N EPR.
Sims KWW, Perfit M, Blichert-Toft J, Fornari D, Blustajn J, Ball L & Waters C
(2006) Lava Emplacement And Crustal Architecture Within An Ultraslow-Spreading Rift Valley
Standish JJ & Sims KWW
(2006) Mineral/melt partitioning of U and Th during partial melting of garnet pyroxenite
Elkins LJ, Gaetani GA & Sims KWW
(2005) Comparison of Th, Pb, Nd and Sr Isotopes in Oceanic Basalts: Implications for Mantle Heterogeneity and Magma Genesis
Sims KWW & Hart SR
(2005) Producing U-Series Disequilibria Thru Ultraslow Crustal Accretion
Standish JJ, Sims KWW & Dick HJB
(2004) Thorium Isotopic Composition of Synthetic Standards Measured by the Finnigan NEPTUNE and Finnigan TRITON
Ball L, Sims K, Schwieters J & Tuttas D
(2004) Osmium Isotopic Compositions and PGE Abundances in Volcanic Emissions from Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
Sims K, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Gauthier P
(2002) Measurement of 232Th/230Th in Volcanic Rocks by PIMMS, Using the ThermoFinnigan Neptune
Ball L, Sims K, Weyer S & Schwieters J
(2002) 238U and 230Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Sims K, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Kelemen P, DePaolo D & Mertz D
(2002) Consequences of Diffuse and Channelled Porous Melt Migration on Uranium Series Disequilibria
Sims K, Kelemen P & Jull M
(2002) Effects of Rapid Crystallization on 226Ra-230Th Ages
Goldstein S, Cooper K, Reid M, Murrell M & Sims K
(2001) Dating Weathering of Organic-Rich Shales with U-Series Disequilibrium
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Sims KWW, Jaffe LA, Petsch S & Shimizu N
(2000) U Series Isotopic Variability in Galapagos Lavas, Evidence of a Mildly Buoyant Plume
Saal A, Kurz M, Hart S, Blusztajn J, Layne G, Sims K & Geist D
(2000) Melting beneath the East Pacific Rise, 9-10 N: Implications from Combined Nd-Hf-Sr-Th Isotopic Measurements
Sims KW, Blichert-Toft J & Perfit M
(2000) A High Resolution (231Pa/230Th)xs, 0 Profile from the Western Pacific Warm Pool over the Last Five Isotopic Stages
Pichat S, Albarede F, Beaufort L, Francois R & Sims KW

Sims Kenneth W.W. (2018) Newly Discovered Mantle Province between the Indian and Pacific Domains beneath the Southern Ocean
Park S-H, Langmuir C, Scott S, Sims K, Lin J, Kim S-S, Blichert-Toft J, Choi H, Yang Y & MIchael P
(2018) The Making of Porphyritic Andesites at Volcán de Colima
Reubi O, Sims KWW & Varley NR
(2018) Melting Processes Across Ocean-Scale Mantle Provinces: Insights from U-Series Disequilibria at the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
Scott S, Sims K, Park S-H & Langmuir C
(2016) Identifying Pyroxenite in the Mantle Source for Jan Mayen Island and Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins LJ, Scott SR, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Reagan M, Devey CW, Hamélin C & Pedersen RB

Sims Kenneth WW (2023) The Influence of Crustal Recycling on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Hin RC, Hibbert KEH, Chen S, Willbold M, Andersen MB, Kiseeva K, Wood BJ, Niu Y, Sims KW & Elliott T
(2022) 238U-230Th-226Ra Dating of Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits
Miller AE, Sims KW, Tivey MK, Humphris S & Scott SR
(2022) Examining Volatiles and Pre-Eruptive Storage Histories of Nyiragongo’s most Primitive Magmas
Connors L, Sublett M, Wallace P, Sims KW & Bodnar R
(2021) Implications from Uranium-Series Disequilibria for the Origin of Detachment Faulting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24-30°N
Messer J, Elkins LJ, Lyu Y, Kant LB, Sims KW & Langmuir C
(2021) Stable Ca Isotope Fractionation in Cenozoic Marine Mammals: Beyond Biomineralization & Trophic Positioning
Messa CM, Sims KW, Scott SR & Clementz MT
(2021) The Complicating Influence of Source Variability on the Applicability of U-Th-Ra Disequilibria as a Simple Chronometer of Deep Fluid Addition during Magma Genesis: A Case Study from the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
Kant LB, Sims KW, Langmuir C, Standish JJ & Michael PJ

Simubali G.N. (2023) A Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network
Sanjuan PA, Demetriades A, Johnson CC, Smith D, Ladenberger A, Stouraiti C, Argyraki A, de Caritat P, Knights K, Rincón GP & Simubali GN

SImunek Jiri (2019) Fate of Energetic Compounds as Influenced by Environmental Conditions
Dontsova K, Taylor S, Hunt E, Qin C, Brusseau M, SImunek J, Troya D & Wang Y

Simunek Jirka (2016) Numerical Simulation of Vadose Zone Migration and Attenuation of Organic Compounds in Produced Water from Unconventional Natural Gas Extraction
Mallants D, Taylor A, Simunek J, Kookana R & Williams M
(2010) Simulating Water Flow, Heat and Solute Transport and Biogeochemistry in Variably-Saturated Porous Media Using HP1
Jacques D, Simunek J, Mallants D & van Genuchten M
(2004) Geochemical Coupled Transport Code for Variably Saturated Flow Conditoins: Metal Leaching in a Podzol
Jacques D, Simunek J, Mallants D, Seuntjens P & Van Genuchten R

Simura R. (2003) Chemical Evolution of a Sheet-Like Magma Body Induced by Compositional Convection: The Nosappumisaki Intrusion, Japan
Simura R

