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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Simon Adam (2018) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids Transport More Than Dissolved Solutes
Simon A, Knipping J, Reich M, Barra F & Deditius A
(2018) Magnetite Geochemistry from Andean Kiruna-Type Deposits
Barra F, Reich M, Simon A, Rojas P, Knipping J, Salazar E, Leisen M & Deditius A
(2018) A New S-in-Apatite Oxybarometer for Magmatic Systems
Konecke B, Fiege A & Simon A
(2018) Sulfur XANES Investigation of Upper Mantle Metasomatic Apatite
Tassara S, Reich M, Konecke B, González Jiménez J-M, Fiege A, Simon A, Morata D & Barra F

Simon Adam (2019) In situ Geochemical and Isotopic Signature of Pyrite as a Proxy for Fluid Sources in the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre IOCG District, Chile
del Real I, Thompson J, Simon A & Reich M
(2019) Nanoscale Isotopic and Chemical Zonation of Ore Minerals
Deditius A, Reich M, Barra F, Simon A, Utsunomiya S, Kilburn M, Kesler S & Ewing R

Simon Adam C. (2017) Formation of Kiruna-Type Deposits – Testing a Novel Model
Knipping JL, Simon AC, Reich M, Fiege A, Deditius AP, Webster JD, Bilenker L, Barra F, Holtz F & Oeser-Rabe M
(2017) Ore Systems as Nanoparticle Factories
Deditius A, Reich M, Utsunomiya S, Barra F, Gonzalez-Jimenez J-M, Simon A, Suvorova A, Ewing R & Kesler S
(2017) The Co-ni Signature of Sulfide Minerals from the Mantoverde IOCG Deposit, Northern Chile
Johansson C, Barra F, Reich M, Deditius A, Simon A & Rojas P
(2017) Sulfate (S6+), Sulfite (S4+), and Sulfide (S2-) Partitioning into Apatite: Its Potential and Limitations
Fiege A, Konecke B, Kim Y, Simon A, Parat F & Becker U

Simon André (2011) Balancing of Geological Acidity and Buffering Potentials of Mid German Lignite Open Casts by Long-Term Experiments
Simon A, Hoth N, Rascher J & Jolas P

Simon Anne-Catherine (2021) Growth Parameters Affect Geochemical Proxies in Massive Corals: Impacts on Climate Reconstructions
Canesi M, Douville E, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Coulibaly G, Simon A-C, Agelou M, Montagna P, Allemand D & Reynaud S

Simon B. (2017) Spectroscopic Identification of Np(V) Sorption Complexes on Birnessite
Müller K, Simon B, Bok F & Rossberg A

Simon C. (2023) Organic Speciation of (Micro)nutrients in Relation to Overall Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Soil Water Extracts: New Insights from Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Simon C, Tolu J, Bouchet S, Chan M, Mazza A, Julian H, Frossard E, Tamburini F, Chadwick O & Winkel LHE

Simon D (2005) Travertine Formation and Other Pattern Forming Processes on Sloping Surfaces
Jamtveit B, Hammer O, Mark B, Simon D, Dag D & Jens F

Simon Dirk (2016) The Late Miocene Sorbas Basin: Precessional Variability of 87Sr/86Sr and Implications for Marginal Basin Hydrologic Budgets
Modestou S, Flecker R, Simon D, Gutjahr M, Kouwenhoven T, Marzocchi A & Ellam R

Simon E. (2011) Development of an Active Mine Water Treatment Technology by Use of Schwertmannite
Janneck E, Burghardt D, Simon E, Damian C, Martin M, Schöne G & Meyer J

Simon F-G. (2015) Mobility of Cd in Soils Fertilized with Sewage Sludge Containing Cd Pigments
Bandow N & Simon F-G

Simon H. (2019) Hydrobiogeochemical Processes in Permeable Sands at the Land-Sea Transition Zone
Seibert SL, Böttcher ME, Schubert F, Pollmann T, Giani L, Tsukamoto S, Frechen M, Freund H, Waska H, Simon H, Holt T, Greskowiak J & Massmann G
(2017) Lifting the Iron Curtain: Release of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in an iron(II) Reduction Zone of the Subterranean Estuary
Waska H, Meier D, Schwalfenberg K, Simon H, Zielinski O & Dittmar T

