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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Simonson J.M. (2001) Physical Chemistry of Coexisting Phases in Geothermal Systems
Simonson JM, Palmer DA & Gruszkiewicz MS
(2000) Molecular Simulation of Hydrothermal Solutions
Chialvo A, Simonson JM & Cummings P

Simonsson M. (2019) Molecular Speciation of Particulate Macronutrients in Leachates from Agricultural Soils
Adediran G, Simonsson M, Lundberg D & Gustafsson J-P
(2019) Phosphorus-Bearing Particles in Leachates from Agricultural Soils
Simonsson M, Adediran G, Aronsson H, Etana A, Gustafsson JP, Hillier S & Lundberg D
(2017) P Binding and Sorbent Dynamics
Simonsson M, Östlund A, Renfjäll L, Sigtryggsson C, Börjesson G & Kätterer T
(2013) Estimating Uncertainties in Base Cation Weathering Rates According to Mass Balance
Simonsson M, Bergholm J, Olsson B & Öborn I

Simonucci C. (2016) Measurement of Free Radium and Thallium with Donnan Membrane Technique: Application to Complexation Study with Dissolved Organic Matter
Martin L, Simonucci C, Viollier E, Lascar E, Tharaud M, Courbet C, Gourgiotis A, Rad S & Benedetti M
(2016) A Modelling Approach to Describe the Vertical Distribution of Radiocaesium in the Fukushima Forest Soils
Coppin F, Martin-Garin A, Gonze M-A, Diez O, Loffredo N, Carasco L, Hurtevent P, Thiry Y, Onda Y & Simonucci C
(2012) High 36Cl/Cl Ratios and non Reactive Transport in Chernobyl Groundwaters
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Bourles D, Fifield K, Van Meir N, De Windt L, Bugai D & Lancelot J
(2012) An Account of the Chernobyl Pilot Site Studies: 25 Years Later
Simonucci C, Martin-Garin A, van Meir N, Dick P, Diez O, Roux C, Bugai D & Kashparov V
(2011) Identification of Geochemical Processes in Groundwater at the Chernobyl Pilot Site and Preliminary Contamination Characterization with 36Cl/Cl Ratios
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Michelot J-L, Fifield K, Van Meir N, Bugaï D & Lancelot J

Simony P. (2012) Structural Evolution of the Retrowedge, SE Canadian Cordillera
Carr S & Simony P

Simonyan A. (2011) Formation of Carbonate Minerals during Magmatic/Hydrothermal Alteration of Volcanic Rocks at Unzen Volcano, Japan
Simonyan A, Dultz S, Behrens H, Fiebig J & Voges K
(2009) Experimental Determination of Water Diffusion in Porous Basaltic Rocks of the Oceanic Crust
Simonyan A, Behrens H & Dultz S

Simperler A. (2015) Fractionation of Zn Upon Complexation with Physiologically Relevant Organic Ligands in Plants
Markovic T, Simperler A, Harvey J, Vilar R & Weiss D

Simpson Alexander (2023) New Developments in Laser Ablation Lu-Hf Geochronology
Glorie S, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Hand M, Mulder J & Müller A
(2023) New Ways to Date Old Rocks: Novel Applications of in situ Geochronology to Constrain the Sedimentary Archive
Subarkah D, Nixon A, Collins AS, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Virgo GM, Simpson A, Shao Z & Farkas J
(2023) In situ Lu–Hf Geochronology of Garnet by LA–ICP–MS/MS and Applications to Metamorphic Rocks
Tamblyn R, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Hand M, Glorie S & Wade B
(2022) Size is Everything: Reconstructing the East African Orogen—a Gondwanan Supermountain—as a Critical Step to Modelling the Neoproterozoic Earth System
Collins AS, Cameron F, Blades ML, Hasterok D, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Clark C & Makin S
(2022) In situ Lu-Hf Geochronology of Carbonates
Simpson A, Glorie S, Hand M, Spandler C, Gilbert S & Cave B
(2021) In situ Lu-Hf and Pu Fission Track Dating of Pallasite Meteorites
Burke T, Glorie S, Hand M, Simpson A, Gilbert S & Wade B
(2021) Mesoproterozoic High-Grade Metamorphism of Laurentian Crust Recorded in the Subducted Crustal Rocks of Western Tasmania: Decoding an Obscured Polymetamorphic Record Using Garnet Laser Ablation ICP–MS/MS Lu–Hf Geochronology
Brown DA, Simpson A, Hand M, Morrissey LJ, Gilbert S, Tamblyn R & Glorie S
(2021) Detrital Apatite Lu-Hf and U-Pb Geochronology
Glorie S, Simpson A, Gillespie J, Hand M, Gilbert S & Kirkland C
(2021) In situ Lu – Hf Geochronology of Garnet, Apatite, and Xenotime by LA ICP MS/MS
Simpson A, Gilbert S, Tamblyn R, Hand M, Spandler C, Gillespie J, Nixon A & Glorie S

Simpson Andre (2017) Perturbations in CO2 Flux and Subsequent Chemosynthesis by Chemoautotrophs in Agricultural Soil are Induced by the Addition of Elemental Sulfur Sº
Kelleher B, Flanagan P, Hart K, Simpson A, Oppenheimer S, Murphy B, O'Reilly S, Allen C, Jordan S, Brennan P & Pulleyblank C
(2012) What Remains? Molecular and Spectroscopic Analysis of Non-Hydrolyzable St. Lawrence Estuary Sedimentary Organic Matter
Ibrahim M, Gelinas Y & Simpson A