Sin I. (2023) Multiphase Multicomponent Reactive Transport and Flow with HYTEC for Gas Storage Applications
Corvisier J & Sin I
(2023) History Matching of Large-Scale Reactive Transport Problem Based on Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
Sin I, Collet A, Chauris H, Lagneau V, Regnault O & Langlais V
(2022) Multiphase Reactive Transport Modeling of Oxygen Effect on Deep Gas Storage Aquifers
Banc C, De Windt L, Sin I & Petit A

Sin J-H. (2018) The Vertical Changes of T and EC in the Stratified Water Column in Coastal Well Caused by M9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
Lee S-H, Kim K-Y, Ha K & Sin J-H

Sinclair A. (2009) Impacts of Spreading Hypoxia on Coastal Biota of the Subarctic Pacific
Whitney F, Gilbert D & Sinclair A

Sinclair D. (2012) High Resolution Reservoir Age Reconstructions from Cold-Water Corals in the North-Eastern Atlantic during the Holocene (~ 1700 -4800 cal yr BP)
Douarin M, Elliot M, Sinclair D, Moreton SG, Noble SR, Long D & Roberts JM
(2008) Deglacial Climate Dynamics in the Western Pacific Ocean Measured in a Stalagmite from Guam
Sinclair D, Banner J, Taylor F, Quinn T, Jenson J & Mylroie J
(2004) Trace Element “Vital Effects” in Corals: A New Tool for Probing Biomineralization Chemistry
Sinclair D
(2000) Sentinels of the Marine Environment: High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Analyses of Corals from the Great Barrier Reef
McCulloch M, Fallon S, Alibert C & Sinclair D

Sinclair H. (2002) Possible Tectonic Control on the Observed Asymmetry of Drainage Networks Across the Ladakh Batholith
Kirstein L, Jamieson S & Sinclair H

Sinclair K.P. (2023) Towards Quantification of Phosphorus Pools and Fluxes in Water and Sediments of an Extremely Phosphate-Rich Soda Lake
Haas S, Sinclair KP & Catling DC

Sinclair S. (2018) Diavik Waste Rock Project: Analysis of Measured and Simulated Acid Neutralization Processes within a Large-Scale Field Experiment
Wilson D, Sinclair S, Blowes D, Amos R, Smith L & Sego D
(2014) Weathering Evolution of Nickel and Sulfur in Pyrrhotite within a Low-Sulfide, Granitic, Mine-Waste Rock in the Canadian Arctic
Langman J, Holland S, Sinclair S, Wilson D, Smith L, Sego D & Blowes D

Sinclair Smith F. (2011) Investigating the Transport of Strontium Through Biogenic Hydroxyapatite Barriers
Renshaw J, Handley-Sidhu S, Sinclair Smith F, Grail Q, Cuthbert M, Riley M & Macaskie L

Sindang M. (2014) Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Volcanic and Magmatic Activity at Rabaul (Papua New Guinea)
Bouvet de Maisonneuve C, Costa F, Huber C & Sindang M

Sindern Sven (2011) Characteristics of the Ruwai Base Metal-Ag Skarn in Tertiary Middle Kalimantan Volcanic Arc, Indonesia
Idrus A, Meyer M, Sindern S, Setidjaji LD & Warmada IW
(2011) Characteristics and Origin of the Lala Iron Oxide Cu-Co-(u, REE) Deposit: Sichuan, Southern China
Meyer M, Schardt C, Sindern S, Gehlen M, Halbach P, Lahr J & Li J
(2007) Anthropogenic Signatures in Sediments of the Fast Growing Urban Area of Natal (NE-Brazil) – A Study of Heavy Metals and Organic Components
Sindern S, Schwarzbauer J, Petta R, Lima R & Oskierski H
(2007) Multiple Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in the NW Rhenohercynian
Schneider J, Chatziliadou MS, Sindern S, Hilgers C & Kramm U

Sindern Sven (2002) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Carbonatite Complexes from the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Zaitsev A, DemÈny A, Wall F, Sindern S, Sitnikova M & Karchevsky P

Sindern Sven (2018) Quantification of Mineralogical Heterogenity in Peralkaline Complex Hosted Rare Metal (REE-Y-Zr-Hf-Nb) Deposits and the Impact on Mineral Processing
Gronen L, Sindern S, Katzmarzyk J, Hellmann A, Bormann U, Wotruba H & Meyer FM

Sindhuja C. (2020) Banded Sulphididc Cherts of Sandur Greenstone Belts, Dharwar Craton, India: Constraints on Hydrothermal Processes and Gold Mineralization
Sindhuja C, Manikyamba C, Arijit P & Satyanarayana M

Sindol G. (2020) Ocean-Atmosphere Redox Conditions Recorded by the 1.88 Ga Sokoman IF
Sindol G, Babechuk M, Conliffe J, Rosca C, Schoenberg R & Slack J
(2020) Weathering and Post-Depositional Evolution of a Neoarchean Paleosol
Babechuk M, Stüeken E, Rosca C, Sindol G & Schoenberg R
(2018) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of ca. 1.85 Ga Corestone-Saprolite Interfaces
Sindol G & Babechuk M

Sing S. (2017) Nm-Scale Composition Determination, Quantitative EBSD Measurements: Implications of Interfaces for Bulk Rock Properties
Marquardt K, De Graef M, Polednia J, Ferreira F, Faul U, Sing S & Dohmen R

Singarasubramanian S.R. (2023) Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Human Risk in the Mahanadi River Sediments, India
Samal P, Singarasubramanian SR, M C M, Srivastava J, Keshava B, D'Souza N, Chauhan MM & Ali S

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