Simon Justin (2015) Evidence from Hydrogen Isotopes in Meteorites for a Subsurface Hydrogen Reservoir on Mars
Usui T, Alexander C, Wang J, Simon J & Jones J
(2015) Lead Isotopes in Olivine-Phyric Shergottite Tissint: Implications for the Geochemical Evolution of the Shergottite Source Mantle
Moriwaki R, Usui T, Simon J, Jones J & Yokoyama T
(2013) Potassium Stable Isotopic Compositions Measured by High-Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Morgan L, Lloyd N, Ellam R, Simon J & Tappa M
(2012) Evidence from D/H and Volatile Abundances of Impact Melts for a Surficial Water Reservoir on Mars
Usui T, Alexander C, Wang J, Simon J & Jones J
(2011) Martian Magmatic Volatiles Recorded in Olivine-Bearing Melt Inclusions and Matrix of Shergottite Y-980459
Jones J, Usui T, Alexander CO, Wang J & Simon J
(2010) Hf Isotopes in Zircon: Implications for Magma Evolution at Long Valley
Simon JI, DePaolo DJ, Weis D, Renne P & Mundil R
(2009) Origin of the Calcium Isotopic Composition of Rocky Planets
Simon J & DePaolo D
(2005) New Isotopic Measurements of Zircon and Feldspar Constrain the Magmatic Evolution at Long Valley Caldera
Simon J, Reid M & Young E
(2002) The Bishop Tuff: A Direct Descendant of Glass Mountain Rhyolite? Probably not
Simon J & Reid M
(2002) Differentiation Processes in a High-Silica Rhyolite as Recorded in Plagioclase Crystals from Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
Charlier BLA, Davidson JP, Wilson CJN & Simon JI

Simon Justin I. (2023) Trace Element Systematics for Meteoritic Pentlandite-Pyrrhotite Partial Melting Experiments
Crossley SD, Simon JI & Righter K
(2023) Thermal History and Water Contents in the Seitah Igneous Rocks in Jezero, Mars
Liu Y, Asimow PD, Schmidt M, Treiman A, Randazzo N, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Udry A, Herd CDK, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Pedersen DAK, Henneke J, Simon JI, Brown AJ & Cable M
(2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2023) Mineralogical Diversity of Jezero Crater, Mars from Orbit and Rover Observations and Implications for Mars Sample Return
Horgan BHN, Bell J, Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Million C, St. Clair M, Vaughan A, Udry A, Herd CDK, Fagents S, Randazzo N, Ravanis E, Simon JI & Wadhwa M
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2016) Constraints on the Origin of a Type B CAI from the Vigarano CV3red Chondrite
Han J, Keller LP, Needham AW, Messenger S & Simon JI
(2016) Ca and Ti Isotope Fractionation in Ca-, Al-Rich Inclusions
Simon J, Jordan M, Tappa M, Kohl I & Young E

Simon Justin Ibrahim (2019) Calcium Isotope Determination with the Nu Sapphire Dual-Path MC-ICP-MS
Zhao Y & Simon JI

Simon Kevin (2010) Exploring Complex Relationships Among Fish Tissue Mercury Concentrations, Drivers of Trophic Status, and Watershed Characteristics in Maine Lakes
Bacon LC, Amirbahman A, Norton SA, Simon K & Fernandez IJ

Simon Klaus (2015) In situ Analysis of Major and Trace Elements of Hydrous Silicate Minerals and Glass by Laser ICP-MS: The Effect of Water
Wu S, Simon K, Schmidt B & Wörner G
(2009) Traces of a Fossil Deep Biosphere in Fracture Fillings of the Äspö Diorite (Sweden)
Heim C, Lausmaa J, Sjövall P, Simon K, Reitner J & Thiel V
(2009) High-Resolution Analysis of Trace Elements in Encrusting Coralline Red Algae by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Halfar J, Hetzinger S, Zack T, Kronz A, Simon K, Steneck R, Adey W, Lebednik P, Schoene B & Fietzke J
(2007) Magmatic Processes Recorded by Garnets from the AD 79 Eruption of Vesuvius
Harries D, Heumann A, Simon K & Kronz A
(2007) Evolution of a Maturing Arc System: The West-Central Isthmus of Panama
Wegner W, Wörner G, Harmon R, Simon K & Singer B
(2007) Mineralized Microbial Mats with Extreme Lanthanum Enrichments in the Tunnel of Äspö, Sweden
Heim C, Simon K, Quéric N-V & Thiel V
(2007) Data Handling, Outlier Rejection and Calculation of Isotope Concentrations from Laser ICP-MS Analyses by PEPITA Software
Dunkl I, Mikes T, Simon K & von Eynatten H
(2006) Nb-Ta fractionation in rutile from eclogites
Sun W, Xiao Y-L, Hoefs J, Simon K, Zhang ZM & Li S-G
(2000) Exchange Mechanisms, Fluid Flow and Fluid Evolution during Hydrothermal Alteration of Granites
Fiebig J, Simon K & Hoefs J