Simpson Andrew J (2002) The Late Silurian Lau Event: Isotopic Evidence for Causes of Extinction
Andrew AS, Whitford DJ, Jeppson L, Talent JA, Mawson R & Simpson AJ

Simpson Annika (2009) The Effect of Water-Rock Ratios on Microbial Weathering of Basalt
Simpson A, Grady M, Mosselmans F & Cockell C

Simpson C. (2021) The Isotopic Consequences of Living Large
Wing B, Halling A, Hurley SJ, Johnson BW, Johnston DT & Simpson C

Simpson D. (2013) Rethinking Primary Organic Aerosol Emission Inventories with a Focus on Wood Combustion in Europe
Denier van der Gon H, Visschedijk A, Bergstrom R, Simpson D, Genberg J, Fountoukis C & Pandis S
(2009) Major Sources of PM2.5 Organic Aerosols in Europe: Predominance of Biomass Burning and Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA)
Gelencsér A, May B, Simpson D, Sánchez-Ochoa A, Kasper-Giebl A, Puxbaum H, Caseiro A, Pio C & Legrand M

Simpson Eleanor (2018) Carbon Enhancement and Retention in a Large Temperate Semi-Enclosed estuary and Surface Extremes in pH and Mineral Saturation States
Ianson D, Allen S, Jarníková T, Olson E, Latornell D, Moore-Maley B, Simpson E, Kohfeld K & Covert P

Simpson Eric (2022) Sediment Megaripples as Biocatalytical Filters
Huettel M, Berg P & Simpson E

Simpson G. (2022) Growth and Thermal Maturation of the Toba Magma Reservoir
Liu P-P, Caricchi L, Chung S-L, Li X-H, Li Q, Zhou M-F, Lai Y-M, Abdul Ghani A, Sihotang T, Sheldrake T & Simpson G
(2021) Improving our Understanding of LIP Emplacement Ages Using Petrology, Thermal Modelling, and Geochemistry of Zircon Crystals: A Case Study from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Davies JHFL, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Youbi N, Ernesto M, Greber ND, Ackerson M, Simpson G, Bouvier A-S, Baumgartner LP, Pettke T, Farina F & Schaltegger U
(2021) The Evolution of the Plumbing System of Nevado de Toluca (Mexico) over 1.5 Million Years
Caricchi L, Petrelli M, Simpson G & Arce JL
(2018) Thermal Modelling of Magma Fluxes and the Petrological Evolution of Magmatic Systems
Weber G, Simpson G & Caricchi L
(2017) Linking Fluid Flux, Fluid Chemistry and Degassing Timescales of Incrementally Grown Plutons: Implications for Mineralization and Volcanic Degassing
Chelle-Michou C, Rottier B, Caricchi L & Simpson G

Simpson Harry J. (2002) Tracing Groundwater Transport Underneath a Landfill with SF6, Br, and 3H/3He
Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN, Law-wai E & Schlosser P

Simpson Hazel (2014) Simultaneous Increase in Planktonic-Benthic Carbon Isotope Gradients and Phosphorus Deposition in Sediments from the Caribbean (ODP Site 999) Provide Evidence for Increased Nutrient Delivery and Organic Carbon Burial during Miocene Volcanic Ash Events
Faul K, Lear C, Dirksen E, Simpson H & Zentner L

Simpson J. (2000) Hydrogeochemical Study of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh Groundwater – The Role of Redox Condition
Gavrieli I, Zheng Y, Van Geen A, Stute M, Dhar R, Ahmed KM, Simpson J & Goldstein SL

Simpson Myrna (2018) Warming Alters Soil Carbon Dynamics at Depth in a Qinghai-Tibetan Alpine Grassland
Feng X, Jia J, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Simpson M, Yang H, Eglinton T & He J-S

Simpson Myrna J. (2023) Elucidating Anthropogenic Impacts to Soil Organic Matter Composition and Dynamics with Integrative Molecular Biogeochemistry – C.C. Patterson Medal Lecture
Simpson MJ
(2022) Litter Quality and Quantity Alters the Balance of Soil Organic Matter Composition and Decomposition in Forests
Simpson MJ, Man M & Lajtha K
(2020) Root Activity, Root Death, and the Stability of Soil Organic Matter
Lajtha K, Pierson D, Bowden R, Nadelhoffer K & Simpson M
(2020) Integrative Molecular Biogeochemistry of Soil Organic Matter with Long-Term Litter Manipulation in Temperate Forests
Simpson M, Lajtha K & Bowden R
(2020) Assessing Molecular-Level Compositional Heterogeneity of Natural Organic Matter in Bentonites
Usman MO & Simpson MJ

Simpson S. (2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2018) Sensing the Universe
De Leo-Winkler M, Wilson G & Simpson S

Simpson W. (2023) Tracing the Sources and Fate of Nitrogen Oxides in a Polar Urban Environment: An Isotopic Survey during the ALPACA Campaign
Albertin S, Bekki S, Savarino J, Caillon N, Richard S, Brett N, Law KS, Mao J & Simpson W

Sims A. (2015) Impact of Heat, Gamma- and Alpha-Radiation on the Clay Barrier in a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste
Pearce C, Bower W, Pattrick R, Mosselmans F, Sims A, Devine J & Rosso K

Sims J. (2014) High-Resolution Rainfall Records for Middle and Late Holocene Based on Speleothem Annual UV Fluorescent Layers Integrated with Stable Isotopes and U/Th Dating, Raccoon Mountain Cave, TN, USA
Driese S, Li Z-H, Cheng H, Harvill J & Sims J

Sims Karin (2006) Re-evaluating the mantle structure underlying the southwestern US
Ramos F, Reid M & Sims K

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