Simon L. (2021) The Role of Early Diagenesis in the Shaping of Geochemical Records: An Example from Lake Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte
Jovovic I, Grossi V, Adam P, Ader M, Baudin F, Antheaume I, Arnaud F, Malet E, Bard E, Capano M, Simon L, Mignard S, Cartigny P & Gelin F
(2016) High-Precision 34S/32S Measurements from Vertebrate Bioapatites Using Purge-And-Trap EA-IRMS Technology
Goedert J, Fourel F, Amiot R, Simon L & Lécuyer C
(2008) Mantle Flux at Lower Crust / Upper Mantle Interface: A Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes Study of Granulites
Rigaudier T, Gardien V, Lecuyer C, Simon L & Martineau F
(2002) Continental Recycling: The Oxygen Isotope Point of View
Simon L & Lecuyer C

Simon Margit (2016) K/Ar Provenance Ages from Natal Valley Sediments
Hemming S, Simon M, Hall I, Barker S, Franzese A & Goldstein S

Simon Margit H. (2018) Cs+ Cation Exchange Wash for Marine Clay Clarifies Provenance Signal & Assesses Cation Exchange Capacity
Babin DP, Simon MH, Hemming SR, Cai MY, Liu T, Goldstein SL, Han X, Haws AA, Johns MA & Lear C

Simon Molly N. (2023) Introducing WORM!
Boyer G, Robare J, Park N, Debes V, Clayton Z, Reano D, Simon MN & Shock EL

Simon Nina (2016) Soil pH Regulation and N2O Emission Mitigation by Mafic Rock Application
Mørkved PT, Soldal J, Dörsch P, van Noort R, Simon N & Bakken LR

Simon Nina S.C. (2009) Compression, Reaction Activation and Phase Transitions: How to Form a Basin
Semprich J, Podladchikov Y & Simon N
(2008) Ultra-Depleted Domains in the Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere
Neumann E-R & Simon NSC
(2008) The Effect of Pressure, Temperature and Composition on Physical Rock Properties
Semprich J, Simon N & Podladtchikov Y
(2007) Extremely Refractory Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle and its Implications for Geochemical Mass Balance
Neumann E-R, Simon NS, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Delpech G & Gregoire M
(2007) Lithospheric Geodynamics with Thermo-Chemical Density Anomalies and Mineral Phase Transitions Switched On
Simon NSC, Podladchikov YY & Rupke LH
(2006) Modification of cratonic lithosphere: influence of tectono-magmatic events on Kaapvaal craton (South Africa)
Morel M, Simon N, Davies GR & Pearson GD
(2004) The Southern African Kaapvaal Craton: Formation and Modification of Continental Lithospheric Mantle in Archaean Subduction Zones?
Simon N, Davies G, Pearson D & Carlson R
(2002) The Lu-Hf Isotope Composition of Cratonic Lithosphere: Disequilibrium between Garnet and Clinopyroxene in Kimberlite Xenoliths
Simon NSC, Carlson RW, Pearson DG & Davies GR
(2000) Multistage Metasomatism and Mineral Growth of Cratonic Mantle Recorded by a Glass-Bearing Garnet Lherzolite Xenolith from Letseng-La-Terae, Lesotho
Simon NSC, Davies GR, Pearson DG, Mason PRD & Irvine GJ

Simon P. (2021) Composition, Glass Structure, Activation System – There is not Only One Reactivity of GGBS
Blotevogel S, Kaknics J, Poirier M, Doussang L, Steger L, Danezan A, Canizares A, Simon P, Chesneau E, Montouillout V, Patapy C & Cyr M
(2017) Study of Iron-Bearing Dolomite Dissolution at Various Temperatures: Evidence for the Formation of Secondary Nanocrystalline Iron-Rich Phases on the Dolomite Surface
Debure M, Andreazza P, Canizarès A, Grangeon S, Lerouge C, Mack P, Madé B, Simon P, Veron E, Warmont F & Vayer M
(2013) Superheating Water to Model Soil “Immobile” Water
Mercury L, Shmulovich K & Simon P

Simon Q. (2012) Magnetic, Mineralogical and Geochemical (muXRF) Properties of a Central Baffin Bay Sedimentary Sequence Spanning the Last 100 ka
Simon Q, St-Onge G, Hillaire-Marcel C & Francus P

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